
11 years ago by

Here’s a few things that struck me this week:

#1 – A red, black, and white carpet.

The CDFA ceremony was Monday and I was there! Vive le CFDA!

Granted, nothing will ever be like the first time (I mean, it’s not every day that you get the Eugenia Sheppard Award and you end the night drinking with bare-feet under the table at the Boom Boom Room),but it was fun to be there and be a little detached about it…

I was super comfortable in a sequin DVF suit and I could see celebrities lining up to get their photo taken on the red carpet, the photographers yelling out some of their names, totally ignoring others, and some unknowns trying to sneak onto the red carpet to get their 15 minutes of fame.

This little circus always leaves me perplexed, amused, depressed, and completely fascinated all at the same time.

#2 – A Rated R Room.

At a dinner to support the LGBT Community Center, we were greeted in a room that was entirely covered in this mural by Keith Haring (yes, yes. Pretty graphic).

It’s a community center in the center of town (not far from my house) that has been welcoming the LGBT community since the 70s (meaning they’ve seen some dark years)(and there’s still work to do!), and lately they’ve been hosting a lot of gay weddings!

It goes without saying that I support them.

#3 – Marvelous streets.

I love my neighborhood, Greenwich Village. It’s so dreamy when springtime evenings finally arrive.

After a long day of work, I love taking a walk in the final rays of sunshine, sitting on the steps of a brownstone and watching the world go by.

#4 – Shots that burn.

No seriously, literally, those little shots that burn down your throat.

My last trip to Europe did me in. I was so exhausted, I didn’t go to the gym for 3 weeks and could barely lift my arm. Jet lag was killing me.

Delphine, my agent and head honcho (I’m putting together a career interview with her. Don’t hesitate to toss questions our way!!!), said to me:

“Go get some shots at Organic Avenue!”

I said: “I’m okay. I’m off the juicing band-wagon.”

She said: “It’s not a juicing thing. They’re like mini-shots that are chuck full of vitamins. It’ll do a body good.”

I was obedient and she was right. It put me back on my feet.

My favorite was called Dragon’s Breath. It burns down your throat ginger style (Maybe it’s what Keith was on when he painted the room at the LGBT center? Ha!) but I loved it!

That said, I’m not a big fan of drug vocab being applied to food. I know that it’s been around forever (vodka shots, right?) but I hate when I’m walking down the street and there’s a board that says something like “Get your FIX of protein with our delicious chicken…” or something like that.

Is it too much or is it just me? Aaaaah, anyways…

#5 – A Hangout with you.

It was so cool to meet with you yesterday!

Outside of a few technical difficulties (we had to change the computer three times!), it was so great to share a conversation with you, so simple, so awesome.

You can watch it again here on YouTube. I hope to do another if you guys are in and we’re trying to figure out the best way of making it more interactive, so don’t hesitate if you have ideas or questions.

So thank you again to everyone that participated and watched. Nothing brings me more pleasure to sharing moments like this with you and I love the Internet for that reason.

When I started the blog, I responded to each and every comment that I could, and if I could I’d still do it – because it’s really the part that’s most important to me: the conversation.

Next time, I’d love to talk about the blog & photography (I get a lot of e-mails about it) and body image and such (lots and lots of comments about that too), and whatever else you want to talk about!

All you have to do is ask ;-)

I love it.


A Eddie Borgo bracelet: I wore it the night of the CFDAs and I’ll talk to you about it again soon and its super cool New York designer.

Some very 80s music: Nightcall by Kavinsky. Is it even possible to get that kind of music out of your head?

I send big hugs to you all!

Translation : Tim Sullivan


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  • YAY! Cheers to another great week on Garance Dore, I really wanted ti be part of the hangout but I was stuck at work. But I did watch it on YouTube, would it be possible to send my questions even if I cannot be at the hangout live? It was cool to be able to see more of the team as well.


  • dragon’s breath, huh? sounds healthy :)


  • Chiara June, 7 2013, 9:27 / Reply

    Hi Garance!

    really enjoyed watching your hangouts yesterday. I think it’s great how you like to share your knowledge and experience with everyone and how you are so open about the difficulties, insecurities that you had will building your career. I find that to be very humble and wise.



  • Wow great week- I think I would share the exact mix of emotions at the CFDA ceremony! Would love to see the suit!

  • What a wonderful week!! Exactly one of the things I love about NY is “sitting on the steps of a brownstone and watching the world go by”…simply perfect!!!

