
7 years ago by

Hi guys!

Today I’m happy to present you a letter from the Studio – you will understand once you read it why we wrote it together. And I want to personally give you a big hug and wish you a great holiday season. Time to chill – see you next year!!


A few weeks ago, we sat around the couch for our weekly editorial meeting. It kicked off with “Ok, what are we posting during the holidays?”, the big question heard around the world’s conference rooms. We threw around some ideas and one really stood out. Emily said, “Guys, how about we don’t post and we write a letter to our readers instead, explaining why…” So here goes everything!

2016 started off really exciting, and for good reason because the past year has seen the studio triple in size and grow beyond all expectations. In March, we posted the first episode of our podcast “Pardon My French” and introduced a new way to share in-depth conversations with people who inspire us. We also launched the “Art of Life” and “In Her Words” features. Through “Art of Life”, we discovered people who live with intention and are truly driven by creativity. “In Her Words” created a space where women could tell their story in their own way. They’ve opened their lives to us and made us proud to have a voice. Needless to say, this will only become more important to do and champion. And last but not least, we turned 10 which may not sound like much but in blog years, it’s a big deal!! Our anniversary was an opportunity for G and the team to reflect on how we’ve evolved, and the things that have remained, like Garance’s drive to tell honest stories and talk about fashion and beauty in a different, exciting way. It’s been a year of trial and growth as we define what the next 10 years will look like.

All that being said, it was also quite a year for everyone. Daily stress is always there of course, but we are all feeling the collective stress of the world and it can sometimes be hard to find optimism. This may seem a little self-indulgent because we have nice lives and we know it, but we are also very aware of the bigger picture. Good thing there’s been a lot of epic greatness too. 2016 gave us a badass Patti Smith accepting a Nobel prize and the joys of infrared saunas. Beyoncé made Lemonade and Winona is BACK (thank you Stranger Things). And we can’t forget Ellen’s tears of joy, the weird but hilarious face-swap craze, the pure genius of Hamilton…It’s been a whole lot to process.

So we got to thinking about “processing” and the role that the internet plays in our lives and our world (broad topic but stay with us here…). The amount of content that flies at us every day plays a huge part in how we take in ideas and events. As we’ve shifted our perspective to include the important concept of sustainability, we’ve looked inward to understand what this means for us, in terms of fashion, consumption, and beyond. We aim to bring inspiration and encourage creativity and we want to talk to you when it matters, not just for the sake of getting your attention and crowding your mind. With all of this in perspective, it only seemed natural to take a step back and provide some peace and quiet over the holiday break, some processing time.

Sooo…we won’t be posting here until January 1st (though you can catch our greatest hits of 2016 on social!). We are taking the time with our families and friends to be reminded of what LOVE can do, and we hope you find the time to do the same. We will take a break from our computers to take care of ourselves and others in true holiday spirit (alright, maybe a little Westworld here and there). We want to put our phones down and talk to people, take the time to learn from the generations of women before us, and simply unplug.

We’ve never been more grateful to have a voice and we promise to use it. We will come back courageous, ready to tell stories in a positive and influential way. More than ever, we want to connect with you through features that inspire us to lift each other up, stand up for what is right, create our own rules and our own art of life. So cheers to 2016 – we made it, and it’s a beautiful and crucial time to be alive and kicking. We are so happy to have you along for the ride. See you next year – we’re confident it’s going to be a good one.

With love,
Xo Studio Doré – Garance, Emily, Audrey, Alison, Brie, Brittany, Carie, Erik, Natalie, Pia, and Tori.


Add yours
  • What a great and inspiring way to sign off. Congratulations and merry everything.

  • Wonderful post! The world is moving so fast that it’s really important to slow down sometimes .
    Wishing you all Peaceful Holidays and well deserved rest.
    Thanks for all the joy you bring each day!
    Bonne Annee!

  • What a great post!
    The world is moving so fast that it’s really important to slow down sometimes.
    Wish you all Peaceful Holidays and well deserved rest.
    Thank you for all the joy you bring!
    Bonne Anne!

  • It’s a great idea. We all need to decompress. Enjoy your holiday with your family and friends!!

  • Happy Holidays!

