Around Palais Royal
11 years ago by
What beautiful weather in Paris!
I have the feeling that the place to be right now is the neighborhood of the Palais Royal, precisely on rue Villedo.

There is the to die for noodles restaurant, Kunitoraya, where Sophie took me yesterday, the café Telescope where I met Lolita and HAND (Have A Nice Day), a great place to get burgers.

It’s almost like a “Brooklyn corner” in the middle of Paris, in case I felt a little homesick ;)
Kunitoraya, 1 rue Villedo 75001
Telescope Cafe, 5 rue Villedo 75001
HAND, 39 rue de Richelieu
For more Address Books, click here!
I would love to be in Paris right now, if only to try out these restaurants, they sound great! And… you made me hungry Garance… Enjoy Paris!
She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog
I don’t mean to brag (but I will just a little bit). THE place to be right now is le 11ème arrondissement, rue de Charonne, espcially if you want to have that Brooklyn vibe. You have those little shops where you can eat organic soup, right next to shops such as Isabel Marant and independent jewelers.
It’s typically Williamsburg in the middle of Paris! If you don’t know that street, check it out!
I know it’s not on your way to the shows, but it’s really worth it :-)
I’m soooo into loose leather pants right now, take a look:
Xoxo! Cory
very cool! i wrote it down! :)
Great shots!
kunitoraya is the best, it feels like a tiny morceau of japan in paris ! their delicious zaru udon keeps me (coming back and) sane whenever the parisian summer gets too hot.
Ah, so you’re homesick for NY while you’re in Paris? So cute :) I wonder if I’ll ever feel that way if I ever realize my dream of moving to Paris.
You’re right around the corner from NOSE, the coolest, nicest fragrance shop where you complete a scent diagnosis that determines a selection of scents you’ll probably like. No pressure and great fun!
pretty photos, love the borders.
I’m hopefully re-visiting Paris in a few months (a friend of mine has just moved there wazooooooo !!!)
I shall make a note of these places!
Je confirme, toutes ces adresses sont géniales !
I love these shots, I love living vicariously through you.
Je confirme, HAND est une excellente adresse. Je vais tester les autres ! Et aujourd’hui, je vous ai vue dans le quartier ( pas osé vous saluer) ;-) super bien les cheveux courts ‘
La chance!
Je suis à Paris en ce moment, merci pour ces adresses! J’en veux plus!!
What a great aesthetic! I love the brick walls.
yeaaaaah merci pour les adresses, un coin de NY à Paris j’adore l’idée ! c’est chouette ce soleil, hein ?
consider it saved in my “Garance Dore Recommends” bookmark folder, for the next time I am in Paris :)
Un lieu visiblement bien sympa !
La parenthèse Enchantée
ARRRRRGH, mais NOOON !!!!! Il ne faut pas jeter les bonnes adresses en pâture ! J’adoooore Kunitoraya ! Par contre j’apprends par ton post, que ça a enfin rouvert à la nouvelle adresse. Cela fait 6 mois que j’attends ça. J’espère qu’il y a plus de places qu’avant… Tenzaru Udon.
Certainly on my list next time I’m in Paris! xo Hanneke
check my style at
Yes – very cool area! I stumbled upon HAND by accident when I was living in Paris. Delicious burgers for sure! Will you be doing anymore Pardon my French videos soon? I miss them!! Would it ever be possible to do an extended video interview with Emmanuelle Alt & her team at Vogue? I am American but I prefer to read Vogue Paris instead of American Vogue. It would be so great to hear about their vision, what is important to them to put in the magazine, the team’s personal style, etc. Even a look into their office….? Ahh I would die!
L’été indien enfin…. j’ai cru qu’il allait nous oublier :-))
today i had a conversation with my man on visiting paris during xmas!!!!! saving your recommendations and looking so forward to going there for the first time!!!!
Oh oh Garance en bas de chez moi. J’adore ! Il y en a encore d’autres adresses …! Enjoy Paris. Charlotte
jealous! enjoy…
Des udons entre 16 et 26 euros, No way !
Bonjour Garance,
Puis je te suggerer un restaurant Africain?
Je ne sais pas si tu iras cela parait dingue dans un calendrier de la mode à Paris ou dans le diary d’une Garance Doré.
Mais voila j’ai un reve “Garance Doré dans un restaurant sympa et conviviale Africain”.
Bon let me “have my dream” ….
Le nom du restaurant est L’Albarino,4 rue Lekain,75016 Paris,01 44 96 74 78
Une cuisine pour la poche de tous, une belle cuisine africaine et occidentale.
Enjoy if you can
“hipsters en plein milieu de Paris”, non ce n’est pas un phénomène extraordinaire, ils sont bien implantés dans TOUT Paris depuis quelques années maintenant :)
Is NYC your new black now ? Nouvelle vie, nouvelles références…
Jeleous… please take me with you next itme!
Looks like a place I know of in Melbourne!
C’est vrai que c’est un coin qui bouge pas mal depuis quelques temps, mais il y en a tant d’autres…Paris est en train de se boboïser de plus en plus, pour le meilleur comme pour le pire (comme partout d’ailleurs).
I don’t know if I feel the need to see clones of Brooklyn hipsters in Paris …..really ?
While I appreciate and love the three addresses you gave us , on the same subject , Paris is becoming the photocopy of New york and LA , but 5 or 10 years later :
The food trucks, the hipsters, the juice bar, the smoothies, the Starbucks , the cupcakes , the salad bars, the valet parking , the kale craze ,the tv series ,the reality shows , quinoa, chia , the wifi access in every bar, the open shops on sunday, le brunch, the 24-hour gyms.,the tequila shots…..ummmmmmm……
I feel that we might be losing our identity and the things that distinguish us from other countries and make us , Paris and France , so SPECIAL : the cafe culture, the bistrots with omelette salade and steak frites , the cinema d’auteur ,the movie buffs , the debates and intellectuals on prime time TV, the family meal at home on sundays,dressing as if you did not give a shit ,les brocantes, the family promenade on sunday afternoon, the food markets, the time we have to spend talking about something we dream of doing it instead of doing it ,the long summer holidays, la biere pression ……..
Everything changes and the world must adapt or die….but I do not think that finding Brooklyn in Paris ( or those wretched hipsters ) is going to make our lives in Paris better in any way
Si NY te manques tu peux goûter de “vrais” burger, a l’American Bistro à République. Un vrais repère de look improbable aussi!
Comment tu fais pour poster autant d’articles Garance?
Pour les burgers adresse très proche de hand : blend rue d’argout ou le truck à madeleine tous les vendredis : le camion qui fume ( selon l’heure file d’attente importante arriver avant 12:00)
Je plussois Fashionsphinx, à quoi bon être parisien si il faut imiter les new-yorkais.
I am so lucky to live here (1st arrondissement), will definitely be trying these out. I hope I will catch a glimpse of you at the Jardins des Tuileries! x
Rue Villedo is definitely the place to be…coffee at Telescope is the best in Paris!
Hand , franchement les burgers sont ordinaires , gras , trop cuits . Les bagels sont décongelés
j’ai peu apprécié , la cuisine américaine c’est meilleur que ça .
Les serveuses ne sont pas aimables , non , c’est pas le top .