
8 years ago by

This week, we’re celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the site – can you believe it?! The stories posted will commemorate the different phases of fashion, life, story telling, and everything else that has happened since 2006! We’re so happy to look back and share some of the best moments with you, and hope you’ll enjoy the ride ;)


Its been 10 years! TEN! Since the dawn of all things fashion as we know it on the site. Fashion has played such a huge role on the site’s evolution, from the original street style all the way to our editorial content. Some things never change, and we thought it would be fun to look back at some of the trends that have stood the test of time.


10 Years of Fashion

If ever there was a trend more noteworthy of transcending, well, trends – it’s an all white look! It’s a classic look everyone can get behind – yet somehow, quite possibly, the most expensive. How you ask? Just think of the dry-cleaning bills … one wrong tip of the glass and all that red wine you’ve been ferociously drinking because its “healthier” spills all down the front of you. Not to mention the Metallica concert you thought the look was perfect for (and it was, until it started raining….)


balenciaga boots garance dore photo

It was one of those shoes, that somehow, with all the buckles and cut-outs, still looks good. Slightly resembling something straight out of Mad Max, since 2011 the Balenciaga Ceinture boot has been kind of a fashion staple. Seriously! We would probably still buy them – if only to have the option of being part of Charlize Theron’s squad.


baseball cap garance dore photo

Who would have thought! But also, kind of THE accessory to immediately make your look a little more downtown and a lot more ironic cool. The baseball cap is that item in fashion that does double-duty, practical for blocking sun AND for blocking tired eyes (not to mention dirty hair, ex boyfriends, the list goes on…) Also – you can get them for $5 on Canal street or for free at an ACTUAL baseball game.


10 Years of Fashion

Forever associated with the girly girls, and yet somehow, also toughened up over the years! Whether it’s pants or flowing dresses, it seems like if you want to make florals work, no matter the year, well just wear them all together! You could run the risk of looking like a walking garden, but as long as there’s no flower crown involved, there’s no crime.


socks with shoes garance dore photo

Okay, OKAY! We know, socks and shoes have endured the test of time. But, you kind of have to love them, right? Hard to resist when you look back at those gray ribbed socks with leopard heels and remember that that girl probably did so because her feet were FREEZING and she couldn’t not wear those leopard heels! Also it should be noted that socks with sandals was really just women’s response to freaking out over their un-pedicured toes and all the pain the fashion shoes have caused them, bunions and all!


10 Years of Fashion

Chic, but not always the most practical. Safe to say it’s typically neutral, and typically impossible to carry a bag (and camera) while still looking put together. We haven’t really figured out how to use your arms, or shake anyone’s hand, without it falling off of your shoulders and ending up in the Tuileries dust (duh, you only wear a cape to fashion week. It’s too impractical for real life. But hey, we still love it!)


10 Years of Fashion

A shout out to the Canadian readers! The denim on denim combo (ahem Canadian Tuxedo), feels a bit more All-American. Perfect for the farm, a weekend in the city, or a jaunt across the border up north. We feel friendlier just looking at these photos.


10 Years of Fashion

Classic, timeless, essential. And impossible to keep clean. Maybe not as treacherous as the all-white look, but still difficult to wear for a pasta lunch. Good to have a few on hand for any red sauce splatters. May we also suggest wearing a black bra underneath should you get caught in any surprise thunderstorms. A little more French and a little less Cancun spring break.


10 Years of Fashion

Without fearing you might be cast in the re-make of Designing Women, a blazer, despite all its well intentioned structure often comes off as stiff. But what makes it so special, and particularly on these women over the years is their ability to make it cool chic and not like you’re an extra on Wolf of Wall Street. Although, NOT a no if meant playing sidekick to Leonardo DiCaprio.


knit hats garance dore photo

It’s funny how beanies have become “fashionable.” When you think about it, they’re more like a craft project you might Google online, like when all those photos of the Olsen’s came out showing that they knit and suddenly it was THE hobby to list on any application or resume or profile – if only for the aforementioned reference. Ultimately, they DO keep you warm though.


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  • mosaic_world September, 27 2016, 10:48 / Reply

    I agree about the cape. I never bought one but was eyeing a very pretty black on at Zara (capelet/blazer look) for a long time. there is something very lovely about the cape.

  • le tout blanc, très peu pour moi qui suis très claire de peau par contre, jean sur jean, les blazers et les bonnets je prends! D’ailleurs je vois déjà la tenue d’automne que je vais me faire avec ça ;-)

  • Great post, beautiful pictures! Gotta love timeless fashion

  • J’ai l’impression que beaucoup de ces photos sont récentes, non?
    Et sinon, je compte justement m’acheter une cape, je n’écouterai donc pas les remarques portant sur l’aspect non-pratique de celle-ci…

  • Il y a des looks que je ne porterai jamais, mais c’est tellement fun de regarder les photos et de se dire :”peut-etre…..”
    J’adore la photo de Yasmin Sewell en blazer sur une chemise blanche, en jean et chaussures superbes. J’aime son style et ses cheveux !
    C’est ce blog qui m’a incitee a porter, il y a quelques annees, des baskets avec une robe et aussi avec un smoking. Je me souviens de l’episode “Cisco in white” et de son smoking blanc porte avec une chemise en jean et des converse !

  • This was a great post. What a great tribute the past few days in honour of your 10 year anniversary. Happy 10 to all!

  • Je crois que j’ai à peu près tout testé! Sauf les chaussettes dans les escarpins ça j’avoue j’ai du mal! Cette rétrospective est vraiment bien et finalement il y a beaucoup d’intemporels qu’on peut encore porter.

  • Il y a des basiques dont on ne se lasse pas ! Et bon anniversaire le blog !

  • J’ai juste adoré ce post, merci !! Et bravo pour les 10 ans :)


  • 10 years is such an achievement! Congratulations!!


  • Yes, the white shirt will always be a timeless piece. Plus, it goes with everything!

  • Such a nice post dear :)

  • Please, please, please… That long white shirt dress on the top of the page (with Birkenstocks) – who is it by?

  • Magnifique post! Il faudrait plus d’articles comme celui-ci avec de nombreuses photos côté à côté et un bon texte comme ceux-ci : parfait!????

From the Archives

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