13 years ago by
Even though I know that the fashion world is not a parallel universe, I have to say that sometimes, I definitely have my doubts.
We already talked about professional life and we even began to graze the surface of fashion week, but there still remains a subject which has truly developed its own charming language, and that subject is figure and beauty.
It often starts like this:
Oh wow, you’re absolutely glowing! Who is it? = How could this be?! Your dermatologist is better than mine?!
Oh wow, you look so… Healthy! = Is that a muffin top that’s about to pop out of your jeans?
Oh wow, you got a new haircut! It’s really quite… Editorial! = You serious? What the hell is that on top of your head?
You want my dermatologist’s/dietitian’s/hair-dresser’s contact? = You really gotta do something, my dear. Time to get some SERIOUS work done…
This sweater? Oh, I borrowed it from my daughter. = And that’s how skinny I am.
Oh, I didn’t recognize you! = You did something ?
She do something, you think? = Facelift?
Right now I’m on this fresh fruit juice cleanse and I’ve such incredible energy! = I’ve gotta drop five pounds before fashion week.
If I were an elegant lady in my early 80’s living, say, in Dallas, this would be the best blow-out ever = My name is Lauren Santo Domingo and I know exactly how to talk to my hairdresser. And I share it with my followers!
There is, of course, a special beauty vocabulary for the models you see filling the pages of magazines, and I mean c’mon now, who’s gonna believe these :
- Yeah, I don’t know what happened, my breasts just popped up in only a few months, and at 25 years old. Poof! = Seriously?
- I eat anything I want ! = Seriously ??
- I’d rather go naked than wear fur. = Sériously ???
… All the crazy stuff you hear at the beauty counters :
- This cream is amazing. It has a base made entirely from oxygen! It costs $1,200 but, you know, oxygen is really rare!
- Your skin is dry with a tendency toward oily. You’re going to need three different moisturizers, one for the cheeks, one for the forehead, and another for the chin. And don’t forget the eye cream. Should I wrap it up for you?
- Dermatologists? Never listen to them. They have no clue what they’re talking about!
And of course, non-verbal language… always my favorite.
- Black sunglasses = I just pulled an all-nighter. I have such a steamier life than you, you prude.
- I’m not wearing any makeup = No need to be beautiful. In the fashion world, all you need is to be skinny, stylish. …And wear black sunglasses.
- I’ve had the same haircut for 55 years now, and I don’t think I’ll be changing anytime soon. = I’m so important, I’m like my own brand. And I’m my own logo. No no no, shhhh. Relax. I’m not for sale : I work in fashion.
Aha! There you have it. You have anything else to add?
Translation : Tim Sullivan
Le non-verbal language est très très bon! merci Garance, je rigole toujours autant ;)
Des bisous !
Haha I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard the oxygen one!!
I find the model musings so amusing! Love you! http://www.prettydaffodils.blogspot.com
“J’ai la même coupe depuis 55 ans” = Anna W.? Parce que cette femme c’est comme Lagerfeld, on pourrait la reconnaître entre mille avec sa chevelure figée depuis des décennies.
C’est génial quand tu fais des “talking fashion”, tellement drôle, j’en veux encore! ;)
Très drôle, en effet. J’adore les remarques sur les pots de crème. C’est exactement cela !
merci !!!! je rigole enfin aujourd’hui !!!
bonne journée garance, et please continue d’etre aussi inspirée ! ça me donne la peche !
Ah très très bon ce recueil de petites perles !
Les lunettes noires me font toujours beaucoup rire dans le métro : c’est tellement grillé !
Merci Garance !
this is so funny Garance! LOL XD
Excellentissime…et tellement vrai….
Merci pour ce 3ème volet. J’espère qu’il y en aura d’autres, des “Talking fashion”.
Merci pour ces petites révélations haha
Ton blog est vraiment très sympa Garance :)
ahah! trop bon le coup de la crème à base d’oxygène! on flirt clairement avec le ridicule mais c’est ça qui est bon!!! Vaut mieux en rire!
Trop bien l’illustration, j’adore!
Une fois de plus, un régal !
Merci Garance pour ce petit guide de survie en milieu hostile (la Mode en est un, non?).
Avec toi dans la poche, on ne risque pas les malentendus et même on entend des voix là où il n’y a que le silence et des lunettes noires, c’est magique !
Tu continues hein dis ?
