
11 years ago by

I have to confess, I am not a huge fan of Cos – but since we don’t have it in New York, I can’t not go and take a look when I am in Paris.

This time, I found something. I grabbed these rings without overthinking it – they’re pretty cheap so you can get a bunch. Ever since I’ve been wearing them on each finger or as first knuckle rings, and everybody’s been asking me where they are from. Okay, it’s not like they’re Balenciaga, but they look seriously cool!


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  • Pacifique May, 16 2013, 4:15 / Reply

    eh ben moi j’aime bien COS. J’aime leur côté “retour vers le futur” ou “Startrek” des année 2010. Pour être sûr de ne pas se tromper chez eux, il y a un truc im-pa-ra-ble à faire, c’est ESSAYER. Car la plupart de leur vêtements ne sont pas faits pour être portés mais pour être regardés ! :-) Et parfois, hop, par hasard, on trouve un truc.

  • They’re really cool AND cheaper then Balenciaga. What’s not to youlike?
    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
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    Xoxo Cory

  • :-( Garance n’est pas fan de COS??? J’y trouve toujours quelque chose à mon goût. Aujourd’hui petite robe simple manches trois quarts, double ceinture toute fine et gilet couleur menthe. Classe et pas cher. Parfait pour une journée au bureau. Moi je suis donc fan!

  • I actually am a huge Cos fan, I think the quality/price ratio is pretty amazing and I love them for basic pieces. I’ve also found great shoes and bags there as well, their wool sweaters and t-shirts are perfection, their pants fit me perfectly and I even bought a bikini there recently. So yeah, that means I love pretty much everything there:

    Like I said, I’m a fan!

  • I love COS too, I think you’re right the quality for the price is great. They do perfect simple, modern staples which would fit in most girls wardrobes.
    Love it, love these rings an Garance you should love COS too!


    The Eleganter

    The Eleganter

    The Eleganter

  • Aaaah ! C’est là qu’on peut trouver la version budget ! Super, merci pour l’info. D’abord ce défilé, et puis j’ai vu les mains d’une amie baguées de ces “tuyaux”… Il me les faut !

  • Très jolies ces bagues, j’aime beaucoup leur effet mat! La photo est super!

  • Marina B. May, 16 2013, 4:49 / Reply

    Des bagues en photo et tu es à Las Vegas…..Mhm…. Il y aurait-il un lien…?

  • I’ve done exactly the same thing as well! Big fan of wearing the same rings on each digits. Wearing thin black rings on your hands give an illusion of tattoo and it’s fun to see people look twice.

  • j’ai acheté exactement les mêmes il y a pas longtemps! sur le site nastygal, on me demande souvent si ce sont des balenciaga d’ailleurs…
    J’aime beaucoup

    ;) des bisous

  • Ooh, I was so against most of the knuckle ring trend until you showed us these… Love!
    Sometimes even cheap jewelry hits just the right spot. Lady, you are stylin’.

  • Je ne peux que te tirer mon chapeau sur ce coup-là. Je ne suis pas non plus une grosse fan de COS, j’y rentre de temps en temps, histoire de voir, on ne sait jamais, mais j’ai l’impression que je ne pourrais jamais rien porter de ce qu’ils font. (Je ne suis pas trop fan de la mode StarTreck / StarWars). Et là, bravo, tu as réussi à trouver l’Accessoire ultime à aller choper chez eux… Chapeau, mais alors, chapeau bas !

  • je les veux!

  • Since you don’t have COS in NYC, we most definitely would never get it here in Hawaii. :( These rings are ever so edgy and chic without even trying! Great find, ma’am!

    Love + aloha, Mae Xx //

  • We like visit COS but always is difficult find something to put on it. We agree.

  • Ha, I like it and I like to buy some cheep things too. Because they are perfect and I can always find something there. Have a nice day.

  • Of course they’re not Balenciaga, but they’re cute. Those rings by Balenciaga are so beautiful…

  • Charlotte May, 17 2013, 2:23 / Reply

    Hi Garance! COS is my favourite. I wonder why to you it is something to confess? Just curious :) you love Zara, and other stories etc. I can only think of COS as a ‘better’ version of those shops.
    Have a nice day! (Those rings are pretty and cool, pretty cool!)

  • dilliedash May, 17 2013, 2:52 / Reply

    I love cos. its the only high street store that sells good quality basics that are stylish and affordable. what’s not to like about it? it is far better than zara, which looks cheap, and their things never last long. cos have a great online store, try it!

  • camille reddress May, 17 2013, 2:58 / Reply

    you are so honest garance. you crack me up on a daily basis.

  • Maybe simple but so trendy!

  • Ben je les ai pas vu chez COS. faut que j’ouvre mieux les yeux la prochaine fois car elles sont vraiment top

  • moi j’y trouve rarement des choses, chez COS, mais quand on trouve, c’est trèèès joli… Exemple, ces sandales:
    ou cette robe marinière:

  • Je ne suis pas une grande fan non plus mais je pense qu’on peut trouver des ptites perles !

  • Oh, how cool! I’m off to COS today! xx

  • I love them! They are cool… I do like COS. Sometimes it can be described as a brand for intergalactic nuns with those weird fabrics (neoprene and stuff) and those sober and prudent cuts but they have some pretty nice basics. My favourite tees in the world are COS and I have a long black cotton dress that is my must every Summer since I bought it!!

  • Ces bagues ressemblent exactement à l’alliance de ma mère. A l’époque (+ dans un pays communiste) c’était avant-garde. Dernièrement je lui ai dit qu’elle devait la porter car ce design me semblait actuel.

