Let's Talk About

Dior Sans Simons

9 years ago by

Dior Sans Simons

You probably heard that Raf Simons is leaving Dior.

We’ve all been talking about it in the studio since the news broke yesterday. It was something we really weren’t expecting, and we’ll be sad to see him go — but we’re also excited to see what that means for both Raf and the Dior house. What Raf’s next venture will be, and who will fill the big shoes he’s leaving behind at Dior. 

(Yes, we’ve actually been playing the guessing game on this one, and we really want to hear who you think it’s going to be!! Leave your pick of who it will be in the comments?)

AND since Dior by Raf Simons has been something we’ve covered a few times (ok, so maybe ten times that.. or more), I thought it only made sense for us to do a Friday flashback to some of the times we’ve covered his work — his innovative, influential and exceptional designs for one of the most respected fashion houses in the world. 

Even in his final words, released in his statement, was he as endearing as ever, “Christian Dior is an extraordinary company, and it has been an immense privilege to write a few pages of this magnificent book.”

Remember when Dior showed in Brooklyn?

And how it was a crazy adventure for G, Erik and Alex?

Or THAT gold makeup by Pat McGrath for their spring 14 show?

And who can forget when G went to Tokyo with the most original Dior bag, ever.

Of course, no Dior recap would be complete without a touch of Rihanna

We’ll miss you, Raf. Bonne chance!


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  • oh man! i am shocked and sad!

  • I’m still in shock but I can’t wait to see who’s gonna take over and what Raf is gonna do next


  • C’est vraie que l’annonce a été très soudaine. Je ne peux pas dire que je suis une très grande fan, mais son esthétique va beaucoup me manquer … Il a quand même sorti des silhouettes et des pièces iconiques. Je me demande vraiment qui va le remplacer et ce que va devenir Dior aussi.


  • On aurait bien aimé savoir ce que VOUS en pensez

  • Valérie October, 25 2015, 8:17

    D’accord avec Olivia : on aurait aimé savoir ce que VOUS en pensez, quelle est votre analyse sur ce départ précipité.
    Trop de pression sur les créateurs ? le rythme des collections, les défilés au bout du monde, la surexposition ?
    Pas d’accord avec vous sur Rihanna, elle est aux antipodes de ce que dégage Raf Simons. Est-ce qu’il n’y avait pas un décalage ?

  • Nastassia October, 23 2015, 1:09 / Reply

    Riccardo Tisci
    Stefano Pilati
    Nicolas Ghesquière
    Olivier Theyskens
    Haider Ackermann

  • Oh no! I saw his documentary this summer and it was so good. I thought he brought something wonderful to Dior and the sum of the two was better than the pieces. Galiano was great (b4 fiasco) but I think he is better being his own brand. Raf and Dior had great sinergy, It’s like ghesquiere and Balenciaga who in my opinion belong together. Wang, like Galiano, I believe is better on his own brand. This is not an insult to Alexander, I love his work, but there are just some people that belong with certain brands. Another example is Philo and Celine, she was great at Chloe but with Celine it’s just the perfect mix. Well, I hope to be proven wrong and that the magic is even better with the new designer at the helm.

  • Moi je verrai bien Guillaume Henry

  • C’est surprenant et je meurs de savoir ce qui s’est passé. Par contre je ne vais pas le regretter du tout car je n’aimais rien de ce qu’il faisait chez Dior. Ghesquière chez Vuitton est nul aussi.
    Mais la grosse tristesse a été de voir partir Frida Nannini de chez Gucci car elle faisait de très belles choses et maintenant la collection c’est du grand n’importe quoi.

  • Stefano Pilati would probably be a good choice, but I’m curious of seeing what a woman would do at Dior. I hope they won’t choose Tisci because Dior would become another Kardashian/Jenner “servant” brand like Givenchy and Balmain.

  • Franchement, je n’étais pas trop fan de son travail. Celui-ci était impeccable et imaginatif mais je crois que l’on ne retrouvait pas du tout l’ADN de la maison. Je sais qu’il faut dépoussiérer mais il y a un plaisir à retrouver le style propre à chaque maison. C’est tout une acrobatie bien entendu. Ses lignes super épurées ne convenaient pas à mon avis. Galliano non plus ne respectait pas l’esprit de la maison alors que Lagerfield réussi merveilleusement chez Chanel tout comme les créateurs chez Valentino. Et puis dans cette manie d’être cool et innovant, se révèle aussi une forme de conformisme. Mais je lui souhaite le meilleur avec tout son talent; sa propre maison. Histoire à suivre avec beaucoup d’intérêt.

  • Monsieur J – je suis vraiment d’accord!

    Noemi – totally agree…NO TISCI please. keep it real, Dior.

  • The news were quite a shock, but also raised some very important questions of work and life balance.
    Fashion designers who head big fashion houses are under massive pressure and for those who have their own line in addition seem like superhuman to me. I really loved the article by Suzy Menkes “Why fashion is crashing” on Vogue UK, really makes one think about the fashion industry these days.

  • i believe he went to Dior and did what he wanted but i do believe he struggled and i’m happy that he is setting out on his own again. this isn’t about Dior, this is about Raf Simons and his next move, i can’t wait to see what he is going to do!!!

  • Cela m’a presque émue, je trouvais que les deux étaient parfaits l’un pour l’autre. Raf Simons a cette élégance rare, qui sied si bien à l’image de la maison parisienne. J’espère que son successeur sera à la hauteur !


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