After Hours
10 years ago by

I wouldn’t mind a little after hours shopping experience…
I always thought it would be really cool to get locked in the mall overnight. You could go to all of the stores, try on all of the clothes, (eat all the pretzels), spray all the perfumes… It turns out none of that is possible if you actually do get stuck in a mall because everything is closed off and it’s more similar to a horror movie than a shopping dream come true. I know this because in college, I worked at the mall…
But what about an after-hours Chanel shopping spree? I like to imagine it would happen exactly like it does in this video…
C’est très classe, qui n’aimerait pas être à sa place, un défilé privé quoi!!
chanel lives to think more exclusive ways for its clients to pay for! :)
The Power of money ,,,,,it can be a great energy,you can use it for good and you can use it for …the balance is in your hand…choose wise…
Yael Guetta
Superbe vidéo qui fait rêver.
love the video!!
I actually love when she comes on the back of the bike and with such strong voice the Chanel person almost yells “sorry, we’re closed!” This is actually the reality in the shops where they make people wait for hours or not even pay any attention just because they wear jeans and converse. You just never know! But the video all together – awesome!
J’adore cette vidéo!
Not only would I love to have this after hours shopping experience, but I’d especially love the luxury of purchasing the entire collection with the same beautiful grin.
Quelqu´un qui connaît le nom du group qui chante???? mille merci!!