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Alisa Vitti: Reclaiming Our Hormonal Destiny

5 years ago by

Alisa Vitti: Reclaiming Our Hormonal Destiny

Changing our understanding of our bodies is not an easy task. Too often, I feel, we’re made to see ourselves in parts, not looking at the whole, and not considering all the subtleties our bodies and minds are made of. Through this conversation with Alisa Vitti, founder of Flo Living and the author of WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source, I explore how important our hormones and our feminine rhythm are. Here is a deep, enlightening conversation that I hope will shed some light on your woman’s journey…

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On her approach to hormones
You can change your hormonal destiny by changing your diet. If you have a period problem, it can be put into remission naturally. I think it’s so important for woman to hear because what you’ve been indoctrinated to believe is that you’re supposed to suffer, it’s supposed to be problematic, it’s meant to be painful.

On cycle syncing…
It’s really about honoring the biochemical realities that we have as women, which are distinct from men. You have these hormones that fluctuate approximately week over week and it makes sense, when you think about it logically and biochemically, that you should modify your diet and exercise and take advantage of all of the creative gifts that come from a neurochemical point of view as those hormones change. I live in a very cyclical fashion.

On the importance of teaching kids about health early on…
I have a daughter and she’s four. In age and stage appropriate ways, you have to start from the beginning. For my daughter, we track the moon just to understand that it changes and has a cyclical pattern. So then it’s not such a foreign concept to her when later on, I link to this concept of her body and her hormonal pattern. But, I also do things like teach her to be in relationship to her body. “How do you feel when you eat that? Are you full? Are you tired?” and I will give her affirmations like, “You know your body best.” I’m empowering her to think about herself and to understand the relationship between her body cues and to understand the importance of what food is doing to her.

On making changes and witnessing the results…
It’s so valuable to be able to see this for yourself so you’re not just doing it because you think it’s a good idea or because you’re convinced by the sound of my voice. That’s not what I’m here to do. I’m here to inspire you to become a citizen scientist of your female body and take care of it the right way, and there is a right way to take care of it.

On embracing your natural changes…
Your body will change just like it did in puberty. It’s really about embracing a mindset that’s compassionate around these changes. If you look at it like something is wrong, then you will take actions that respond to things being wrong. But, if you look at it like this is the natural part of what’s supposed to happen and let me support my body and do what I can to optimize its health and function, that’s a different relationship to have.

On the power of nature
Nature is inherently intelligent and it seeks the most efficient design for it’s long term success. And this cyclical biochemistry you have is so powerful. It’s the basis of the more powerful reproductive species, right, because we’re the ones who carry the child. It’s really impressive.

On appreciating the reproductive time she’s in now…
It keeps a perspective that this time in my reproductive years is finite and this 28 day plus the 24 hour clock experience that I’m having is precious and one to be supported and taken advantage of. Just like anything, nothing lasts forever.


Endocrine system
Mark’s Daily Apple
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Dr. Christiane Northrup

To keep up with Alisa, be sure to check out Flo Living and follow on Instagram. Special thanks to Smile Radio for letting us record in your space!

Photo by Jane Kim


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  • Great interview after a very long time! Boys do go through hormonal changes- so cyclical changes occur for them too. Of course you are discussing what happens with girls, but we do boys great disservice when we discount their growth and change.
    Also gender consciousness is being aware of social constructions of identity and roles, but you are also discussing biological differences, and acceptance of those? Menstruation is a natural body function, and social attitudes to it are what may or may not demonize it. Pain is also a body function or reaction, depending. The fact that we tell 4-9 year olds that they can eat well to control their pain/ menstruation is in some ways supplementing gender attitudes to women’s health, primary one being that women are responsible for their own health and can control it through food. So women, parents of children- primarily female parent, or kids who are not eating “well”- say because of class issues, poverty, and are they to be held responsible for their menstrual health? I cannot buy that. Its a bit scary. Just as scary as medication. Menstruation, and menstrual pain happens, and while medication isn’t natural, neither is this notion that women hawk watch their food habits for yet another thing.

  • Loved this ep, and thank you for talking about perimenopause!! I’m 39, and over the course of last year started experiencing all sorts of things that are unusual for me, but, most disruptively, CRAZY mood swings before my period. My doctor told me it’s likely perimenopause, which threw me for a loop. When I’ve mentioned it to friends who are also saying their periods/bodies/moods are changing, they look at me with what feels to me like pity – like “oh man, your issue is you’re starting menopause already? ugh.” Very validating to hear it talked about and normalized. Thank you!

  • Kirby Woodson February, 4 2019, 7:50 / Reply

    Loved this episode – seems like there are a lot of negative connotations with perimenopause and menopause, so I loved the positive outlook of enjoying ALL phases of being a women. Thank you for sharing all of this info with us and making it “OK” to talk about it.

  • Great talk. I haven’t even thought I could get so many tips for this topic. I am 39 and like Caro.D wrote above my mood swings crazily too before i get my period. Have I ever thought it could be related to perimenopause??? Hell no, I think i am still in my twenties…I need to have a grown up talk with myself. Thank you so much for all the topics you raise in your conversations with so many wonderful women. Garance you are amazing, you replace my mum and my older sister and my girlfriend. I realized that there are so many things I keep inside of me and take them for granted, you are opening my eyes again and again. But luckily I do have some common sense when it is related to food and medications. I am very conscious of what I eat and I take no medications, neither birth control pills. My body is so intuitive in this sense, it would rebel immediately if I try to abuse it.

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