
Striking & Simple

9 years ago by

I love to see how, each season, the industry looks at ways to redefine the classics – forcing us to rethink what ‘timeless’ really means. 

(Doesn’t ‘timeless’ mean forever…? So why keep reinventing?!)(But then, fashion is all about reinvention!)

Sometimes it feels a little cyclical and repetitive, but occasionally there are pieces that really make you want to trade in everything you own and start fresh with your “classics”! I can’t ever imagine myself wearing a Chanel quilted bag in a fabric as precious as this satin, but I do think it’s beautiful (it’s just not resilient enough for me; leather’s more durable!).

And one of my most loved pieces is a J12 watch that my mother gifted me. I hardly ever wear it, to try and keep it safe. It’s a little sportier than this boy.friend watch and a little bulkier, which suits me better. (Though this one is, in my mind, infinitely more chic.)(And it’s definitely not every day that Chanel releases a new timepiece!!)

That’s really what it is — finding what works for you and creating your own collection of classics. But it’s always great to be inspired by each season’s new classics, and see what feels right for you.

What do you think of some of the new “timeless” pieces? The watch? Do you have certain classics that you love, and plan on keeping forever?


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  • Cette montre est très belle, mais je pense qu’un classique devient notre classique et gagne son intemporalité car il raconte une histoire, notre histoire. La montre offerte par ta mère est intemporelle car elle te correspond et raconte ton histoire, c’est la même chose pour Garance et sa rolex.

    Néanmoins c’est bien que la mode “actualise” les classiques car ça leur permet de rester dans l’air du temps, par exemple le flacon de Chanel n°5 est un classique mais la forme de sa bouteille évolue de façon subtil.


  • Cartier tank watch and Roger Vivier flats. Happiest uniform pieces ever.

  • The classic is always a reassuring choice..when you are afraid to be mistaken in your choice you will always choose
    “classic” values… Hermes Chanel Dior… need to be a creative thinker or avangard person in order to choose a shape and a label which are not classic ..
    classic with no label is boring and classic with label is a statement of ..i have so i can….
    Yael Guetta

  • I’ve always been a classics girl — but when it comes to watches I don’t know what I like, which is why I still don’t own one

  • Ce dont je ne me separerais jamais : une chaine en or rapportee d’Italie par mes parents lorsque j’avais une vingtaine d’annees puis une piece ancienne romaine offerte par mon mari lors d’un voyage a Cayman Island. Je les porte ensemble pour mon plus grand plaisir.

  • My father has an old Rolex watch in platinum steel that is a classic. He still wears it everyday. For me, a classic would be a pair of black Ferragamos. I loved them in the 80s and I still do today.

    Analog House

  • I agree Neada! “finding what works for you and creating your own collection of classics” is what it’s all about, I would even go a little further and say that it’s also about making YOUR OWN definition of what classic is. And maybe it may not be a trench coat, if you are not a trench coat type of girl, who knows, the point is finding those pieces that speak to your essence and that you always love wearing no matter what the in style thing is. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t experiment, otherwise how are you going to find your future new classic piece. Plus, we are creatures of impulse, we are bound to want to buy that new thing even if it’s turns out to not be you (which you will only know after it spends months in the closet without you ever having it worn), but those are the spices to keep things fun and evolving. As long as we go back from time to time to take a moment to understand our choices and keep our essence clear, not letting the spices be the only thing you have in the menu.

  • One last thought, I think the “classics” are what give that sense of character to a look.

  • Cette montre est belle mais elle ressemble énormément à la Tank de Cartier. La contrainte de l’éternel renouvellement n’incite-t-elle pas parfois de la copie?

  • mimi taylor September, 11 2015, 12:47 / Reply

    I like the watch but would like to se ethe whole of your fringed jacket, PLEASE !

  • September, 11 2015, 2:52 / Reply

    Well…The Trench Coat is quintessentially classic item – my father’s old Burberry’s and my Brit 30 years later…

  • Hermes Cape Cod watch and St. James sweaters!

  • bon choix

  • Finding what works for your and not following any trendy pattern is what I call “timeless”.

  • Jane B. Root September, 12 2015, 2:50 / Reply

    Classiques intemporels et qui suffisent à une bonne base : une PRN ( petite robe noire) , un manteau Max Mara, un trench Burberry, des Polo Lacoste sans manches dans plein de couleurs différentes, plusieurs pulls noirs sans manches ( je hais les manches), une chemise blanche raide et sèche, un caban Musto, une veste de smoking noire, ma collection de carres Hermes et Renouard, un cartable ( Renouard), un Baguette Fendi dans une couleur pétante, un jean qui va à ma morphologie décline en plusieurs couleurs, 7 ou 8 pantalons d’équitation pour bosser, une paire de bottes d’équitation sur mesure ( à cause de mes mollets de cavalière), un châle de grande dimension (un châle vous sauve la vie dans de nombreuses circonstances), trois ou quatre paires de mocassins Tod´s, dont une en cuir venis rouge pétant, une paire de Rockstud couleur nude pour sortir, et surtout, surtout le vieux gilet kaki de mon papa ( comme ça même s’il n’est plus la il me tient encore un peu dans ses bras). Tout le reste n’est que vanité, peut être viré, jeté, donné et finalement ne me sert jamais…

  • Il y a des classiques personnels, classiques pour nous parce que liés à notre histoire perso et nous leur donnons le statut de classique.
    D’une façon plus général, c’est souvent avec du recul que certaines pièces deviennent des classiques ! Un des commentaires précédents parle du flacon Chanel ; c’est un très bon exemple, parce que Madame Chanel lors de sa création ne pensait surement pas à sa longévité. Il faut aussi, à notre avis, des lignes pures et simples pour donner cette noblesse qui caractérise si souvent un classique

  • Chacun a ses classiques. Moi c’est une bague, intemporelle et je crois que je la porterai jusqu’à la fin de mes jours !

  • C’est marrant, moi aussi ma pièce préférée c’est la J12, cadeau de ma mère. Cette montre aussi est sublime, j’aime beaucoup les Chanel, toujours féminines et chics.

  • “…that your mother gave you…” is surely better.

  • moi aussi une J12 cadeau de ma maman , et je la porte tous les jours sans probléme ,

  • I’ve got these Chanel black flats I’ve bought 5 years ago, that look timeless and I believe I’ll wear them forever (if they don’t eventually rip off or smth, shoes are more fragile than bags). I also have a round, classic Tissot watch that I think will look grea even in 10 years from now…


  • It's darling September, 14 2015, 6:04 / Reply

    Classic are the little 18k gold ball earrings that I have been wearing for 20 years. (I love jewelry but don’t change it around that often). But my Rolex Submariner, Cartier Trinity ring and Chanel 2.55 Reissue are staples that make me feel like I have been adulting semi correctly -though wear the above with torn up jeans and vans slip ons..

  • Hi! I love the watch in the photograph! May I know what model it is?

  • The watch is absolutely stunning. I agree with everything you say, fashion is cyclical and though it does change, it always looks to the past for reinvention. I really enjoy seeing what’s new and on trend for each season, some I like some I don’t. But one thing that I always go back to is classic and timeless. I love basics, it’s just me. But it is always fun to add different elements and accessories to the most basic outfit.

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