
13 years ago by

So we finally went to the McQueen exhibition at the Met. We woke up early, and like everybody, we waited in line for an hour or two. It was so crowded inside. And it was so totally worth it.

The curation was perfect, from the layout to the sound design – it allows you to take a mind-blowing journey into the designer’s imagination. Emotion catches you and stays with you for days.

I was so moved that I asked for authorization to go back and take pictures. I hadn’t seen a lot of images of it and I knew a lot of you would not be able to experience it. And it looks like the exhibition won’t travel. What will stay is a wonderful catalogue and beautiful memories…

When Nancy Chilton, from the Met, told me I would be able to go back to take some pictures, I literally jumped for joy. I would like to thank her again for that honor.

These images are just a tiny part of the exhibition. You’ll see the clothes that I loved the most, some striking details, a fragment of the wallpaper that was made from illustrations in McQueen’s sketchbook, and a picture that will give you an idea of the crowd that come to see the wonderful exhibition – which at last count, was close to 600,000.

The exhibition will close on Sunday. Because of the passion and patience of the public, the Met decided to keep its doors open, for the last two days, until midnight. A first in the history of the Met.

I’ll leave you with the images. And please if you are in New York, go visit one of these evenings. No better moment to visit McQueen than the middle of the night…

Click the arrows to view more images.

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty at the Metropolitan Museum. 1000 5th Avenue New York, NY 10028.

Open until midnight Saturday August 6th and Sunday August 7th.

Open Thursday August 4th 9:30am – 5:30pm, and Friday August 5th 9:30am-9pm.

Recommended admission to the Met is $25, $17 for seniors, and $12 for students.


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  • Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces découvertes que je ne manquerais pas de tester

  • Waaa Garance, de te lire et de voir tes photos j’ai le coeur qui se serre.
    Merci de nous faire partager l’expo.

  • Garance – thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

    Stuck in Australia as I am, this is the only chance I’ll get to see McQueen’s Savage Beauty so thank you for sticking your neck out for your readers and sharing the beauty with us.

    While the butterfly headpiece truly mesmerises me, it is the first photo in your series which has me thinking. I’ve often wondered why humans don’t use our hair as a fabric. It’s [mostly] sustainable, original and keeps in heat! A strange thought perhaps but I’d also love to share with you what I did with some of my hair post a break-up…

    Merci encore,

  • J’ai aimé beaucoup cette expo! Et je suis très heureuse qu’on t’a donné la permission de prendre les photos, ils sont magnifiques. Maintenant, je peux les regarder tous les jours et penser à cette expo parfaite! Merci bien!

  • The photos are amazing!!! I wish I was in NYC – can’t believe i’m missing out on this!

  • How were you able to take photos?

  • Visiter une exposition seule, le bonheur! Tellement hâte de voir les photos issues de la dite visite.

    Are you sure the exhibition will not be held in Europe? It is such a pity!


  • Oh! I’m so bummed I won’t be able to see if after all this time, thank you to The Met for allowing you to take photos so I don’t miss out completely!

  • Wow,incredible!!

  • Bowbow: j’etais loin d’y être seule, c’etait rempli de monde. Mais personne n’avait le droit d’y faire des photos en revanche… Tu peux cliquer sur les flèches pour voir toutes les photos.

  • Al McQeen was one of my favorite, if not my favorite, designer-artists! I’d looove to go to this exhibiton, but sadly, I’m at the other side of the world (quite literaly, ’cause I’ in Greece)!!!
    I so envy you for going and I so love for posting these wonderful photos!

  • i went this past monday, and completely agree, very well curated, sensually overwhelming, and intelligent in proving their theme: mcqueen not as a simple clothing designer, but as a romantic artist, predominantly concerned with issues of nature and the self, ravaging his audience with his visual aesthetics and his performance.

    it was quite the juxtaposition to the serra exhibit next door. thankfully, for me, i was fortunate enough to walk through that one while it was completely empty. i hate crowds, but the mcqueen was worth it.

  • j’y suis allée en juin, j’ai aussi fait la queue et je me suis demandée qui pouvait bien être tous ces gens qui étaient là car pour moi McQueen est surtout connu des passionnés de Mode!
    J’ai beaucoup aimé le mélange avec les vidéos des défilés etc… Tes photos sont magnifiques et montre très bien l’atmosphère qui y règne.
    By the way j’ai été super émue et adorée cette expo même si beaucoup trop bondée.

    Pour info comme tu habites à NYC tu aurais du payer 75$ pour avoir le membership et amener 6 personnes avec toi sans faire la queue ;-)

  • Thanks Garance, for yours impressions – I very loved your photo with the Geisha-inspired red shoes!!!

    As I’m not living in New York I own since exhibition-start the wonderful ‘Savage Beauty’ catalogue which I really recommend for those not having the possibility ‘d’y aller’.

