
10 years ago by

I’m here today to alleviate your fear of face oils. (If you don’t have a fear, you can still read this, of course.)

When I talk about face oils (which I do…often), so many of my friends look at me like I’m totally crazy. Why would you put an oil on your face? What good could possibly come from that? It’s oil! The last thing you want is an oily face.

Take a deep breath, face oil is your friend! I’m your friend! We are all friends!

First, it’s not going to make your skin oiler, if anything it’s going to help balance your natural oil production (trust me, I know oily skin). If you have extra dry skin, oils are great for added moisture. And depending on which you are using, they can brighten your complexion (Tatcha’s Camellia Face Oil) and help fight wrinkles (Sunday Riley’s Isis Face Oil). What’s not to like about that?
(I’d be lying if I said that there were some I didn’t love purely because they smell so heavenly– I’m looking at you By Terry Huile de Rose…)

So now that you know the benefits (stop being so scared!), I took it upon myself to break down face oil usage into three levels. From beginner to expert, here’s what you can do…

1. The Beginner: Don’t worry, I’ll start you off easy. Try an oilless oil like this one with squalene (sounds scary, but it’s derived from sugarcane) from Peter Thomas Roth. Apply it at night after cleansing and after your serum (applying the oil before the serum adds an extra barrier for the serum to penetrate and that’s no fun for the serum). Pat it in gently or rub gently in circles (give yourself a mini face massage, it’s your first time trying oil, you deserve it!). You never need more than two or three drops, start small…

2. The Intermediate: Try a face oil for day (L’Oréal’s Glow Renewal) and blend it in your hands with your moisturizer (again, after any serum). This mix is great for hydration and giving you a little extra glow during the day (what’s up, Gisele?). Start out with just one drop mixed in, especially if you are a liquid foundation user (baby steps, see what works for you). Alternate with using an oil at night. Once you’ve mastered the day time oil, you graduate to expert status. Congrats!

3. The Expert: Welcome to the club! At this point, you probably have a separate oil for morning, for night AND for body (if you haven’t tried a body oil yet, now is the time, you’re an expert after all!). [Body Oil Disclaimer: Apply on slightly damp skin and it will soak in beautifully. Apply it to dry skin and you might end up a little slippery…] Don’t be afraid to trade in your moisturizer for face oil completely (three drops or less) during the day. If you are looking for a little something extra, pat a little on your cheeks after makeup for a dewy, glow.

Let me know how it goes, okay?

More favorites? You’re in luck, I have a ton: Beauty Oil, RMS; Lotus Face Oil, Clarins; 03 Face Oil, Dr. Jackson’s Natural Products; Olio Lusso, Rodin; Absolute Face Oil, Zelens; Morning Glory Brightening Complexion Booster, One Love Organics; 8-Flower Nectar Oil Elixir, Darphin.


Add yours
  • Moi qui suis fan et une grande utilisatrice d’huiles pour le visage, et ce même si j’ai une peau mixte, je tiens à dire qu’il est inutile de dépenser des sous dans des huiles aussi complexes! Rien de mieux que les vraies huiles brutes et bio! La 100 % pure! Mon best-of: huile d’argan en masque pour un effet bonne mine et revitalisant, huile de rosier muscat le soir pour régénéré et avoir un teint super frais au réveil, l’huile d’amande douce pour démaquiller, huile de bourrache ou d’onagre pour atténuer les rides… et si on cherche une bonne odeur et bien on ajoute 1 goutte d’huile essentielle d’immortelle ou de géranium dans la bouteille d’huile et le tour est joué et ça coûte 10 fois mois cher que tous ces flacons de marques hors de prix!

  • Alexandra March, 27 2014, 10:10

    Merci Frédérique, c’est exactement ce que je pensais. Ça me fait penser à des genre de «potions magique» que certains investisseur nous vendent (très cher) dans le but de rendre notre peau plus comme-ci ou comme-ça… Alors qu’en fait on peux retrouver tout ces effets dans une huile 100% pure.

    D’ailleurs, j’adore l’huile d’argan pour mes cheveux et l’huile de coco pour le corps.

  • Je pensais exactement la même chose en lisant ce post.
    Mon huile favorite alors que j’ai la peau mixte (P*tain de T-zone ;-) c’est l’huile d’avocat!
    Je l’Adore!! Elle m’hydrate le visage comme aucune autre crème sans me faire briller (plus que d’habitude je veux dire ;-) Elle fait aussi des miracles sur mes cheveux afro car elle les assouplis et les rends super brillants.

