
Zero Waste / Lauren Singer

7 years ago by


Erik Melvin

Lauren Singer is not your average 25 year old. Well, on a surface level, she very much is – full of life, ambition, style, and kindness. The thing that sets herself apart from most others, is that she lives zero waste. And that’s no exaggeration. Outside of composting and last-resort recycling, all of the trash Lauren has produced in the last four years fits inside a 16 ounce mason jar, which is exactly where it lives – and not in a landfill.

Lauren’s blog, Trash is for Tossers, has evolved into both a lifestyle and a brand, empowering people to make choices in their own lives to reduce the amount of waste they create, and helping them make natural, conscious changes by producing toxic and waste free cleaning products under her company, The Simply Co. – which is the perfect name really, because upon talking to her, you realize her outlook, methods, and objective really are perfectly simple.

We’re so happy to share this inspiring interview, and glimpses into Lauren’s zero waste home, with you today!

lauren singer garance dore photo

lauren singer garance dore photo

In a few sentences, how would you describe the zero waste movement?
Well I can’t speak for the whole movement but I can speak about my lifestyle! For me, it means not sending any trash to landfills, but I do recycle and I do compost, but I recycle as a last resort. It’s taking conscious steps to reduce your waste to hopefully zero.

What was the catalyst that prompted your journey into zero waste? Was it a gradual shift or all at once?
It was kind of a series of events! I studied environmental studies at NYU and was always really passionate about the environment and about sustainability. And then my junior year of college I became really passionate about fighting against the oil and gas industry, particularly hydrofracking because of all of the environmental and human rights associated with it. And then my senior year of college, there was a girl in this class who everyday would bring this big plastic bag full of food, a plastic container, plastic fork and knife, and then she would throw it all in the trash. It seemed like such a disconnect between what we were learning and what she was doing. Then one day after class I went home to make dinner, and I opened my refrigerator and I saw that every single thing in there was packaged in plastic. And I felt like a huge hypocrite. So I made a decision to stop using plastic.

But at the same time, plastic is everywhere – I couldn’t go to CVS and buy all of my beauty products plastic-free all of a sudden. So I found that I had to actually start making a lot of products myself and I hadn’t done that before, and by researching how to make products I found out about the zero waste lifestyle and it sounded like the coolest thing I had ever heard of. It was so empowering. Realizing I didn’t have to make any trash at all, and having such a low environmental impact was so exciting to me, so I decided to try it out, and it’s been four years.

What has been the biggest challenge of living zero waste lifestyle?
I get this question all the time! Honestly the hardest thing for me is trying to dispel these preconceived societal narratives. For instance the idea that sustainability is just for rich white people, which isn’t true at all. It’s something that’s really attainable for anyone regardless of where you come from. It’s just about knowing how to make those choices. And dispelling the narrative that you have to be a quintessential hippie to care about the environment. I’m trying to recreate these narratives – regardless of who you are, what you care about, what you do, who you’re voting for, we can all do things in our daily lives that impact the environment in a positive way. And in return, impact our wallets and health in a positive way.

What about the most rewarding part?
Living in alignment with my values, which I had never really considered before. When I looked at myself four years ago, I realized that while I cared about the environment, I wasn’t doing anything at all that aligned with that except talking about it. So the exercise of making adjustments to my everyday life was so fulfilling because I realized I was living in a way that was exactly what I believed in.

Zero Waste / Lauren Singer

lauren singer garance dore photo

lauren singer garance dore photo

You launched a brand called The Simply Co. which is a line of toxic free, sustainable cleaning and household products. Can you talk about this?
Yes, I make organic laundry detergent, which is something I never thought I would be doing! But I had been making my own products at that point for 2 years – all my beauty and cleaning products – and I realized they worked and they were effective. At the time, right after college, I was working in engineering for the city and I had my blog, and I got questions all the time about the products that I was making, so I started doing some research and found that while there were beauty products that were in line with my own, the same wasn’t true for cleaning products.

I also learned that in traditional cleaning products, there are over 85,000 industrial chemicals that are used and most of them aren’t even tested for safety before they’re released into the market. On top of that, in the US, cleaning product manufacturers aren’t legally required to disclose the ingredients on the product packaging so when we buy something like laundry detergent, we have no idea what’s actually in it. Companies have the ability to say “fragrance” and “perfume” in the ingredient list because those are considered trade secrets, but those could be upwards of 2,000 different chemicals.