    ANDREA JANKE Finest Accessories

  • This is really a exhibition that I wish I could have seen. McQueen was a true genius!
    I have worked in his studio for 6 months and for his last show alive (can be seen on my blog;)and still when I look back at his work I am still amazed!

    Beautiful photos Garance!
    Thanks for sharing!!

    Diary Of a Fashion Stylist…

  • Alexander McQueen ‘Savage Beauty’

    “You’ve got to know the rules to brake them. That’s what I’m here for, to demolish the rules but to keep the tradition.”

    ANDREA JANKE Finest Accessories

  • merci garance pour ce cadeau!

  • c’est incroyable ! merci Garance ! j’aime particulièrement la coiffe papillon et l’immense manteau (?) noir.

  • How lucky are we to Garance! I am so happy the good people at the MET agreed to allow you to re-enter to take these incredible shots! Thank you, because I can’t make it to NY. These are AMAZING documentations of how to dress in McQueen’s world – I hope he’s there now…

  • Belles photos qui nous montrent bien le lien étroit entre l’art et la mode – vous avez de la chance d’avoir vu cette expo. Espérons qu’elle se fera un jour en France ?
    Nous avions bien aimé l’expo d’Yves St.Laurent au Petit Palais l’année dernière; elle par contre était plus ciblée dans le temps.

  • How lucky to have seen this truly spectacular exhibition. I live in South Africa, but was fortunate enough to see the Anglomania exhibition a few years back, which showcased British designers at their absolute unique best – Vivienne Westwood, John Galliano, Alexander McQueen et al, and it was magnificent. Sadly no photos allowed, so all I have are my memories. Really moving and inspiring, much like this one must have been.
    Je te remercie mille fois de nous avoir gaté si superbement!

  • Thank you so much for shearing. This exhibition looks amazing and I’m really upset that it won’t travel

  • Ca a l’air tellement sublime, magique, envoûtant et j’en passe….
    Superbes tes photos ;)

  • I can see the artistry in his work, but it is still pretty spooky to me. The butterfly hat seems to be the only joy I see. And that makes me sad.

    – Meredith

  • I’m so excited! I booked my flight a couple of weeks ago to NYC just to see this exhibit! Don’t mind standing in line for greatness! Last year I stood in line for YSL in Paris so this year it will be McQueen in New York. Thank you for the photos.

  • Juste “Merci”, du fond du cœur.

  • purée, c’était le Gustave Doré-Jerôme Bosch-Rcimboldo de la mode, ce mec… La tête avec les papillons, quelle splendeur… hors du temps, du passé et du futur à la fois… Parti de la vie mais bel et bien entré chez les Génies des Artistes…

  • Wow amazing:) love the butterflies most :)

  • Hi, I went to see the exhibition in June. I really loved the different looks and the way the Met people arranged the different costumes. What I didn’t like was the way the staff handled the masses of visitors. I haven’t seen that many people in such a small space for a long time. So it was really hard to read all the descriptions and stroll around the exhibition. I must say I was deeply moved by the atmosphere there. All the darkness and the matching music and the way they arranged the light made it hard to relax and not feel sad a bit. I hope you know what I mean. All the best from Germany, Anja

  • Magnifiques photos Garance. Merci de nous avoir donné accès, le temps de quelques clichés, à cette superbe expo.

  • The clothes are beautiful, the pictures are beautiful, thank you so much for making the effort and taking these pictures, I really appriciate it, especially because other wise I would not be able to see this wonderful work.
    Alexander was great.

  • I just saw this last night and it was really beautifully curated. The only bad thing was the amount of people they allowed inside at the same time, you really couldn’t move much! For anyone who can’t see this exhibition, the book is beautiful and although not the same experience, it has all the pieces in this exhibition. Thank you so much Garance for sharing your photos with us :)

  • Ca a l’air extraordinaire cette expo!! Pourquoi il faut que ce soit aussi loin…

  • oh my god i have to go. this looks fascinating.