  • i loved the hangout (and watched both parts!) because it was Garance, but the people asking questions didn’t seem to be long time readers– asking “how did your blog get started, where did you work in your 20s”– when you’ve written about that so much already! and they seemed more interested in getting advice for their own blogs and design careers than actually hearing your thoughts on fashion, body image, art, etc… Like what Sheryl Sandberg says about how at conferences, men ask her questions about business strategy and branding, while women ask for career advice…
    anyway so glad you are trying a new medium and so willing to put yourself out there and interact! j’adore! and ditto that it would be so fun to also “hangout” with Alex and Emily since they are writing more on the blog now…

  • Garance, would you show us pictures of your cfda night? Want to see your DVF combo, your hair and makeup!!!
    And loved the hang out idea.
    Tu es la plus fort!!!
    In fact, I loved this whole post.

  • Garance, your skin looked absolutely gorgeous in the hangout videos! I have this suspicion that you are simply blessed with good skin, but I would love to hear about your skin care favorites, anyway!

  • If you liked Kavinsky, be sure to check out the rest of the Drive soundtrack (if you haven’t already) – it is all so good and so 80s. Especially the track by College, ‘A Real Hero’.

  • cecile June, 7 2013, 9:43 / Reply

    j’aime beaucoup ce nouveau type de post où tu parles de ta semaine ;) c’est vraiment chouette!
    je n’ai pas pu suivre en direct ton hang out mais je vais illico le voir…!!

  • Aaaaah tu portais donc une combi à sequins DVF! ;)

    … Merci pour tous tes posts Garance c’est toujours un plaisir de te lire..

    xx G.

  • Nicole June, 7 2013, 9:45 / Reply

    Hi Garance! I hope you do another hangout soon! you seem so much fun to talk to, I hope I can get to participate next time. maybe you can have a live chat alongside ? –to cover more questions from your other fans! :) xx

  • Oh oui parle nous un peu photo, matériel et technique s’il te plait!!!! (et moi aussi je surkiffe Greenwich Village à la tombée de la nuit, le bonheur!!)


  • GREAT post for an apparently busy but awesome week !

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • Martina June, 7 2013, 10:45 / Reply

    Sorry Garance, but we really want to see more of Em, Alex and Cristiana!

  • Chloe Le Gaillard June, 7 2013, 10:51 / Reply

    Chère Garance, quel plaisir d’entendre ta voix :)

  • what a wonderful week!!!! i signed up for the “hangout” but was unable to connect from work….:( i will watch on youtube….you are truly something special….xoxo

  • Too bad I was working at those hours, I have to watch it on youtube!
    I too love sitting and just observe :)


  • The CFDA sounds awesome! If I was there, I’ll probably (big, big probably) be one of the unknown who sneaks in some shots. Hey, who knows if one paparazzo decides to put it in their mag?

    eyeshadow illustrator

  • Katherine June, 7 2013, 11:50 / Reply


    Je suis trop d’accord … cette chanson me colle à la peau depuis AVANT la sortie du film!!!
    Elle est dans ma playlist du matin juste après Bad Girls de M.I.A … tsé faut me tirer du lit à 5:20am pour une longue journée d’école, c’est magique !

    Félicitation encore pour ton prix Eugenia Sheppard!!!

  • Au fait, tu avais eu le temps lors de ton dernier passage à Paris de voir l’expo Keith Haring ? Parce qu’elle est vraiment grandiose !

  • Dynath June, 7 2013, 12:04 / Reply

    À ma connaissance, c’est le deuxième post de ce genre (24/7) et j’adore!!! Les résumés, les petites photos, c’est mignon comme tout.

    J’aurais beaucoup aimé voir ton combi à paillettes. Il doit être génialissime!

    Pour Kavinsky, désolée, mais je crois que tu es un peu en retard, (forcément si le film est sorti en 2011), mais c’est vrai que cette chanson reste particulièrement dans la tête. Et le film, malgré la violence, est super aussi. Le prochain film de ce réalisateur, c’est Only god forgives, j’ai hâte de le voir juste pour la sélection musicale.

  • Sympa ces shots remplis de bonnes choses !

    Et Kavinsky ?! Comment te dire, j’a-do-re :)


  • Le CFDA et NYC où la combinaison d’endroits rêvés… Nightcall est tout simplement magique ! Et si tu n’as pas vu le film, il est à voir… !!!!
    Je viens d’ouvrir mon blog, je te laisse l’adresse en espérant recevoir un clique de ta part… (je suis le genre de fille à espérer et prier très fort) (je suis athée). Enfin je m’égare haha !
    L’adresse est celle-ci : http://brcr.wordpress.com

  • Gotta watch the video on youtube!


