
11 years ago by

Here is a great interview (yeah !) of the wonderful Alice Lane (Girl crush !) who is a make up artist in New York.
I don’t know if you remember, I had been so inspired the first time I met her, in Paris. At that time she was working with Aaron de Mey and I had fallen under their spell.

Since then we saw eachother again, on shootings or on the street… She started to build her solo career.
Now she works for US and Italian Vogue and many others.
With her talent and passion, I am not surprised of her success, and I thought you’d be interested to know how to become a make up artist.

Hi Alice! Can you tell me a little bit about where you’re from and how you got started doing makeup?
I’m from England, Shropshire, which is by Wales. I guess it would be like being from Vermont in America, and just with sheep and cows and not much else…

I did music from the age of 12 all the way through. That’s how I went down to London, and that’s how I came to New York. I sort of fell into makeup around 2005.

I was so lucky because I got to assist Aaron de Mey, and I just started being his full time assistant and going to Paris, I was just really lucky, because he’s such an amazing make-up artist and such a lovely person. I learned a) how to do make-up and b) how to conduct yourself properly because the fashion industry can be quite intense and he’s such a nice guy that’s why it’s easy for him, because he’s kind.

You went to art school, right?
Yes, I did, but I was a dropout. I was an art-school dropout.
I wish I’d stayed now, I look back and think wow you know that would have been amazing years of my life. I’m not proud of dropping out at all, I wish I hadn’t.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I either wanted to be a drummer or I wanted to be a music journalist.

I heard you started doing makeup while you were in a band.
Yeah, I was in a band and my ex is a music photographer. When he shot bands they would hate having a hair and makeup or even a stylist, so I started to help with hair and makeup.

I think the first musician I did was the guy from The Killers, and he wanted mascara. I remember being so nervous like putting it not only on a person, but a boy. It was super scary.

So how did it become more of a career?
I was trying to figure out what I was trying to do with myself and what inspired me. I love fashion, one of my heroes is Vivienne Westwood. I was looking at old Westwood shows in a magazine and I looked at the makeup and I thought to myself, “oh it’s like painting, she’s painting a face, that’s interesting. I could do that.” And I just sort of started learning more and then got so lucky to be a full time assistant to somebody who had the exact same feelings about it. And it just went from there. I was really really lucky.

So how did you get your assisting position? What was the path to getting that?
I assisted a few other people. My acupuncturist introduced me to a wonderful makeup artist and lady called Susan Houser, that was my first assistant position. Then I basically called up Aaron’s agent and asked. He was doing a show for Marni down in Dallas and I flew to Dallas and was on his team of people. Then I went with him to his shows, as his fourth assistant or something. I didn’t even know how to do makeup, it was really terrifying. Then I went full time and he taught me everything.

So you didn’t necessarily go to school to be a makeup artist. Would you recommend that to someone who’s aspiring to be a makeup artist?
I would, but I think you need to always be in motion. It’s really important to have motion for yourself, and to always be learning. I read a lot about makeup. I go up to The Met, and I look at old paintings, and if you look at their faces you can see the highlights they put in are exactly what we do. And I think that if you’re really are serious about doing something the motion will come to you and you won’t have to force it. But definitely each day search.

So you do editorial and you work on ad campaigns, shows, a little bit of everything. So what was the process like for growing your career?
When you start, you really pay your dues, and you have to do a lot of editorial and you work for free constantly. But I’ve never seen it as, “I’m going to work and I’m not getting paid.” With editorial you don’t really get much at all.

I think if you think in your head, Oh I’m not getting paid for this, you’ll set yourself up to fail. You have to think I’m going to do this, I’m going to do a beautiful face, and from that someone’s going to see it and I’m going to get another job, and another job, and another job. And then you meet people and stylists, and then the advertising work comes. And the advertising work is so great. It’s such a luxury to do it. And that pays for all that other hard work, so it balances.

Do you have a favorite brand or magazine you like to work with?
I really love working for Vogue, I feel very privileged, and I always work with Phyllis Posnick. Every time I go and work with her I learn something new. Even on the most simple sitting, even if it’s a man we’re photographing and I haven’t even done a single bit of makeup I just sit there all day watching Phyllis. It’s my favorite, she’s completely involved.