I decided to quit my job and start a company to sell these products that I knew worked and that I felt like we all deserved. It was 2 years ago that I launched my Kickstarter for the company. I thought I was going to have 100 people who backed the campaign so I was like “I can do this by hand!” By the end of 3 days, I had over 850 backers and over 1,000 jars of detergent preordered. I was sitting in my apartment hand grinding soap to make laundry detergent!

From there it has become a fully integrated company. My products are manufactured in Ohio at a facility where it’s solar powered and super sustainable, it’s a dream! It’s been a really amazing process.

You haven’t sent a single piece of trash to the landfill in over four years, yet you don’t fit into the stereotypical aesthetic of a “hippie” – can you talk about living zero waste while also thriving in a modern world?
Yeah! I mean, I’m a 25 year old girl that lives in New York City, I want to go out and have fun, date, eat good food, and look and feel beautiful, but at the same time I don’t want to have a negative environmental impact and I want to live zero waste. I’ve found that neither have to be compromised, I can do both, and it’s just about making choices that are quite simple. Through doing things like swapping out a plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one, or coming prepared with a mason jar, I’ve been able to be my authentic self and a live sustainably. If you look at the things that constitute zero waste, like using wash clothes instead of paper towel, saying no to plastic straws, neither of those things are hard, and once you incorporate those into your routine, it has a really positive impact.

How does fashion fit into the idea of sustainability?
When I started living this lifestyle I stopped buying any new clothing, so I’ve been shopping exclusively second hand for 4 years now, and it’s been the most eye opening thing ever. There’s so much unneeded stuff out there that people don’t want anymore, so they sell to a second hand shop. So not only is it 90% cheaper than if I were buying something new, but I’m also reusing something that would technically be waste.

Is it challenging maintaining personal style within your zero waste lifestyle?
Not at all! And it’s cool because I feel like I’m hunting, and when you find something you really like it feels like you’ve scored. I’ve also learned to be much more minimal and have really learned my body and I feel like your 20s are really about that time. I’ve really learned through second hand shopping what I feel good in, what makes me feel beautiful, and through that I’ve learned how to be really selective when I’m shopping. I love asking myself, “How does this make me feel? Does it go with everything in my closet?”

lauren singer garance dore photo

lauren singer garance dore photo

lauren singer garance dore photo

How have your shopping habits changed since you’ve gone zero waste?
I spend a lot less money, because obviously second hand is a lot less expensive. And then I save so much money on food because I go to the farmer’s market every Saturday. I used to spend $160 a week on food, and now I spend about $60 a week. Through that alone I’ve saved over $20,000. Traditionally we’re paying a premium for packaging, and anything that is packaged are things we don’t need – things that have preservatives with low nutrients and high calories – things that aren’t good for us. By removing the ability to buy packaged food, I’ve saved money and actually feel a lot better.

How has this lifestyle impacted your relationship to yourself? To the earth?
To myself, I think I’m just so much more self-aware now. I used to blame everyone else for the state of the world – politicians, and government and business, and it wasn’t until I stopped and looked at myself that I realized I had power to make a positive or negative impact, and I realized I was making a negative one. That helped me look at myself and really do things to change how I was living.

My relationship to the earth has always been the same. My drive for what I’m doing is exactly that relationship. To me, there’s nothing that makes me happier than seeing a really beautiful sunset or golden light on a tree. It’s so simple, and as humans we have no control over it, no dictation over how the sun sets, it’s just so beautiful and it makes me so happy. There’s no question that I would want to do everything I can to protect something that so selflessly gives everything to us for us to appreciate.

What drives you to inform others about the zero waste lifestyle?
The biggest reason that I talk about all of this is that four years ago I was a person who created a ton of trash that really cared about the environment and didn’t know that I had a choice. When I learned about zero waste it opened up my entire world to understand that I did have a choice, and that I could live in a way that was so much more sustainable and so much more in line with what I believed in. I thought there had to be so many other people that would love to learn about something like this and benefit from this knowledge because they want to do something and they just don’t know what. So for me, starting the blog allowed me to explain what I was doing in a way that was simple, palatable and attainable, and not pushy or preachy. It was just, “this is what I do, if you like it, here’s how I do it, and if not then that’s fine!” It’s just my drive to show people that there’s an option.

