
12 years ago by

Today, I want to republish – and to have it translated in english for the first time ! – that text I wrote in …2007 about my life as a free lancer. You’ll see that I was totally lazy my working methods have changed drastically !


I’m freelance so I work a lot at home. How else would I be able to blog at the weirdest hours of the day? What? You blog from work ? Noooooooo…

Luckily for me, my cat gets up early. Right at the crack of dawn, I’m pulled out of bed by my gross gracious hungry feline. I put on some old jogging pants elegant and casual outfit, I drink an espresso a fresh squeezed OJ, and make a nice little breakfast looking at my e-mail out at the sea.

After pillaging the magazine rack down the block doing some yoga, I fall asleep in the bath take an enlivening shower; I dry off looking through some blogs at my planner. For hours later, totally guilt ridden with a sense of accomplishment, I make a few phone calls.

This is usually when I like to start putting together some pasta steamed vegetables that I’ll enjoy with Ellen Degeneres a few friends. A quick coffee nap and then back to work.

Afternoons are my favorite. Everything is calm and it’s the perfect time to go shopping get going on some bigger projects. Time flies in department stores when you’re really concentrated.

6 o’clock, panic sets in it’s time to take a break. I make some tea that I like to have with some nutella an apple. Then it’s back to work for an hour or two, just to stop feeling so guilty finish up a few projects.

My man is on his way home and the end of the day is near. I’m exhausted, but I have to do some networking at the Baron at a high-profile party. I get home totally stressed out enchanted by this incredibly productive day, ready to start fresh the next.

Anyway, there’s no way I’d get out of my bed for less than $10,000. What, you don’t believe me ?


Add yours
  • moins de 10 000$ ah oui? ^^
    j’aimerai pouvoir travailler de chez moi…

  • J’ai bien ri en lisant ce post, manière originale de raconter sa journée, on est toutes un peu pareilles finalement…!

  • Ça a le mérite d’être drôle :-) …je viens de voir 29 manière d’ètre créatif, et l’un des points est : ne pas essayer d’être une autre personne parfaite!
    Bah oui, cette année comme résolution c’est ni régime, ni Yoga…be happy, it’s the last year!!!
    des bises

  • ça ressemble beaucoup à ma licence d’histoire de l’art, ça.

  • well, yes, things changes and you are a recognised professional now. I am so happy of your achievements and looking back I am sure will help you to enjoy and appreciate more what you’ve got now.

    I wish you all the best for this 2012
    in 5 years times you’ll see how many things may have change till 2012!!!

    Love, Ylenia | Longuette
    Check on the first Professional of Fashion’s interview on my blog! I’d love your comment on it.

  • haha—hilarious! I can relate!

  • i love the writing style in this post! it’s understated, funny, and comes together at the end really well. can’t wait to see more like this…! wait, could this be “classic garance”??!

  • Interesting and funny reading!

  • Au début de mon freelance c’était la catastrophe et 6 ans après avec un peu plus de rigueur ça se passe très bien !
    Belle évolution en tout cas. J’aime beaucoup ce que vous faites.

  • excellent cet article, et tellement ironique! heureusement que tu n’as pas cette vie là !


  • Hahaha I can’t say enough times how much I love the way you write!

  • Things certainly change! And for the best most of the time!


  • hahaha that was a very funny post ! I like that you post vintage stuff, because I haven’t been reading your blog for that long so it’s nice :)

  • old stuff is always good ;)
    Ken Métrosexuel

  • Garance,

    What a release to see that I am not the only one! I was working from home during 3 years when I was running my jewellery business, and even though I went back to a company, I am now at home part time starting a new blog.

    I recognise myself in every words you said expect that the big cat in my home is my boyfriend and the apple nutella is kilos of Clementines for me!

    Anyway, I wouldn’t change anything. What a thrill to start a new page everyday. We got to decide how it will be!

    You have a wonderful touch and an amazing eye, I wish you all the best for tomorrow ;)


  • en effet 10000$!!Moi aussi j’aimerais,lol!
    Sympas ce post!Bizzzz


  • mais c’est l’histoire de ma vie …..;-)

  • You such an inspiration and great writer as well. happy new year for you! do you still enjoy working with jogging pant?

  • XD Génial comme petit post à lire pdt la “courte” pause de 16h :D
    De temps en temps ça fait du bien des petits retours en arrière

    Bon dimanche Garance

  • Comme quoi ça s appelle l expérience tout ça !!! Now you are a great professional !!!


  • Tu aimes les figoulus?????

  • You were not lazy… you were totally like Linda Evangelista! hehehe


  • Et maintenant, à quoi elles ressemblent, tes journées ?

  • This post is hilarious and so charming! Love it.



  • C’est beau de voir à quel point tu as évolué depuis. Belle évolution !!