  • Je suis d’accord avec @Pacifique, il faut essayer chez Cos , parce que c’est vrai que c’est tellement minimaliste que c’est souvent boring mais avec une meuf dedans, ça change tout :-)

  • I love how these look on other people but for some reason they just don’t suit my hands! :'(

  • Obviously Chanel, Balenciaga, Stella McCartney are all amazing, but so are their price tags! I hope you’re not losing perspective on what a working girl can afford to look chic Garance. COS manages to mix quality with an edge a la Helmut Lang. COS clothes and accessories have a deceitful simplicity but fans know that a subtle pocket here, strip of leather there or zip there goes a long way!

    I appreciate COS stuff because it doesn’t cost a months wages and more often than not people quiz me asking if Im wearing a high end designer when in fact its COS! Not sure why you’re not a fan. Give it another shot! They also make great boots :-)

  • Chère Garance,

    Vous lisant régulièrement et appréciant votre ton, j’espère que vous ne découvrez pas qu’il n’y a pas besoin de grands moyens pour faire un bel effet…
    Pourquoi n’aimez-vous pas COS? style? qualité?

  • Garance! I love your blog, but I also love Cos and, more recently, & Other Stories. I’m drawn to the quality, affordability and clever looks. I find their pieces much better quality than Zara, which I know you love. I would be really interested to hear why you’re not such a fan of these shops. I’m itching to know! I would have thought you’d love their product and content. A post on your thoughts about the H&M group’s more upscale ventures, perhaps..?


  • I’m also not a huge fan of COS, but god these rings are just the thing I’d grab from the store. Pretty cool :)!


  • I love Cos even more than Zara, their garments have a better quality and these rings are really cool!!!

  • I also bought a ring from COS this summer and everyone compliments on it.

  • love them!

    I recently purchased something similar from the Vintage Market down the street from the BK Flea. The local NY Jewellery Artist, Cynthia Bakoff’ makes beautiful rings and such. I purchased a thick band with a knot on top and one of those dainty thin little bands. Small enough that I wear both as the knuckle rings some days and a pinky the other <3


  • Although I do like Cos on principle I rarely end up buying anything there. I have this theory that it’s a store that gains with familiarity. Like, the more you go, the more you like it (there are quite a few like that). I suppose it’s to do with the fact that they sell basics with a twist.
    But I have a dress fomr tere that’s pretty amazing and a skirt that I wear all the time.


  • Je les aime vraiment beaucoup, je vais aller voir sur leur site! J’avais acheté ceux de chez ASOS mais rien qu’en les mettant, ils ont fait des “bulles”, la qualité était mauvaise, donc j’étais restée sur ma faim…

  • Comment ça tu n’aimes pas Cos ?! Shame on you. Bon ok, moi je n’aime pas les Birkenstock !

    Superbes ces bagues :)


  • Someina May, 17 2013, 2:50 / Reply

    What do you do when you already have an engagement ring and wedding ring? How do married people “blend” cool rings like that with their existing rings? I feel guilty replacing the wedding and engagement rings, even if it is just for a few hours! Arghhhhh….

  • Ideal Cheese May, 17 2013, 3:13 / Reply

    Call me a snob till the cows come home, but COS and & Other Stories are the only “cheap” shops in Paris that make things I want (and frequently buy). Weekday is another great choice (only available online at and they currently have up a lovely jewelry collab with Sophie Bille Brahe.

  • I love Cos. I really wish they would do shipping to the US or seriously hurry up and open a store in California!

  • Why aren’t you a fan of COS????
    I think they are brilliant!

  • ljubim May, 18 2013, 8:46 / Reply

    Merci pour ce post! je n’avais pas repéré ces bagues dans la magasin, elles sont magnifiques. Pour ma part, je suis fan de Cos. Je trouve leur vêtements bien coupés et de bonne qualité. Je n’aime pas tout, mais je trouve toujours quelques choses à mon goût. Je salue l’arrivée de COS à Paris – pour les filles qui (comme moi) passent leurs journées au bureau, ces vêtements permettent d’être élégante, différente et surtout d’être très à l’aise.

  • A similar feeling … Adin & Royale’s beauitful gold rings & statement cuffs

  • Veronica May, 18 2013, 9:41 / Reply

    Hi Garance,
    i’m currently going through a “just rings period”. All different kinds, I loved Balenciaga’s ones but WAAAAY too expensive for a student wallet.
    I run into this ring italian gold and silver ring e shop, have a look when you get a chance I think you might like them! They are super simple but very chic!
    Here’s the website:

  • I’ m a great fan of Cos, and so is my daughter, 19. I used to shop at Max Mara, Marella, Tiger, DvF and similar brands. Since COS arrived in Helsinki, I keep finding simple, comfortable, well cut and reasonably priced items every time I enter the store. So does my daughter, even though our age difference is nearly 40 years.

  • Souvent chez COS il faut essayer car sur cintre ça ne rend rien et une fois enfilé miracle ^^

  • Hi Garance, to thank you for sharing your amazing work and joys I want to share something with you and readers (perhaps you already know) I came across a fantastic jewellery designer called Estelle Deve she is French and based in Australia I think you will like her rings and jewellery. They are artisan and beautifully made.
    Polly xxx

  • Bb de la Branche May, 22 2013, 6:53 / Reply

    Déceptiooooon Garance Doré the star n’est pas fan de COS, mais comment ça ?? je réquisitionne un post illico pour comprendre le pourquoi du comment. C’est juste la marque la mieux taillée, la plus arty et moderne pour des si petits prix!!! Avoue que quand on ne peut pas passer chez Balanciaga, Chanel, Saint Laurent et j’en passe, à ce prix là et pour éviter d’être une copie conforme Sandro Maje Kooples, il n’y a plus que ça!

  • Can’t seem to order this from COS website. They don’t ship to the US. Where can I buy this besides their website? Really love this.

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