Beauty in the Unfinished
8 years ago by

Imagine a peek into the mind of a Leonardo Da Vinci or Jackson Pollock. Where do they start? What parts of the painting do they find most beautiful?
With the Whitney now at home in the Meatpacking District, the old building has become an extension of the Metropolitan Museum and a chance for them to expand their contemporary collection. Now called the Met Breuer, the first exhibit is called “Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible” which is a compilation of unfinished work from artists throughout history.
It’s fascinating to see how such famous artists may have started a piece. Many start on the details of their subject’s face while others blocked in large primary colors to set up the background. Furthermore, many pieces are so beautiful in their incompleteness that they look like finished work just with different contexts. Perhaps the idea that these works were never meant to be displayed makes them that much more intriguing and intimate.
Are there any artists you would want to peak into the minds of? Also what are the ways in which you start off a piece of art you are working on?
The Met Breuer, 945 Madison Avenue
jackson pollack – in the know?
Most of the art in the show was intentionally left with an “unfinished look” and was meant to be displayed that way
“Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible” which is a compilation of unfinished work from artists THOUGH OUT HISTORY
I just finished a book about Monet so I would of course like to know what he really thought himself.
I’ve also read a book about Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. The books suggest what they might have thought so it feels like I have peaked into their minds. But of course we have no idea what they really thought. I guess it would be great to know. Then again – maybe not…
Would love to go into Leonardos mind!
As an enthusiastic amateur painter/drawer, what I have learned is that art is in the seeing and re-seeing. It’s not in the first strokes of a beginning or the finished piece at the end. But the many iterations and reworkings until you finally decide to stop for whatever reason.
Art really does fascinate me. It’s not something I’m good at at all but I love to see how creative minds work x
Leonardo’s mind would be great!
je n’avais pas pense à me glisser vraiment je me contente d’apprécier, j’aime bcp Matisse :)