Par exemple j’aimerais bien un aperçu de ce que disent les photographes pendant les shootings et m’est avis que tu connais un brin la question^^
Haha, Garance, you made me laugh out loud (too loud)…I don’t suppose you are referring to a specific person with that last point about the haircut, are you? *wink wink*
j’adore cette série de posts ! c’est tellement imagé, on s’y croirait ! :o)
cannot stop laughing!!!! *eheeheheh*
that’s so funny! and so part 1 and 2!
from longuette
Et le langage non verbal des photographes?
quel bonheur de commencer la journée avec tes articles!
le coup de la crème à l’oxygene, génial ;-)))
et l’illustration j’adooore !
ahahah you’re amazing!! These posts make me laugh so much every time!
You know what I noticed? If I gain some weight people ask me “Oh hi… Did you lose weight?” because they know you’ll answer “Oh no, what are you saying?? I’m fatter! 5 kilos, I had some issues…”. It’s their polite way to ask you if you’ve gained weight and exactly-how-much.
If they tell you “Oh hi!! You look wonderful, did you lose weight?? You should really tell me how your diet works!!” there are two options:
1) if they’re your mother-grandmother-sister-old friends of your grandmother: they’re sincere. You can really be happy and go buy that pair of skinny jeans you fell in love 3 months before
2) if they’re the rest of the world it means “finally you decided to do a diet that it works uh?? You were really fat, girl!”
So if someone tells you like that start to worry LOL (but I’m sure it’ll never happen to you :-) )
Wow. I don’t know what to say. I am laughing too much at the moment . . .
j’ai trop rit ! merci :)
et encore encore encore plus de talking fashion !!!
You speak the evil truth with such finesse.
hahaha! im looking forward to more lessons!
T’es terrible Garance. J’adore ton humour.
Je penserai à toi la prochaine fois que je vais acheter ma crème visage.
Thanks for giving us a behind the scenes peek into fashion speak . It’s so interesting how each industry has its own language and set of rules.. to an outsider it seems completely alien unless you have your own Rosetta Stone (or in this instance… Garance!) Merci!
Meme coupe de cheveux depuis 55 ans… Mireille Mathieu (moin glam) ? Ma grand mère (Plus glam) ?
Très bon article Garance ! Je n’ai pas d’autres trucs à ajouter. Tu as tout bien résumé.
Belle illustration aussi ! Bravo !
Sarah So Trendy
Génialissime!!! J´ai tellement rigolé au bureau que tout le monde m´a regardé :) Je suis tellement d´accord avec la partie “mannequins”, on a parfois l´impression qu´elles nous prennent pour des attardées (elles mangent beaucoup, et de tout, et elles ne prennent un seul kilo, ehm ehm).
En tout cas, c´est une série tres réussie, Garance, et j´espere lire la suite bientôt!
bisous Ivana
HAhaHAAH ils sont énormes tes décodages du langage… .D
Absolument génial… ;))
T’as un humour de OUf!
ASOS GIVEAWAY: http://magmoiselle.fr
“I use this amazing face cream/shampoo/perfume that you can only buy at one tiny shop near Prague.” — hahaha, you can’t have it.
“I get weekly facials, massages, and mani-pedis, have my hair trimmed every four weeks and colored every two, work with a trainer five days a week for two hours and have a twice-monthly waxing and eyebrow-shaping appointment.” — I have no savings as my maintenance costs more than the national debt, plus it’s a full-time job.
“I’d never do plastic surgery!” — Botox, fillers, facial peels, laser resurfacing and thermal tightening are another story.
aahhh ca fait du bien de pouvoir rigoler pdt ca petite pause déjeuner!!! Merci garance!!
Aha!! mention spéciale au vocabulaire beauté spécial mannequins! sérieux??? Lol! J’adore! :D
Wow, You’re amazing! You just made my day, thank you :)
Excellent !!! Et tellement vrai :(
Hi Garance,
what a great story…once again! Thanks for cheering me up ;)
big hugs from hamburg.
Tout simplement, J’ADORE!!
As usual, really funny and well written. But, you know, there ARE people that would rather go naked than wear fur. Me, for example. I would rather wear a used garbage bag. And I am an editor in the fashion industry.
Tout ceci me fait penser à un anti-psychiatre anglais Ronald Laing (mort) qui appelait cette forme de communication le “double-bind” et qui peut rendre un enfant fou. La personne dit une chose, l’enfant ou l’autre sent autre chose, et ne peut plus se fier à son propre ressenti. Bien entendu ce genre de ping pong entre adultes modeux est moins grave ! N’empêche être pris(e) pour une quiche est plutôt rageant à moins d’avoir une sacrée dose d’humour ! Et là tu peux vraiment t’amuser à renvoyer la balle … ton dessin est superbe.
t’as quelque chose contre la peau sèche à tendance grasse? (je sais pas, j’essaye, t’as peut-être un truc que tu veux peut-être bien sympathiquement partager :) – parce que moi j’ai la peau sèche à tendance grasse. sérieux.
sinon, cette série sur le vif de ta vie est excellente, as always.
