10 years ago by
Like Garance (oh yes, this is Alex by the way, promise we’re finding a good way to notify the post authors super soon) when I think of the new year, I try to avoid making lofty resolutions (“This year I will find a husband!” never seems to work out for me) but I do like to think of each new year as a fresh start. And when I think about fresh starts, I think about beauty– big surprise there.
Here are a few things on my fresh start list…
Take a break. Garance took the photo of Magdalena above in Paris last season (and then painted on it) and I love her simple, natural look. I’m vowing to have some makeup free days. #embracethosefreckles
Find a routine. Routines are important. Routines are good for you. Every morning I’m going to wake up and check my Instagram, then my Twitter, then my Facebook, and then my email say hello to the birds out my window, do a few stretches with meditative breathing exercises and start the day with a smile.
Give it 30-days. I’m giving myself 30 days to really see if a product is working for me before I move on to the next. Just like with the guys I date…
Drink water. #Boring but true. So there is this app called Waterlogged that’s cool AND beautiful and helps motivate you to drink water and I sort of hope it’s going to become like a game? Maybe? Do it with me?
Sleep flat. As in on my back. You remember what we told you about that?
Sleep more. I just ordered myself some memory foam and canceled my subscription to Netflix.#missyoualreadycptjakeballard
Treat ma’ self. I’m going to learn how to massage my face like a pro. And I shall show you the way.
Get French hair. I think I’m just on the verge of mastering the sea salt + volumizing mousse combo needed for perfectly un-perfect French girl hair. One step closer to the Alt.
Wash my face. Everyday. Listen self, I don’t care how tired you are or how good you think your eye makeup will look a little bit smudgy the next day!!! YOU WILL TAKE IT OFF.
Simplify. There is such thing as too many NARS pencils. I will be less of a product hoarder.
Oh, by the way: Love myself. I’m embracing the positive affirmation this year. We’re all going to do it at the studio. Instead of criticizing all of those stray eyebrow hairs, I’m telling myself that I look great. Everyday. #iwokeuplikethis
– Alex
Oh mon dieu quel beau visage, je vais faire tout ce qu’il y a dans ta liste promis, comme ça je serai aussi belle ensuite! Ensuite, je me teints en rousse.
Très très difficile de se aimer vraiment! Bonne année quand même!
I love your post! I would looooove to hear how you get that (perfect) un-perfect French girl hair… Please?
Like all the other ladies have said above, more info on the French hair, please!
I’m all over you NY resolutions. Does it count if I steal them from you and make them my own?! :) And yes, I’ll try the Waterlogged app, maybe it’ll help! :)
Anyhoo: happy happy 2014 to the Garance team :)!
Love this Alex and well said, we all need to embrace ourselves.
What a beautiful photo and face! I love your resolutions!
I drink water with the app you said!!! :)
Really nice resolution! It’s all about think more about ourselves and take the time to take care of us;)
Des idées très simples et originales à la fois, et si utiles.
Happy New Year Alex!
Love your list ! I am interested in your un-perfect French Girl hair ( coiffé decoiffé à la française) . Could you give us more details ? Many Thanks !
Sleep flat and on silk pillowcases….;)
Love this! Instructions on the French hair ASAP please.
Happy New Year! Good and inspiring list! Love this post!
Bonjour Alex, de mon côté la meilleure des résolutions… c’est de ne pas en prendre ;-) de toute façon, je ne les tiens jamais ! Je préfère me fixer des objectifs gérables au quotidien, cest déjà pas mal non ?
Ah oui… je suis folle des massages du visage, ils activent la circulation du sang et ce sont d’excellent anti-rides parait-il… alors j’ai hâte de voir une démo de ta part !
Oh man, PLEASE share when you master the French hair!!
Shani x
Very interesting post!
C’est nécessaire, les hashtags?
Rigole pas trop avec les résolutions Alex ! Ce matin j’ai démarré en fanfare avec des salutations au soleil sur nouveau tapis de yoga reçu à Noel (merci maman pour le tapis aérodynamique et la tenue complète de chez repetto).
Je dis oui oui OUIIIII à toutes ces résolutions !
Love this!!