What is that process like for you, working with an editor, photographer and model to come to a final vision?
Well, it depends on the shoot, but there’s definitely a form of hierarchy on a fashion shoot. I love that; it thrills me.

Normally, the stylist will tell you the direction or the references of what they were thinking. I always try to put that in my mind. Sometimes they’re very precise and say it’s this color lipstick and this color eye, that’s what I see. And I just try my best to make them as happy as possible. And other times they’ll say to me, I don’t know, “have a look at the clothes, what do you think,” and that’s fun too. But you just never know, and that’s why when I go to work I like to take a lot of scrapbook things and reference pictures. Also, I have photos of ideas I did that didn’t happen, because that could be good for something else. Sometimes you work with a hairdresser and you can see their ideas too and what they think.

When you’re working on a big shoot like that do you ever feel like sometimes your vision gets compromised?
Probably. But it’s really not about me at all. It’s about the picture and the final result. And as long as everyone’s happy and the final picture is beautiful, that’s really all that matters. The only time it’s about me, and what I think, is if I‘m doing an individual beauty story and it’s about makeup. And then it matters purely, and again just in result of what is the picture going to be. Nothing else matters. Unfortunately, or fortunately.

So what’s an average day like for you?
Call times have been getting earlier and earlier, I don’t know what this is all about, I remember this 9 o’clock thing.

But you show up at 8am, set up. You sit down, you talk to the stylist, if you haven’t discussed it before the shoot, and the photographer, meet the model. The hairdresser almost normally goes first. And I got so used to that that when they say, “do you want to go first?” I’m like ummmm. I kind of like to feel it out a little bit.

Then you do the makeup and the hair. It depends on the photographer but sometimes they’ll do a test shot to see if it’s working. You might have to change it, and you might have to change it ten times, you have to be ready for that. That’s a really important thing: try not to get too set on an idea in your head, and too rigid. Because then when they ask you to change it, you can get a little upset and it could destroy your creative flow. Try to think it’s just a trial.

At the beginning, I’d do the makeup and if it had to be changed in any way I’d be like, “ oh my god, I messed up!” and you didn’t. Everybody has to change something. The editor changes it, the photographer has to change, everybody has to…

How do you keep your work interesting and exciting?
That’s what being, searching, is about. You could get very easily into a rut, doing the same makeup, and having the same feelings about things. You have to look at the collections, you have to learn about the designers and what they’re doing. You have to look at films happening, music that’s happening. And get inspired by what’s going on around you and then bring it into your work. Because things are always changing, things are always happening. Even you can be inspired by what the weather was like on that day. Divine little things.

How do you challenge yourself?
You’re only as good as your last shoot, as far as I’m concerned. You’re only as good as the one that you’re on. If you sit back, like I had this beauty shoot come out in Italian Vogue, I could tell you a hundred things that were wrong with it and what I would have done differently. And if I had looked at that and been satisfied I think I would be pretty boring.

When you first start out in makeup, is there an initial investment you need to make? Did you build a kit?
Yeah, I built a kit. I think I spent $500, I spent most of my money on brushes, and you just gather little bits of makeup. In the beginning I only had three body makeup colors, but I’d mix them and make colors. Then you can go to certain makeup stores and they’ll give you discounts. It builds over time.

What would you say are the essential things you need to have?
I think you need good brushes, you need good skincare, you need good base products. I use Laura Mercier. Good skin is really important. If you can do good skin, you can do anything with that. Unfortunately with things like skincare, the more you spend the better it is.

So you’re in New York now, you were in London before, do you think that as a makeup artist you need to be in a big city?
Yes, in order to make money. You could be an amazing makeup artist living in, I don’t know, the middle of the desert, in your own way. But if you want to make money, you have to be here.

How do you define beauty? What is beauty to you?
I think it’s joy in a person. I work with the most beautiful women in the world, and if somebody’s unhappy inside, it just is not beautiful.
And people that are interested in life are beautiful. I have to say funny people. I was thinking the other day, what do I find attractive in a man? And it’s one that makes me laugh. It’s people with humor and wit, and that sort of spark to them. They’re magical people.

You have worked with a lot of great people like that. Do you dream of having that kind of recognition for yourself one day, or do you feel that way now?
I read this interview once with Didier Malige and they asked him who he liked to work with, and he said he liked to work with Aaron because he’s a really nice guy, and that really struck more with me than anything else. I have my good days and bad days, but I hope that I do a really good job and I keep it together and am nice.