  • Thank you for the wonderful insights, funny podcasts, sweet words and wisdom this year. I’m so, so grateful for your work. You guys are amazing at connecting people, and this is a great example of that. Happy holidays to all of you! <3

  • That is a lovely letter and a wonderful way to remind us to look back at the year that has passed. In our hurry to live life, reflection reminds us to appreciate the time we have all shared and to be careful with the time that is given to us.
    Thank you for your inspiring and thoughtful blog. It is my favorite because of the quality and honesty of your work.
    Best wishes to you all and so glad you chose to take time for yourselves this holiday. It is an important statement to make, similar to how REI closed for Black Friday and urged everyone to go outside and live!


  • Wonderful post, a great message! You guys lead where others follow :)

  • Have a wonderful and restful break!

    – Natalie

  • Delores DeMay December, 24 2016, 4:23 / Reply

    Perfect was to tune out and tune in, with loved ones family, friends and pets…….see ya next year and looking forward to a uplifting 2017……Happy Holidays to you all

  • Have a beautiful, restorative break!! We’ll be so grateful for you when you return :)

  • Dear Studio!

    This year it was so palpable the way you all came together as as amazing team, bringing us quality content. As you mentioned, there’s so much noise and information overload, that your blog has become a safe space for highly curated and always inspiring content. I can count on you for bringing me up-to-date while keeping my sanity.

    I really appreciate how G, though always seemingly open about herself, became truly relatable, because she finally didn’t hold off on the things she shared, the things we all share: fears, anxiety, age, beauty, love. I’m in love with her and her relationship with Chris.

    Thank you so much for all the podcasts. Being a visual person, I NEVER listened to podcasts, they bored me. It took me at least 1/2 year after you came out with your first pocket PMF to even check them out. As soon as I saw Isaac Mizrahi’s name, there was no stopping me. In two weeks, I listened to all 30-something “pockets” in the subway on my way to and from work. Each one of them, in their own way, gave me a new angle, a new perspective to reevaluate my own life and aspirations. My most favorite part, besides absolutely amazing and interesting guests, was getting to know members of the studio. You all are so young, bright and inspiring!!!

    I wish each of you and your loved ones a great 2017, full of personal and professional discoveries! Thank you for taking all of us along for this amazing ride.


  • This is an amazing way to sign off this dreadful year.
    I hope 2017 will bring more increase and diversity to the team, to represent all your audience.
    Peace and love.


  • Thank you. :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • marielena December, 26 2016, 5:34 / Reply

    May the peace of God fulfill your daily life and members! focus on important subjects to be able to see the insubstantial! thanks for your work! have a nice break! happy holidays!

  • Caroline Dé December, 26 2016, 12:00 / Reply

    Ah, je me demandais justement ou vous etiez passes, mais quelle bonne idee! Nous sommes tellement connectes, en permanence, je ferai bien de m’y mettre aussi… Bonnes fetes a toute l’equipe!

  • Thank you, thank you! Looking forward to walking the journey of sustainability with you – related to our own wellness and the wellness of the earth. Language shapes how we think, and you may want to shed the gendered term “guys” when referring to us, your faithful readers in 2017. Other suggestions: all, friends, you, or just end the greeting with “hi” or “hello” . . . no need for an additional word. Cheers!

  • Thanks to the team for this adorable and sincere letter. You guys definitely deserve to rest. Thank you for all you’ve given us during these 10 AH-MAZING years. And for what you will generously give (I have no doubt about that) in the next 10 years. Happy holidays !

  • I wish you all a great holiday break, full of good moments with your loved ones. See you in 2017 where we will share the art of life again!


  • bonjour
    je voulais savoir pourquoi depuis 5 jours il n’y a plus la version française
    bises à tout le studio

  • Bonjour Cecile,

    The French version issue is from a glitch we’re experiencing with our server, we’re working quickly to solve it! x Natalie

  • So very very smart, humane, responsible and considerate.

  • Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel for all of you! It really was a brutiful year! Cheers to rest, unplug and enjoy family and friends tete a tete! I also think 2017 is going to be a good one. See you there! Chin Chin!


  • Clemence² December, 27 2016, 4:40 / Reply

    Your letter is very sincere, have a beautiful holidays!

    Nevertheless, i started to notice that you are leaving behind your french readers, posts are not always translated, or with great delay, wich I hope is just a temporary problem. (i cant find this letter in the french version for example, or maybe its just my computer ? )
    Still, you made an awsome work this year


  • Hi Clemence,

    We are experiencing a glitch with our server which is causing the issue on the French side of the site, we haven’t forgotten about you! We’re working quickly to solve this. Thank you for the feedback! x Natalie

  • This is how it should be, kind regards

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira December, 27 2016, 10:58 / Reply

    Um Excelente ano de 2017 para vocês !!!

