8 years ago by
And voilà: Episode Two!
Pardon My French is such a wonderful way to meet with people I admire… This time, I sat down at one of my favorite restaurants, Navy, with the fantastic (and beautiful and stylish) Zosia Mamet. You probably know her from HBO’s Girls where she plays everybody’s favorite, Shoshana. I have always adored her from afar, and felt like we were already best friends from her column in American Glamour – where she gives her point of view on love, style, life… (Oh, wait – does that remind you of anything ?!).
I loved that conversation. I felt like I could listen to her for hours. I won’t say more and just let you enjoy – and get to know a little bit more – of Zosia Mamet. Here are excerpts, but I higly recommend you download the full version – which is about an hour – and go take a walk with us in your ears. Or start baking a cake ? Or go have a tea with us ? Or walk your dog ? Drive your car ? Download for your next plane ride ? Gosh, I just love podcasts !
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Pardon My French is produced in partnership with The Outnet.

On the magic of movies
“My earliest memories are being in a theater backstage or on a movie set with either of my parents. From as soon as I can remember, it felt so magical to me.”
On yoga (or being cliché and hippie but happy)
“This sounds so cliché and hippie but I found yoga a couple of years ago and I do it every day and that helps a lot [with the stress of rejection from acting jobs]”
On the hardest part of having an epiphany
“The hardest thing about having an epiphany is what you do after you have it. You can have as many epiphanies as you want but it’s how you then apply that newfound knowledge to your life that actually makes the change.”
On relationships
“A relationship is never going to be perfect. I always say that it’s not that it should feel easy. It should feel enjoyable, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever be challenging. But it shouldn’t be hard. Challenging and hard are two very different things.”
On long distance relationships
“My boyfriend and I use this quote all the time. When [Alexa Chung] would talk about having to leave and being long distance and her mom would be like: absence makes the heart grow fonder. But also – out of site, out of mind!”
On subconsciously forgetting that she’s always being watched… (on HBO!)
“Maybe that’s something that happens subconsciously in my mind. I forget that thousands of people can just tune in to HBO and watch what I do whenever they want. I think that’s what kind of happened in my writing. I never really said: alright, I’m going to be honest today and spill all. I also never really thought: I shouldn’t say that because, how many people subscribe to Glamour?”
On needing to want it all
“We’re taxed as women – in this day and age – to want it all, but what does that even mean?”
On being strong but vulnerable too
“I also feel like women who say they want to find a husband or that they want to be taken care of are considered anti-feminist or weak, but there’s nothing wrong with that! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be taken care of. Wanting to be a strong woman and wanting to have a partner who loves you aren’t mutually exclusive.”
On all the maintenance things
“A few weeks ago we were doing press and I had to go do all the maintenance things in one day. I got a facial, a wax, dyed my hair, and did my nails. It literally took all day, and by the end of it I was fucking exhausted, and I was like – who are these women that do this every week?!”
On sometimes choosing vegetable soup over red carpets
“We realized, five minutes into talking about this soup, that we’d rather be talking about vegetable soup in this tiny, hole-in-the-wall restaurant than be at this party that most of New York would kill to be at.”
Special thanks to Navy!
Pardon My French is sponsored by The Outnet, one of my favorite places to shop for my favorite designers at a fraction of the price. Super happy for their support, which makes this podcast possible. Paris Fashion Week may have just ended but Parisian style is forever. Use code PFW15 for an extra 15% off The Outnet’s edit of Parisian designers through the weekend. Bon courage!
Shosana what an amazing character..i wonder if it doesn’t follow her everywhere….and i am not so sure about being blond…i feel she is much more a brunette…
Yael Guetta
i liked the latest tokyo-based and shoshana-heavy episode of girls! :)
I love the hat you’re wearing! Cute!
Love your point on micro-resolutions – making small changes every day. It’s a good motivational point as sometimes we set-up heavy goals and because they “feel” so heavy we hardly see the end and the results.
What a wonderful interview, she is such an inspiration!
She’s so cool! Great interview x
I looooove listening to your podcasts, your voice lifts me up and makes me smile :)
Great work and interview.
D. ?
Great podcast!!! I really enjoyed listening to you guy’s!!!
I really love listening to your podcast
Garance, bravo to you for going from a medium that’s very visual (though I’ve always been drawn to your writing even more than to your photos) to a medium that’s completely non-visual. It’s audacious, but you have succeeded.
