Getting Creative
10 years ago by
I know what you’re going to say, since we talked about it the other day in the comments about Ji Hye Park’s suspenders: overalls aren’t for everyone, you have to be super skinny, etc. Let me be the first to say that if anyone can understand, it’s me, with my very discreet body type that’s all right angles.
But that doesn’t stop me from trying one on from time to time. Every time I do, I cry laugh for two seconds, and then forget about it.
So what are we supposed to think now that people are getting creative with suspenders?
In theory, it’s a catastrophic idea to wear both suspenders on one side – it’s something a 12 year old kid might be able to pull off (Punky Brewster, are you there?)(What, you don’t know Punky Brewster?)(OMG we have to do her bio for you) but actually, here, with the neutral colors and, you have to admit, that big, genuine smile, I find it super charming.
Ok, so I’ve got three things to say about this photo:
1/ Suspenders are IN which means I am OUT.
2/ Sometimes it’s ok to go along with the weird, creative trends that pop up (remember Kriss Kross and their backwards pants? No? OMG we have to do their bio for you)
3/ And sometimes not. (Miley’s boob stickers at the Wang party were a bit TOO creative)(What do you mean it has nothing to do with suspenders?) (Ok, fine, I’m jet lagged, ok??)
What do you think?
Translated by Andrea Perdue
Love the way she puts her “bretelles”, love her light pink top with her very white trousers, and oui oui oui love her smile!
Giveaway on my blog: LANVIN pochette!
this is so cool! i would have never considered it! :P
Garance, you are hilarious! And, yes, I do remember Kriss Kross and Punky Brewster!
<3 from,
Oui oui oui et encore oui aux bretelles, bien que ce soit une marque de non confiance en son froc …. le comble sera bretelle + ceinture qui là, marque une totale défiance à son pantalon.
Oui alors pour les stickers a cornets de glace de Miley, là je pense sincèrement qu’on touche le fond!! Ca devient grave arrêtez-la! non pas que je sois choquée par son choix “non vestimentaire” mais là nan elle en fait trop!! Surtout combiné avec les paillettes genre ecchymoses “je me fais taper dessus”….
Saperlipopette du coup j’ai oublié de cque je pensais de la salopette!!
I love how she wears this piece!
XOX, Gap.
I think she looks super cool, but I guess I couldn’t oull this off…
Gorgeous colors! Especially in combination with her long dark hair. On her, suspenders, YES!
Love how she wears them! YES.
Yes it looks great on her..she has a boyish look and it works perfectly on her…the suspenders on one side doesn’t add anything special in my opinion could be nice too symmetrically …
Yael Guetta
Je n’ai d’yeux que pour la chemise (Equipement ?)
Nice picture, but belt AND suspenders, still no. Only on 90 year old guys.
Cool look!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
I believe this is Kamilya Kuspan! Love her style
She’s too cool for school!
Oh mon dieu, Punky Brewster! Punky Brewster! J’avais complètement oublié… j’ai des larmes aux yeux grâce à toi : )
Hi Garance,
I just wanted to have your opinion on this picture:
I can’t remember their names, but I know that at least two of these women are your friends.
I mean, she’s quite adorable and she’s wearing these overalls, they’re not wearing her. Which tends to be the problem with any trend. People tend to look more costume-y and less like the trend is something they use to express something within. She. Kills. This.
I love getting creative with my style
She’s young, gorgeous and adorable – the perfect age to have fun with your clothes, experiment, try new things that might or might not work. (I tried suspenders on a younger, thinner self years ago with a pair of very high-waisted pants. Sexy on my tall, broad-shouldered friend, “Newsies” on me!). You’ve got to feel free to play, otherwise you’re going to find yourself stuck in a rut by the time you hit middle age, and then it’s much more challenging to experiment as much. Go for it!
Très jolie façon de rendre les bretelles encore plus désirables! ;)
Very nice. xa
This is very stylish.
J’adore l’idée, je trouve ça super original!
Lovely picture and outfit!!
Mónica Sors
Le tout est dans la manière d’assumer et de les porter ! Ici, rien à dire, c’est top, mais sur moi rien à faire ça ne passe pas.
Really cool look! She is beautiful
C’est très délicat avec ces couleurs pastelles et comme les bretelles sont fines ça n’alourdit pas du tout la silhouette. bref elle est charmante !
Baci, Ali
a mon modeste avis quand on est cool comme cette fille ici,et quand on a cette sourire et attitude on peut tout se permettre
Bonjour Garance,
Je crois que la fashion week parisienne est vraiment terminée… Plus de Garance Doré en terrasse du Malabar… Je bosse juste à côté! Tu as raison, ce resto contraste avec le chinois d’à côté, nettement moins glam! ;)
Bon retour dans la grosse pomme.
Mon mini avis : il y a une juste dose de cool… Très frais tout en restant classe… parfait avec ses cheveux libres et son make-up non ostentatoire !
Beau et épuré… mais effectivement, je n’imagine pas n’importe qui avec les bretelles du même côté !
Does not work if you have breasts.
Love the idea! x
Je n’aime pas tellement j’avoue, mais avec son sourire et ce visage, elle peut carrément tout se permettre !
If you are a real woman you have boobs and you should have (not all should be c or d but ….) then you can’t have suspenders, that’s why originally it is for men. And this photo is ridiculous, is crazy nothing about it is creative or nice, still like an airhead 12 years old boy jumping and bouncing around
It is cool on the pic, but in real life, I think it will look weird… like a mistake.
Oh mon Dieu ! Punky Brewster et Kriss Kross !!! Que de souvenirs !! Aujourd’hui je retrousse mon jean et je mets des chaussettes dépareillées :)
Merci Garance.
Ah, the adolescent but amusing differences in meaning of the same word between current American and current English.
I wear braces with suits, and mid migraine once got them on like that, very uncomfortable. It is nice to see braces back in style though, they can add an accent to an outfit. A friend used to wear them almost as a signature with a long, full, cord skirt a little loose around the waist.
Les bretelles ? Pourquoi pas !! à mon gout, je préfère pour une allure plus classe et rétro, mettre un tailleur, voici un blog que je vous conseille fortement afin de tous connaitre sur le tailleur