She looks great! And it is the perfect music for this look! I love the Chanel lipgloss Lèvres Scintillantes No 164 – the perfect touch for a natural look.
Très jolie vidéo, très douce.
Par CONTRE, pas fan-fan du maquillage et de l’effet geisha cartonée… Mais rien n’enlève le sublime de ce petit instant relaxant.
Coucou, Garance! Oh là là… C’est vraiment un “no-no” pour moi par rapport à la maquillage de ses yeux, mon concept de beauté arrive pas là, mais j’aime tellement les produits CHANEL et tes travaux sont super, encore: SUPER! Merci de les partager avec nous. Bravo aussi pour la sélection de la music. Tchuss. *
dramatic makeup, basically the message i took away from these video is that in order to be beautiful, you just have to have L’oreal or Chanel personelle do makeup for you.
On the other hand…this Chanel make-up is more like "how not to wear and apply make-up"!
It is terrible…This year Chanel obvisously decided to present models and their make-up in a different way than usually. Almost as an oppostite of what beautiful should be in a general standard. I believe, the message is delivered, though a little bit weird coming from Karl Lagerfeld, whom we know has a very strickt public view of what beautiful should be.
Alors ça n’a aucun rapport avec le post, mais bon j’avais juste envie de te dire que tu ROCK !!
Moi j’dis vive Garance Doré !!
Je pourrais m’étaler et dire tout ce qui me plait dans ton blog, mais bon on va juste dire que je suis une jeunette de 18 ans et quand je lis ton blog ça me met de bonne humeur, et ça me remonte le moral !
Ah the silver eyeshadow…I went through a phase in college when I was obsessed with silver. I had silver eyeshadow like this and a silver turtleneck knit shirt….I thought I was Edie Sedgwick except my hair was not short and blond. It was black and cut in a shag!
Chanel – ahhhh! Love Chanel makeup. As to the comment about the makeup not being evenly applied – must admit her eyes looked different but perhaps it’s just the shape of her eyes – one more almond shaped than the other which is common.
complete perfection, but when is that not he case where chanel is involved? really love the eye makeup and that last shot of the model’s face is sublime!
Thank you Garance, for taking us into the Amazing world of fashion. And to those complaining about the models makeup… Remember that for Those sitting in the front row, it will all look beautiful And the clumpy or aesymetrical details will not be noticed.
TIP: It’s a lot easier when you’re a Chanel model!
Fantastic video, it’s very aesthetically pleasing and well filmed. You’re inspiring me to ditch the regular camera for a video camera :)
sublime music harmonizes with those delicate colors. what is that, Garance? here is something for you, excellent piece of Max Richter – Written od The Sky, ***
superbe ! merci à toute l’équipe. Peut-être y’a t-il la réponse dans les coms mais j’aime beaucoup la musique en fond le piano. Y’a-t-il un titre de cd ? d’avance merciiiiiiii !
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
everything chanel: even the varnish on the make up assistant’s nails! :)
Definitely touched by Chanel, very consistently beautiful according to image outline. Retro & Beans –
La musique est sublime, j’adore les post beauty, ils nous transportent :) Très bon travail Garance :)
J’adore! C’est vraiment magnifique!
Bisous Garance!
Beautifully shot, however the model’s make-up looked dreadful. Much preferred Kenzo’s pop colours!
I can’t get enough of these videos! Keep inspiring:)
Those videos are so inspiring. Merci Garance.
La musique est ravissante :)
Joli make-up !
I love the music in this video <3
What is the music that you use in your videos? I saw this Valentino Preview video too that the music is just so wonderful..
Ya, the same question. Really wanna know the title of the music. Please!!!!
Je pense qu’on veut toutes connaitre le titre de la musique :)
Cette vidéo est envoûtante..
INSTANT Follow, Love This Blog,Can’t Believe I Hadn’t Followed Sooner!
the music….so gentle with each pat of the brush….bravo
Bravo! mais je reve ou j’ai cru voir une french manucure?! ah oui et bien sur, c’est quoi la musique? :)
La musique…La musique…..
She looks so beautiful!
I’m crazy about my Chanel lipstick, but would love to own these items too!
Oh j’y étais aussi ;)
Très jolie vidéo !
c’est très beau on dirait des smokys blancs irisés et la musique accompagne parfaitement ce make up féérique, merci garance
La musique est splendide !
je suis toujours charmée par tes vidéos! magnifique encore une fois
love everything, thanks for sharing this video.
touched by this chanel beauty.
She looks great! And it is the perfect music for this look! I love the Chanel lipgloss Lèvres Scintillantes No 164 – the perfect touch for a natural look.
WOW!…Love this video!
The makeup seemed kind of off in the last shot…but the music in this video is amazing! (as always) Would love to know who it’s by.
Everything is better with Chanel…..even the music!
Click on link below to find out 10 good reasons why you should switch to wearing mineral makeup:
La vidéo est vraiment bien!
Très jolie vidéo, très douce.
Par CONTRE, pas fan-fan du maquillage et de l’effet geisha cartonée… Mais rien n’enlève le sublime de ce petit instant relaxant.
Très belle journée!
Really beautiful !!