Do you feel like living zero waste is a bit extreme? What do you recommend to people who are inspired but can’t imagine going completely zero waste?
I would never tell anyone how to live or what to be, I live this lifestyle because it’s what works for me, it’s what makes me happy. I don’t really care if someone thinks it’s extreme or doesn’t want to do it because I’m focusing on myself and my own impact, and I’m putting it out there for people to think about and reflect upon their own lives. If they’re not into it, there’s nothing I can do. If people don’t believe me or don’t think it’s possible, I’ll invite them over for a zero waste dinner or take them to the farmers market – instead of isolating people because they’re not in agreement with me, I try to bring them in and invite them into seeing how a different world doesn’t mean it’s extreme or weird, it’s just different.

lauren singer garance dore photo

lauren singer garance dore photo

lauren singer garance dore photo

Do you have any anticipations or worries about the future of your sustainable lifestyle?
No! I see myself being able to be more and more aligned with doing that, just based on having more financial freedom to, for instance, buy a home, where I can control what energy I use. The reality is, I can’t change where energy comes from, I can only make people aware that there are differences in how our environment is affected by fossil fuels vs. solar. So one day I hope to have a really sustainable small home powered by renewable energy. There are only more ways that I can be more and more aligned with what I believe in.

Is there anything that doesn’t fit into your lifestyle that you don’t use?
So much stuff! But it’s stuff that I’ve realized I don’t really need. Before I lived this lifestyle I thought I needed 50 beauty products to be beautiful, when in fact I only use about 4. Same thing with clothing. So if I’m not using something it’s not that I’ve had to sacrifice it, it’s just something that I’ve realized I didn’t need, that I thought we did based on what society tells us we need.

Biggest piece of advice for someone wanting to reduce the amount of waste they produce?
Well first, there’s no one good place to start. Just start! Do something that’s easy and approachable, and that will give you the confidence to try something else. You don’t have to do it all at once, it’s impossible to go zero waste in a day, it’s one thing at a time! Realize that every positive change is positive, and even by thinking about reducing waste, you’re already starting that process of having a positive impact.

And then from there I have a few steps that I recommend to people. The first is to look in your trashcan and see what you’re throwing away because in order to reduce your waste you have to know what kind of waste you’re producing. For me it was learning how to compost, how to buy in bulk and shop at the farmers market, and learning how to make my own products. By identifying my main sources of trash and figuring out ways to remediate it – I reduced about 90% of my waste.

And then there are simple, one-time changes that have a large scale positive impact. So things like using a reusable bag at the market, saying no to single-use plastic straws, bringing your own fork, packing your own lunch, using reusable cloth instead of paper towels. I call this picking at the low hanging fruit, it’s the really simple things that have a large positive effect.

And then last, learning how to make your own products! At first it was challenging but once I made tooth paste that took 30 seconds, saved me 7 dollars, had no toxic chemicals and produced no trash I was in! It’s just one step at a time. Just start! Don’t get mad at yourself. Be consistent and think about the kind of world you want to live in and if the life you’re living is aligned with that or not. If it’s not, find ways you can live more in line with your values, because when you do it really improves your general overall feeling.

Zero Waste / Lauren Singer

Thank you Lauren! | @trashisfortossers | @thesimplyco


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  • Meilleur itw ever ! Cette jeune femme est superbe !

  • Très bel article qui nous pousse à réfléchir.

    Amélie – Charles Ray and Coco

  • J’adore! J’adhère!!! Je fais très attention, de puis quelques mois, aux emballages. Je suis bien, côté alimentaire et beauté. Dans d’autres domaines, c’est pas facile ;)

  • Ah oui, très jolie reflexion.
    Après, je pense qu’il faut appliquer cela à son quotidien et voir si c’est concrètement faisable.
    Je suis sûre qu’à petite échelle, oui. Mais c’est pas facile.
    Par exemple, je me pose la question: changer les serviettes en papier ou scotex par des serviettes en tissu (nous qui tâchons beaucoup dans notre famille) c’est utiliser plus la machine à laver, donc l’eau, donc…..finalement?

  • Les serviettes en papier, il faut de l’eau pour les fabriquer, tu les utilises une fois puis il faut de l’energie pour les brûler ou les recycler. En plus elles sont souvent emballées dans du plastique. Les serviettes en tissu, une fois qu’elles sont là tu les réutilises toujours. A mon avis au total on consomme moins de ressources… Bonne continuation dans ta démarche.

