I love all the colors, prints and textures…but there is a little accessory that caught my eye – the lipstick color. I’m obsessing over it – what brand/color is it? Are all the models wearing the same color, because it is fantastic. Thank you for the post and your site is refreshing/stylish as always.
Euuuuhh là je suis perdu… Vraiment pas pour moi cette collection… Je ne craque pour pas grand chose et je suis presque à tout trouver too much/bling bling! Help me to understand Garance! :p
Wonderful clothes… and imagine… EVEN Tom Ford is doing bold colors and ethnic patterns!!! Have you seen it in London?
Diana http://www.intothefashion.com
she gets its so consistently RIGHT. i always love j.crew, every season. it’s such a strong brand identity, yet it’s still transforming, new and exciting every time!
La collection est pas mal du tout, mais ce que j’ai surtout remarqué en faite c’est leurs superrrrrrs rouge à lèvres !
P.s : This is Trending : une pépite, même si c’est vrai que la prochaine fois ce serait bien de ne pas porter de lunette pour être plus ”avec nous” si on peut dire ca comme sa :)
J.Crew has been such a yes this season! I was out for a while, the pastels just were going on and on… but this is much more edgy, with of course, the always classical pieces mixed in as well. http://lordashbury.com
Love the colors and the colorful riff on the (Japanese?) fireman’s jacket. Will be interesting to see if they sell many of the sweaters with the “mola” design. Collection? They are always interesting…but sometimes I think all women buy are the basics there.
When I first saw this collection I instantly fell in love with it! How they play with prints, colors and textures is fantastic! With almost every look I felt: “Oh, this is so me, I wanna wear this!” I’m really happy, that they deliver to Switzerland now! Thank you Garance for this pictures, they provide a more detailed look at some of the pieces :-) xxx
Ah J Crew, j’adore, les matieres et les imprimes sont tellement beaux! C’est une source d’inspiration a chaque collection! Ca donne envie de tout achete…
Though i LOVE ur site, whatsup w all this (free) advertising for J. Crew? First ur boyfriend Scott/Sartorialist treated us to a similar large spread, just a few days ago and now this… two is a trend, and a very sneeky one. Dont like to be fooled into thinking this is just
Garances favorite ‘pictures ‘ on the blog, this is ADVERTISING in the most blatant way , and very sneeky! Why Garance? Dont misleed ur loyal following. Why not just present it straight, as the advertising that it IS instead of passing it off as something else…thats a very subtle form of brainwashing u know. Really thought u’d be better then that ;-(
hope u give it some consideration,, my ‘critique’ comes from a good place, a place of respect and honest communication. Keep up doing the lovely work that u do, proficiat ! warmest regards from Barcelona
I LOVE J.Crew, I buy from there a lot, as well as Zara for example, as you may know if you’re a loyal follower.
They didn’t give me a cent for this, I have always been very clear with my readers that I don’t do paid post.
It just happens that the collection was amazing – this may be why Scott talked about it too.
It saddens me to see that what I really try to make clear on this blog didn’t come accross and reach you.
Please don’t accuse people in such a harsh way when you don’t know. It’s very rude and it hurts. It’s the Internet, yes, but it’s real people behind your screen.
C’est drôle, j’ai posté également quelques silhouettes de la présentation JCrew ce week-end, en ajoutant que c’était une belle source d’inspiration dans le mélange d’imprimés, de matières …tout comme toi quoi (et pourtant j’ai pas copié hein !) :-) http://www.mode9.fr
ooooohhhh love it ! ! (clapping my hands!!!) I have always kind of liked JCREW but now I am starting to love them!!! Just when I moved away from the USA … :( JCREW needs to come to Italy..
sometimes I go into a crazy internet search mode and lately I was searching for french chic or parisian (Parisienne?) style inspirations. google pointed to the book, Parisian Chic, by Ines de la Fressange (which I’ve read). and I was pointed to look books of Emmanuel Alt. the “traditional” Parisian clothing shapes are very similar to the JCrew silhouettes. even the clothing of Brigitte Bardot from “And God Created Woman” looked like it could have come from a JCrew catalog. I’m very curious how JCrew style will evolve in the future b/c their clothing bones seem quite traditional and tailored to me, will their prints and colors grow more and more crazier? I wonder where it will go.
