clare vivier garance dore cfda photos

Clare and I on our way to the CFDA

9 years ago by

Last Monday, I attended the CFDA ceremony with Clare Vivier.

We’ve told you about Clare’s work before – she makes very cool bags and clutches and that night, since she’s a Council member, she asked me to be her “date”. I was super flattered, and thrilled to go with her.

The CFDA awards are the fashion event of the year. Everyone from the American fashion world is there – it’s got that very New York vibe – a bit high society, still relaxed.
It’s nothing like the red carpets in Cannes or Hollywood, which are more formal with all the long dresses, Spanx, drama, and blah blah blah.

Once again, I worked with Sarah on my outfit, and Clare decided to join in the mix too. We knew we’d be side by side all evening, so we might as well come up with our looks together! Clare looked amazing in a flowy Max Mara suit and Aquazurra shoes (and obviously, we both wore her clutches) and I…

I decided to go with something slightly daring.

I wore gold sequin pants with a top that was short in the back and long in the front – it’s the kind of thing I probably could have come up with at home, but that I never would have dared to wear outside. Which is one of the problems all girls encounter at some time or another.

Is what I’m wearing okay for the dress code? Is there a dress code? Am I going to be the only crazy one? Should I tone it down immediately? That’s often my concern – it’s what always makes me go back to more classic outfits, like the usual cocktail dress, or a long evening gown.
And I have nothing against either one of those things, but honestly, they only look so-so on me. Especially when I find myself lost in the middle of a crowd of supermodels who could wear any dress and still look stunningly beautiful.

So what I’m learning now is that the best thing to do is to be different.

I think that’s Sarah’s motto as well. And even if the shy little girl in me was a little taken aback when I first saw this outfit, as soon as I tried it on, I thought it was a really great idea.

Of course, for two seconds, I told myself it might be a total catastrophe – like, I’d be arrested by the fashion police immediately right in front of the red carpet, but I also told myself it wasn’t a big deal, really – not a big deal at all. I’ve always thought fashion should be a place where you can experiment and express yourself, and I’ve never really had a huge ego about it. I try one thing, I grow and change, I try something else, I make mistakes, I share what I’ve learned with you, and honestly, there’s no need to get all dramatic about it.

So off I went…with my gold sequin pants :)

And it all went really well. As weird as it is for me to say, I’m starting to get some practice doing the “step and repeat” – or the art of the red carpet: you walk a few feet, then stop for another wave of photos. You feel pretty ridiculous but, just like anything, you get used to it. You even get used to striking a pose and holding it. And you tell yourself you should work on that pose a little more, actually. You know how to look to the left, then to the right, when the photographers call your name. You also get used to the photographers becoming totally disinterested in you as soon as a real celebrity (Kimye?) steps onto the red carpet. Plus, when you have a date, it’s great – you can hold on to her for dear life, and even try to hide behind her a little bit. Thank you, Clare, for holding my hand.

The next day, I obviously didn’t look at any of the comments about the outfits at the CFDA, since my number one advice for life is “Never Google Yourself”, but I got lots of super sweet comments and texts, and apparently Clare and I made it onto the “best dressed dates” list. Ahah.

As I was saying the other day, besides doing the hard work of searching for outfits for me, this is another reason why having a stylist is great.
Sarah encouraged me to wear something I never would have dared to wear on my own…


Garance wears: Blouse, Hellessy ; Pants, Sass & Bide ; Jewelry, Phyne by Paige Novick ; Bag, Clare Vivier ; Heels, Christian Louboutin.

Clare wears: Suit, Max Mara; Heels, Aquazurra; Bag, Clare Vivier.

Translated by Andrea Perdue


Add yours
  • Total success on your daring outfit choice! Without the long in the back, short in the front top it may not have been so eye catching. Bravo!


  • You always look Great Garance..your legs are great and sequins shows them more…my point of view of this events is to wear a top which is strong because in most of the press will see the top and not the bottom..rare are the total look pictures..and when you sit we see only the top…
    Yael Guetta

  • Tu as bien raison d’essayer des tenues légèrement osées car celle-ci est vraiment très réussie !
    Et puis la mode ne permet-elle pas toutes les fantaisies? C’est l’audace qui l’a fait évolué !


  • Sunny Side June, 5 2015, 9:59 / Reply

    ET … c’est carrément réussi !