  • Bonjour Garance,
    J’ai eu la chance de voir cette expo sublime en mai et oui, on avancait à peine. tellement il y avait du monde. La muséographie était à couper le souffle entre le cabinet de curiosité, les cadres baroques et l’ambiance onirique et dense.
    Mais j’ai encore plus de chance car j’ai vu aussi LA PLANÈTE MODE DE JEAN-PAUL GAULTIER; DE LA RUE AUX ÉTOILES présentée au MBA de Mtl. C’est la 1ère fois que ce grand créateur accepte de faire une expo car il savait qu’à Mtl l’approche serait non-rétrospective et qu’il aurait des collaborateurs hors-pairs dont le metteur en scène Denis Marleau. C’est complètement différent bien-entendu que l’expo de NY. Deux créateurs, deux univers mais d’une certaine façon, l’expo de Montréal est moins classique dans son discours muséologique bien que le visuel soit plus moins fou. Disons qu’il y le truc(que je passerai sous silence ici!) qui rend cette expo complètement folle et vibrante.
    En tout cas, l’occasion était vraiment trop bonne, je l’attendais pour te proposer de venir la voir à Montréal. Franchement ça vaut le coup. Hier soir, en plein centre-ville, dans le cadre du festival Mode-Design, nous avons eu la chance de voir dans un magnifique défilé, la collection A-H 2011-12 s’intitulant; Bourgeoises sans âge et un autre créé spécifiquement par JPG pour Montréal.
    Je met un lien que j’ai trouvé bien qu’il n’y ait pas bcp d’images. Ça serait vraiment trop chouette que tu viennes voir l’expo.

  • I wish I was there!!! I’m a huge fan of Alexander Mac Queen. He really was a genius.

  • j’ai eu la chance d’y aller en juin, c’était superbe. Allez-y

  • Merci pour les photo. L’exposition est emouvante et la mise en scene est splendide …. Je suis sortie tres emue.
    J’y suis allee la semaine derniere – et pour ne pas faire la queue deux heures, allez directement au comptoir “Membership” et devenez membre, ce qui donne le droit d’acceder directement a l’expo sans faire la queue. C’est $70 pour les residents a NY et $60 pour les non-residents. Vous pouvez, avec la carte de membre, faire rentrer une personne avec vous.

  • Wow! The headdresses are especially fantastic. Great post!

    The Styleseer

  • i’d have love to have seen this. i so wish it will travel to the uk.

    thanks for sharing these pictures.

    i wrote about Alexander McQueen here

    such a talent xx

  • Moi aussi, j’ai eu la chance d’y aller en juillet avec la membership d’une amie donc on n’a pas fait la queue. Rien à ajouter sur l’expo en elle-même, tout est dit. Mais je voulais juste ajouter que si vous souhaitez acheter le catalogue de l’expo, il est en vente sur (le site US) à 27$ avec moins de 10$ de frais de livraison. Juste une petite consolation pour qui n’a pas pu voir l’expo…

  • merci de nous faire partager cette expo :) :)

  • Superb photography, mcqueen genius. I’m also mesmerized by the butterflies…

  • C’est splendide !
    Merci pour ce partage Garance ! ;)

  • Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve been wanting to go so badly, and just in case I don’t make it this weekend, I’m very happy to at least see these images of such an amazing exhibition.

  • olalalala!!! c’est somptueux!!!je rêverai de faire un saut au MET pour l’expo!!!

  • Bonjour Garance , J’ai moi aussi été a l’exposition hier et patienté deux heures ce qui a valu la peine ! Même la caissière nous a demandé si on était “physically ready” a affronter la file , c’est dire! C’est bien dommage de vous avoir loupé de si peu j’adore votre blog , je vis au Luxembourg et c’est la première fois que je suis a New-York c’eut été extraordinaire de combiner l’expo et de vous voir! Bien a vous , une jeune admiratrice

  • thx garance for the great pics!
    i’ve been there already and it’s a very very special + beautifully done exhibition.

  • c’est magnifique en tout cas que cette idée d’exposer des créations de ce sublime designer, j’adore, j’adore, j’adooore !!

  • J’adore les photos..mais à quand votre passage sur Montréal au Canada ?
    Jean-Paul Gauthier est partout cet été, c’est le festival Mode et design en ce moment. Des tonnes de gens suivent ton blog et celui de scott, nous vous attendons depuis des années ici :)
    En espérant pouvoir voir des clichés montréalais un jour :)

  • If you can’t make it to the exhibition, Metropolitan Museum Of Art have lots of images and videos you can watch right now, specially the EXHIBITION VIDEO, which quickly takes you around this beautiful exhibition. enjoy!

  • Wow merci pour ces magnifiques photos, quelle chance en effet d’avoir pu les prendre! J’y ai également été en juin dernier…une exposition que j’attendais avec impatience! J’aurais pu y rester des heures tellement l’émotion était forte! Ce mec était un pur génie, ses créations m’ont toujours touchée au plus profond de mon âme. Je n’ai d’ailleurs pas pu m’empêcher d’en parler ici:

    Résolument une expo à ne pas manquer! En espérant qu’elle tournera ensuite dans le monde entier :)

    Sarah M.

  • He was a genious! Beautiful pics! ;)

  • Saw the exhibit last month; it truly was breathtaking. Anyone who is able to get to the Met by the weekend should absolutely check it out.
    Thanks for the beautiful photos Garance…

  • This upset me since the moment it came out. And I don’t mean the exhibition (or your post!) but the fact that I would not make it to NYC in time to see the exhibition. My consolation prize? Ordering the wonderful book.