  • Emeline, pour fabriquer des serviettes en tissu il faut aussi de l’eau, vraiment beaucoup d’eau, particulièrement si elles sont en coton (5000L d’eau pour 1kg de coton, ça aussi ça fait réfléchir, et pas seulement concernant les serviettes en tissu…)

  • Pour les serviettes, il est effectivement préférable de les choisir en lin, c’est beau, agréable et ne nécessite quasiment pas d’eau contrairement au coton. Et de nos jours il y e a de très abordables à la Redoute par exemple.
    Et bien sur il ne faut pas les laver après chaque usage.

    Pour le nettoyage, utiliser des micro-fibre avec juste de l’eau chaude, ca dégraisse et lave bien les surfaces sans produit. C’est notamment magique pour les cuisines tout en intox.

  • Je suis fascinée par son mode de vie!!!!
    Merci pour cette belle interview!

    Julie, Petite and So What?

  • I love this interview so much. So inspiring!! Great piece!!

  • Alexandra November, 8 2016, 10:50 / Reply

    Cela fait un très long moment que je n’étais plus venu ici parce que je ne me reconnaissait plus dans ton blog. Mais là je dois dire que je suis trop contente que tu parles de Lauren et du zéro déchet. J’ai moi même adhéré au mouvement, grâce à elle, et je suis très contente de voir les gens en parler de plus en plus. Merci d’avoir embelli ma journée!

  • So inspirational…trying to keep up and changing my ways

  • On an election day when the fate of the planet literally hangs in the balance, this post gives me so much hope.Thank you!

  • Applause! I try hard to waste little, but packaging is a tough thing to avoid getting involved with. I wish I had the time to make everything and shop second hand. It’s a great goal to have in mind and I certainly do what I can.

  • Merci pour cette super interview ! Je suis fan de Lauren et je suis ravie de la voir s’exprimer ici.
    PS : il y a quelques fautes de frappe dans le texte (“tout le monde” au lieu “tous le monde” et il manque un mot dans “sans être moralisatrice”)

  • So glad to see Lauren on this blog! I’ve been following her for a while and she’s been such a role model for my less waste journey. <3

  • Merci et bravo! Un exemple à suivre!

  • Great interview! I also follow Lauren – she’s so inspiring.

  • This is awesome of her! I loved the interview x

    Jessica — WS Community

  • So glad to see her up here!!!

  • Bravo pour cette ITW. Je suis contente de voir que nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à être sensible à notre environnement et à faire des choses dans ce sens. La mode d’occasion c’est exactement le message que je passe dans mon blog à travers mes looks, que l’on peut donner une seconde voire une troisième vie aux vêtements! Et que ‘occasion’ ne rime pas avec fringues abimées bien au contraire! Je tombe souvent sur des fringues quasiment neuves et de marque!

  • Merci pour cette interview, c’est génial d’exposer le mouvement Zero Waste sur un blog avec autant de lecteurs!!!
    (En revanche, je comprends moins les liens commerciaux vers des produits non recyclés surtout das le cadre de cet article…)

  • Eléonore November, 8 2016, 12:11 / Reply

    Bravo!! c’est exactement la tendance dans laquelle je suis, cela fait tellement de bien de faire des petits efforts qui ne sont pas difficiles mais qui change beaucoup! Très chouette interview

  • Interview tres interessante qui me fait reflechir sur la facon dont je pourrais faire encore plus attention a mon mode de vie
    et reduire les dechets, mais ce n’est pas facile. J’ai bonne conscience parceque je recycle beaucoup mais je constate que je suis tres, tres loin des resultats etonnants de Lauren. :-/

  • oh how I effing love seeing Lauren on this blog. I’ve been easing into the zero waste lifestyle slowly but surely and she is one of the clear uplifting voices in the movement that makes me hopeful. Zero waste is what I was missing when I started to minimalise my closet/home and so on. For people who say they don’t have time – going zero waste and minimalising what I need, has freed up huge amounts of time for me. (how much time do you spend shopping online or in real stores for unsustainable clothing that your wear only once or beauty products that contain toxins? – its never a problem finding time to aquire things)

  • This is such a great interview! Lauren is a very eloquent speaker and advocate for the Zero Waste movement. I find particularly stimulating how she talks about ‘dispelling preconceived societal narratives’ – such a thought-provoking and beautiful concept!
    Ever since I saw her TED talk I became much more aware of my own behaviours and have embarked upon my own journey towards Zero Waste. As she says, take baby steps, and then everything else will come really seamlessly. From my own experience it is also a great way to connect with your real self and to recognise your values. In the process, you just realise how simple it is and how you’d never go back to your old unsustainable ways!
    Thank you for sharing her words with us and for promoting sustainability! It’s always a wonderful surprise when people you admire get together to inspire something good :-)

  • Super itw!!
    Son message me parle beaucoup.
    J’adorerai une beauty minute avec Lauren et connaître les 4 produits qu’elle utilise pour ses soins.