J’aime beaucoup cette nouvelle rubrique. Bravo Garance !
J’attendais la suite avec impatience! J’adore particulièrement les remarques sur la peau sèche à tendance grasse. Je rajouterai la même scène chez le coiffeur : vous avez les pointes sèches, voici un masque pour les fortifier ; et pour vos mèches, je peux vous préparer spécialement un illuminateur de couleur…
Bien dit !!! J’ajouterais…
Et ta robe, c’est qui ?…
Rodarte VINTAGE (2009) !
Bisous Garance
Your point of view about fashion is great!!! I love this kind of post!!!
oui, il faut avoir les pieds sacrément bien ancrés sur Terre pour ne pas chavirer !!
Please, reste ton propre logo !!!!!!!!!!
Ah la langage non verbal !! J’adore !
i love love love your posts. they are so sweet :D
Tellement frais ce post, ceci dit dans le vie de tous les jours aussi ce langage “codé” existe aussi non ? Nan, parce que le ” tu as l’air en pleine forme” à double sens, on l’a toutes plus ou moins vécu un jour non ?!!
J’adore Gerance! Thanks for making me smile……
“Je mange ce que je veux” …pourquoi les femmes ne sont-elles pas honnêtes entre elles et envers elle-même ?
“J’ai la même coupe de cheveux depuis 55 ans, et je ne compte pas en changer” hummm let me guess…
Hahaha! The part about oxygen made me laugh!
C’est a mourir de rire! mais… tu te fais des ami(e)s a les depeindre comme ca les minettes? y’en a bien qui vont se reconnaitrent… et qui n’auront pas autant d’humour que toi!! haha…
There’s a verbal equivalent to “I’m not wearing any makeup”: My makeup routine is really unfussy. I prefer to look natural = It takes at least 25 products for me to look this natural.
Anything with the word “interesting” in it, i.e.: Green! Interesting choice for a nail polish = Who do you think you are? A techno DJ?
My haircut? Well, yes, I thought I’d try something new = I will NEVER let my hairdresser talk me into anything ever again.
Génial! On en veut encore!!:)
I love it
I’m your follower. :=)
Your blog is amazing!!!!
I hope you will follow me http://www.welovefur.blogspot.com
with love
Plus, plus, plus ! J’adore et j’en veux encore ! Bises
these are my absolute favorite posts, so hilarious. you have such a beautiful sense of humor!
Inspirational as always:) Going to Paris in the end of June. Something I and my daughter/muse shouldn’t miss??? Love and enjoy Spring. Love FAB http://fabs.blogg.se
Le non-verbal est vraiment le meilleur passage du post!!! J’aime vraiment beaucoup!!!
I thought the last two were good, well I was wrong, this one is the best
Love it.
la même coupe de cheveux depuis 55 ans, c’est Suzy Menkes? Elle a eu son moment capillaire dans les années 80 avec un coiffeur célèbre style Oribe et elle n’a plus jamais changé…
chouette article. c’est tellement ça.
Je viens de voir ton magnifique dessin sur le blog de Jay-Z. Très chouette.
Smashing!!! Hilarious!!!
Girl, you are a star! Great post!
Keep them coming… :-)))
I love this post! Well done!
Tell me about those crazy before fashion week diets…
Another memorable one is in “The Devil wears Prada” – Emily Charlton’s diet :-
“See, I’m on this new diet. Well, I don’t eat anything. And right before I feel I’m going to faint, I eat a cube of cheese. I’m one stomach flu away from my goal weight.”
Gotta love such extreme dedication.
Hey, Garance!!
I think you are gorgeous and so adorable.. and brave for writing “talking fashion”.. these have been the highlight blog entries lately…
Thanks for that!!
And keep writing.. you are seriously GOOOOOOOOOOOOD..
With a :),
That was such a fun read!!! MORE s’il vous plait! xo
Sascha…you’re really an exception to the rule…CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I love these “talking fashion” posts. Too funny!
finalement il n’y a aucune finesse dans ce monde de la mode que tout le monde semble admirer de loin…une question me tar5aude jolie garance,si tout est si faux,si hipocrite,si passive-agressive,que fais tu la dedans???ne serait tu plus hereuse a photographier des vrais gens ,autour du monde ,surfer,manger,profiter quoi?’!!!