  • Merci pour ce savoureux moment! Je fais les même bourdes de débutante free-lance et j’aimerais moi aussi les rayer de ma journée en 2012 (alerte à la résolution). Tu peux nous en faire un sur ton toi métamorphosée en professionnelle productive stp?

  • J’ai bien ri en lisant ce post!

    bisous bisous ma belle

  • Merci pour l’avertissement :))
    et j’ai la même question que les autres filles: et maintenant, c’est comment?
    et puis on attend toujours l’histoire drôle, on sera compatissant, promis ! :), de la remise du prix à Istanbul ! :)


  • haha. so cheeky. i love it.

  • La mer ? Ou la hudson river?

  • HAHA je suis free lance mais j’avoue je ne bosse pas de chez moi, sinon je branlerai rien de mes journées. ;)

  • Did you really have a Care Bear back then? :-) My kitty likes to step on my head in order to get me to feed him early in the morning; I go back to bed afterwards.

    I would love to see more of your French-only posts translated; I found you in 2008 after you found your translator.

    Big hugs!


  • Heu oui travailler de la maison, difficile d’être très productif, mais on en apprend des choses sur le net ;-)

  • Cameron – not really ! but I love them :-)

  • I love this! You are SO right about a day in the life of a freelance illustrator. With so much time spent at home, it’s easy to feel almost too comfortable. After I began doing yoga, I’ve felt way more concentrated and refreshed, ready to tackle my projects. But the one thing I can’t shake is my coffee habit!!

  • Roooh je l’avais jamais lu celui-là, je crois ! T’es la meilleure Garance ! Ca donnerait quoi 24h dans la vie de Garance aujourd’hui ?

  • Le coup des $10,000, c’est un clin d’oeil à Eva Evangelista ? ;)
    On lui prête souvent cette réplique – qu’apparemment, elle se mordrait les doigts d’avoir prononcée, si c’est vrai…

  • You’re adorable!! And I adore the way you write! And you always put a smile on my face!! And you’re such an inspiration! Gosh…I’m sounding so star-struck! Girl-crush, anyone?!

  • Garance,

    You couldn’t have illustrated more succinctly the transition I hope to see in my life. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I’ve recently realized that such changes don’t come about over night. Looks like I’m going to have to work at it (and discipline myself a little – yikes!).

    How did you do it?


  • Funny ! must be strange to look back at the start of your blog and career :)

    fashion & lifestyle in BElgium

  • Funny ! must be strange to look back at the start of your blog and career :)

    new outfit post !

  • Funny ! must be strange to look back at the start of your blog and career :)

    chanel spring make-up

  • Hahaha, I think I am right at the beginning of where you started. Should I blame it on my beginner skills as a free lance? :)
    Ok, I might not be as bad, I indeed love doing yoga and meditation if that helps ;)

  • hahahaaaa!!!!!!!!!je me sens moins seule en femme totalement divisée par ce que je peux faire quelquefois de manière drastique : yoga, thé vert, légumes vapeurs
    …) et la façon dont les choses (barrées) dérapent très souvent ( bailler sur le canapé en prenant un café serré tout en gobant des figolu…)

  • Vrai? Des pâtes avec pascale clark? Pas mal…

  • Hee! Garance, you crack me up – I work part-time and on the other days I am usually at home writing my blog and my novel…or at least, that’s what I claim to be doing, when I’m really quite often having days like the ones you describe so accurately – hahahahaha!

  • So Funny ! I enjoy that kind of posts, what about the ” Learning Fashion ” posts that you wrote in August ?

    Kisses ?

    The Hurting Fashion: 6 Days Before Fashion Week : How to Get in without an Invitation The Hurting Fashion

  • Incroyable ton parcours en 4 ans. J’immagine (j’espere!) que quand tu repenses à tout ca tu dois encore plus apprécier ta vie d’aujourd’hui!

  • Wow I recognize that! Fabulous post.

  • Haha quel post ! J’ai bien ris au final :)


  • hahahah this is great. I feel like most “day in the life” posts are actually just “the most productive day of my life” descriptions. Thanks for being real. I always imagine the perfect freelance life includes herbal tea and yoga in the morning, and no technology except when steadily focused on a project… But right now the only stretching I do in the morning is my fingers clicking through blogs. I would hate to see an hour by hour description of how I actually fitter away my time! Probably mostly facebook and making shoe wishlists.

  • Ah mais oui, c’est bien ca, c’est bien la glandue attitude !!
    Et c’est bien ce qu’il y a de mieux ! ;)
    Take it easy !

    Bises Garance !

  • Ton post m’a fait mourir de rire
    Je suis freelance aussi et ça me parle carrément !

  • garance,
    my name is reut and i am from israel.
    just wanted ti let u know that we love u out here!!! u are great! come for a visit sooooon.