    PvdH – designer & illustrator

  • Thanks for sharing this incredible photos with us!

  • Thank you for making the effort to share these images. What a treat for those of us not in New York in time to catch the show. I had heard from many people that it was amazing and now I can see for myself.

    What an incredible artist Alexander McQueen was; his work is fantasy. Very inspiring.

  • Oh Garance thank you ever so much. I have the catalogue, but so wish I could come to New York to see the exhibition. Thank you for a glimpse.

  • Tout bonnement magique. McQueen Forever.

  • I’m going tomorrow!!! Thank you Garance!!!

  • I loved this exhibition with all my heart and soul, and you’re absolutely right, feelings and emotions stay with you for days. I was lucky enough to be in New York for my birthday which is May 4th, the day it opened: I found out that Andrew Bolton, the curator himself, was leading a guided tour. Listening to him, who witnessed the genius of McQueen, was an unbelievable experience, I will never forget it!

  • merci pour les photos ! je suis sans voix

  • Merci Garance de me faire voyager depuis mon gros bateau gris au beau milieu de la mer jolie, vers l’univers du grand McQueen ! Je suis en mer depuis sept mois mais ces photos tres touchantes m’emmenent encore plus loin. Merci, vraiment.

  • Mesmerizing! I looked up the exhibit online at the Met’s blog and these pictures, along with the videos online, stole my heart. What an amazing artist – how sad that he is no longer here to share such beauty and talent. Thank you for posting these pictures and thank you to the Met for allowing you to do so!
    Here is what the Met put out on their blog: It is a must see!

  • I was able to see the show this past time I was in New York (about 3 weeks ago!). It was truly moving as you said. I’m still thinking of it now. I wrote a little something about it in my last post. He brought emotion to clothes that went further than standing in amazement at its beauty and skill. It made me think of a beautiful glass crystal that silently shatters into innumerable pieces. Thank you for sharing!


  • p.s. I believe there’s a petition to have it exhibited in London?

  • Thank you Garance, you made me fly to the exhibition :!
    So much talent in all the pieces he designed, love the chinoiserie cups- type platform shoes, soo modern.

  • simply amazing! i hope they bring it to cali soon!

  • Merci pour le partage!

  • Stunning Garance! As no surprise to me, it is such a beautiful exhibition. And I have to say the transition of the last three shots literally gave me chills. Great capture!


  • Superb collection ! Love the small details ! Check out :

  • That wallpaper is to die for! Simply gorgeous!! I’m so glad you got to take pictures of such an amazing event. XO

    ~ Kelly Scott

  • Thank you, dear Garance!

  • Oh Garance, thank you! thank you! Thank you! I won’t be back in NY until the end of August and will miss the exhibit. This was my only chance….thank you for the sneak peek!
    Baci, B

  • merci! eerily splendid. tout simplement magnifique.

    (ca me redonne du moral pour faire la queue demain ou samedi…)

  • Même en pleine banlieue lyonnaise, à des milliers de kilomètres de NY et derrière mon ordi, je ressens cette émotion. Garance, du fond du coeur, merci.

  • would love to see this aswell :)
    new post : shopping in Belgium and workoutfit

  • Merci d’y être retournée pour nous ramener ces clichés magnifiques ! :)


  • Mon dieu, les trois dernières photos regardées très vite, font comme un stop motion…magnifique ! On a l’impression d’y être …

  • Went to the exhibit in May. Been back 5 times since then. Stopped going because of the number of people there now. IF ANYONE HAS NOT GONE YET PLEASE GO TO THIS, IT’LL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

  • just…brilliant. words are useless….

  • Merci infiniment de partager ces photos avec nous.

  • Superbes photos G! cela me fait penser à l’expo consacré à Jean-Paul Gautier, que j’ai vu à Montréal tout aussi belle et fascinante! :)

  • Wow.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  • J’adore tout simplement. J’aurais vraiment aimé pouvoir aller à cet expo mais malheureusement ce n’est pas possible. Ca m’avait fait un tel choc de savoir que Mc Queen était mort quand je l’avais entendu à la télé, je le trouvais tellement créatif et j’avais vraiment été scotché par plusieurs de ces défilés. La mode prenait vraiment ses lettres de noblesse avec lui, de l’art sans aucun doute.
    C’est vraiment trop dommage qu’il n’exporte pas l’expo à Londres, c’est quand même là qu’il créait, j’aurais été la voir immédiatement.

  • Fabulous! Thank you so much.

  • Majestueux!!!!!! j’ai les frissons devant un tel talent…



  • Cette expo a l’air géniale! Merci de partager ça avec nous.

  • Cette expo a l’air géniale! Merci de partager ça avec nous.