Would you say Aaron is your mentor?
Yes, and Phyllis.

Great mentors to have! What’s the best advice that you’ve gotten from both of them?
Phyllis is to be precise.

Aaron has taught me so many things. I think that Aaron is just always enthusiastic, he’s always happy. Aaron will, if he sees an assistant struggling with a heavy box, he’ll go carry it. And that’s kind of amazing, because there’s a lot of snobbery and he will be there on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor with the assistant. You know, we’re not all perfect, and we’re not all like that, but to try and be as good is a great goal.

What would you say your proudest moment in your career has been?
I’ve had so many great moments. When Italian Vogue came out last year, the beauty story in that, and it was my first beauty story for the magazine. I did actually quite extreme makeup, and I was quite proud of that. And, when I started to do the Oscar de la Renta show, and it’s 50 girls, and there’s a lot going on.

What has been your most challenging moment of your career?
Learning to keep things together, if you’re not having a good day. The thing with fashion is if you’re having a bad day personally you still have to go to work and give 100% and be happy and because it’s all of these other people relying on you.

Well I have to ask, what is your beauty routine personally?
I like to use the Eve Lom cleanser with this washcloth. It’s this little muslin washcloth and you steam your face with it, you steam your pores. I’m obsessed with skincare because I feel like red heads have skin that’s so fragile and also doing makeup on 16 year olds every day doesn’t help.

So really good facewash, big moisturizer, sunblock, conealer, and then I love lipstick. I never wore mascara for my twenties. But now, I’ve turned 30 and I need a little bit. But that’s it. I’m very minimal. I don’t tend to wear makeup to conceal, more as an accessory, like if I’m wearing something fun, I’ll put a bright lipstick on. Oh and I bleach my eyebrows.

What’s your dream for yourself for the future?
I want to be a better makeup artist. I really want to. I’ve got so much more to learn, so many more things to discover. I want to just get better and better.

Any final words of advice for aspiring makeup artists?
I just think it’s important to be happy and positive. And also compare is despair, 100%. Don’t get all psycho about what other people are doing. Everybody does it, we’ve all had our moments on But you just wasted half and hour staring at them, when you could have been a) having fun b) dancing to music c) cleaning your bathroom. There’s so many other things. We’ve all done it, but just don’t. Stop it. Slap, slap yourself. Shut your hand in your computer. That’s what you should do. Step away from the technology.

Check out the other career posts here!


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  • Great photo ! Her smile made me happy for the rest of the day ! ;)

  • What a gentlewoman.

    Her story illustrates well how careers are not about knowing what you want to be when you’re 4 1/2, then warring your way up by out-degreeing and out-smarting others. Talent and dedication aside, her path is marked by friendships.

  • My favourite part is when she says you have to keep learning and stay in motion. I think is really universal in any career and great advice for young people today.

  • +1, and the part about wasted time and how you could’ve cleaned your bathroom instead :)

  • J’aime beaucoup son parcours. Comme quoi, on n’est obligé de faire de GRANDES études pour faire quelque chose qu’on aime. De la passion et beaucoup de travail suffisent.

  • Tu as bien raison, cet interview est géniale, et la photo aussi!

  • love this interview, and her incredible hair!

  • Une itw qui me touche beaucoup, moi qui suis rédactrice beauté, j’aime sa vision de la beauté, loin de toute extravagance. La beauté relève surtout de la passion, d’aimer les belles choses, et de rendre beau n’importe qui, pas besoin d’être une top model pour se sentir belle, comme elle le dit c’est ce qu’on dégage qui nous rend beautiful.

  • Charming interview and it rings true for all kinds of work. A wise young woman.

  • Amazing lady with a great career my type of girl.

    GIVEAWAY on the blog

  • Wow, c’est une super fille, avec une super philosophie de vie! Une sorte de Merlin-sage-magicienne qui tient le secret de la vie :-) Très beau! Le genre de fille que j’aimerais bien comme amie!

  • What an amazing human being! She sounds so super well-balanced and wise.

    Agree completely with what she said about beauty coming from within, and that people who are unhappy inside just don’t project beauty…. AND about not comparing yourself.

    Wonderful read.


  • I really love this post style!!! it’s so interesting!!!