  • Love the story! Do you think everybody is making their their stories more glamorous than they really are? xoxo

  • trop chouette!

  • You always so so funny garance!


  • Quelles sont tes méthodes d’aujourd’hui?

  • trop drole lol :)
    please share with us your typical work day today! im sure it’s super fun and cool. ive often wondered what it would be like to live a day in the life of garance dore…

    xo, dina

  • wish i could jump out of bed at 5:00 (roll out of bed at 8:00) think of amazing (mundane – ordinary – seemingly typical) things to write about. Making everything sound fun and cannot miss hearing about! Garance, you have a way about you that is soooo pleasant. we love your blog! YOU make it sound fun, I could not do that. you are special :-)))))

  • morte de rire !! merci pour ce beau rayon de soleil

  • Love this! U just made my monday brighter :)
    Love u Garance! Have a blessed 2012!!

  • Your days sound tiring…oops Awesome!lol! I have Monday’s off & I’m supposed to use it to finish my book but it somehow fly’s by so fast I often struggle to find the time.


  • dès …. potron-minet

    j’aime l’utilisation de cette expression, peu de gens la connaissent, et s’en servent encore

    c’est avec plaisir, que je la lis…

  • What a clever and funny way of writing you have Garance.

  • EVERY morning at 5.45 am I (not my husband!) get woken up by my 2 Burmese darlings, Sly and Robbie, as they walk around my head, scream and let me know that I’m on their schedule! I feed them, make coffee and then Sly, Robbie and I read YOUR blog!

    I have my own business writing music for TV, film and advertising. I spend MOST of my life in my studio, in front of my computer working. I love fashion too, but only if it’s functional and not too girly! I work really hard and there’s nothing glam about sitting in your studio pushing yourself to be creative on someone else’s timetable, as music is ALWAYS the LAST thing that people consider.
    I really love your blog and I’ve been so happy for you to be moving up and to see how you’re evolving. People only see the results of what people spend a lot of time refining and tweaking … usually in dark rooms on their own!

  • Que c’est dur de travailler chez soi!! Ton post m’a fait bien rire! :)

  • Ahah ça fait envie quand même par moments !

  • je viens de découvrir votre site et franchement j’adOre (surtt ce qui est barré, ça me fait sourire ce genre d’humour )
    merci :)

  • Bon ben c’est pas tout ça car moi aussi ce matin j’ai zappé le yoga… pour faire de l’ordre de mon armoire et et améliorer l’infâme chaos qui régnait dans la buanderie ( lieu stratégique d’une maison avec trois enfants, un mari et.. un chien) D’une certaine manière, j’ai fait mon yoaga en purifiant l’énergie de cette pièce symbolique.
    Font-ils des tenues pour dépurifier sa casa chez Isabelle Marant?

  • en toute franchise, je vous trouve hyper drôle et fraîche, et je suis devenue une inconditionnelle de votre blog (depuis 2 ans, si ce n’est plus…), mais vos textes sont tj truffés d’erreurs d’orthographe…et c’est une italienne installée en francophonie qui vous le dit! ;)

    vous qui n’êtes plus la free lance que vous décrivez ici et qui a la chance d’être entourée d’une équipe (que vous citez souvent), ne pourriez-vous pas laisser le soins à vos collaborateurs de corriger vos textes avant publication?

    ne le prenez pas mal, mais c’est pas toujours agréable d’avoir à lire des textes drôles, remplis de fautes en tout genre…du coup, le tout est moins drôle…on ne peut pas exceller dans tous les domaines, alors laissez faire! :) bien à vous!

  • Eh dits donc Miss Granola, tu ne devais pas te lever une heure AVANT le chat pour ton cours de yoga ?!

  • I would love to be a freelance too…I have to work 8 hours a day and write on my blog in the evening! So tired!



  • Procrastination et culpabilité:
    J’ai un examen de droit constitutionnel dans 3 heures, je n’ai pas fini de réviser, mais j’ai fait le tour des nouveaux articles de elle.fr, de ton blog, de celui de Fonelle, du Monde.fr (ouf, enfin quelque chose de pas trop futile).
    Mais j’écrirais peut être ma copie avec mon rouge à lèvre rose “déshabillé” Guerlain, je suis sûre que le correcteur appréciera cette touche de bonne humeur so 2012 ..
    btw, très chouette ce post !