    D’ailleurs un site que j’adore et qui vend toutes les huiles bio du mondes (non non je n’exagère pas!) c’est Aroma Zone: http://www.aroma-zone.com/aroma/he_fra_vegetale.asp

    Ils vendent aussi des notes de beurre bio, oui oui, des beurres! Karité, de mangue etc…
    Si vous êtes fana des crèmes et potions à faire sois même, vous allez adorés car ils ont plein de recettes pour créer se propres crèmes, huiles etc…

    D’ailleurs j’adorerai lire un post sur Garance Studio/apprenti chimiste ;-)


  • Oui voilà, moi aussi je me disais en lisant, mais pourquoi ne pas se procurer des huiles bio naturelles “sans marque” plutôt que d’aller vers les grands noms? Perso, l’huile de jojoba bio a changé ma peau, a traité un assez gros problème d’acné et ce, tout naturellement. Next step huile d’argan. Je comprends que c’est un blog mode, mais du moins, si vous faites des posts à teneur plus “dermatologique”, ayez le soin de donner les composantes des huiles utilisées et leurs propriétés actives, ça devient plus informatif et moins name dropping de marques…

  • i use oil and i liked the post. but the picture is simply wonderful!!! :)


  • hello Garance, tu as bien raison, perso j’en utilise tous les soirs selon les besoins ainsi que sur mes cheveux! J’aime beaucoup l’huile de fruits de la passion et de noix du brésil pour mes cheveux fins. Pour la peau, il y a le macérat d’aloé véra qui fait des miracles, l’huile de pépins de raisins pour les peaux sèches, l’huile de papaye pour les peaux grasses… Quand j’ai quelques boutons, j’appliques de l’huile de papaye avec deux gouttes d’huile essentielle de lavande!

    Je prends celles de chez Aromazone car elles sont bio et pas très chères mais les Melvita sont sympas aussi!

  • Moi j’adore l’huile d’argan pour mon visage
    t’en penses quoi?

  • J’utilise depuis longtemps de l’huile d’argan bio le soir pour le visage (c’est anti-âge) et de l’huile de coco bio pour le visage et le corps, c’est super nourrissant et réparateur.

  • Mon visage n’aime que les perles lissantes de la marque naturelle WELEDA ! Un rêve éveillé.
    Baci, Ali

  • Opened up my New Times here in Concord, Mass this morning and there was Garance — a blurb about this weekend’s open studio. Dang, I missed it by a weekend. Was in NYC this past weekend.

  • Emmanuelle March, 27 2014, 9:27 / Reply

    Le soir, depuis 3 ans, je ne jure que par l’huile de Rosa Rubiginosa Vierge Régénérante de Esenka.
    Le packaging n’est pas glamour, mais elle fait un bien fou à la peau ! Elle illumine, répare les cicatrices des petits boutons…
    C’est le produit auquel je suis le plus fidèle.

  • I have super dry skin, and I’ve figured out I love mixing Josie Maran’s Argan Oil with my moisturizer in the morning! It makes me feel so luxurious. Also, coconut oil is great for removing makeup! Just slather it on and wipe it off with a warm, damp cloth. That also feels so luxurious! :)

  • Elizaveta March, 27 2014, 9:52 / Reply

    Interesting thought …oils. Never really considered, but I do know that people with oily skin have less wrinkles and generally age better. For myself, I notice that when I take care good care of myself, exercise, eat good, drink plenty of water, I can feel the natural oils on my face all day long, yet I don’t looking shiny. For other, darker times, I will take a notice. Thanks, Alex.

    PS. This pic is art.



  • Please, someone tell me a good body oil. I am parched and don’t want to waste money trying different ones. Thank you.

  • Jane with the noisy terrier March, 27 2014, 10:24

    Lynn, try Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse, a Parisienne essential. It smells delicious, comes in regular and dry oil varieties (even a version with fine shimmer which is heavenly on slightly tanned arms and legs in the summer). Just a few drops will do, you can even use it as a hair oil — either as a treatment or just on dry ends. You can find it at most high-end pharmacies or on Amazon. For a cheaper but also good oil, try Neutrogena’s Body Oil. It’s a light sesame oil, melts into your skin and doesn’t feel greasy at all. It leaves a nice matte glow. Bonne chance!