Hello Garance,
That sense of humour of yours is legendary! Yet again I loved your new post on talking fashion very much! They are always so down to earth and so to the point!
In fact, i’ll repeat what everyone is saying/ thinking, when I say that I adore your insight and especially your work and illustrations, your work is inspiring for me.
Et, comme je suis Belge( t’as des fans partout!!) je devrait être capable d’ ecrire ce commentaire en Francais, c’est claire que c’est pas le cas ici! j’aime mieux parler qu’ ecrire!!! Mais votre blog m’a vraiment aidé avec mon vocabulaire Français ;)
J’adore tes talking fashion ! :)
I just love your illustrations! Waking up in the morning has never been so grand :)
Oh my gosh Garance you are soo bad! Hee hee… It’s all so true
though. You are the best part of waking up in the morning. Bisous
Wonderfully amusing, but true. Every profession has their own language, and code words, but this pretty much hit the nail on the head.
Haha this was hilarious. But ohhhh so true. The understated comments are so dramatic and rude 1/2 the time.
Something to add to your talking fashion: “Forgot (my)camera in the Fendi showroom yesterday, but sent (my) chauffeur to go get it back right away and think that life should always be that easy.” Now we all know that you’re getting same status as ADR, please don’t start changing outfits in the backseat. I believe all things you’re listing are quite normal among people with lots of insecurities and specially sensitive to what other people see and appreciate about them.
Loved all 3! Hysterical! Thank you for the laughs!
Pas grand chose à rajouter mais c’est vrai que la coupe de cheveux immuables de certaines éditrices me fait souvent penser à Mireille Matthieu.
Excellent ce post! Voilà enfin quelqu’un de sincère qui ne veut pas nous faire croire que à travers son blog que “tout le monde il est gentil” et qu’il s’agit d’un milieu ou il y a des débiles tout comme des gens fantastisques. De plus il est intéressant de savoir que derrière les jolies vetêments, les super tenues, les prix exorbitants des chaussures ou sacs portés se cache parfois des personnes pas forcément intelligentes, hautaines, snobs, inhumaines et hypocrites. Mais j’espère que arrive à faire face à tout ça Grance et que tu gardes confiance en toi
Ton dessin est beauuu!
Rien à rajouter ;)
tres drole as always :)
skin counter people drive me crazy, i think they drive my skin even crazier! so confusing :(
love the illustration garance! :)
très drôle!!
J’ai dejà lu des choses du genre “mon secret de beauté ? Boire beaucoup d’eau et bien dormir”. Je pense que c’est aussi vrai que la poitrine qui apparait à 25 ans.
roooooh c’est trooooop drôle tes histoires!
un truc à rajouter? ben ouais : le faux compliment qui tue à retardement.
Conversation entre la fille shootée (la mannequin devant l’objectif) et la fille crevée (la créative qu’a pas dormi, fille “de base” … moi):
Fille Shootée: “j’aimerais teeeeeeellement être comme TOI”
Fille Crevée: “tu veux dire?”
Fille Shootée: “ben…pas coincée par les normes de la beauté et de la mode…”
Fille Crevée: “tu veux dire mochemoche ou juste normale?”
Fille Shootée: “ben…dans les deux cas c’est génial de pouvoir l’assumer”
pouf pouf!
This sweater? Oh, I borrowed it from my daughter. = I’m trying to grasp at the last remnants of my youth by dressing way below my age.
ah, tes commentaires sont tellement ‘refreshing’ – j’adore! tu savais que t’es mon ‘french tutor’?
ur awesome… (still laughing)!!!!
Haha! Love these posts! Comical!
ha ha, I loved this : This sweater? Oh, I borrowed it from my daughter. = And that’s how skinny I am.
and the Anna Wintour allusion :))
LOVE your blog!
Très drôle mais aussi, d’une certaine façon, un peu déprimant. Un peu aliénant à la longue ces gens, non ?
Nothing better than a bit of fresh air!!!! The fashion world needs some sincerity! Grande Garance!!
So funny! and true!
Ha ha ha !!!! Ah qu’il est joli le monde de la mode !
Dans le monde réelle, si je puis dire, la seule chose qui a subitement poussé à mes 25 ans, ceux sont les pieds. Si si c’est vrai, je le jure.
