
A Beauty Minute with Elisa Nalin

10 years ago by

Morning: I wash my face with Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Cream, then I spray my face and neck with the Dr. Hauschka facial toner. If it’s winter I mix 2 drops of the Huile Protectrice to my Melissa cream always, both from Dr. Haushcka.

Day: Not much to be honest ….I barely wear make-up….but I always have a hydratating lipstick like the cold cream lip balm from Avène, my Mac matte orange lipstick, and a black Chanel Inimitable Mascara multi-dimensional.

Night: If I’m not wearing mascara, I just wash my face with the Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Milk, then I spray some facial toner and that’s it ….because that’s what my beauty guru says is good for the skin. If I have been wearing mascara, I would first take it off with some cotton pads with Crealine H2O solution, from Bioderma.

Voilà , as you can see I’m a TOTAL ADDICT to DR HAUSCHKA !!!! Since I have started using it (it must have been at least 4 years now) it changed my skin radically !!!! I stopped taking medicine that my dermatologist prescribed, including antibiotic pills. You just have to find the right thing for your skin ….especially after 30.


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  • Such a gorgeous woman. She definitely doesn’t need any make up!

  • I’m an Hauschka addict too!!
    XOX, Gap.

  • i like the simplicity of her routine. also, i love her outfit! :)


  • Elle a une super belle peau!!! Trop belle!

    Le monde des petites

  • Great routine!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I love this products too but most of the specialist will say that it is good to change your product from time to time..
    Yael Guetta

  • Elisa est tres en beaute et cette couleur de cheveux adoucit son visage.

  • I remember Elisa featured here a few times before- she used to have blond hair as far as I remember. The new colour suits her a lot- it brings out her beautiful eyes.

  • Wahouuu son t-shirt!! Hey the studio, do you know where her t-shirt is from? Thanks :)

  • You can find this TEE on the Biutiful Eshop!!!

  • I love Dr. Hauschka. I also love Annemarie Borlind, but that’s harder to find in the UK.


  • and the tee? where’s it from?!

  • Enjoy hearing about about potions and lotions, but can’t help thinking that these beauty minutes never tell us much re cosmetic dermatology treatments (lasers, peels etc), which I suspect is how most of these lovely ladies look so good!

  • dear Unisa let me tell you that my skin is suuuuper delicate and i have never done anything to her,not even a peeling!!!!imagine other treatments….
    No way for me. Just a good alimentation ,good life ,and a happy heart.
    : )

  • Samantha October, 21 2014, 7:22 / Reply

    I love this hair colour on Elisa, it really suits her! She is stunning!

  • Ok, anyone reading this comment will think I’ve lived under a rock for all 25 years of my life. Dermatologists prescribe medication for skin?! what?!
    I have suffered from acne since my 14th b-day, and lemme tell you, NOTHING outside of diet really makes a difference. I’ve always wanted to visit a dermatologist, but alas, I am a student and by definition very poor.
    Is this true? Is this why everyone except for me seems to have perfect skin??? They take some sort of prescribed meds???

  • Dear Paula,

    I had very brutal acne in my early twenties, after other teens got rid of theirs and emerged out of their bad skin cocoons like colourful butterflies. I spent two years working hard on changing my diet, to absolutely no avail. I would walk around hiding my face in my hair and a large scarf for the chin, because I hated the look of pity on other people’s faces. I went to an alternative therapist, took a course of homeopathy, and it seemed to make a little difference for a while, but the spots came back after six months. Then went to the dermatologist, took two courses of antibiotics, then again the acne came back after six months. I turned 26 and the acne was still there and I remember crying out of sheer discouragement. Then the dermatologist offered Roaccutane. I had heard of it, but was scared because the side effects were plenty, and some really violent. And indeed, they were brutal. I could barely walk the stairs to my appartment because my joints hurt all the time, and my skin was dry and flaky for months… But after six months, it was beautiful, spotless, flawless. After I stopped the treatment, it became oily again, and to my mild disappointment, blackheads returned. But the acne didn’t come back. Ever. And my joints recovered.

    I don’t know how expensive a dermatologist appointment is where you are (I am French, and at the time a young professional juggling unpaid interships and short-term contracts, so thank you cheap social security system for taking care of the greatest part of my medical bills back then!), but my experience is, result-wise: it was totally worth it in the end!

    Good luck!

  • Elisa is always gorgeous and such a cool dresser but I love her as a brunette!

  • Elisa, you are awesome, your style is inspiring, and you need your own blog! (or if you have one, maybe Garance can let us know?)

  • Quelle belle beauté naturelle ! J’aime ce côté très simple parfaitement rehaussé de juste un peu de mascara et un joli rouge a lèvres. Bon et je sais qu’il s’agit d’un post beauté mais ce collier + ce T-shirt = association à tomber !!!!