I’m surprised at the gushing LOVE for this brand. I was in a store this weekend and it was a neon-Stepford-wife overload. I think they have a manipulative styling team that creates incredible “looks” for editorial which essentially fall short in real life.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
the 3 layer look, very architectural…
I love J Crew and Jenna Lyons so much, that’s insane
Xoxo Cory
they are good! :)
Dear Garance,
Thank you for this J. Crew impressions! Love the brand, it’s so coooool!!!! I’m happy that I now can order from Germany!
All the best from Bavaria. :-)
C’est magnifique !
Ce post 100 % mode est vraiment excellent Garance.
J.Crew is one of my faves, they create beautiful clothing and the price is somewhat reasonable. I really hope to get that leopard print cap.
Incredible… looks like you can always be bold with J. Crew!
I love all the colors, prints and textures…but there is a little accessory that caught my eye – the lipstick color. I’m obsessing over it – what brand/color is it? Are all the models wearing the same color, because it is fantastic. Thank you for the post and your site is refreshing/stylish as always.
I loved this JCrew show! So strong…I like that it feels like they’re still trying to push themselves.
I love J.Crew!! I love the direction they are headed season after season. Plus, the half-tuck is one of my go to styles!
Euuuuhh là je suis perdu… Vraiment pas pour moi cette collection… Je ne craque pour pas grand chose et je suis presque à tout trouver too much/bling bling! Help me to understand Garance! :p
J’aime le mélange des couleurs, et les imprimés, ça donne de la chaleur aux tenues. On en a un peu marre du noir-gris-marine de l’hiver !
Wonderful clothes… and imagine… EVEN Tom Ford is doing bold colors and ethnic patterns!!! Have you seen it in London?
Alex va devoir pimper des cols… vive les strass!!!
Super post! La collection est vraiment belle, et j’adore tous ces conseils!
I love this brand!!! these outfits combinations are fantastic!!!
she gets its so consistently RIGHT. i always love j.crew, every season. it’s such a strong brand identity, yet it’s still transforming, new and exciting every time!
january, x
Hello Garance !
La collection est pas mal du tout, mais ce que j’ai surtout remarqué en faite c’est leurs superrrrrrs rouge à lèvres !
P.s : This is Trending : une pépite, même si c’est vrai que la prochaine fois ce serait bien de ne pas porter de lunette pour être plus ”avec nous” si on peut dire ca comme sa :)
I love the op art prints!! So cool!! J. Crew always does amazingly!!
Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
J.Crew has been such a yes this season! I was out for a while, the pastels just were going on and on… but this is much more edgy, with of course, the always classical pieces mixed in as well.
give me that hat too! i love their embellished collars :)
Love the colors and the colorful riff on the (Japanese?) fireman’s jacket. Will be interesting to see if they sell many of the sweaters with the “mola” design. Collection? They are always interesting…but sometimes I think all women buy are the basics there.
Love. Color is life!
What is that lovely burgundy lipcolor? Particularly on the model in the “half tuck” picture.
I’m so glad this collection was featured here! I’m new to J crew but Jenna Lyons (PMF) roped me in! Now I’m totally obsessed. Love the edgier stuff.
******ps: check out J Crew’s tumblr page they discussed hair and makeup and listed the lipstick available at Sephora :-)
Merci Garance!
Ces vêtements sont tellement beaux ! Ca fait rêver :)
Merci de nous partager toutes ces magnifiques photos Garance
Amazing. So many ideas to steal.
I loooooove J.C Crew!!! I wish we had it in Poland. Greetings to you from snowy Krakow, Poland!
When I first saw this collection I instantly fell in love with it! How they play with prints, colors and textures is fantastic! With almost every look I felt: “Oh, this is so me, I wanna wear this!” I’m really happy, that they deliver to Switzerland now! Thank you Garance for this pictures, they provide a more detailed look at some of the pieces :-) xxx
Elbow length leather gloves are now officially on my shopping list for A/W 2013!
