11 years ago by Garance Doré
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camicia Equipement?????
sorriso favoloso !!!!
I’m wearing the exact same leather short on my blog right now, check it out!!
Paris-New York Fashion Blog
The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog, NEW POST! Street Chic – White Choc
The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
Xoxo Cory
she’s so beautiful and she looks interesting. i’d like to know more about her! :)
camicia Equipement?????
sorriso fantastico!!!!!
Yess! that’s My style! How can we call it? Decontractee Chique? Classy Casual?
Her smile is so spontaneous and full of delight! She looks elegantly “low key” and inspiring in her style. Thank you for this lovely photo!
Beautiful smile and I love her leather short!
Chemise Equipement ? J’aimerais en avoir une de (presque) toutes les couleurs.
Garance, je ne sais pas si tu ne photographies que des gens beaux ou si c’est a travers ton objectif qu’ils le deviennent, mais cette photo s’ajoute aux innombrables clichés qui me font revenir ici tous les jours avec le même émerveillement. J’aimerai avoir la chance de te croiser au hasard d’une rue parisienne moi aussi.
Bravo pour ce talent.
Beautiful! I wish we could see her shoes.
Elle est superbe !
2 important pieces this season silk louse and dress shorts….she wears it well..
And the blouse has the perfect degree of slouch!
I wish it was a full body shot. I want to know what shoes she is wearing. Black? Brown? Sandals? What goes with that outfit ? Anyone?
Great shirt, paired with a gorgeous smile.
gorgeous look and pretty girl.
LOVE mustard yellow with black!
So posh! She looks just gorgeously confident yet FUN :)
Great outfit, great shot, beautiful girl!
gorgeous photo! i love her little necklace and that mustard yellow is beautiful xx
Gorgeous shot, Garance!!
Elle est très belle! Moi qui ne jure que par le noir, j’adore cet éclat de soie jaune. Et son sourire! Merci de rappeler que rien ne peut nous rendre plus belles.
elle est parfaite !
But if you carry on this wa-aaay, things are better if I staaaay… (come on, I’m not the only one who mentally sings this every time someone says “Helena”, right? :D)
Anyway, I love how cool and careless she looks, and what a beautiful smile!
Il n’y a rien de plus beau qu’un immense sourire. Et une tenue géniale, of course!
Mafalda ?
J’adore son chemisier))
Very nice shirt. Great day.
Cette fille est très jolie et j’adore sa tenue!
She is gorgeous and her outfit looks amazing on her!
such a beautiful photo!
I’m wearing leathershorts too here:
Beautifully simple and happy. Love the yellow
I love the her shirt, the color and the style is really nice!!
I loved it!!!!!!!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
Cet été nous avons souvent remarqué que les filles portent des chemises à manches longues, c’est chic, bien plus qu’un dénudé…mais bon, avec la chaleur, il faut le supporter
Wow, her smile and that look are so appealing. A post on equivalent looks for blondes vs. dark hair would be fun. Does a blonde have to anchor the look with Camel colored shorts for a similar balance?
Her style is amazing but her best asset is her gorgeous style
Check my blog : http://www.fashionodor.com/
Gorgeous! A perfectly simple and chic way to wear leather in summer.
Great smile and personality ! Her name is Helena Sicupira , she´s brazilian and the owner of Etoiles ( http://www.etoiles.com.br ) , a lovely brand !
And her father is one of the owners of InBev ( the world’s largest brewer with nearly 25 percent global market share and the third largest fast-moving consumer goods company by firm value ) .
Je suis littéralement sous le charme de cette chemise…. Il me la faut!!!
Quelle est la marque s’il te plait? Merciiiii beaucoup!
J’adore ces chemises légères et fluides. Il faut absolument que je m’en trouve une pour cette saison !
Love her shirt! Mustard yellow is such a hard colour to pull off.
Love her smile!! and outfit! Gorgeous woman. xo Hanneke
Elle est magnifique ! Quel style !
Elle est très jolie ! J’aime beaucoup sa tenue, la chemise moutarde associée avec le short en cuir, splendide ;)
I love her Style!
I guess she had a purse, as a purse designer I’m kind of obessed about them since I started, I can see her style with a tiny Ethnic touch, with The Clutch Tela Rouge Umu T on http://www.umuthandbags.com/#!product/prd1/861411891/tela-rouge