  • Bérénice March, 28 2013, 10:33 / Reply

    Encore une entrevue super inspirante! Tu peux assumer sans souci ;)

    Je ne porte pratiquement aucun maquillage et je n’ai pas pu faire autrement que le lire jusqu’à la fin. Alice n’est pas maquilleuse, c’est une artiste. C’est vraiment poétique qu’elle s’inspire de tableaux de grands maîtres pour ses projets. Ah, et j’ai un faible pour les gens sympas et pas compliqués.


  • Merci pour ce chouette interview :)


  • I heard somewhere Grace Coddington’s from Wales too! Do all Welsh girls look the same!? :p

  • She’s just lovely.

  • Charlotte March, 28 2013, 11:00 / Reply

    ‘They’re magical people.’, she’s right. They are.

  • J’ai pas mal de concours pour les grandes écoles qui arrivent,
    et je pense que les jours j, je lirai cet article.

    La motivation et l’envie m’ont envahit à la lecture.


  • Super interview !

    Je ne connais absolument au monde des maquilleurs et ça ne m’attire pas plus que ça mais avec ta rubrique Career tu as le don de rendre toute profession intéressante car avec tes questions tu les fais apparaître sous un nouveau jour.

    J’aime beaucoup sa philosophie de vie, j’en apprends tous les jours à chaque lecture de cette rubrique et ça me fait plaisir. C’est encourageant pour ceux qui n’ayant pas fait des études liés à la mode de voir qu’il est possible d’y arriver si on a le même état d’esprit qu’Alice.

    Encore une fois Garance, je ne te remercierai jamais assez pour ce que ton blog m’apporte !

    Shug Avery d’Incognito

  • Nice girl, original hair

  • The hair and sweater – love the texture of this picture, it’s so mystical.

  • c’est là que l’on se rend compte qu’il est possible de trouver un super job mais que ça vient parfois comme cela sans vraiment faire les études qui vont avec.


  • C’est toujours un tel plaisir de lire ce genre de post, Garance. C’est très inspirant! Et puis, la photo, quoi <3

  • Virginie B. March, 28 2013, 11:45 / Reply

    La motivation et la passion le prinicipal pour avoir la belle vie :)

    Ca paraît si simple que certaines peronnes n’y croient pas pourtant, la preuve!

    Au passage joli pull et super cheveux :) !

  • Waw quelle frimousse ! J’adore !

  • Her smile is really perfect and soo happy. Great photo like the interview. I like it. Have a nice day.

  • j adore la facon dont elle se livre , dont elle parle d elle en toute simplicité et en toute intimité , et bravo a toi garance doré , l interview a été tres bien mené , c est rythmé!merci

  • J’adore ces interviews “parcours” elles sont passionnantes!

  • Cet interview est très inspirant… merci !

  • I loved reading this interview and the photo is beautiful!

  • Mais si, mais si, géniale interview!
    Tu sais ce qui serait chouette aussi? C’est d’avoir quelques visuels du travail de ces nanas super que tu rencontres. Pas n’importe quoi qu’on pourrait voir en tapant dans Google, mais un extrait choisi par vous deux, ou par l’une, ou par l’autre, de travaux finis marquants, ou représentatifs, ou juste réussis et beaux.

  • tu as raison, cette interviex est géniale! Elle est très naturelle et chaleureuse, et elle m’a rappelé qu’on peut être passionnée par le maquillage et ne pas se maquiller beaucoup soi-même, ce qui me parle beaucoup… :)

  • indeed… very inspiring .. to just go for your dreams, no matter what!

    Love her look and styling… xo Cam


  • GORGEOUS photo and great interview… I love her spirit. your blog just makes my day. :) xoxo

  • melissa March, 28 2013, 1:54 / Reply

    Wonderful interview! So, Garance, your hair can potentially do this? Let those curls happen, I say!

  • Elsbeth March, 28 2013, 2:00 / Reply

    What a lovely woman! Love her smile and attitude, an inspiration!

  • Ça fait rêver une telle carrière!!! whaouu !
    Comme quoi pour réussir, faut bosser et se donner les moyens d’y croire!
    Merci pour cette belle interview Garance!