I’m cracking up Garance!! Am I right to think that the last one is Ms. Wintour?
Ha ha ha, et après le “je mange tout ce que je veux”, le “j’ai un métabolisme et des gênes d’enfer”! ;))
I loved this! Humor, language, and fashion — all of the things I like best!!
J’adooore trés… représentatif !!
Haha pour le dernier on parle évidemment de Mme. Wintour ;)
Love this! So funny and so true! :)
to protect it from the damaging sun rays, i meant.
funny =)) thnx for making me smile
omg the fashion world is all but beautiful sometimes
Funny article!
I’m not wearing any make-up :P
Oh, your blog is really delicious to read! And, I want so much to believe in the whole “going naked but not wearing fur” speech… Please, please there must be awareness among fashion beings…
Journée beauté chez Lancome 1992. La maquilleuse me dit “ce Mascara est à base de polymere” je dis ” ah oui, il y a du plastique dans ca?” Le bordel que j’ai foutu dans ce departement beauté. Vous me faites bien rigoller Garance.
this is a funny discussion of language and suggestion. I don’t know the fashion world (although I enjoy your photos) but can imagine the color of the culture. I’m am taking improv (comedy/acting) class now and may borrow some of your lines to create characters.
; )
Je suis d’accord avec tooout ce que tu dis, sauf le bout avec le maquillage.. est-ce qu’on ne peut pas être belle sans maquillage..?
Your other posts in this series were absolutely hilarious, probably among my favorite posts on this entire blog. However, this one, for some reason, just made me a little sad inside. I think this is because beauty is so so personal, and because we all know how large a role the fashion industry plays in making women feel insecure about their bodies and competitive/jealous towards other women who typify the ideal skin or body type glorified in magazines. I think it is perfectly fine to poke fun at our insecurities, every now and then, but through these jokes, you bring up real issues that touch women every single day. As women, we need to seriously discuss these issues, as well. I admire your ability to laugh at these things (and it gets me laughing, too), but I encourage you to do a serious post about this on your blog! We have to balance being fun and laughing at ourselves with being critical, because some of the underlying assumptions and attitudes of fashion people that your post brings to light are really messed up.
Did you see that this post discussed today in The Cut by Amy O’Dell — she was in agreement with your assessment.
These are always so hilarious. LOVE this series!
oh this was fabulous Garance! I’m saving/downloading this one for future reference! Especially since I live in Dallas, and my mother has sported the SAME hairstyle since she was in high school–HIGH SCHOOL! Incroyable! But it does make her instantly recognizable!
Tres, tres drole et realist. J’aime ces postes, plus s’il vous plait!
aha!! sometimes i am on the verge of accepting that oxygen is rare nowadays.
Love it!
Pour la coupe de cheveux (type playmobil), on a aussi Matalie Crasset qui en même fait son logo… ah… l’apparence…
‘I’ve had the same haircut for 55 years now, and I don’t think I’ll be changing anytime soon.’ would my name be ‘Anna’ by any chance? naughty! xx
“Cette crème est géniale, elle est faite à base d’oxygène ! Elle coûte 1200$. Oui, mais l’oxygène, c’est rare !” Je suis pliée de rire, merci Garance!!!
genial t’es genial j’adooooowe hahaha
Bon, tu m’ôtes définitivement l’envie de bosser dans la mode. Je préfère te lire, c’est plus drôle et j’ai pas besoin d’être mince.
Le “langage non-verbal”, ce ne serait pas de parler d’ Anna Wintour sans la nommer ? Par exemple… ? ;-D
Et ben ça l’air compliqué tout ça!
Your honesty about the fashion world is so refreshing!
merci pour tes conseils ils sont très ùtiles.
Jàime ton blog il est très amusante (pardon par me français il est tres mauvais)
Gross bissoux
i love your tongue in cheek posts. they’re great!
january, x
Absolutely hilarious. Your posts regarding the anomaly that is the fashion world are all too good.
@Tanya, agreed!
You are so on point Garance. All this fashion talk is so artificial but you’ve got to laugh at how ridiculous they sopund. Well done. I tthink I like the non-verbal part the most. Je t’adore!
Ha, this is cute. I always wear black sunglasses! I wonder if that’s what my neighbours think!!!
c’est énorme !!! je veux plus des examples )))))
“c’est nude” = on a mis du fond de temps sur les paupières, les lèvres et le T et le contour des yeux
“c’est OPI” = c’est Essie ou Sephora, mais y a que le nom qui change
“le sourcil c’est ce qui structure un visage” : dommage que tu aies suivi la mode quand tu étais jeune
Garance Dore, you are my hero. I laughed at every single thing!!
brilliant!! )
You rock, Garance! Way to humor and levity in the distorted world of fashion. What is sexy? A woman who can see clearly and speaks her mind with sound reason.
