The Bold Brow
10 years ago by
There are few things I like more than a bold eyebrow (for example: puppies, Tim Riggins and nail polish) and this look at the Acne pre-fall presentation was no exception. The brows were full, filled in and slightly elongated at the outer edge. The neutral tones of the makeup balanced the look nicely; it’s strong but not severe. I’ll definitely be recreating this the next time I get too lazy to pluck!
– Alex
Would you guys please post a video on how to achieve such brows? I like to fill mine in once in a while with the brow powder but they never look as great. So what’s the secret to filling in eye brows?
wow! those are BIG brows! :)
I struggled with this for years until I discovered Lancome’s Brow Expert. It’s BRILLIANT… a mascara for the brows. I no longer fill them in – they’re dark enough to stand out now. Huge improvement :-)
I do like a bold brow. Mine aren’t as thick as these and they look thicker when I have them tinted. But I think I am doing alright on the thickness. :-)
J’adoore aussi cette trend: ca fait des années que je porte mes sourcils nature. Et, maintenant, je les renforce avec du brun.
Pour celles come moi qui ont des petits yeux, c’est vraiment une aubaine, ça agrandit et intensifie le regard <3
Awesome photography, great brows! x
Je reconnais, ce sont les sourcils parfaits!!
Eh bien moi pour le coup, je ne suis pas fan, et encore, sur cette photo c’est discret et je comprends que l’on puisse trouver cela joli, mais suis-je la seule personne à trouver Cara Delavigne hairy scary?
Je trouve ses sourcils horribles, désolée!
Still working on achieving this look!
I can’t go very long without wanting to pluck! haha.
It doesnt work well for some people. Cara Delavigne’s bold brows complement her different personality. On the other hand, bold brows didnt work so well for Demi Lovato (in my opinion). Theres gotta be some harmony!
I may or may not have verbally eviscerated someone who wanted me to pluck mine. As long as I’m not doing my best Frida Kahlo impression, I feel the same way about the strong brow as, well, Cameron Diaz appears to feel about her nether hair. Unfortunately, my right eyebrow has begun to go grey! (I am 27; how did this happen?!) So I suppose it’s brown mascara for me; pencil doesn’t look quite right…
elle a surtout une très belle couleur d’yeux
mhh, I like brows natural. Not thin, not bold. In shape, yes.
Katharina // Katinka
J’adore ce genre de sourcils, malheureusement je me suis trop épilée étant ado donc maintenant c’est foutu!!! Très belle photo.
Par contre, il me semblait que seule Garance devait continuer à publier ce qui s’apparente à des articles (ce qui apparaît en gros sur la page) et que tous les autres membres de l’équipe n’écriraient que sur des “billets” (plus petits). Parce qu’avant je n’avais aucun mal à comprendre qui écrit quoi, mais maintenant je m’y perds un peu ;)
I can’t find the courage to leave my eyebrows alone
I love full brows! I wish mine were a little fuller haha
xx Nicole
I do not like eyebrows too thin, this beautiful girl!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Yes! Love love love a bold brow. But when they’re enhanced by an amateur hand (ahem… like my own), I always wonder if they don’t look too fake… It’s a fine line I think. These in the photo are splendid!
My brows are unruly doing their own thing 24/7. I like how thick this brow is on her but I don’t know that I could pull it off without the ‘oh wow she needs to pluck’ situation resulting. Hmm.
J’adore les sourcils fournis comme ceux de cette fille; ça donne beaucoup d’intensité au regard, je suis fan!
New on my French fashion blog:
Silver skirt + Perfecto
“Puppies”, “Tim Riggins” and “nail polish” in the same sentence… Ain’t it the perfect alternative reality? Especially because of Tim Riggins <3
Everyone wants the Cara eyebrow. Too bad mine just don’t grow in that much!!
Shani x
Reading “Tim Riggins” made me stop and think about cute, cute, tragic Tim Riggins. The movies the actor is in now arent the same at all.
Attention, phrase culte “Franchement, il n’y a pas grand-chose que j’aime plus que des sourcils fournis (à part les chiots)”, ah ah j’adore !!
J’avais les sourcils comme ça à 20 ans et je les ai bien sûr épilés !! Nul…je sais. Bon il m’en reste pas mal quand même, mais je regrette.
That is all. xx
Loving this look! Very serene and clear :)
C’est effectivement une grosse tendance par contre les marques et les make-up pro n’ont rien inventé de nouveau. Le naturel est dans la place…
I wanted a thick brow and every place I went, I couldn’t stress enough that I want it to look so thick like you don’t know if I do actually get them shaped or not. But they always take off too much, then what do you do? And the other thing I always said was to never trim them, but then with my eyes closed I would hear the snipping, my eyes would spring open and alas there are the scissors! Ahhh exsqueeze me?
But I finally found someone who does that, thank goodness but it definitely took some chances and some time growing them back. My now favourite beautician says it takes about 8 months for your brows to grow completely back!
Moi j aime pas trop, même si j ai la flemme de m épiler. Aha!