The Standard East Village

The Importance of Independence: Linda Rodin

The Importance of Independence: Linda Rodin

I’ve always found it fascinating that the best ideas always come from a personal need. Linda didn’t find anything satisfying for her skin on the market so she created her own oil,...

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8 years ago by

Inna Modja at Annie O’s!

Inna Modja at Annie O’s!

Earlier this month we went to one of Annie O’s iconic Standard shows to see Inna Modja, a...

8 years ago by

editor's letter 14 december 2015 garance dore photos

Editor’s Letter #14

Can you be everywhere all the time? Hi from the Boeing 757 about to take off from Miami and go to...

8 years ago by

40th birthday party polaroids garance dore photos


I always told myself I would throw a party for my 40th birthday. Usually I’m pretty discreet...

9 years ago by

Narcissa East Village Janice Alida Photo

At Narcissa

Narcissa has quickly become one of my favorite spots for a meal in New York, especially for...

10 years ago by