  • C’est plein de bon sens tout ça, j’aime… c’est comme ça que tous les métiers de la mode s’apprennent : sur le tas (sauf pour les créateurs qui doivent avoir fait une école), avec de bonnes rencontres au bon moment, avec du travail et beaucoup de persévérance et d’abnégation parfois.

  • This is one of your more gorgeous portraits… totally beautiful… xv

  • Super intéressant!

  • et je suis d’accord avec fannyB pour les visuels! de voir une sélection de clichés choisis par vous 2 serait hyper intéressante! on ne voit que rarement l ‘nvers du décor, la façon dont les filles sont maquillées…on ne voit toujours que le résultat final

  • This really was a great interview, although her career is not mine, her philosophy can be applied to almost anyone’s. The most interesting thing she said for me was to keep searching…day by day, it’s an amazing thing to keep in mind

  • Great interview, I could relate to many things. The best is ‘it’s really not about me at all. It’s about the picture and the final result’. You can often forget this when you are trying to make a name for yourself. Thank you!

  • MelissaCD March, 28 2013, 4:24 / Reply

    i love her last piece of advice!!! she is exactly right! great career write up! i love these…they are so inspiring!

  • Quelle joie!
    Cette femme semble tellement heureuse et ton interview ne me donne envie que d’une chose…être heureuse chaque jour.
    Alors vraiment je trouve qu’en ce moment il se dégage du monde une envie de croquer chaque journée terriblement contagieuse.

  • Marina B. March, 28 2013, 5:14 / Reply

    Trop bien!!)
    Les questions et les réponses vont vraiment “droit au but”. Et on sent que les questions viennent “du vécu”, de la femme qui a eu , elle aussi, un parcours atypique , avant d’être ce qu’elle est.

  • Tes interviews métiers sont toujours tellement intéressantes! C’est fou comme d’un métier à l’autre, même si ce n’est pas le boulot que l’on fait précisément, cela apporte de très bons conseils! De la manière de gérer le stresse, de ne pas trop regarder à coté, de s’épanouir… On retrouve tous ces fondamentaux dans plein de métiers artistiques ou atypiques! :)

    Je ne le dirais jamais assez, mais Merci Garance!


  • C’est marrant, j’ai trouvé plusieurs similitudes entre sa vision de son travail et le mien: scénariste. Incroyable comment la créativité, les compromis et la collaboration peuvent prendre plusieurs formes différentes mais à la fois si semblables…

    Un excellent billet de carrière!


  • THE most inspiring and positive “career” I’ve read. Thank you Alice and Garance.

  • Wonderful interview! x Polly

  • natalie March, 28 2013, 8:45 / Reply

    Alice….it was sooo nice to hear from such a ‘down to earth’ and humble person who is involved in the fashion industry (I am fed up of listening to the blah blah of fabulous people in the industry in magazines etc) I also love your ‘compare is to despair’ …I do way to much of this and always feel bad about myself and my achievements afterwards! I’m going to print your last comment and stick it on the wall above my computer!!
    What a lovely interview!

  • thanks for sharing this interview. I also really liked Lane’s “compare is dispair” line. even though I don’t aspire to makeup artistry, I thought she had a lot of wise and inspiring things to remember for any career.

  • she look like a painted picture. very pretty and nice :-)

  • She look like a painted picture, very pretty and nice

  • Great interview!!! Very inspiring!!

    (did you notice how awesome her hair is too :)

  • Super interview , bravooo!

  • Belle interview effectivement et tu y as pris visiblement beaucoup de plaisirs !

  • Elizabeth March, 29 2013, 5:07 / Reply

    She seems lovely. That red hair/very pale skin is typically Celtic so tends to be more common in Scotland, Wales & Ireland.

  • Stephanie March, 29 2013, 5:39 / Reply

    Thanks for that wonderful interview! what an interesting and lovely person she is! I loved her last response!

  • Waouh ! C’est le genre d’interview qui remonte le moral et donne “foi en l’humanité”. Elle a une vraie sagesse, une belle humilité. Elle a une éthique de travail que j’admire et à laquelle j’aspire. Merci pour le partage, ce sont des paroles que je souhaiterais entendre plus souvent.

  • what a wonderful pic, great post!