  • Comme d’autres, Garance, je te conseille de faire un petit A/R à Montréal où je vis, pour que tu viennes admirer l’expo Gaultier qui est géniale. Pas du tout désincarnée comme l’expo YSL de 2008, qui m’avait beaucoup moins touchée. A JPG, j’ai ri et j’ai eu la gorge serrée d’émotion, c’est pas si souvent qu’une expo me touche autant.

    Voilà, ça fait des années, je crois que je ne commente plus ton blog, tant chaque commentaire semble noyé dans la masse, mais j’espère que tu liras celui-ci et qu’il te décidera à venir, ça en vaut tellement la peine !

  • Quelle splendeur !
    Quel génie

    Quel dommage que l’expo ne se déplace pas :(

  • Je viens juste d’y aller ce matin et, en allant faire un tour sur le blog, quel ne fut mon plaisir de retrouver les images de l’exposition !

    Pour ne pas plagier un certain vocabulaire, it was just amazing, awesome ! Evidemment, je n’ai pas pu résister à l’envie d’acheter le catalogue, malgré le budget que je m’étais fixer… catalogue dont la couv’ est d’ailleurs à l’image du créateur, aussi excellente et multifaciale que l’expo elle-même !

    Très belles photos ! Bien prises et choisies !!

  • Cest a couper le soufle!

  • Dearest Garance,
    Thank you for your work……….It is work………Lucky for us it is your talent and hopefully it is your passion. For to evoke such emotion in your photos for the McQueen exhibit means somewhere you have the passion in doing so.
    I live in Paris and would not have had this poetic moment if it had not been for your perseverance and caring to make that phone call to the Met directrice………

    Mille merci, Linda

  • Holly crap, c’est dingue !

    Merci Garance, c’est magique <3


  • Absolutely breathtaking exhibition. I felt like i was walking through a dream. Tears were streaming down my cheeks at one point and i was completely shocked at how overcome with emotion I’d been.

  • These are amazing! I’m sad I’m missing the exhibit. Love all of the head pieces and masks.


  • Wonderful, just wonderful. Thank you Nancy Chilton and Garance Dore .

  • Sans voix! c’est tout un univers, c’est bouleversant…

  • Garance – Thank you so much for posting these photos. I have been dying to see this exhibit, but alas, I do not live in NYC, and my annual visit is a week too late.

  • What absolutely wonderful pictures – thank you SO much for sharing such a detailed insight Garance (and Nancy!). My only sadness is that the exhibit won’t get to travel and be seen by so many more – McQueen was truly an artist of our generation, and it is sad for that to not be shared (particularly in his hometown of London). That said, these pictures remind me that his creativity and vision is as relevant today as it always was.

    Miss B xx

  • La chance… :( J’ai commandé le catalogue et je l’ai reçu après quelques jours seulement. Il est vraiment magnifique, mais je regrette vraiment ne pas avoir pu me rendre à New York pour voir l’expo avec mes propres yeux… Merci pour les photos! On s’y croirait… :)

  • I didn’t have the chanse to see it cause I live in the other side of the world.
    As soon I saw your pictures I started to cry. Thank you Garance, Thanks for think about us, for share this and for the work.
    Let’s not forget him ok? Long live to Alexander.

  • All statues, but the expo seems to be so full of emotions. Amazing!

  • Amazing photos Garance! Next best thing if you cant visit!

  • Buy a met membership and skip the line. It was worth the $70 which supports a great organization.

  • Cette expo à l’air sublime, dommage qu’elle ne reste qu’a NY !

  • Thank you sosososososo much–i am unable to attend the exhibition and your photos are a rare treat.

  • So wish I was in NYC to see it!

  • Thank you so much for posting these and for asking for permission to take the photos. I won’t be able to visit as I live in Mexico and would dearly love to go. What an amazing show to commemorate the phenomenal work of such a talented human being.

  • This experience was one of the most moving, most beautiful and most sad ones I have had relating to fashion. McQueen was a genius and I was so impressed and blown away by each and every hat, fabric choice and concept. He is a master of his lifetime and beyond.

  • wow. thank you so much.

  • merci pour ces photos. j’aurai tellement aimé voir cette exposition…
    le papier peint est magnifique…

  • Hi Garance!

    I went all the way from Singapore to visit Savage Beauty. I totally understand how you feel but it was more of a bittersweet experience for me, admiring the masterpieces of the legendary McQueen after he has departed. I spent five hours in the exhibition itself and it was simply amazing how the curation gets you so absorbed in every corner of the exhibition. Here’s my take on the Met –

    In case you’ve missed it, you can read about it in depth at the Met Blog, from audio to introductions at

  • Garance: Thanks for your comments and your extraodinary photographs. The exhibition was sensational and the photographs were the topping on the event!! Lee Golde

  • Oh, I’m so mad at myself, I still haven’t seen this. And I live just around the corner. Tomorrow, it must happen. It will!

