8 years ago by Garance Doré
Here is our final selection of gifts!!! Good timing because this one’s my favorite…
I love white so much! Anyway, I’ll let you go, you’re probably busy gift shopping, and I’ve got my brother who just arrived in New York, so I’d better go show him around!!! Big kisses!
Passport Case, Valextra; Mini iPad Case, Valextra; Heels, Jimmy Choo; Bathrobe, Journelle; Polaroid Camera, Fujifilm; Dish, Hermès; Bar Soap, JM Generals; Body Lotion, JM Generals; Whistle Keychain, Sophie Hulme; T-Shirt, Assembly New York; Cashmere Socks, Pepper & Mayne; Headphones, Frends; Cocktail Shaker, Draper James; Beauty Water Set, Sakara; Manicure Set, Czech & Speake; Brush Set, Artis; The Miller House & Garden Book, Assouline; Bed Sheets, Parachute; Beauty Kit, M E Skin Lab; Jeans, Re/Done; Slippers, Madewell; Calendar, Garance Doré; Vase, Jenni Kayne; Backgammon Set, Aerin.
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Merry Christmas Garance, and family (including the lovely studio gang) and a healthy and happy new year!
Belles et joyeuses fêtes de noêl à tout le studio <3
By the way, le pantalon blanc personnalisable, d'où vient-il?
Profites bien de ton frère!!! :)) Bises
Merry Christmas with lots of good intention…Gold White …Red ..whatever..as long as it comes from the heart it’s wonderful…
Yael Guetta
Le vase et le jeu de backgammon: WANTED! Très jolie sélection
the NY t-shirt, cashmere socks and slippers ; can totally see me crashing in those ..
Lovely suggestions Garance – have a very merry Christmas too.
Superbe sélection, ce flatlay est magnifique!!! <3
J'adore le casque!
Joyeux Noël!
Petite and So What?
We could use a little more white here… as there is no snow yet.
The bathrobe looks most comfy and cashmere socks would be a perfect gift. I’m crazy about cashmere and silk. :)
Tout ce blanc me donne envie d’un Noel enneige, impossible en Floride !
Je prendrais le jean et le T-shirt, il ne manque plus qu’une paire de sneakers gris pour une tenue sympa.
Granace! We have snow in Flagstaff and Sedona, and you know in Arizona we wear white year round…our own little bit of heaven here.
Happiest of holiday season, from a native New Yorker x x by way of Arizona
The best gift is to spend the time together around a table sharing food, wine and conversation. If there are children, songs and poems of course.
have a nice hollidays!
Joyeuses fêtes au studio et à toi !