  • I am glad you decided to re-post this – it made my day, well, night. It’s 2 am here and, what can I say, I am looking through blogs. I guess part of the working from home life is that you also spend quite some hours online at night. At least I do. And of course, it won’t make your ‘productiveness’ during the day any better. I can totally relate to that guilty feeling that you get when you’re supposed to be working on other things, but instead just do ‘whatever’. It’s a new year, so a good time to change that. After all… you’ll feel much better when you actually do something productive! (see how I am totally convincing myself that I should get my act together sometimes) ;-)


  • Mon dieu, tu viens de décrire parfaitement la vie (passionnante) d’étudiante que je vis!! Heureusement je pourrai continuer à ce rythme (ralenti) quand j’aurai un “vrai” boulot… si un jour je trouves ce que je veux faire de ma vie !

  • Du vintage post ! Excellent il fallait oser !
    Au plaisir,


  • Hi Garance! I love this post! It’s realistic, and I feel like I am where you were in 2007… except at my workplace, and not really in the comfort of my home! I’m going skip the 4 years, and look at myself with a more positive life, because If I know I’m capable, why wait? ! Inspiring post! Love love! x

  • Je me retrouve avec la version “on” que je débite à ma moitié et la version “off” que je déverse à mes copines…
    Une double vie en fait !

  • very funny :) my life style right now looks the same… :)
    can we have some more vintage posts? it’s so good to know that not everybody started their career as a star..


  • c’est génial !! Merci pour ce texte qui m’a bien fait rire :D mais a quoi ressemble tes journées d’aujourd’hui alors ? Dis nouus Garance :)
    Bises !

  • Un article très drôle et curieux ! merci Garance

  • Plus tard, je veux être free-lance!

  • Oh tiens, ma vie !

  • Oooh la-la! Fantastic changes! Inspiring as always. Thank you.

  • SO inspiring and great illustration!

    Take a look at my fashion illustrations and photography at:


  • This is hilarious!!

    Thanks for lovely blog!

    Lots of love from Stockholm

  • Bonjour Garance,
    c’est amusant, j’ai lu ce post il y a pas longtemps (pendant les vacances en crise de manque de post).
    J’avoue qu’en regardant les archives, j’ai vu que ton trait de crayon avait franchement évolué.
    Tes esquisses sont plus abouties, plus recherchées plus assurées.

    Bravo, quel chemin parcouru.

    By the way, j’adore l’expression “dès potron-minet”, je pensais que j’étais la seule à l’utiliser encore.


  • That is awesome! I waitress parttime and work for myself parttime and I have to admit my days are like this too! It certainly takes time to adjust!

  • what an epitome of modern life.

  • It was comforting to read this post. It’s good to see that things have changed.
    I am also working from home and not that far off from what you said, even though I am moving into a more professional @ home work ethic.
    love the post and happy 2012.
    Garance to me your blog is, still, always, the best.

  • Grace au ciel; je pensais que c’etais moi la seule parasseuse. C’est dommage que vous n’habitez pas a Long Island. O peut-être c’est mieux!

  • at the nutella part I totally had to laugh out loud

  • So hilariously and sadly true!

    I will be more productive in 2012, damn it.

    – Erin

  • Truly, I love you.

  • I love how you called this a vintage post , hehe

  • Garance,
    You left me laughing my eyeballs out! I work as a freelance fashion designer and especially the striked out sentences are so recognisable! Yep, that is really how (THE WONDERFUL!) life of a freelancer looks like, love your blog! xoxo Anna

  • Very amusing and clever Garance. Makes me feel even worse about my guilty pleasure watching the Rachel Zoe Project – but not enough to stop! The Brad Brad thing hasn’t found its way to Australia yet. Wonder if it will – if so, will have to watch it at least once.

  • I love your honesty here. I’m positive people believe the “story” to be your reality. Everyone wants to believe the fairytale.

  • Your illustrations have inspired me to the greatest of extents. They are magical. Really, they are something else. Check out my illustrations here and tell me what you think. xx
    Twitter: @mai_ala

  • Ha ha It’s so funny that you did this post. Just a little while ago I did a blog exactly like this one – my day in pictures :) http://cherchezlestyle.blogspot.com/2011/12/my-wednesday-in-pictures.html It was rather popular with my friends/followers.
    Loved yours! Unfortunately (or fortunately? :) my days of a freelancer are over

  • you’re too cute.

  • meilleur article du monde

  • Cristel June, 9 2013, 1:06 / Reply

    Coucou =)
    J’ai découvert ton blog depuis peu, et depuis j’y passe tous les jours.
    J’ai commencé par lire meet garance. Et jadore ! Il y a des liens vers d autres articles,
    C’est comme une histoire, j’ai croché :) et sinon je me perds aussi dans le diary et je check chaque catégorie. J’admire tes illustrations, tu dessines vraiment bien.
    Maintenant que tu sais que je te visite, je vais avec plaisir mettre des commentaires un peu partout ;)

    Merci pour tous le temps que tu consacres à ce blog ;) tes articles sont intéressants et j’adore m’y perdre :)



  • love love love the way you write! kisses

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