  • i’ve seen the show 4-5 times. it was so incredibly emotional and amazing. truly not to be missed. something i will never ever forget.


    SO glad you shared these photos for some of us who aren’t in NYC.

  • absolutely breathtaking…i’ve never wanted to be in new york more than right now. gorgeous photos!!! such talent…those sketches were amazing.

  • Thank you for sharing, I really wish I could have seen this.

  • Seeing these images actually made me a feel bit sad, as they just showed how magical McQueen was even with all his rage, and that it truly was a tragedy to have lost such an artist.

  • This show is a must see!!!

    xoxox am now following you please check out my blog as well!

  • This exhibit is amazing yet bittersweet!! Love your thoughts on it!!


    I am following you now! Please check out my blog as well :)

  • I saw the exhibit last month and couldn’t bear to leave it. You are so lucky to have been able to take pictures, and such amazing photos too!

  • I took my friend who is interested, but was vaguely familiar with Alexander McQueen, to this exhibition. For days we couldn’t stop talking about it. It’s been a week and the feeling of it is still with me.

  • OMG Garance!! Thank youuuu so much for this post!! I have goosebumps all over my body just by read your writings and look at those beautiful pictures!! I’m so overwhelmed I want to cryy..

  • oh, I so want to go there! thanks a lot for your impressions!

  • I’d like to be there and see it on my own so much… Thanks for the photos, they’re really incredible!

  • Magnifique… merci.

  • Merci pour avoir partagé un moment qui a dû être juste intense, sublime, magique.

  • Ces images sont superbes, et elles donnent tellement envie de sauter dans l’avion pour voir l’expo en entier ! Merci :)

  • Garance j’adore ton blog parce qu’il change tous le temps! C’est trés dynamique! Pointu sans être snob et toujours avec un touche d’humour! Merci!

  • Un grand merci à toi Garance ! L’expo est tout simplement magique. Les pièces sont sublimées par les lumières et les décors (voire, les projections). C’est une torture de se dire que je ne pourrai pas y aller. Cependant ces quelques images nous permettent déjà d’apprécier la qualité de l’exposition. C’est pourquoi, encore une fois, un grand merci bien chaleureux !

  • In Cairo and kicking myself that I didn’t spend every last cent I have to fly to NY just to see it-some things really do seem worth it. Thank you for the images, and if you have more, I’d really appreciate seeing them. As always, you keep me inspired and in the loop when it seems like it’s all so far away. Xx

  • Merveilleux! Quel dommage que je ne puisse pas la voir! Merci vraiment pour ces photos!

  • Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos.

  • I braved the ridiculously long line to see this exhibit yesterday. This is probably the only time I’ll be so close to couture clothing so I made the most of it. Your pictures are lovely Miss Garance.

    And ladies, that butterfly headdress? Made from painted turkey feathers! My jaw dropped when I read the description, so clever!

  • Ton post ne peut pas mieux tomber, j’y suis allée hier et bien sûr j’ai adoré. Quel génie… L’émotion que j’ai ressentie en parcourant l’expo… J’y suis allée en plein aprèm et je n’ai attendu “que” 2 heures. Ca valait largement le coup !

  • I’ve seen this exhibition in June, I couldn’t breath, I ran out almost crying from the TALENT of McQueen. When you see his work on TV, it’s not the same as seeing it up-close and personal. Amazing talent. Amazing person with both very natural and very philosophical approach to his work…I loved it! I just bought a book about his collections.

  • Merci, merci, mille fois merci Garance pour cette immersion dans l’univers de McQueen… Je regrette tellement de ne pas pouvoir me déplacer jusqu’à New York pour voir ça.

  • I was far from thinking that Alexander McQueen would attract so many people in the US! Great exhibition!

  • Très belle exposition.
    Merci Anna W!

  • mcqueen had always been a kind of mystery hasn’t he.

    what a great experience you must have had garance!

  • Wow ! Merci de nous avoir fait partagé ça :)

    N’hésitez pas à aller visiter mon blog mode
    Et si vous l’aimez.. montrez-le sur

  • thanks for those pix. I made a special trip to NY to see this show on the opening day. I loved this exhibition. so dramatic and no holds barred imagination. also painstaking details and craftsmanship.

  • These images are beyond words. I’m completely in awe of the creativity of McQueen and the beauty of these photos. Thank you for thinking of your followers and sharing them with us!

  • Dear Ms. Dore,

    Thank you for paying tribute to this incredible exhibit as well as to the greatness of McQueen. Both were truly amazing. Your photos captured the images in my memory. Thank you!

  • thank you, garance, for the fabulous photos! i saw the show a couple of months ago and found it totally stunning. mcqueen was an incredibly creative design genius. i did buy the catalogue, but i found it did not do the met exhibit justice – it’s not really a record of the installation. still, it’s great to be able to revisit some of his designs within its pages.