  • Diane S. March, 28 2014, 4:48

    Okay, this isn’t fashionable, or trendy, or anything else but excellent. Neutrogena Body Oil is a light sesame-based body oil. I’ve used it for decades and it’s great. It’s also affordable – a bonus! Pat it onto damp skin after your shower. I like to put a little in a bath, too.

  • Fresh Rice Dry Oil applied to almost wet skin.

  • jennifer lafontan March, 27 2014, 9:53 / Reply

    Sans parler d’huile, je dirai juste que l’image est superbe ;)

  • olio lusso – rodin is the best…been using it for over a year….my skin has never looked better…..not greasy…smells fantatic…hydrates your face…..highly recommend……happy thursday everyone XOXOX

  • the absolutely best body oil is caudalie huile divine!!! :) i adore it!!! havent tried face oil though.. interesting post! will check :xxx

  • Arianne March, 27 2014, 2:04


    I use Caudalie Huile Divine mixed with my day time moisturizer in the morning and it works really well! It doesn’t make your skin too shiny (one drop is enough though), and your face feels fresh and moisturized all day long! Good luck :-)

  • Cristiana March, 27 2014, 10:10 / Reply

    Organic Argan Oil! Cuticles, hair, face, scars. Love it.

  • alexandra March, 27 2014, 10:11 / Reply

    Merci Frédérique, c’est exactement ce que je pensais. Ça me fait penser à des genre de «potions magique» que certains investisseur nous vendent (très cher) dans le but de rendre notre peau plus comme-ci ou comme-ça… Alors qu’en fait on peux retrouver tout ces effets dans une huile 100% pure.

    D’ailleurs, j’adore l’huile d’argan pour mes cheveux et l’huile de coco pour le corps.

  • Moi, j’utilise de l’huile d’argan pour le visage, c’est vraiment super!


  • Sometimes I think that my face is oily enough and needs some cleansing. But seems like a nice alternative.
    Your Friend, Jess

  • Mais qu’est ce qui se passe là sur le shop ? En plus des chouettes articles papeterie, il y aussi des sélections et liens vers net à porter ?
    Baci, Ali

  • Je me suis posée la même question. Et je trouve que là ça devient un peu trop business fourre-tout… Faut pas mélanger les torchons et les serviettes comme dirait ma grand-mère!

    Sinon suis d’accord avec toi Alex, les huiles, c’est le secret d’un teint lumineux, radieux, même pour les peaux mixtes (jojoba: parfait pour les peux grasses d’ailleurs car ne brille absolument pas!). Et la photo est magnifique.

  • La photo qui illustre ce billet est incroyablement belle et originale, j’adore!
    Oui, oui, je sais rien à voir avec le sujet du jour …

  • J’utilise l’Huile démaquillante à la graine de persil de la marque Aésop et je ne peux pas m’en passer.
    C’est vraiment un geste essentiel. J’huile longuement le visage et j’essuie avec une serviette chaude humide. Ma peau est ‘vraiment’ nettoyée et d’une propreté irréprochable.

  • Mathilde March, 27 2014, 11:09 / Reply

    J’utilise de l’huile d’argan vierge depuis des années pour me démaquiller, m’hydrater le corps, le visage et les cheveux, c’est juste génial !

  • Je ne jure plus que par l’huile de noisette bio, c’est une huile sèche donc pas de gras sur la peau, elle pénètre parfaitement bien, elle seule apaise ma peau tout en l’hydratant!

  • Sébastien March, 27 2014, 11:15 / Reply

    L’huile c’est parfait pour se laver le corps.
    Huile lavante Lipikar ou Huile lavante Eucerin (les deux en parapharmacie).
    J’explique : je me lave le matin mais aussi le soir (après la gym ou la piscine).
    Bref, mec ou pas mec, ma peau devenait blanche et s’écaillait.
    J’ai découvert les huiles lavantes il y a un an sur conseil du dermato : peau du corps parfaite, plus de déshydratation, même après la piscine.
    Ma préférée est celle de la marque Eucerin.