I’ve been watching re-runs of Absolutely Fabulous lately. Do people in the fashion industry think it’s hilariously accurate I wonder, or insulting?
So funny! But I think you’ve forgotten one- “She’s curvy/She has a natural body type”= There’s no way she fits in the sample size. Shouldn’t she get a desk job somewhere?
Génial!! très drôle..merci!!
Aussi: “je brosse mes cheveux cents fois avant de dormir” !!
Ma routine de beauté: “dormir, dormir…et prendre de l’eau, des litres d’eau”
etc, etc ha, ha!! incroyable….
Haha excellent Garance, tu me fais rire tellement tu es fraîche et sincère
haha im in stitches right now.
That was great, so funny… I cant wait to read more!
wish i could read this!!
La crème magique à la protéine de cashmire !
Cashmire, la chèvre avec les poil long avec laquelle ont fait des pulls?
Ca$h-mire plutot…
Bonjour, Garance ! C’est dommage que la mode tombe dans le riduculeux parfois, parce qu’elle est vraiment quelque chose de beauté si l’on la considère à l’absolu. La mode c’est de l’art, n’est-ce pas? Bisou.
brilliant and so true…….. why do these woman talk such rubbish……. is it because they are silly? shallow? empty? unintelligent? or just plain r i d i c u l o u s…. i think you can be into fashion, style and beauty and still talk for real… like you do Garance… xx or bisou as the french say..
heh i was styling a shoot over the weekend and told i looked “athletic” wonder what that equates to…
love this post – hilarious!
HAHAHA!! J’adore en savoir toujours plus sur ce monde que tu as la chance de côtoyer d’aussi près, ton coté détaché, anti-snobisme et non superficiel est juste génial!!
Toooooooo funnyyyyyyyy! J’adore!
:-))) Your skin is dry with a tendency toward oily???:”-))) oki perhaps I need 3 different moisturizers each morning and another 3 different moisturizers each evening. So I need higher salary and more time to spare :-))). I will start to do home offices, to be sure I don´t have dry to oily skin. J´adore this part.
When my frined ask me how she looks like today I know I will say – Your skin is dry with a tendency toward oily :-))) and your legs are nice a bit like mountaineering. She will love me
Bonsoir Garance,
JE VOUS ADORE! D’abord, j’adore votre prénom. Ensuite, je vous trouve très classe et votre blog est super!
Continuez à nous faire rêver!
J’adore ton sens de l’humeur et ta façon de décrypter le langage de cet Univers. Il faudra faire un sur les chausseurs, il y a des choses a raconter!
C’est rare, l’oxygène. :D :D :D J’ADORE! :D :D
tu m’as fait rire, Garance!
These are all hilarious. I especially love the one about the 3 moisturizers. Just had a woman try and tell me something quite similar
and I have another one to add…..
Oh thank you!! When I saw the dress in this month’s Vogue/Bazaar/whatever, I knew I just had to have it…and so I bought it. Its not like you can put a price on such quality = I’m a platinum member on Renttherunway.com. Please don’t get to close to me with your glass of wine.
no one can be more funny than you!
Ha, ha–awesome!
Toujours aussi drôle hein ;)
Il paraît que rire fait maigrir ( ça fait ( un peu ) (mais pas bcp alors) des abdos )
Avec toi maigrir devient plus facile
Talking Fashion génial com’ les premiers évidemment !!
so funny
Man, you’re hilarious. I love the way you write about the fashion industry – it’s so refreshing!
This was GREAT! Every last one, funny!! I’m going to be sharing this with my friends!
ahaha on ne m’a pas encore fait le coup de l’oxygène dans un pot de crème… MDR!!!!!
Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!
Spot On and Thank You!
Finally a fellow fashion blogger that is insightful, posts unique content, AND has a sense of humor. LOVING IT! xo TNA
i think you should win the best post award from Lucky mag. Most interesting one of the lot!
Well,this is so amusing and i’m sure can ruffle some feathers…..
Here’s one for the non-verbal communique category: Wearing a funky hat. . . Um I’m having a hair emergency (roots taking center stage, frizz fried locks, etc.) PS So Love this post. Thanks, Candy
Merci Garance pour cette traduction avisée! J’adore toujours aussi drôle!