  • i have to agree with those who felt the met could have done more to make our experience less crowded. we only had to wait in the line about 10 minutes in may, but once inside i was quite surprised at the crowds – it really was shoulder to shoulder (at least they were polite). isn’t the point of waiting the achievement of less crowding in the exhibition? they really missed the boat on this. of course then people would be waiting even longer… i wonder whether they planned on such popularity, but once they saw it, they should have revisited their policies and made adjustments. surely there are museum experts on crowd control they could have consulted.

  • Vos photos rendent sans doute vraiment bien l’ambiance de l’expo. Couleurs, matières, lumière, c’est magique.
    Mais l’ensemble, pour moi, est glaçant et à la limite repoussant. Comme si on rentrait dans un cauchemar.
    Ceci est mon ressenti personnel et n’engage que moi. En tout cas, merci de nous avoir fait partager votre émotion artistique. Avec votre talent habituel !!!

  • A en couper le souffle, comme toujours !

    Un hommage à Garance Doré est disponible sur mon blog, j’ai aussi repris l’un de tes croquis pour l’illustrer :)

    Il faut que mon entourage prenne conscience d’autant de talent, en espérant que l’article te plaise !

  • C’est effectivement magnifique et tes photos retranscrivent bien l’ambiance et les émotions.
    Excellente journée

  • I went when I visited some friend in Connecticut. The secret is to get the family pass and you won’t have to wait in line!

  • Merci Garance de nous retranscrire les images de l’expo, de ce petit bout de magie. Mc Queen est un génie. Ces pièces sont d’une grande beauté, il manie les matériau avec tellement de sensibilité et de grâce. Pouvoir transmettre des émotions grâce à la mode, on est dans le domaine de l’art !!!! Bonne journée !

  • Très Beau. j’ai cliqué en boucle sur les 3 photos de la robe dorée, ça fait un Gif en 3D magique… merci !

  • Ce devait être à couper le souffle, en tout cas les photos témoignent d’un beau spectacle…

  • J’ai eu la chance de m’y rendre le mois dernier. Epoustouflante.
    Très belles photos. :)

  • Garrance,

    C”etait formidable tes photos de exposicion. Je vous remercie beaucoup pour ça. Super.

  • Merci Garance!
    J’avoue que je n’ai pas eu le courage de me presser avec la foule, ces photos me font regretter, mais compensent un peu ce regret en même temps!

  • Ces photos sont sublimes, c’est un vrai plaisir que de revoir ces oeuvres. Les photos qui sont apparues dans les magazines ne reflétaient pas idéalement l’intégralité de l’expo selon moi, donc je suis contente que tu ai pu prendre ces clichés -de cette expo je n’ai pris que quelques notes, même si les souvenirs de la mise en scène, des matières, des styles resteront longtemps dans mon esprit!

  • Prisonniers de son malheur, victime de son génie…
    Peut-on être heureux et talentueux ?

  • Ouf, j’ai reçu à voir l’exposition avant sa clôture. 4h d’attente!!!!!!!!! Mais, it’s worth it. Grand spectacle à la fin avec la collection printemps/été 2010 juste magnifique. Je suis sortie à 10h du soir et la file d’attente était encore longue.
    Je rejoins Alexantha pour dire qu’il y avait un manque d’organisation dans les salles où étaient exposés les modèles ( en même temps, c’est vrai qu’il n’est pas facile de gérer une telle foule).
    Je ne connaissais Alexander Mc Queen que par ses défilés et j’en ai appris plus sur le personnage et ses idées.

  • Mais quel bonheur ce blog Garance!
    Tu es douée drôle dynamique et tu restes modeste.. Mais qu’est-ce que je suis contente de te lire! Je suis en train de littéralement d-é-v-o-r-e-r toutes tes archives (au boulot bien sûr, en louce-dé, faut pas déconner on est au mois d’août)!
    hé hé hé
    Tu me fais rêver avec tes tofs, tes dessins, tes aventures.. et en même temps tellement rire! Le f*ù$^=)£µ zébrage auto-bronzant m’est arrivé sur le dessus de pied il y a 3 semaines… c’est toujours en cours de disapearance…

    Et puis ça me parle -et je suis sûre que je ne suis pas la seule- de lire le cheminement du “comment je vais savoir ce que je vais faire de ma laïfe”.. Me pose souvent les mêmes questions..

    Bref, j’adore ton blog, continue à nous régaler!!

  • Thank you so much for these stunning photos. I very much wanted to see the exhibit but was unable to travel up from South Carolina to do so. What incredible genius!

  • I was one of those who made the trek. I flew in from Toronto on Wednesday the 3rd to specifically go to this breathtaking exhibit. I got up early and did the line for the Met to open and then the line to get in and I agree completely worth it!!