  • Il exite des crèmes qui sont faites à base d’huiles végétales donc tous les bénéfices de l’huile avec la texture d’une crème. Celles de chez Nebo sont juste géniales, faites avec les meilleures et plus précieuses huiles dont l’argan, la figue de Barbarie, la rose musquée etc…Je n’utilise plus que ça: nebocosmetics.com

  • alex, any tip for an extremely unbalanced (i.e. very oily on the T-zone and super dry on cheeks and eye area) and acne-prone skin, please?

  • Pauline March, 28 2014, 4:30

    Jojoba oil!

  • Yes, organic jojoba on a clean wet face. You’ll see result !

  • I use argan oil on my face and had such great results that I have yet to try anything else.

  • Concernant l’huile d’Argan. La plus efficace (la seule efficace ?) vient directement du Maroc et ne sent pas bon. Attention aux produits trop marketing dans le domaine

  • agreed ! I use virgin cold pressed argan oil on my face every morning and evening….best straight off the press from a coop in Morocco

    i don’t mind the smell
    and I do not have a single wrinkle !

    But if you do you can now also find them odorless through http://www.inkanat.com they send it everywhere , and also propose a big format bottle for the body

    In order to oil your body , do so before you shower…first scrub body in circular motions with scratchy gloves to get circulation going…from feet upwards in the sense of a clock…then your arms, then your chest/heart…that will help you eliminate toxins and get circulation flowing
    then cover yourself in oil and shower ( do not slip on shower floor ! )
    it really does wonders for cellulitis and makes your skin soft

    for my hair I use coconut oil all summer , to protect from sun damage and salty water

    and for great teeth,gums and immune system , pull coconut oil every morning like this


  • NUXE is a dream – I use it on my face mixed with some light moisturizer and all over the body. I would say definitely use right after shower so it absorbs well, no one likes slippery skin unless you’re getting a massage ;)

  • Alexandra March, 27 2014, 12:04 / Reply

    Argan oil on face at night and on hair ends after a shower, coconut oil everywhere else and to remove makeup. My skin is so happy since I’ve made the switch!

  • I love Argan oil for my body , great product!

    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • karacocoa March, 27 2014, 12:46 / Reply

    You absolutely do not have to get fancy when it comes to face oils. I use cold-pressed, organic jojoba on my face skin. It’s great for oily skin. Organic coconut oil on my body. I put coconut oil on my lips before I go to bed, and I wake up with super soft, hydrated lips in the morning. Not need to buy a lot of pricey oils.

  • I am pro face oil!
    I THOUGHT I had combination skin, but I find now that the more oil-based products (cleansers, oils etc) I use, the happier my skin is.

    I used to both shiny and flakey (?!?!?), now my skin is soft with a nice glow and less sensitive. I wonder if the mild acne I had in my teens and early twenties would have been helped by staying away from harsh cleansers and oil-free products. None of the acne stuff ever seemed to do anything, and I suspect now that a good oil balance is more helpful to the skin than trying to dry it out and torturing it with acne “remedies”.

  • Yes!

    There oils on the face are great as long as they are light oils. As an alternative to the designer oils you can purchase jojoba oil (which is very light and is very close to the oil that we naturally produce on our faces) or grapeseed oil (another light oil for those with oily skin) at Wholefoods or online. I also love to spray rose water on my face which gives me a dewy look.

    There is also oil cleansing that works miracles (for some)! Grapeseed oil is great for oil cleansing.

  • Nice discovery, by the way wonderful picture


  • Charline March, 27 2014, 1:38 / Reply

    La Photo est géniale !

  • j’ai testé plusieurs huiles pour le jour mais je ne suis clairement pas fan. En revanche je suis devenue accro aux huilles démaquillantes ! Plus de coton, la peau et les yeux hyper bien démaquillés c’est top ;-)

  • Léonore March, 27 2014, 1:39 / Reply

    great picture!!

  • Maartje March, 27 2014, 1:44 / Reply

    I actually use Argan oil for my face, and it’s the best moisturizer I’ve ever had!

  • Wonderful photo!

  • Charlotte March, 27 2014, 2:11 / Reply

    I love oils and I’m definitely stage three! I actually don’t use any other product on my face and body than natural oils and butters. Sometimes a little soap or a diy scrub.

  • nastassia March, 27 2014, 2:35 / Reply

    The Normalizing oil from Dr. Hauschka is amazing…

  • la photo est très belle, ça fait écho à énormément de chose: la silhouette d’une ville au coucher dus soleil, un vitrail, la lumière du soleil à travers les rideaux au petit matin.. j’ai mis du temps à remarquer les flacons, j’étais tellement prise par toutes ces couleurs.