I’m posting accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
Take a look!
Possessing one Chanel lipstick or eye crayon makes one feel prettier, a great start.
Love it!!
Très belle vidéo :)
Coucou, Garance! Oh là là… C’est vraiment un “no-no” pour moi par rapport à la maquillage de ses yeux, mon concept de beauté arrive pas là, mais j’aime tellement les produits CHANEL et tes travaux sont super, encore: SUPER! Merci de les partager avec nous. Bravo aussi pour la sélection de la music. Tchuss. *
Oh I love the idea of tying up a chignon or a bun with something odd like an oversized pearl. It’s like an unexpected item of jewelry.
La video est vraiment superbe, et la musique sublime!! Il est clair que tout le monde se pose la meme question, c’est quoi la musique?!
dramatic makeup, basically the message i took away from these video is that in order to be beautiful, you just have to have L’oreal or Chanel personelle do makeup for you.
Ce maquillage est magnifique, j’adore l’argenté sur les yeux et puis le petit détaille du signe Chanel dans les cheveux, juste génial ! :)
Is it just me, or does the eye make-up on the final model not look evenly applied on both eyes? Other than that, love the music and the colors.
beautifu music <3
On the other hand…this Chanel make-up is more like "how not to wear and apply make-up"!
It is terrible…This year Chanel obvisously decided to present models and their make-up in a different way than usually. Almost as an oppostite of what beautiful should be in a general standard. I believe, the message is delivered, though a little bit weird coming from Karl Lagerfeld, whom we know has a very strickt public view of what beautiful should be.
une jolie vidéo toute mignonne!! (ma boutique vintage!)
très belle vidéo,j’aime beaucoup la coiffure.Merci encore de nous faire partager de si jolies moments.
Très touchant, délicat… La vidéo est magnifique !
Great video and tender music!!!
Hugs from Ukraine!
Alors ça n’a aucun rapport avec le post, mais bon j’avais juste envie de te dire que tu ROCK !!
Moi j’dis vive Garance Doré !!
Je pourrais m’étaler et dire tout ce qui me plait dans ton blog, mais bon on va juste dire que je suis une jeunette de 18 ans et quand je lis ton blog ça me met de bonne humeur, et ça me remonte le moral !
P.S: J’adore ton nom !
Envoutant :)
La musique est splendide, celle du video de valentino aussi. Les titres s’il te plait Garance!
Thank you Garance for these backstage moments! you allow us to be at the heart of the matter…
Ca ressemble vraiment beaucoup à Celestial Haze de Lemur Voice….. Mais ce n’est pas ça!!!!! :(
Ah the silver eyeshadow…I went through a phase in college when I was obsessed with silver. I had silver eyeshadow like this and a silver turtleneck knit shirt….I thought I was Edie Sedgwick except my hair was not short and blond. It was black and cut in a shag!
Ali of
Chanel – ahhhh! Love Chanel makeup. As to the comment about the makeup not being evenly applied – must admit her eyes looked different but perhaps it’s just the shape of her eyes – one more almond shaped than the other which is common.
it sounds so french!! what is it ?
Great Chanel!!
Love your videos!! she looks gorgeous!!!!
complete perfection, but when is that not he case where chanel is involved? really love the eye makeup and that last shot of the model’s face is sublime!
Maybe what Garance is getting at is that to be beautiful with Chanel is about “rock”-ing it not “posh”-ing it.
I love the imagery coupled with the music, so visually stunning
Cette video est un petit bijou, Sigrid est sublime a la fin !
love that chanel pearl in hair!
Love this video along with all your other videos.
Thank you Garance, for taking us into the Amazing world of fashion. And to those complaining about the models makeup… Remember that for Those sitting in the front row, it will all look beautiful And the clumpy or aesymetrical details will not be noticed.
TIP: It’s a lot easier when you’re a Chanel model!
Fantastic video, it’s very aesthetically pleasing and well filmed. You’re inspiring me to ditch the regular camera for a video camera :)
The Lovelorn
I love this video but I would have loved it even more If you had added the product info, what colors they used etc. Thanks!
sublime music harmonizes with those delicate colors. what is that, Garance? here is something for you, excellent piece of Max Richter – Written od The Sky, ***
magnifique vidéo, invitation au rêve..Magnifique maquillage Chanel.Merci Garance pour ce doux moment
superbe ! merci à toute l’équipe. Peut-être y’a t-il la réponse dans les coms mais j’aime beaucoup la musique en fond le piano. Y’a-t-il un titre de cd ? d’avance merciiiiiiii !
Des petites vidéos make up sur Garance Doré, je suis fan!!!
Amazing eyes and lips!!
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2è com, j’insiste ! mais j’aime beaucoup la musique piano qui accompagne ce film maquillage… vous avez un titre de CD ?
bonne journée !
Ce maquillage est magnifique!
Théa Unknown
Sigrid Agren !! :D
The music in this video is beautiful, does anyone know what it is called?
Chanel is always beautiful. Its the only house that has never disappointed or confused me. No matter how strange the vision its always clear.
Really Very Informative Article !! Thank you for sharing Bout this topic I really Very Like Your Post :-)