    SOOOO glad I made the trip – was very moved and inspired by the display, the curation, the clothes, the man and his mind.

    I am still thinking about it and will for a very long time.

    What can you say other than – thank you McQUEEN.

  • I made it in last night. I was one of those people sitting in the 5 hour line. Flew in from Louisiana just to see this exhibit. I have to say yes the line was crazy long but it was all made better by the extremely nice people working the lines for the Met.
    The exhibit it self was amazing. Happy I was able to catch it on the last day.

  • This is amazing exhibition!
    McQueen was genius..

  • Oh oui quelle expo! (mais quel monde aussi mon dieu), remarque avec la chaleur qu’il fait en ce moment à NYC, c’est un temps à apprécier la clim du musée ;-) En tout cas je te conseille fortement d’aller voir l’expo Jean Paul Gaultier à Montréal, elle est vraiment incroyable aussi avec ses visages vivants de mannequin et ses pièces bien sûr! Bisou bisou!

  • Chère Garance, c’est la première fois que je t’écris un commentaire, mais je considère que cette fois ça vaut plus que de requis le coup.
    Tout comme toi, je m’étais rendu compte qu’il y avait très peu de photos de l’expo McQueen et l’ayant plus que beaucoup aimé j’ai été décue de pas pouvoir en garder quelques souvenirs.
    Tes photos règlent le problème.
    Elles sont tout à fait fidèles à l’ambiance de l’exposition.

  • I waited almost four hours in line to see this! I almost left when I was half through, but I remembered this post!

  • I took a day off from work and did a day trip down from Albany to see the exhibit. It was totally worth it.

  • Come to Montreal and check out the Jean Paul Gaultier show!

  • If you go ahead and buy the membership, it is SO worth it! You skip the line and can bring your guests with you. It can be pricey, but saves hours you could be spending in other exhibits, or brunching at EAT. xx

  • i loved it! the met has a fairly extensive site online of the exhibition as well… it was great to read it all before hand so that i didn’t have to read the walls when i was there and knew what i was looking at already without squinting to read around people! i loved mcqueen’s sense of narrative, quite the visionary.

  • breath-taking beautifully creations through ur photos. thanks for sharing, I’m always McQueen’s big fans. :)

  • you captured the exhibit beautifully, thanks for the memory of some of my favorite pieces!

  • I was visiting NYC from Melbourne in June/July and saw the exhibition twice – once just wasn’t enough! So breathtakingly beautiful – I feel really privileged to have seen it. So jealous that you got to return to take photos! Also, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve shared the link to this page with the friends who came with me! x

  • this is was the highlight of my summer. i saw the exhibit when it first opened and i’ll never forget it. it was a very emotional experience for me.
    your pictures are wonderful. i’d have loved to be alone in there even just for a moment, just to be able to absorb it all in silence for a moment.

  • Cat, it was the highlight of my summer, as well. I completely agree!

    It was crowded when I went in July, but not so much that my sisters and I couldn’t take our time and enjoy. I’ve never seen anything like this exhibit, and I’m grateful I got to experience it.

    It was gorgeous, breath-taking, surreal, and haunting.

  • wooow, tant pis I won’t be able to see it, the photos, the CLOTHES are incredible. He was a genius.

  • Thanks for sharing! The images are gorgeous! There’s an air of poignant beauty that’s so precious!

  • Went there with my daughter Olivia (4 years old) in May when we visited NYC. It was an amazing exhibition for both of us…………she was totally sold! Nice to see your images – refreshing the memories :)
    ….the little dancing model at the end made us cry!

  • Amazing! The creations, detailing, your captures are strikingly beautiful! Thank you for sharing these with us. :)

  • The creations are truly an artwork, but there’s something quite depressing about them. Nevertheless, it was wonderful to see these in pictures, and I am pretty sure it’s much much more in actuality.

  • This exhibit was absolutely amazing, the atmosphere was chilling and awe-inspiring at the same time. My sister and I went to see the exhibit twice, and I’m so glad the Met allowed you to take pictures for those who were not able to see it in person. Lovely posting.

  • J’ai pas eu le droit d’en faire mais j’ai pu en avoir 3!

  • it was my biggest wish to see it. too late and too far away. eff my life.

  • I’m just tortured that I missed this exhibit. They should run it through fashion week this year! And then have it travel. The rest of the country and the world needs the opportunity to see this genius in person!

  • I admire how you always find the word to express inexpressible things…Thank you!

  • J’ai trouvée ce post par hasard puis je ne le regrette
    pas du tout !!

  • Waouh!!! Ces photos sont magnifiques ! c’est superbe . Merci pour cette découverte !
    J’aurai adoré voir l’expo McQueen
    Merci encore

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