  • Effectivement Alex, vive les huiles pour le visage! J’en applique matin et soir depuis maintenant plusieurs mois en complément ( et progressivement, en remplacement) de mes crèmes habituelles. Ma peau mixte et sensible s’en porte merveilleusement; elle est plus lumineuse et tend à se “normaliser”.

    Comme l’a très justement écrit Frédérique, !! J’utilise d’ailleurs principalement l’huile de jojoba, c’est une huile à tout à faire: elle démaquille, hydrate, régule le sébum et son prix est relativement peu élevé (je l’achète chez Aroma zone) Que du bonheur!!!

    Best regards,

  • Les huiles pour cheveux (orofluido!) et le corps (huile prodigieuse que je pique à ma mère, systématiquement) OK, mais pour le visage ça me fait peur, même après lecture de cette article!


  • Great picture!

    I love using cleansing oil (Dermalogica precleanse has been my go-to for a decade now), but have never used a face oil. I don’t really use moisturizer anymore either (cue gasps) because I feel like my skin gets oily enough on its own but maybe some face oil will help reduce that feeling.

  • Despite being super oily and acne prone, I’ve been forever loyal to Shu’s green (anti-oxi) cleansing oil to remove makeup and having just added the pink (anti-shine) version to my AM routine, my skin feels extra pampered and surprisingly blemish free!

  • Natalie March, 27 2014, 4:42 / Reply

    Woah, I love love love this photo! I would totally buy a print if it were in your shop! Seriously, bravo Garance!

  • J’habite en Polynésie Française (je sais, trop la chaaance!!!) et ici les femmes utilisent l’huile de monoï depuis, je sais pas, des siècles. C’est hyper parfumé, super agréable, ça fait la peau douce et satinée et de beaux cheveux. Je l’utilise en masque sur les cheveux ou sur les pointes. Attention à ne pas mettre au soleil en revanche (peau ou cheveux cramés garanti).

  • Oh, Clarins Lotus Oil, my love… That’s not to say it didn’t take me a long while to try this whole idea out. Growing up with oily skin, I was brainwashed into thinking everything I used had to be oil free. (Hence, the oily skin. If only I had known.) But I’ve embraced it and am looking for more!

    Shani x
    She Dreams in Perfect French

  • Il manque LES DOUCES ANGEVINES ! fabriquées près de chez moi, garanties biologiques et aux parfums divins…

  • Il est très appréciable de voir de plus en plus de post sur les bienfaits des huiles ( qui sont infinis ) Mais pourquoi ne parler que des huiles à ce prix là ( qui n’est ABSOLUMENT pas justifié ) ? 100 dollars pour une huile de marque, qui sans marque serait à 15 euros maximum les 100ml ? Je suis perplexe.

    Pourquoi faire si compliqué ? Les huiles pures sont peu chères, multi usage, et très efficace. Essayez l’huile de coco pour les cheveux et le corps, elle fait des miracles, et ne coûte que quelques euros au rayon huile de cuisine en magasins bio.

  • Ann-Sofie March, 28 2014, 9:55

    Totalement d’accord, Lise. Je ne vois pas l’intérêt de payer des huiles aussi chères, je préfère payer pour un label (garantie huile bio, non transformée etc) que de payer pour une marque de luxe qui n’apporte rien de plus… L’essentiel étant la composition, la plus concentrée possible en actif :)

  • Another Reader March, 27 2014, 6:26 / Reply

    Hi Alex, have you ever tried Palmers cocoa butter skin therapy oil? Do you know this Brand? Is is good?

    Could you tell us about drugstore products please.

  • Totalement d’accord avec le premier commentaire!! Je consomme de l’huile de bourrache en gellule. Bon, j’avoue être un peu jeune pour être une pruve d’efficacuté de l’action anti-rides… Mais ce sont qd même de bons procduits il me semble.
    E, tt cas, l’article me donne envie d’essayer les huiles sur le visage!

  • I vote for Aesop’s Fabulous face oil, Nuxe for body, and Kahina argan oil for hair!