    Le blog à boire au bureau

  • So natural and so beautiful; the new hair colour suits Elisa the best and brings out warmth in her eyes and skin! I’ve heard lots of good things about Dr Hauschka products and they’re on my list to try (I’m just onto Jurlique) at the moment! You look beautiful Elisa, you definitely don’t need more makeup to hide your skin!:)

  • Aaaah les beauy minutes.. Qu’est-ce que j’aime cette rubrique !! Elisa avait de l’acné auparavant (elle parle d’antibios..) ?

  • Hooray for simple skin care!

  • Hello!
    I have the same beauty routine and it is really great!
    It’s nice to share some “habits” with girls that look so fancy to me!
    Have a nice day from Italy!

  • Excellent choice! I am also a fan of natural beauty products ! Have a look at my blog if you want to discover really nice beauty brands/products!

  • une belle routine beauté, hyper simple et nature, tout ce que j’aime !! Et plus on vieillit, plus on devient attentive à la qualité des produits.

  • Elisa est toujours très classe et d’une simplicité efficace, respect :)

  • Cette coupe de cheveux change totalement Elisa, je ne l’avais jamais vu comme, cela la rend plus mature je trouve….

  • Moi aussi je vais suivre son programme à la lettre, quelle peau parfaite!


  • I always love to read these beauty posts!


  • stella White October, 22 2014, 9:06 / Reply

    eh bien moi je trouve que, à part sa peau, ici elle n’est pas à son avantage. Cette coiffure la viellit beaucoup.Mais son t-shirt est joly!

  • Wow, Elisa looks so much more like “herself” suddenly, as with the blond or black hair – like a completely different person. This subtle color makes so much more difference than the harsh ones. I think, this soft color really has an impact. It is such a beautiful hair color for her, it makes her look as if something very good “exploded” in her – well, in a soft way ; ) and it makes her look much younger too.

  • Dear Ava your comment is so RIGHT !
    through the japanese buddhism i practice since 7 years I have been through an evolution , we actually call it our human revolution , and thanks to that i finally feel like i’ m revealing my real true self !
    i do feel very in peace , at ease , in harmony with myself and with the world .
    I have been through a lot of difficulties and obstacles in the last 2 years but at the end i feel so much stronger thanks to what happen and i feel totally confident in Life . I believe the way you feel inside also shows up on your outside .
    I wish to all of you the possibility to expreiment such a deep state of uncoditional happyness and inner peace . NAM MYOHO RENGHE KYO is my real beauty secret !
    : )
    big kiss

  • oui elle est magnifique Elisa et……..naturelle!!!pas etonnant …..les produits dr Hauschka …je les utilise depuis des années ….j’ai ….ouff…60 ans dans euh…2 mois !!et je peux dire que j’ai une peau magnifique ,resplendissante et ce grace à ma routine depuis des années ….la creme à la rose chaque matin…meme l ‘été …eh oui……le masque revitalisant 1 fois par semaine et chaque soir ….seulement un peu d’huile et ma peau fine,fragile,sensible et seche….une peau de blonde quoi!!!eh bien ma peau a traversé les années …sans trop de dommages!!

  • alors là je suis totalement, mais alors totalement d’accord, les produits Hauschka sont tops!! j’en suis également complètement accro, même leur gamme rouge à lèvres est génial, idem pour leur make-up!!

  • I started using products from Dr. Hauschka and I really like them, most of all the eye balm, which I reviewed on my blog

    I also like the masks (I reviewed one) and now I’m trying the cleansing cream.

  • Nini piccola October, 22 2014, 12:42 / Reply

    Elisa you are a very beautiful woman. I follow you you on Instagram and it is obvious that you are full of love and peace.

  • AHhh… Enfin une routine beauté rafraichissante !!! Bah oui quoi, pas besoin de milles trucs (chimiques et dérivés du pétrole!) pour être belle !!
    Au top Elisa !! La bonne humeur suffit pour être rayonnante :)

    Bisou bisou Garance !

  • Quel beau blog! très simple mais très classe, je suis fan! j’adore!
    bonne continuation dans ce jolie chemin..


  • I wonder. How do you know that : what you are doing is enough ? i love the simplicity but i can never seem to say, its enough. If its good for the skin, i do it. Like a vitamin serum. I wonder how this beautiful women told her self this is enough !!

  • J’aime beaucoup son tee shirt :)


  • I love the way she looks put together and very natural at the same time! I don´t know whether the fall chills have gotten to the city already but here´s my favorite pick for the perfect herbal bath. Have a look at http://www.fairaporter.com/post/100739157297/produkt-der-woche-dr-hauschka-bade-ol-auf-die
    And as always, best from Berlin, Alex x

  • J’ai failli ne pas reconnaitre Elisa avec cette coupe ! J’ai d’ailleurs mis quelques minutes à tilter ! Toujours radieuse..

    xx CarolineJ

  • Forget the products! Where can I buy that necklace?

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