
A Beauty Minute with Lauren Singer

7 years ago by


Erik Melvin

Morning: My beauty routine consists primarily of products that I make myself or ones that are made by friends of mine. I love making my own products because it helps me to know exactly what ingredients I’m putting on my body.

In the morning the first thing that I do is brush my teeth using my bamboo toothbrush and homemade toothpaste which I make using baking soda, coconut oil, stevia, and peppermint essential oil. Then I’ll proceed to wash my face with warm water and an organic cotton washcloth. I’ll moisturize with a number of different oils, ranging from sweet almond to jojoba depending on my mood.

I tend to stay away from makeup unless I am doing something on camera. Since I have very fair skin I usually just put on some blush and a bronzer from Well People and some mascara from Jane Iredale. Otherwise it is just clean skin and moisturizer for me.

During the day: During the day I always keep a moisturizer on hand, typically shea butter, so I can use it on my lips, hands, or even as a highlighter if I need it. I also bring along a stick blush which I just apply with my fingers. If I know it is going to be a long day and I’ll have something to do after being at the office I keep some organic peppermint oil with me to use as a mouthwash later in the day. I toss all of this in to my canvas tote, I’m not a purse person, and that’s really all I need for the day.

Night: When I get home at night I take off makeup using olive oil, an organic cotton washcloth, and warm water. I wash my face with a bar soap made by my friend Tara from Meow Meow Tweet, swap my contacts for glasses, and moisturize with organic oils. From there it’s just teeth brushing and bed!

The most important thing that I learned about my beauty routine from going zero waste is that I don’t need a trillion beauty products to be or feel beautiful. In fact, I only need about five to do everything I want and I can make all of them myself which prevents me from exposing myself to toxic chemicals which are in so many products, helps me avoid unnecessary packaging, and saves me both time and money.


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  • I love this series as always x

    Jessica — NinetyCo

  • J’utilise les mêmes produits depuis 3 mois et c’est si facile. Sauf que je préfère un dentifrice bio, le bicarbonate use l’émail des dents. Le Weleda est parfait.

  • Oh these articles about zero waste and sustainable living make me so happy!
    I’m so glad you’re heading in that direction too!
    Lauren is one of my heroes, like Bea Johnson!
    I try to follow their steps and write about my journey on my blog: Conscious by Chloé.
    This reminds me that I should post a little about my successes and failures at making my own cosmetics, hihi!
    Take Care!

    – Chloe

  • Sarah El Boukhallouki December, 18 2016, 3:25 / Reply

    Love this short interview. I have been watching Lauren Singer’s videos for awhile now and she really changed my perception on beauty and consumerism. I love that Garance is featuring more women who use organic products and are conscious of the world.

  • Merci pour ces petites astuces! Je suis justement en pleine recherche pour fabriquer mes produits de beauté et savoir enfin exactement ce qu’ils contiennent alors cet article arrive à point nommé! C’est quand même assez magique de se rendre compte qu’avec une huile végétale bien choisie, on obtient les mêmes effets qu’avec des crèmes très chères. Le seul produit que je vais continuer à acheter dans un futur proche est la protection solaire mais j’espère bien trouver une solution satisfaisante pour me passer de toute chimie.

  • Beautiful. Please, could you feature someone with less than perfect, e.g. acne-prone skin one day? Some inspiration there would be highly appreciated.



  • Jana,
    I think I saw Lauren Singer mention somewhere that she uses tea tree oil for spot treatment of acne. I have been trying this and it works pretty well within a day or two. Do it after you wash your face and moisturizer before bed so it can work overnight.

    – Jenna

  • Jana,
    I think I saw Lauren Singer write somewhere that she uses tea tree oil for spot treatment of acne. It works for me, I just apply it before bed after I wash my face and moisturize.

    – Jenna

  • Si on aime les produits naturels, voilà une excellente routine beauté. En tout cas, cela a l’air de bien lui réussir.

  • Ce n’est pas toujours évident de trouver la bonne routine, et surtout la plus naturelle possible… Avec une peau fragile, réactive et sujette aux imperfections, je n’ai pas encore opté pour le 100% fait maison. Je choisis néanmoins mes produits avec soin et je privilégie les compositions sans produits chimiques. J’espère arriver au même niveau que Lauren !
    Orizaba> Les écrans solaires minéraux sont miraculeux. J’en ai testé un cet été, sous un soleil tropical. Au top !

  • stella kruhn December, 19 2016, 7:35 / Reply

    Love this series! We definitely have to become more conscious of what we buy and use. Just discovered this Berlin based brand, great approach I think.

  • I love the idea of havin zero waste ànd having zero worries about morning routines too … What I do wonder is how Lauren handles contacts without using bottles of any kind. Is there a diy alternative to contact antiseptics/cleaning liquids?

  • She mentioned on her blog that she uses normal store bought contacts solution since there are no alternative. The packaging are recyclable so it’s not all bad.

  • yay, thank you guys for doing more about sustainable consumption that still looks beautiful!

  • I just love the idea of going waste free and using only pure natural products. Very inspiring!

    Lena –

  • Enfin un rituel beauté qui ressemble au mien !



  • Do you know how does she achieve her amazing hair?

  • Anne-Marie December, 21 2016, 11:09 / Reply

    Hi! I was just wondering, as someone who still wants to use makeup, how do you dispose of the packaging once your finished with the products mentioned in this article? Thanks! :)

  • What about sunscreen??

  • Hi!
    I love using homemade products and your article gives me many ideas.
    Thank you :)

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