  • Clarins make a few face oils i luv…i also use occasionally DHC Deep Cleaning Oil which i learned about from your site…Merci

  • oh yes great photo…

  • Je veux vraiment essayer! http://www.francevvip.com

  • After I thought I’ll be using la mer for my whole life (with periods of pause bc of finances), i was once given a Badger Company Damascus Rose face oil. I will just say I haven’t been back to la mer in 15 months and i am not planning. Needless to memtion the price…it’s less than 20 dollars! Try it yourself!

  • Savez-vous si l’huile empêche l’efficacité du FPS? C’est la raison principale pour que je ne l’utilisez pas dans la journée.


  • I am really interested to try face oils now but also I must say, I love the image you paired with this article! It is stunning! Nice work.

  • I use Neil’s Yard Rose oil, and a rose & frankincense oil from Aromatherapy Associates which is magic for skins with roascea.

    And that is the best post header/product shot I’ve seen in a long time. Genius.

  • I have been using apricot kernel oil on my face morning and night for years. Super supple skin with few wrinkles. I also have tried Sweet Almond oil lately as well, which works nicely as well. I have to try this NUXE oil that continues to be mentioned. Mercì!

  • Les huiles, c’est la vie ! De l’huile d’amande douce pour me démaquiller et de l’huile de rose pour le visage, matin, soir, quand j’en ai envie… et j’ai testé la crème Egyptian magic qui contient de l’huile d’olive cosmétique, elle est top, et 100% naturelle ! Les ingrédients: huile d’olive, miel, propolis, gelée royale et … c’est tout ! Less is more !

  • Pauline March, 28 2014, 4:35 / Reply

    J’ai la peau grasse, acné légère et franchement, “l’huile protectrice Dr Hauschka” est géniale! L’huile de jojoba pure est TRES bien aussi!
    Et que pensez-vous de “L’huile fabuleuse Aesop”??

  • I use Bi-Oil which is full of added vitamins and my skin loves it. It also helps healing scars. And the best thing, it’s affordable for me as a broke college student :)

  • cynthia March, 28 2014, 8:25 / Reply

    Have you tried John Masters oil? they have a “pomegranite face oil” that smells like lavender and is very light, and they also have an argan oil for the colder, drier months.
    And its mostly organic.

  • Garance and Alex!

    Try Aesop’s Fabulous Face Oil. Absorbs beautifully and leaves your skin looking refreshed and moisturised!


  • Of late, I use 100% pure organic argan oil and love it so much. I’ve learned that a very good way to apply oils is on a damp face. Then, rub 2-3 drops oil into clean hands and gently pat on skin. I rarely use any other moisturizer.

  • I can’t believe nobody mentioned the midnight recovery magic oil by Kiellh’s :)
    i work as a flight attendant, so after some 24h shifts and changing 8 time zones my oily skin is grey in color and completely lifeless. So i put Kielh’s oil on my oily face :) after cleansing and tonic. the next morning i can look at myself in the mirror! it does wonders short-term to a skin color.

  • I am so into facial oils. I can tell that they have made a big difference in the complexion of my skin. Even though, make-up does not blend nicely on a face that is slathered with oil, haha. I put up a post a while back with my favorite facial oil This is the link if you are interested. http://behindthemirrorbeauty.com/2013/11/16/acne-scariest-part-life/

  • Diane S. March, 28 2014, 4:56 / Reply

    When I was younger I had very oily skin, and any oils at all on my face were disastrous. Even now there are areas on my face where added oil means immediate blemishes. I now have a routine that works, and I always regret when I stray. And, being a girly girl, I can be enticed away by the over-blown and frequently misleading claims by the cosmetics industry to the newest creams, oils, potions and lotions. After they give me meh results, or cause harm, I go back to the old tried and true.

  • I can recommend all of Weleda’s oils: wild rose, citrus, sea buckthorn, pomegranate. They are all natural, organic and certified by NaTrue.

    Wild Rose for the face comes in capsules, smells divine and does wonders day/night and especially in cold weather. Remember to apply a very small amount and only on slightly moist skin for oils to absorb properly.

    My favorite is Sea Buckthorn which I apply after every shower. No more flaky skin!

  • J’utilise l’huile de Nuxe pour tout.
    J’en mets egalement sur la pointe de mes cheveux pour qu’ils soient moins secs.