Elisa – My Fantabulous World
love the lists !!http://intelligently-fashionable.blogspot.com
Parfait :o
See you !
Ahhhh les belles résolutions ! C’est vrai que ça fait du bien au moral. Mais moi ce qui me mine le plus, c’est de ne JAMAIS les tenir. Alors cette année, ma résolution c’est de NE PAS EN PRENDRE ! Comme ça, je ne suis pas déçue et puis au moins je les tiens ;-)
My NY resolution: save to come in NYC in may!!!! Any chance on meeting you and the team for a brunch/lunch/margaritas?????
Boire de l’eau! Boire de l’eau! En fait, boire tout court!
Je prends cette resolution tous les matins. Je suis en progres…
Sounds all great, I’m going to try to make more time for myself and to be healthier :)
Love Bodil,
I couldn’t agree more. My mantra this year: Less is more.
those are great resolutions!
I decided to keep it simple… with just one: smile! http://madeausynot.blogspot.com/2014/01/smile.html
Boire plus d’eau je dois me forcer aussi car sinon je ne bois presque rien sur ma journée.
Dormir plus ca aussi je dois le faire…
Et le démaquillage tous les soirs..
Je crois qu’on a toutes le même problème avec l’eau, ces résolutions sont biens :)
what a wonderful list, thank for sharing. I could definitely work on some of those as well!
xx Angie| http://www.thefashionfuse.com/
Having french hair is super easy: wash it before you go to bed and don’t blow dry it (even better if you tie it in a bun before you sleep).
Also in the summer, wash it before you leave the house and go out with wet hair (I’ve only ever since that in france, even though that seems so NORMAL to me).
Good luck ;)
Même résolution que pour les crayons Nars, ça marche aussi avec les 1500 palettes Urban Decay et les 50 RAL m.a.c. j’exagère à peine! De toute façon comme pour mon dressing, ma trousse, que dis je? mon placard beauté va passer au minimum vital, des basics, plus quelques extra pour le soir et basta, je miserais plus sur des crèmes et des serums sympa pour la peau au lieu des cinq mille teintes de fap !!!
Par contre pour Jack Ballard désolée je ne peux pas, ni pour Fitz d’ailleurs je suis trop accro, je ferais des abdos à la place, pis avec la trêve hivernale tu auras changée d’avis d’ici le 27 Février ;)
Ah yes – love myself. I remember this every so often.
And I can follow the drink more water now I am back at my desk with my 2L water jug after Xmas.
I love this post! When it comes to work, think of it this way, we need to drink 8 glasses of water per day! People think you can’t over do it but there is actually such a thing as drinking too much water. When your pee is clear, you’ve overly hydrated yourself.
So pour eight glasses of water in a water bottle and make sure you drink that through out the day. I make sure that I drink a nalgene bottle every day from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed! Very simple.
But of course, I also live in a city where I drive every day so if you are a commuter, that bottle might be annoying to carry every where.
“a good way to notify the post authors” would be to show a photograph of the author at the beginning of the article. That way we get to see what the writers look like.
Wow. This is such a stunning photo. Such refreshing beauty–a perfect picture for this post!
Also, I didn’t realize, but those are all my resolutions for this year as well!
Alex, please, I beg you… Share the hair!
Brands, products, techniques. I want it all!
With great anticipation.
A refreshing, making you feel good photo… The colors, the purenes… Nice job! :)
Le démaquillage, c’est la plus puissante des crèmes anti-âge
Alex, I do the Tanaka Face massage every day and I love it! You can find it on youtube. It works!! Thanks for the waterlogged app info. Downloading it now.
Yes, please French hair. So what exactly do you do with sea salt?
Are you or anyone else at the studio still sticking with the natural deodorant? Would love a follow-up post if so.
This is such a beautiful photo of magdalena! She just look so pure and young! Magnificent!
Si tu veux combiner massage + démaquillage + soin + plein d’autres bénéfices trop bien pour la peau, je te conseille la Galvanic SAP de Nu Skin. Découverte il y a trois mois et adoptée (je n’ai pas eu besoin de 30 jours), je dis ça, je ne dis rien.