  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • Ça a l’air vraiment chouette NYC au printemps…

  • The hangout was a great idea! I really enjoyed watching the videos. Your skin looks amazing btw.
    The Eddie Borgo jewelry looks incredible, I’m really liking the paradox ring :)

  • Julianne June, 7 2013, 2:55 / Reply

    Is there a chat feature that can be enabled on Google+ Hangouts? If so, people who are watching could ‘chat’ and write in comments/questions, either during the whole thing or during a designated time when you could answer their questions.

  • I loved the Hangout and really looking forward to the new one! My favorite topic is career but I’ll be watching curiously all of them!

    That red black and white carpet is awesome, much preferred to the classic. xx


  • Beautiful life…. and stylished!! :-)

  • très frais ton article!
    Encore d’autres


  • C’est cool ces shots de vitamines, je n’en avais jamais entendu parler, et j’ai beaucoup aimé les hangout hier!


  • 5# Oui Garance, merci pour le hang out c’était très sympa, naturel, instructif, encourageant et confortant! ? Celà faisait des mois (des années ?) que je me posais la question du blog et la décision est prise depuis peu : il arriiiiive ! I’ll keep you posted ! ( enfin en vrai je ne sais pas si ça t’intéresse mais on ferait comme si :-) )
    bises G. !

    Mrs E.

  • Naturally I cannot identify with everything you are writing about today, however, it begs to be mentioned that 1. I’m on the prowl for the perfect tennis bracelet, 2. I cannot stand drug talk even when talking about smoking, or coffee; I have to check myself when I almost say I’m “jonesing” for something and 3. I’ve been listening to Jean François Maurice and Miranda Martino (thank you Youtube!) all day today. I have not reached the lows of Sasha Distel just yet but the day is young.. The Hangout was a great idea, à propos.

  • Garance,

    I’m going to jump right in here and ask my question for your interview with Delphine (can she join the hangout too?), so here goes…

    As the world of blogging becomes more competitive and professional, what is the role of an agent? I know of agencies such as Digital Brand Architects and others but that style of business seems to be reserved for bloggers with very large followings and notoriety. How does it work (pros, cons, etc) and at what point should a growing blogger consider working with one?

    Ok, that’s it… I’m really curious how this whole agent thing works for bloggers!

    Bon nuit!

  • organic avenue is just plain amazing, so happy that you’ve been turned on to it!


  • Hahaha Kavinsky ; ma ville étudiante (Nancy) a organisé un concert gratuit de Kavinsky le mois dernier, sur la place Stan, genre à 2 min de chez moi ; et j’étais en train de mourir à réviser pour mes partiels ! Tu peux me croire; je l’ai détesté, avec sa musique qui m’a empêché de bosser. En plus j’aurai bien été voir son concert, mais je culpabilisais trop.

  • Garance tu parles de Keith Haring , as tu vu l’expo pendant ton séjour à paris ? Magnifique

  • je prendrais bien un de ces shots moi! ;)

  • Danielle June, 8 2013, 3:26 / Reply

    About the hangout! I know a few youtubers who do a similar sort of hangout thing. They get a steady feed of questions via their Twitter feed and just answer all the questions (they have the feed with them on their Ipad) that way instead of only being able to address the questions of a handful of people. That might be an option.

  • Jeanne June, 9 2013, 9:15 / Reply

    Garance !
    Je me demandais si tu avais connaissance d’un guide de New York dans la même perspective que tes articles, où je pourrais trouver mon bonheur en termes d’adresses, sans prises de tête ? Ou si tu avais toi même quelques favoris à nous recommander ? S’ilteplaaaaaaaaait aaaaaide moooooooooi !

  • When I started to read your blog, I didn’t know that you were such a lovely person with great and funny collaborators.
    I was curious because I heard about you and I wanted to know who you were.
    I like so much when a blogger interacts with the followers.
    Now, I’m kind of addicted to your blog, which is inspiring for someone like me, who hopes to become a professional blogger.
    And Eddie Borgo is an amazing designer! I love his spiked bracelets.

  • Ahh that bracelet is so pretty! And I’m really interested in trying the shot that burns. :D Haven’t heard of anything like it before..except grass shots. Do those count? :P


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