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The Gift of Giving Gifts

The Gift of Giving Gifts

Despite having three sisters, divorced parents, and a three year old nephew, I love holiday shopping. Amid all of the stress, emotional taxation, and exhaustion of doing so, giving a gift to...

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6 years ago by

Style Story / Jamie Pelayo

Style Story / Jamie Pelayo

Jamie Pelayo has long been an inspiration to us at Atelier Doré, even before Garance met her in Los...

6 years ago by

Long Coat Lovin’

Long Coat Lovin’

The long coat and I go way back. It’s a long and sordid tale and to spare you the details,...

7 years ago by

community event laura ferrara atelier dore photo

Office Hours with Laura Ferrara

For our first installation of Office Hours at our NYC studio, we invited Laura Ferrara, stylist and...

7 years ago by



“Obsessed” is a word that has found its way into our modern repertoire of language. I hear it...

7 years ago by

Blonde Ambition

Blonde Ambition

Hi guys, this is Natalie! I’m the managing editor at Atelier Doré, and I’m taking over...

7 years ago by

A Moment to Celebrate

A Moment to Celebrate

It feels important to mark occasions as they happen. Here at work, we’re constantly doing so much...

7 years ago by

Ease Meets West

Ease Meets West

With the change of weather (that’s happening quite early in New York this year) from summer into...

7 years ago by

l’Hôtel El Fenn

l’Hôtel El Fenn

There are few places I know of that are as gorgeous as the El Fenn hotel. Their network of riads...

7 years ago by

Good to Go

Good to Go

I’m sure I’ve told you many times that I’m a huge fan of low-maintenance beauty,...

7 years ago by

Traveling Beauty

Traveling Beauty

Traveling, to me, has always been about beauty. The beauty of new landscapes, new encounters, new...

7 years ago by

Montauk Mornings

Montauk Mornings

For me, and well, most people I know, mornings are a sacred time. It’s the one place in my life...

7 years ago by

On the Island of Ibiza

On the Island of Ibiza

I’ve been seeing a lot of Ibiza on my Instagram feed thanks to some very fashionable friends...

7 years ago by

Sag Harbor Summer

Sag Harbor Summer

My preferred mode of relaxation during the summer is time spent at the beach – any other...

7 years ago by

Out East

Out East

Hello summer! As soon as the 4th of July hits here, I’m all about the sun, the beach, the seafood,...

7 years ago by

Long Term Relationships

Long Term Relationships

Emily is standing in today as host for Garance while she’s working out in sunny Los Angeles....

7 years ago by

Honeymoon Dilemma

Honeymoon Dilemma

We’ve made huge strides with our wedding planning (I know I know, just stop talking about it...

7 years ago by

pocket pardon my french weddings emily note caitlin weiskopf garance dore atelier dore photo

Wedding Planning

Wedding season is here and as you know a few of us here at the Atelier are engaged.

7 years ago by