Quelle allure, quel style ! Elisa a tout de bon, sans parler de la photo avec la reflection dans la vitrine. On peut comme cela, admirer cette coupe de cheveux sublime sous tous les angles.
just love how she combines the colors and patterns, it shows how smart she dresses and that she knows a lot about being stylish and chic. Madrid Street Style http://madrilicious.com
very cool photo…i love the graffiti and the reflection. white looks great on her and the way she has combined the colors and the patterns is incredible!
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Great shot with the reflection of her back.
Belle veste !
Quand j’ai vu la photo, un “WAW” est sorti de ma bouche ! Je crois que ça veut tout dire !
I love this picture!
Elisa Nalin… she doesn’t miss a trick!
Her hair is something! I love short hair:)
I have a question in my blog that I would love to have all your inputs if you would be so kind:)
The emerald pop of color makes this outfit work. I really like how she incorporated so many different prints. Very cool.
“Neko” veut dire “Chat” en japonais.
C’est drôle, ce tag s’est trouvé au bon moment au bon endroit.
Très jolie photo !
Amazing jacket!!
she’s really funny and stylish…best mix!
j’aime la veste !
Everything works!
blogette: http://intrigueimports.wordpress.com
today: witty works of Wong
Quelle allure, quel style ! Elisa a tout de bon, sans parler de la photo avec la reflection dans la vitrine. On peut comme cela, admirer cette coupe de cheveux sublime sous tous les angles.
bonjour Garance, quel talent, quelle photo et quelle veste magnifique!!! connais tu la marque j’en cherche une depuis des lustres! amicalement
She is really cool!
oh, elisa is rocking that checkered blazer. even more loving the fact that it’s black and white
Awesome blazer!
I love her style!!
She’s always stylish <3
fashion – trends – DIYs
just love how she combines the colors and patterns, it shows how smart she dresses and that she knows a lot about being stylish and chic. Madrid Street Style http://madrilicious.com
Je l’aime d’amour!
C’est curieux comme les tags sont beaucoup plus beaux sur les murs des autres ….
very cool shot!
Cette veste est ravissante : wanted !
Love the look she’s sporting here Garance!
Check out my new blog post: http://www.19rivoli.com
I want that jacket!!!!
Elisa Nalin has her own individual, personal style. She always looks great. And that’s an understatement!
very cool photo…i love the graffiti and the reflection. white looks great on her and the way she has combined the colors and the patterns is incredible!
Great jacket – a very cool look
dawn xxx
moi, je voudrais bien savoir d’ou vient cette veste ?
elle est sublime!
Interview please?! Would love to know more about her background etc!
I agree with Nini: INTERVIEW, Garance, please!!!! she is my big styling inspiration/hero;)
ive seen her from time to time on both blogs….if she changes her hair color and cut…even just a little it will look fresh…
Smiled…because ‘NEKO’ in latvian means ‘nothing’. :)
this is such a cool shot of such a cool chick! love the mix of prints and the pops of green. there’s something so cohesive about her whole look.
My styling inspiration!
Nice photo, love that jakcet!
María Fernanda