Gorgeous girl, gorgeous colours and amazing lights!
One thought comes to mind – for some weird reason or maybe it’s the colours – SORBET!
Ah now I am craving some sorbet ice cream, which will put me one step away from Karlie’s gorgeous body :)
ah la la
Brilliant composition and presentation. I love how you are always keeping things interesting and fresh with your videos and your blog in general! Bravo!
You should come one day to Santa Cruz in Bolivia.
This city has the fame that the girls here are the most beautiful in Southamerica.
I am german and live here since 20 years and I am also in the fashion business.
I agree with that fame totally.
Maybe one day you will have a look at my blog. I am starting to shoot more and more fotos of them now.
Beau maquillage, très naturel mais par contre, je ne suis pas particulièrement fan de Karlie Kloss. Elle a un joli visage mais sans plus et puis sans rentrer à nouveau dans la polémique, je l’aimerais un peu plus en rondeur !
I really want to see this video & all of them, but youtube is blocked on all the computers I have access to…… Would it be possible to get these videos so they are on your blog website….?? Pleeeease take pity on me!! :D
Fun to watch! Interesting to see how delicately the mascara is taken off…….or is it put on?
Karlie Kloss is beautiful. A combination of a panther and a giraffe….
J’adore Karlie, elle est tellement belle c’est incroyable! Elle est vraiment ma préférée (et dire qu’elle est plus jeune que moi!)
Merci pour ces quelques seconds, trop belle!
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Gorgeous girl, gorgeous colours and amazing lights!
One thought comes to mind – for some weird reason or maybe it’s the colours – SORBET!
Ah now I am craving some sorbet ice cream, which will put me one step away from Karlie’s gorgeous body :)
ah la la
the video is the perfect bite-sized introduction to karlie’s fresh beauty :)
Merci garance pour toutes tes vidéos ou moment make-up pendant ces défilés!
Étant maquilleuse, je raffole des ces petits moments en backstage ;-)
adorable love the music and the blocks put together….she is my fav….she is a great model
Vraiment jolie la miss Karlie.
She looks absolutely gorgeous! Very cool video. :)
Brilliant composition and presentation. I love how you are always keeping things interesting and fresh with your videos and your blog in general! Bravo!
karlie is absolutely stunning!
Totalement “spoiled” par toutes ces videos, j’en redemande !
Bravo pour les choix musicaux.
You certainly have found your metier!
I like this make up so natural…
You should come one day to Santa Cruz in Bolivia.
This city has the fame that the girls here are the most beautiful in Southamerica.
I am german and live here since 20 years and I am also in the fashion business.
I agree with that fame totally.
Maybe one day you will have a look at my blog. I am starting to shoot more and more fotos of them now.
Besos from Santa Cruz
Aw, she is so naturally gorgeous!
Beau maquillage, très naturel mais par contre, je ne suis pas particulièrement fan de Karlie Kloss. Elle a un joli visage mais sans plus et puis sans rentrer à nouveau dans la polémique, je l’aimerais un peu plus en rondeur !
I looved it ? !!
I’m posting beauty tips and accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
Take a look!
A gorgeous girl indeed and love the natural look. Cute video too!
I really want to see this video & all of them, but youtube is blocked on all the computers I have access to…… Would it be possible to get these videos so they are on your blog website….?? Pleeeease take pity on me!! :D
Fun to watch! Interesting to see how delicately the mascara is taken off…….or is it put on?
Karlie Kloss is beautiful. A combination of a panther and a giraffe….
elle est vraiment jolie !
géniales toutes ces petites vidéos !! j’adore =)
Super vidéo, très rigolote à regarder. La musique est géniale! C’est qui?
Très belle journée!
– Lionel
J’adore l’ensemble : images, montage, musique ! ?
Et je repars plus légère, vivifiée…
Karlie est merveilleuse !!! C’est une des tops les plus natures et qui n’a pas pris la grosse tête ! Elle semble toujours très abordable !
With almost “no-makeup” she is so gorgeous! What’s the secret??? Hard to say…
fashion – trends – DIYs
beautiful style!!!
Trop cours, trop courts ces programmes dourts.
Dis Madame Garance, tu ne pourrais pas les faire un peu plus longs tes programmes courts ?
Bonne journée.
J’aime beaucoup Karlie, elle a ce petit quelque chose qui fait tout!
Théa Unknown
Elle m’impressionne à chaque photo ou vidéo. Elle est très naturelle et ravissante !
Sans doute mon top favori :)
she could not be more awesome. i absolutely love her style and aesthetic!!
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
J’adore Karlie, elle est tellement belle c’est incroyable! Elle est vraiment ma préférée (et dire qu’elle est plus jeune que moi!)
Merci pour ces quelques seconds, trop belle!
natural beauty
Fanatastic. Thanx 4 sharing.
Dear Garance I absolutely LOVE this one! The music is perfect, and Karlie Kloss is soooo beautiful!
Ps. I’m writing a letter to let you know how you have changed me! It’s gonna take a while, because I’ve changed A LOT because of you : )