    La Ragazza dai Capelli Rossi – Fashion Blog

  • Heureusement tout de même que je me suis approchée de mon PC et que je ne me suis pas coincé la main dedans car j’ai pu lire ce génial interview (oui génial). J’apprécie énormément la simplicité et la joie de vivre qui ressort des propos d’Alice Lane. Je suis contente de savoir qu’il y a encore des gens comme cela sur cette planète. Merci Garance!

  • I like that what she talked about here, can be applied in any other career. Thanks for sharing this one! :)

  • Tu as raison d’assumer, Garance, cette interview est en effet passionnante, personnelle et incarnée! Merci…

  • Merci pour cette interview (tu peux être fière) . Je découvre donc Alice Lane, au fil de l’interview et aussi de tes anciennes photos..le bleu de travail, la tignasse rousse et les piratboots….Merci! je comprends qu’elle ait été aussi “muse” …maintenant j’aimerais aussi voir ce qu’elle fait, je suis curieuse!

  • Merci beaucoup Garance de partager cet interview avec nous.
    Cette femme avec son attitude positive, sa motivation, son façon de voir les choses/le monde fait du bien dans une société où l’image compte tellement, le nom de l’école, l’argent gagné etc…
    Elle est la preuve qu’en étant passionnée on peut aller loin, qu’on peut-être heureux.
    J’admire beaucoup son sens de la responsabilité comme quand elle dit que même si ça ne va pas trop, il faut se donner à fond car il y a des gens qui comptent sur toi.
    Je lui souhaite que du succès et du bonheur pour la suite.

  • This interview is very inspiring

  • i love her amazing attitude. so much of what she’s saying about staying positive, taking criticism, and staying in motion is applicable to any field you might be pursuing. a really great read!


  • This is a great interview! Alice seems like the most down to earth, girl crush-worthy person ever! However, Garance, really? Not one question about her gorgeous head of hair? How she controls her frizz (does she?) I thought for sure you’d sneak a little hair question in there for your curly haired readers, wink.

  • I have to agree with many of the comments I have read. This is one of your most thought-provoking interviews, great questions. Alice seems like a creative genie, with strong passion for art and creative interests. Her wise words on comparing ourselves to others and always moving forward/improving/learning really is inspiring. Thanks Garance! I enjoy your career posts very much, they are helping me on my journey. XoxoX

  • Inspiring and true! Beautiful interview with a beautiful woman! xx

  • stephanie March, 30 2013, 2:54 / Reply

    Great interview, very inspiring, great photo, I can’t stop looking at it! Happy Easter!

  • Superbe crinière! Et quelle photo!


  • Très inspirant, j’aime vraiment son énergie et son “positivisme” ! À lire, et à relire, souvent. Merci Garance :)

  • What a beautiful testimony of humility. Thank you for this interview and by the way may you all have an happy easter!! Cheers.

  • So inspiring, Garance! It is truly motivating interview! Having an ‘unusual’ job makes you think sometimes about the difficulty of ‘making it’. I agree with Alice, t’s all about having good personality and always giving a 100% when you’re working.

  • Heureusement promote de même que je me suis approchée de mon PC et que je ne me suis pas coincé la primary dedans car j’ai pu lire ce génial meeting (oui génial). J’apprécie énormément la simplicité et la joie de vivre qui ressort des propos d’Alice Road.

  • I just LOVE your interviews!!! They are always inspiring and fun to read. I love how often Alice refers to others being “nice” as a reason to work with them.

  • Jessica March, 31 2013, 8:17 / Reply

    So inspiring! Like so many other commentators, I love the whole ‘be constantly learning and in motion’ advice, along with the focus on being positive and kind. So rare. I know so many people who are trying to start a career in a creative field and are unwilling to work for free- I wish they would read this interview.

  • What a beauty, inside and out!
    Garance, thank you so much for these career posts. They offer such a wonderful glimpse into these different worlds while at the same time introducing us to such incredible, interesting, inspiring, thoughtful people. Love!

  • J’adore vraiment cette interview je ne suis pas maquilleuse mais je rêve de devenir une grande photographe et elle dit pleins de choses intéressante, notamment sur le fait de travailler gratuitement. Trop de photographes ne pense qu’a faire des choses rémunéré.

  • rebecca March, 19 2014, 2:41 / Reply

    Ah, I love it: “Compare is despair, 100%”

  • Dale Angela Howard April, 7 2014, 10:14 / Reply

    THAT HAIR! Fantastic!

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