  • venezia30123 December, 27 2016, 3:01 / Reply

    Love your decision!!!Great post.Happy,healthy 2017!xoxo

  • breath and grace – slow down and really live our lives sweetly. enjoy!

  • Kelsey O'Donnell December, 28 2016, 1:12 / Reply

    That was the best internet hug. Happy holidays, and here is to peace and love in 2017.

  • Mais chère Garance, vous êtes dans votre 1er trimestre!?
    Décembre fut un mois particulièrement dense professionnellement, je viens de rattraper 3 semaines de lecture de votre blog et cela semble transpirer de vos écrits. Vous partez vivre en partie à L.A., l’endroit le plus corse des Etats Unis (ok, c’est plus grand! D’accord, c’est infiniment plus grand et plus varié!). Puis un post “The coolest girl” puis “I love you”, puis “Long hair” dans lequel on peut lire:
    “être vraiment au top de mon style et de ma grâce (ce qui n’est pas le cas en ce moment, pour cause de moment de vie étrange dont je vous parlerai un de ces jours quand ce sera moins étrange)”. Cet été de grâce visible sur les photos avec Elle.
    Et enfin une vraie pose durant cette fin d’année…
    Garance, le hasard fait je vous ai découvert à vos débuts. Votre humour, votre curiosité mais surtout votre talent m’ont conduite à continuer à vous lire presque chaque jour depuis 10 ans. Vos posts comme ceux de votre dream team, les photos d’Erik. J’ai aimé votre livre. Vous faites partie des bulles de fraîcheur emprunt de féminité de mes journées chargées, ces journées que nous vivons toutes.
    J’ignore si vous prenez connaissance des commentaires de vos lectrices plusieurs jours après, mais merci. ou plutôt MERCIS!!!
    Avec la plus grande bienveillance, je vous souhaite le meilleur, et quoi qu’il vous arrive prenez soin de vous et profitez bien, car votre vie semble connaitre un tournant important.
    Très chaleureusement, Melissa

  • Sincere and genuine letter from the studio, I loved every word and I hope 2017 will come with greater projects for you (and meeh!!), a great way to close the year for us! I also did a free printable 2017 calendar with this year illustrations for my readers http://www.fashionparadoxes.com/2016/12/24/free-printable-2017-calendar/, thanks for another amazing year team. Love.

  • thank you for this – thoughtful, considered and inspirational in itself. Enjoy restful, connected holidays. Look forward to 2017 and more. Appreciate the beauty you bring into my life, even when (especially when) my chronic illness keeps me in bed. oxoxo to all of you, Cassandra

  • Thank you for the thoughtful note! Personable and sweet. Happy Near Year! Xo

  • Looking forward to a revitalized team!
    Have a great holiday break!
    Cheers ~

  • Stephanie Wu December, 30 2016, 11:25 / Reply

    Wonderful post. I appreciate how the blog has evolved yet stayed true to what drew me to it 9 years ago. My teenage son is a creative and I hope he can find his courage and resilience like these women, and Garance herself. Lastly, I super appreciate the way you express how you see fashion in the context of our social, political, economic, etc. times. I want to read content that gives me a break, interests me, and yet isn’t avoiding reality and I find that here. Cheers to your next 10 years!

  • Loved the post and what a great idea, happy Christmas & New Year :)

    Mel x


  • I stumbled upon your Pinterest sketch and saw your name for the second time in my life. The first time I was introduce to Garance was when my now four year old granddaughter was born. At the time of her birth I thought it the most beautiful and original name my daughter could name her child. She has brought nothing but joy to my life as apparently you and your work has brought to many folks. Thank you for allowing a grandfather to brag about his granddaughter and inspiring woman of the world.

  • Have been following since the beginning -garancedore had a bun!- and have been lucky enough to chat with G on the book tour but I never comment on anything! Love this post and everything this blog is about. So inspiring and interesting and lovely and real. Bravo!

  • Ah, je me demandais justement ou vous etiez passes, mais quelle bonne idee!

  • lucky enough to chat with G on the book tour but I never comment on anything! Love this post and everything this blog is about. So inspiring and interesting and lovely and real. Bravo!

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