  • Kathleen November, 8 2016, 2:11 / Reply

    Brava!!! I love seeing this interview here. It is very empowering to realize you have a way to make real change without needing to convince any politician or change a single law :) i want to note for Lauren and other readers that in fact you CAN change where your energy comes from and you should try! If you live in a region served by a publicly-owned utility, then the board of directors of that utility should respond to customer demands – the key is that you need to send a letter or meet with your board rep and if you have time, organize your friends or local environmental groups to push for a faster transition away from “brown”/fossil-based power (natural gas or coal). Utility managers hear a lot from businesses and others who want to keep rates very low – they also NEED to hear from people who are willing to pay a few dollars more to help move faster to renewable energy. If you live in a region served by an investor owned utility, you can still make this request. Either way it won’t happen overnight because the grid was built for large centralized sources, but there are many movements around the country (Community Choice Aggregation – CCA) separating from utilities that are not being responsive to customer demand for more renewables and less polluting sources. Utilities need strong encouragement to do the right thing. :)

  • Voila,la nous sommes dans le concret,le profond.La plus belle ITW.Merci

  • Thank you for this.

    I am surprised you guys didnt touch on meat consumption in the interview.

  • Caroline November, 8 2016, 3:54 / Reply

    I’ve just bought all the ingredients to make my own washing powder… Happy to hear from Lauren, I admire her project. Even though I’ve narrowed my day-to-day waste to mostly compost, there’s still the shopping part (mostly second hand, though) and every now and then, I forget my own principles. So thank you for the example!

  • inspirant entretien!!!!

  • Beautiful and inspiring! I like seeing the new directions you are taking with the blog are exciting, important and appreciated very much. Thank you! xo

  • This is fabulous! Thank you so much for posting, inspiring me and sharing Lauren’s beautiful home & heart.

  • Such an interesting topic! I wish more fashion bloggers would write about eco-friendly and sustainable beauty and fashion. It’s like with food, the more consumers asked for organic products, the more they became available. I wish the same could happen with clothes and cosmetics.

  • Love love love this! Thank you for showing what I truly consider the most stylish of lifestyles—mindful, sustainable, elegant and graceful. This is exactly where I’m at these days, so thanks for meeting me there. So inspired!

  • Mercedes November, 8 2016, 7:06 / Reply

    Thank you so much! I love love love the direction you are taking and the content you are bringing to us. So inspiring, informative, educational. I am happy to know that are people that already are making so many important changes on their lifestyle, makes me want to align and follow. I will follow her blog for sure. She is wise and charming and a great example of somebody living in this modern world and care about this issue. I watched Leo Di Caprio documentary last week and made me sick in the stomach. We have to start this change now. The changes she describes are not a lot intimidating, actually are pretty doable. The important thing is to START somewhere. Bravo!

  • Glad to read this here, especially that she isn’t the only one. I’m trying my best to produce as little waste as possible – no make-up, no disposable bags, wipes, etc. I don’t drive a car, I commute with bicycle. But in my country the produce on farmer’s market is more expensive than in store and it’s just not financially feasible for me to buy everything there. And the worst thing is that eco/bio items always come in plastic packaging.. Pumpkins and citruses in plastic nets, berries and peaches in plastic containers… Even when these fruits are in season and grow locally! :( I separate and recycle the waste, but I still produce too much of it. I’d like to come to a point to only produce biodegradeable trash, but it’s harder now than it was even 20 years ago in my childhood, such a shame.

  • Yay! Keep up the sustainable posts Garance et al, I would love one of Garance’s long-form posts discussing consumerism and the issues with promoting it!

  • Mandy Broadhurst November, 8 2016, 7:34 / Reply

    Thank you for this — I love Lauren’s ideas – very difficult where I live in Australia as we do not have any farmers markets or food stores where you can purchase in bulk (no packaging) but will try making own toothpaste and composting as a start.

  • What an uplifting interview. I absolutely felt encouraged now to do my little bit.

  • This is so inspiring. I like people who do not try to push their beliefs on you. Prior to reading this post, I had a bit of resistance with this whole save the earth movement because I thought it would be so hard to live like a hippie people in a modern society. Seeing this woman who is the about the same age as me living in one of the busiest cities in the world changed my views about this. Thank you to your team for introducing Lauren’s lifestyle to us.