  • Garance, I have been a great fan for a long time and appreciate your candid & engaging approach that brings your readers along. You generously share your own insecurities, decision dilemmas and evolution – helpful for many to identify, take comfort and inspiration. Bravo. If I may though, with the best intentions, I must admit that some of the extensive self-justifications as of late (eg. feign distance to judgements but keep playing the sympathy card & trying to orient opinions) is a bit wearing. You are better than this! Best.

  • It’s really a sign of the social media times. No one can write anything nowadays without getting a backlash. Even this comment I wrote will probably offend someone. Social media mock-sensitivity to everything is wearing.

  • I have to Agree with Anna…

  • Interesting point! I don’t see a sympathy card – that might require more self-flagellation :) I could see the “self-justification” point, but why not justify and explain? I reckon that’s also just part and parcel of this blog’s understandable approach to maintaining some degree of humility/relatability. And if there appear to be variances in tone sometimes, well, most of us shuttle back and forth between confidence and insecurity anyway! And between being outright critical (judgmental) and being diplomatic. A blog has a more human voice/touch that is not always going to be as consistent as, say, a magazine. Methinks :)

  • Katerina C June, 7 2015, 5:23

    I didn’t get this comment, but English is not my first language, so. Still it seems to be some kind of critic of the tone of the blog. Garance, I am with my husband of ten years, with two kids and an annual budget of 300 Euros for clothes. And I can relate and find inspiration and motivation and usefulness in all your posts old and new. So please keep it coming. I personally find your tone exactly right.

  • Katerina C June, 7 2015, 5:50

    Ahh, I get it now.They have problem exactly with the humbleness :). Well, what can I say other than I understand that men don’t sound so humble when so successful as you Garance, but that is more abiding by the stereotype and not how each of them genuinely feels. So I say more power to successful people that don’t sound and look like machines :).

  • Oups … Attention à la faute d’orthographe: on savait et non pas on s’avait :)
    Sinon: première fois que je trouve une tenue de Garance ratée.
    Ce commentaire peut avoir l’air un peu négatif mais pas du tout en fait car cela m’a fait réaliser que C’EST LA TOUTE PREMIÈRE FOIS que je n’adhère pas au style de Garance qui pour moi représente purement l’élégance européenne !
    Bonne journée le studio !

  • gracie June, 5 2015, 10:15 / Reply

    I think you look perfect! The pants look so great on your legs and the heels are amazing from the front. I love the drapey top and the color. Good that a stylist pushed you because you will remember this now when you are not working with her. How did the heels feel after wearing flats more?

  • Ghislaine June, 5 2015, 10:18 / Reply

    Attention aux fautes d’orthographe et conjugaison Garance, elles sont nombreuses dans ce post … (je le dis sans animosité au contraire).

  • Dear Garance,
    Like most of the time in life, you have to push yourself to go one step beyond… You risked and you won! It wasn’t an outfit for everyone, but it matched perfectly with your chic elegance and best of all… With your actitude!

  • J’ai beaucoup aime vos deux “outfits” mais si j’avais a choisir, j’aurais opte pour la tenue de Clare, plus “classique”. Quant a vous, chere Garance, comme vous etes grande, mince et avec cette coupe courte, vous pouvez vous permettre “des trucs legerement oses !” Osez, osez………

  • wow, you are beautiful girls!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I really love how happy and relaxed you look in the pictures lately – and of course, beautiful. Also really enjoying hearing how working with Sarah is impacting your own styling and choices. Interesting to hear the process!

  • Rousspétée June, 5 2015, 10:38 / Reply

    Ouaaaaiiis ! Le pouvoir de la paillette ! *avalanche de points bonus*

  • ça te va à merveille Garance! Et le sourire lumineux qui va avec !