Guuuuuuys! “out of SIGHT, out of mind.”
un très chouette entretien, je l’ai écouté hier soir… et une phrase qui m’est restée en tête et qui m’a beaucoup plu c’est ce que Zosia dit à propos du choix: “trop de choix ne rend pas plus heureux, au contraire” – cette réflexion est super intéressante et très vraie aussi, c’est un peu le drame de notre société: toujours avoir le choix entre des milliers de possibilités, fait que nous sommes très difficilement satisfaits – parce qu’on aurait toujours pu trouver mieux. Quoiqu’on en dise, je crois que ça arrive à tout le monde… et mine de rien, ça nous met la pression au quotidien. Ca m’a pas mal fait réfléchir et j’aimerais essayer de m’en libérer, de ne plus me laisser distraire ou pire aveugler par toutes ces possibilités pour me concentrer sur ce que je désire vraiment, ce qui m’apporte vraiment quelque chose. Savoir s’écouter et lâcher prise, allez on y va :)
D’autres podcasts
sur d’autres modes
d’autres mondes
Mes “Instantanés du monde”!
Hey Garance/the studio! I’ve searched for a comment or something in previous pardon my french episodes but didn’t find any answer, I was wondering which podcasts do you listen to Garance since you said you’re a big podcast listener? I speak french so if some are in french it’s great as well. Thank you in advance for the suggestions! xx Jordane
I would love to see your podcast recommendations too (French too)
Etrange, à cause du classement “Explicit content”, je ne peux pas écouter le podcast sur mon iPhone! Enchainée à mon ordi au boulot, c’est bien moins marrant… Est-ce que c’est obligé de mettre ce petit E sur iTunes? En tout cas, le contenu est extra! bonne continuation!
Love Zosia Mamet! I really enjoyed the podcast, but I found the background noise to be distracting at times.
Great post!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
You ladies both look so beautiful. I’m loving the podcasts, thanks for doing them! Also, I was thinking today, you’re like a real life Carrie Bradshaw. How fabulous.
Yes!! This was so good. Thank you :)
Nice post :)
J’ai essayé le podcast car je suis curieuse de Zosia mais 1h d’anglais-américain (= peu articulé vu de l’Europe où on apprend l’anglais UK où les sons sont plus variés, plus scandés et moins grattés ou étouffés en fond de gorge), je n’y arrive pas, trop de mots non compris, j’ai arrêté au bout de 10’… :(
Est-ce que tu pourrais essayer le podcast avec aussi une vidéo, ça aide à comprendre ou à patienter lorsque certains passages sont difficiles, et un sous-titrage (automatique ou non) ?
J’ai peur que l’audio simple sans autre option de compréhension pour les non-bilingues perdent une partie de l’audience, en tout cas c’est sur que c’est un cran au-dessus de mon niveau et que je ne pourrai pas les suivre :(
I adored this week’s podcast, really loved the direction you took with it. Zosia Mamet sounds like a really cool young woman. I don’t want to sound like a cliche but it was really inspiring! Namaste :)
Dear Garance,
Thank you so much for these podcasts — and this one with Zosia was excellent! Because my husband is mostly retired and I work from home, I don’t get a lot of time alone. While he and I often listen to podcasts together while cooking dinner, your podcasts have provided some much appreciated “me” time when I can just put on my headphones and enjoy being in my own space. And although I am twenty years older than you and old enough to be Zosia’s mother, I found a lot of wisdom in that conversation, which covered many things I have struggled with myself. Looking back, I wish I could have been a bit easier on myself and understood that I WAS enough just as I was.
Also, a comment about your hair. As trying as you may find it, I sent a link to your first instagram shot of the new, curlier ‘do (you were wearing that gorgeous white Coach coat) to my hairdresser who posted it on FB and incited quiet a lovely conversation about it. The upshot is that you have encouraged me to stop fighting the curl and today he really nailed my haircut.
So, yay! Thank you on all counts.
Sooo great! you definitely turned me into a podcast addict.
which other podcast would you recommend (FR & EN)? thank you!!
Thank you!!! These podcasts are so great! – and you’ve definitely turned me into a podcast addict. Are there any other that you can recommend (FR or EN)? thank you!
Genial !
Merci Garance pour m’avoir fait découvrir le monde du podcast…
Et là… Bel échange: vous êtes trop chou: CON…GRA..TU…LA…TIONS :)
Cette jeune femme a vraiment plus d’une réflexion interessante dans son sac.
Tant de centrage et de sensations REELLES.
C’est beau, vous êtes superbes.
Vivement demain
Loved it Garance, thank you for finding the perfect girls to interview! always such an inspiration!
I love Zosia :) she is awesome
Great interview, as always, Garance asks the most entertaining and pertinent questions.
Zosia is such a great actress and writer, I found her very inspiring and interesting, However, as a single lady, I found it difficult to relate to a big big part of the content of that interview, as Zosia is very in the “we” talking, referring to her and her S/O, all the time, and talking about principles/views of life that can only apply/ be pertinent when you are in a relationship.She seems to define herself so much with her couple, as authentic as she seems to be, the scope of this interview might be restraint, to a certain level.
Yaay I love Zosia! Terri x
I adored this! It was like eavesdropping on two charming, lovely and talented girlfriends in a cafe.
I just had to include a link to this in my blog.
nice work good
oooh nice