J’aime beaucoup quand tu parles avec les images! Les vêtements rentrées a moitié sont très Emmanuelle Alt aussi!
Great photos!! I love J.Crew!!! It’s cool, classic and modern at the same time!!
QUEL EST LA COULEUR/MARQUE de ce fantastique ROUGE à lèvres ? Il a une couleur cherry, burgundy whatever sublime ! Merciiiiiii
Ah J Crew, j’adore, les matieres et les imprimes sont tellement beaux! C’est une source d’inspiration a chaque collection! Ca donne envie de tout achete…
Though i LOVE ur site, whatsup w all this (free) advertising for J. Crew? First ur boyfriend Scott/Sartorialist treated us to a similar large spread, just a few days ago and now this… two is a trend, and a very sneeky one. Dont like to be fooled into thinking this is just
Garances favorite ‘pictures ‘ on the blog, this is ADVERTISING in the most blatant way , and very sneeky! Why Garance? Dont misleed ur loyal following. Why not just present it straight, as the advertising that it IS instead of passing it off as something else…thats a very subtle form of brainwashing u know. Really thought u’d be better then that ;-(
hope u give it some consideration,, my ‘critique’ comes from a good place, a place of respect and honest communication. Keep up doing the lovely work that u do, proficiat ! warmest regards from Barcelona
Alexia, this is crazy.
I LOVE J.Crew, I buy from there a lot, as well as Zara for example, as you may know if you’re a loyal follower.
They didn’t give me a cent for this, I have always been very clear with my readers that I don’t do paid post.
It just happens that the collection was amazing – this may be why Scott talked about it too.
It saddens me to see that what I really try to make clear on this blog didn’t come accross and reach you.
Please don’t accuse people in such a harsh way when you don’t know. It’s very rude and it hurts. It’s the Internet, yes, but it’s real people behind your screen.
Je suis une fidele adepte de J.Crew grace a J. Lyons.
J’aime beaucoup le rouge a levres et les coiffures “decoiffees”.
Number 6 – It means a lot!!!! Because I love that coat too!!!
Love the prints!!
C’est drôle, j’ai posté également quelques silhouettes de la présentation JCrew ce week-end, en ajoutant que c’était une belle source d’inspiration dans le mélange d’imprimés, de matières …tout comme toi quoi (et pourtant j’ai pas copié hein !) :-)
enfin un maquillqge qui rend belle..
Pfff, trop cool! J’adore définitivement J. Crew….
J’aime ces casquettes et l’étole. Qu’on ne trouve pas sur leur site ?! Alors où ?!!
Si vous avez la réponse… !
Garance, I was all falling out of love with JCrew. And you just reversed that!
<3 Maybe you can do a JCrew collab next? I swear I would buy EVERYTHING.
Alors là <3
Mon coeur bat la chamade ! Tout est splendide :)
ooooohhhh love it ! ! (clapping my hands!!!) I have always kind of liked JCREW but now I am starting to love them!!! Just when I moved away from the USA … :( JCREW needs to come to Italy..
Love their bold fall/winter collection!!! I was a little worried when Marissa Webb stepped away.
sometimes I go into a crazy internet search mode and lately I was searching for french chic or parisian (Parisienne?) style inspirations. google pointed to the book, Parisian Chic, by Ines de la Fressange (which I’ve read). and I was pointed to look books of Emmanuel Alt. the “traditional” Parisian clothing shapes are very similar to the JCrew silhouettes. even the clothing of Brigitte Bardot from “And God Created Woman” looked like it could have come from a JCrew catalog. I’m very curious how JCrew style will evolve in the future b/c their clothing bones seem quite traditional and tailored to me, will their prints and colors grow more and more crazier? I wonder where it will go.
I’m surprised at the gushing LOVE for this brand. I was in a store this weekend and it was a neon-Stepford-wife overload. I think they have a manipulative styling team that creates incredible “looks” for editorial which essentially fall short in real life.