  • Gorgeousness!! Love these outfits…

    Happy Weekend,
    xx, Kristi

  • Oh my gosh, girl – you look amazing! Always go with your gut xo

    Warm Regards,

  • Louise June, 5 2015, 10:55 / Reply

    Hello Garance! Superbes tenues, effectivement en la voyant au premier abord je me suis demandé ce qu’il se passait, mais en deux secondes j’étais convaincue, super rafraichissant de te voir dans des tenues plus osées, qui te mettent très en valeur !
    Seul petit bémol de cet article: les fautes… j’imagine bien qu’au rythme où vous publiez ce n’est pas forcément évidemment de tout bien corriger, mais c’est juste un peu dommage de tiquer sur de l’orthographe quand on vient te lire :)
    Continue de nous faire rever! L’expansion des sujets et les articles de tous les membres du studio sont super enrichissants, c’est divers et c’est frais, j’ai arreté la presse féminine le jour où je ne savais plus dire si c’était un nouveau numéro tellement c’est toujours la meme chose… Et ici non, vous parlez de tout, vous vous assumez, et ca nous grandit, c’est cool et c’est beau!
    A bientot,

  • Oh, I love those gold pants but I don’t think I’ll actually have the nerve to wear them cos of my huge hips and thighs, lol. Gosh, I wish I could wear white, you two look tots amaze.
    Lagos, Nigeria

  • Keep Sarah as your stylist, don’t let her go. Love the dress :)

  • Monique June, 5 2015, 12:11 / Reply

    Have to say I agree with Anna. I feel you play the sympathy card a lot with your recent posts. You really don’t need to as people can see you are attractive and smart.

  • Olivia June, 5 2015, 12:14 / Reply

    C’est génial quand même une styliste qui permet de se trouver et de trouver son style! Je trouve que cette tenue, cette coiffure, cette allure, ce maquillage sont mille fois plus seyants, plus “toi” que la robe verte aux CFDA lorsque tu avais reçu ta récompense. Ne pas avoir l’air déguisée sur tapis rouge est un exercice difficile!

  • I like this outfit. Garance, be yourself . You don’t need any stylist to tell you what to wear. Remember you are a fashion blogger!

  • Maryanne June, 5 2015, 6:25

    I agee…. You don’t need a stylist…
    I like too look outside the square box but that top just doesn’t work with the pants which are amazing… Less is more!…. Don’t work so hard at it and enjoy!!!!

  • Agata, Los Angeles June, 5 2015, 12:27 / Reply

    I love this post. Getting dressed up for an event is panic attack waiting to happened for me. I am leaving for out of town weeding in six hours and still haven’t figure out the outfit :-(
    BTW You look amazing in this outfit running to my closet to look for some cool pants and white top ;-)

    xoxo A

  • Garance, you are on fire recently! So hot, stylish, fun and tres tres belle! Must be love ;)

  • Joanna June, 5 2015, 1:29 / Reply

    I you looked FANTASTIC!
    The outfit is just mesmerizing! That’s what I think, and really outstanding!
    Thank you for this post! And I agree with all what you said about such occasions!

  • Congrats !! C’est génial d’être la date de Clare :) En tout cas tu as bien fait d’oser tu es juste sublime encore une fois, je veux ce pantalon !!!!

  • Truly lovely!!

  • I love what you’re wearing

  • You look absolutely fantastic. I have enjoyed seeing more of what you yourself wore, lately. I love your style and Sarah is a gem.
    I agree on the false modesty though: it’s not necessary.

  • You looked amazing. I loved your style before and I love to see it evolving into something more daring now.
    Had you read our post about you, you would have only heard compliments about your look. Bisous

  • Ta tenue est génial , tu la porte sublimement bien waou! Tout simplement canon!!!!!

  • Maureen June, 5 2015, 3:16 / Reply

    Coucou Garance, cela fait un petit bout de temps que je suis ton blog et c’est dingue comme tu as pu évoluer! Ton style a beaucoup changé ces derniers temps et cela te va à ravir. Tu oses beaucoup plus de choses et pour moi qui n’ai que 21 ans tu es une grande source d’inspiration! C’est très réjouissant de pouvoir se dire qu’avec le temps on apprend à mieux connaitre ce qui nous va et avoir l’audace de porter des vêtements qu’on aurait pas oser mettre un jour!
    Ce qui est encore mieux c’est que tu restes quand même toi même malgré tous ces changements (ta coupe de cheveux, ton style vestimentaire et même le blog!) et c’est le plus important. Comme le bon vin, tu te bonifies avec le temps.
    Bisous et bonne continuation, ce sera toujours un plaisir pour moi de lire ton blog.

  • Garance you simply look fabulous! I can’t stop looking at that photo!