  • alexia mathieu November, 9 2016, 2:12 / Reply

    This come at such a perfect time. I’ve been looking at ways to reduce my waste. Thank you for the inspiration.

  • C’est chouette de voir évoluer un blog comme soi-même on évolue… De plus en plus de sujets et d’interviews vraiment inspirants : inspirants pour sa vie, pour les combats qu’on veut mener, les efforts qu’on veut faire, les sujets qu’on veut prioriser…
    Merci beaucoup d’aller vers ça tout en gardant, bien sûr une identité mode

  • Gabrielle November, 9 2016, 4:06 / Reply

    It’s not often that I’m compelled to comment on a fashion/lifestyle blog, but this was a really great, thought-provoking interview. More please!

  • I loved to read this post: very interesting and inspiring!

  • Laurence D November, 9 2016, 11:28 / Reply

    Hier je n’avais pas envie de lire cet article, ça me paraissait moralisateur. Aujourd’hui ça prend un tout autre sens! On se dit qu’avec les engagements citoyens rien n’est perdu, quelques soient les dirigeants. Merci pour cela.

  • Bravo pour cet interview! Lauren Singer est une réelle source d’inspiration. Je suis contente que ce blog commence à s’intéresser aux questions de l’écologie et de la durabilité. Il y a tant à faire sur le plan de l’industrie de la mode et de la cosmétique.

  • I loved it! Thank you.
    It is really inspiring, and it encourages me to keep changing my habits in that direction


  • Lauren Singer and Bea Johnson truly lead by example. I am so happy to see a zero waste lifestyler profiled on Garance Dore. Hopefully this bridge between fashion/beauty and ecological conscientiousness will help build critical pressure on wasteful industrial practices. I personally struggle with the trash I generate from cosmetics and beauty products. I try to buy products that come in glass as much as possible, but what about my eyeliner pens? The tubes of glosses that I decide I don’t like anymore? Very few products with SPF come in glass. We need to mobilize for more conscious packaging and product delivery systems.

  • An article about one of my idols on the website of one of my idols….thanks so much ! Beautiful article and beautiful pictures ????????????!

    Lauren ROCKS and we should all follow that path

  • Great Interview!!! Fantastic way of life!! I’m trying to go in her direction.
    You should do a post about second hand fashion!!!

  • J’adore ! J’adhère !

  • More of this please! So good.

  • je pense que c’est un mouvement qui prend de l’ampleur entre autre en Europe. D’ailleurs pleins de magasins “En Vrac” ouvrent un peu partout ! Je suis allé à une conférence dernièrement concernant ce sujet “Zero Waste” par Béa Johnson l’initiatrice de ce mouvement.. C’est marrant, elle est aussi française et vie aux US tout comme toi Garance :) Je trouve très inspirant de voir ce type d’articles sur ton blog, j’en veux d’autre ;)

    Je pense que l’on peut tous commencer par des choses simples, en faisant nos courses au marché, privilégier les produits locaux et les circuits courts etc.. Acheter c’est Voter !

    pour ce qui s’intéressent –>



  • Je pense que c’est un mouvement qui prend de l’ampleur entre autre en Europe. D’ailleurs pleins de magasins “En Vrac” ouvrent un peu partout ! Je suis allé à une conférence dernièrement concernant ce sujet “Zero Waste” par Béa Johnson l’initiatrice de ce mouvement.. C’est marrant, elle est aussi française et vie aux US tout comme toi Garance :) Je trouve très inspirant de voir ce type d’articles sur ton blog, j’en veux d’autre ;)

    Je pense que l’on peut tous commencer par des choses simples, en faisant nos courses au marché, privilégier les produits locaux et les circuits courts etc.. Acheter c’est Voter !

    pour ce qui s’intéressent –> mais il y a aussi pleins d’autres références bien sûr



  • Very inspiring podcast! It’s great to see you finally covering this subject on the blog, Garance. I have always loved your blog, but did miss attention to sustainability, especially as a counterweight to the consumption aspect of the site. I guess there is a time for everything. :) I look forward to following you on your discovery tour and hopefully your voice can make a little difference!

    A little sustainable design promotion: in holland we have our own – sustainable and fashionable – answer to the plastic throw-away bag: ‘The New Shoppingbag’ by Susan Bijl. I am such a fan. It’s easy to take with you, strong and cool (and addictive: every season I can make up a ton of reasons to buy a new color ;)) check out!

    Good luck in LA!!!!

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