  • Dani K. March, 30 2014, 9:36 / Reply

    I have been happy with the results of using face oils for many years, but as scent is of great import to me, I always seem to return to the French (allo Garance) brand DECLEOR. They make several oils and they all smell AMAZING and give different results. Europeans can buy DECLEOR products in fine apothocaries at reasonable prices while Americans have to spend ungodly sums and can only buy them in fancy salons that carry the line. Love their oils as well as the rest of the line.

  • Loving this photo! So beautiful and colorful! :) Your photos are always so inspirational!

  • If its organic, it won’t make my face look bad. This is what I think about oils. They are amazing on my 20 something /youngish skin! Love them

  • Océopin April, 1 2014, 5:41 / Reply

    Connaissez-vous la nouvelle Huile de graines de pin maritime®, soin de beauté visage innovant et 100% bio d’Océopin ? Un produit made in France, fabriqué près du Cap-Ferret et de Bordeaux. http://www.oceopin.com

  • jolie photo !

  • JPMOGLIA April, 5 2014, 1:09 / Reply

    I use Dr. Hauschka’s normalizing day oil, though extra virgin olive oil works just as well. I want to share my experience using oil to treat acne.

    After I moved apartments this past January in NYC, I misplaced my face oil, so I started using Clinique moisturizer instead. I was somewhat new to the face oil regimen, and have used normal face moisturizes in the past (Clinique, Cetaphile SPF, Cerave), so I didn’t’ expect any major changes. Within a few days, my skin started to break out with cystic acne all along my hairline and chin. Granted, I’ve been a victim of cystic acne for many years now. In fact, I’ve noticed that I tend to break out during periods of high stress. The move was stressful, I’m not going to lie, but I had already finished moving. When I found my face oil a few days later, I began using it instead of the face lotions to see if my skin would improve. I was astonished by how quickly my skin seemed to calm down and heal.

    In my opinion, using oils is more effective at hydrating dry/combination/acne prone skin than traditional lotions or even topical medications. My girl friend Sarah has used extra virgin olive oil exclusively on her face to treat her own acne for years now after ditching her dermatologists. She was the one who inspired me to give face oil a try.

    Now that I use face oil (Dr. Hauschka or EVOO) under my makeup, I no longer get dreaded “oil slicks” on my t-zone halfway through the day, which used to be the case when I used traditional facial moisturizers. It got to the point where I was embarrassed to go to meetings for work, but no more! I wouldn’t say face oil has 100% cured my acne– I still suffer from occasional breakouts and I use retin-A micro gel, Finacea, antibiotics, and soon I will try photodynamic light therapy in combination with my face oil regimen– but the overall improvement is nonetheless undeniable. I used to get 30+ injections of cortisol at the dermatologist. Not anymore. Acne is a battle that must be fought on all sides. Face oil has helped me combat one of them.

  • Great story & picture! I like to use pure Jojoba oil from here: http://www.thejojobacompany.com.au/skin-care/100-natural-australian-jojoba/30ml-jojoba/

    It goes on nicely & soaks in quickly after washing my face at night. Been using it since Christmas and swear I’ve got less fine lines & less spots too!

  • Charlotte September, 4 2014, 5:21 / Reply

    I love face oils. My favorite is RMS beauty oil, it works perfectly with their makeup (in fact its the best make up primer ever!). It really gives you that Victoria’s Secret glow. Another favorite is Pai’s rosehip oil which is only rosehip. I put it on at night and wake with a wrinkle-free, pimple-free and all over rosy fresh face!
    I actually barely use regular face cream anymore. However, don’t confuse oil with moisture! Oil does NOT give you any moisture. This is why I spritz a toner over my face (rosewater!!) and then put the oil on top while it’s still wet. The oil creates a barrier so the water can’t evaporate (which would result in dry skin) (remember, water and oil don’t mix). I’ve never had better skin. My skin is also a lot less sensitive and can tolerate more.

  • Beautiful! I love oils. My favorite is from a niche line called YULI Skincare. They grow many of the ingredients themselves organically or in the wild and bottle the oils after you order so it is super fresh. You have to try their oil for winter dry skin called Modern Alchemist, it is worth every penny!

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  • L’utilisation des huiles essentiels pour la beauté et le soin de visage est très bon, je ne pense que ça va pas produire une visage huileux. Merci

  • Je pense que l’utilisation des huiles d’argan est bon pour la santé et aussi peau.

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