  • “Ce que je suis en train d’apprendre, c’est que le mieux, tant qu’à faire, c’est de se démarquer.” oh oui et arriver à être soi, et tu es tellement magnifique et tellement toi dans cette tenue que le résultat est vraiment classe, gai et génial !! :D

  • Elizabeth Roth June, 5 2015, 4:52 / Reply

    I LOVED your outfit and have filed it away in my personal inspiration folder. You looked beautiful, as ever. : )

  • Awesome look dear Garance!
    You look super stylish.
    I think white, suits you so well!

  • Magnifique!
    Et le post résonne une fois de plus beaucoup pour moi! Nombre de fois où je m’achète des trucs en me disant ce sera super avec ça, et au moment de sortir je n’assume pas du tout d’être regardée et je me change pour un truc banal pour être sûre de faire tapisserie (et les “elle se prend pour une top model” du lycée résonne encore dans ma tête – juste sous prétexte que j’osais des tenues, pas par mon attitude hein…vraiment pas)…
    Toujours aussi étonnant ce décalage entre les photos où on t’imagine très sûre de toi et ce que tu peux ressentir… jolie leçon!

  • I’m swooning over your sequin pants. You both look amazing!!
    xo, Josephina

  • Claire V June, 6 2015, 12:50 / Reply

    SUBLIME Garance, je poste peu sur ton blog mais là …
    Tu es resplendissante, ta collaboration avec Sarah est juste – de mon humble point de vue, et j’espère que tu ne me tiendras pas rigueur de cette appréciation toute personnelle – parfaite, ni trop ni trop peu, je te trouve radieuse en ce moment, idem pour Cannes tu m’as ravie!
    Je profite de ce post pour te dire combien j’aime ta personnalité qui transparaît sur le blog, ton approche des choses
    (no-hystérisée!), ta modestie, ton art à accorder les différentes personnalité du studio pour nous offrir cet espace, (cela doit être un bonheur de travailler pour toi), ton talent à l’autodérision (!), le recul et l’intelligence avec lesquels tu écris tes articles..
    J’arrête là, mais vraiment : Merci et bravo!
    Et puis, je suis du Sud de la France comme toi -)

    A bientôt j’espère, ce blog est un ravissement!
    Claire (en mode groupie ce soir;-))

  • Claire V June, 6 2015, 12:51 / Reply

    SUBLIME Garance, je poste peu sur ton blog mais là …
    Tu es resplendissante, ta collaboration avec Sarah est juste – de mon humble point de vue, et j’espère que tu ne me tiendras pas rigueur de cette appréciation toute personnelle – parfaite, ni trop ni trop peu, je te trouve radieuse en ce moment, idem pour Cannes tu m’as ravie!
    Je profite de ce post pour te dire combien j’aime ta personnalité qui transparaît sur le blog, ton approche des choses (no-hystérisée!), ta modestie, ton art à accorder les différentes personnalité du studio pour nous offrir cet espace, (cela doit être un bonheur de travailler pour toi), ton talent à l’auto-dérision (!), le recul et l’intelligence avec lesquels tu écris tes articles …
    J’arrête là, mais vraiment : Merci et bravo!
    Et puis je suis du Sud de la France comme toi -)

    A bientôt j’espère, ce blog est un ravissement!
    Claire (en mode groupie ce soir;-))

  • Excellent choix le pantalon à sequins ! J adore.

  • Garance- One of the best looks of the night. Executed perfectly and it really stood out. Bravo!

  • niamhroisin June, 7 2015, 6:27 / Reply

    I think you look FABULOUS Garance! xx

  • ainhoa June, 7 2015, 3:36 / Reply

    c’est un joli métier styliste ;-)

  • CREEZY June, 7 2015, 4:23 / Reply

    Belle photo et jolies filles ! Clare a un bel ensemble blanc avec de très bonnes proportions, cela lui va très bien.
    Et pour vous Garance le choix est bien sûr plus original mais il correspond bien à votre personnalité –
    Continuez à écouter les excellents conseils de Sarah et osez davantage car vous pouvez vous le permettre.
    C’est un plaisir de découvrir vos tenues… et Bravo encore pour ce nouveau choix !

  • Carine June, 7 2015, 4:48 / Reply

    Ton look est superbe, original mais tellement élégant !

  • Qu’un mot : SUPERBE !!! J’adore j’adore j’adore, ça te correspond à 100%, c’est féminin, branché et ça ne se prend pas au sérieux ! Bravo

  • A big wow for both of you! Veeery stylish, without overdoing things.

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