NARS audacious mascara annie gustafsson tatyana makarova makeup garance dore photos

9 years ago by

Lately at the Studio we’ve been talking about how every woman, deep down, loves mascara. Even if you don’t wear it every day, it’s an easy way to make yourself feel more polished and fresh.

For this shoot for Nars, we asked Tatyana, who we always love working with on beauty looks, to show us different ways to use their Audacious Mascara to go from something super natural and build up to more of a nighttime look — and then something a little more crazy and fun, with real texture.

It’s a cool thing, that idea of building it up. Of using the same product for a totally different type of effect. Which look is your favorite? Do you wear mascara every day?


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  • Hi Garance,
    So good to read your words. Please return often to the blog, you are the reason this all started, and the reason why we keep coming back here!!! True story.
    Now regarding your question, Yes I wear mascara everyday,i feel ready to face the day immediately!! Just discovered Max Factor false lash effect fusion !

  • i love mascara: it’s the most subtle AND most effective beauty trick! :)

  • The looks here are great and show how varied the approach to mascara can be.

    I don’t like mascara on me. I have only once had it done by a professional so that it enhanced my look — that was in London UK. Most of the time, I find it makes me look like Betty Boop because I have large dark prominent eyes that look rounder with mascara. And, if I do it myself, I look like Betty Boop with ‘coon eyes within about an hour.

  • Raccoon eyes are usually caused by moisturizer in the under eye area. Best to avoid moisturizer there during the daytime. I had the same problem until I figured that out. That, plus using a curler and only applying to the top lashes.

  • Mascara is he only thing I am wearing almost every day. I feel naked without it. It makes me look much more awake due to its “eye opening effect”. Putting it on is part of my morning routine (plus coffee & cold water) to start every day afresh.

  • Je ne porte pas de mascara tous les jours a cause de l’extreme chaleur/humidite de la Floride. Au bout d’une heure, j’ai la sensation que mon maquillage “coule”, c’est tres desagreable. J’attends le doux climat hivernal pour pouvoir profiter d’en porter tous les jours !
    J’aime les trois looks suivant les differentes occasions, pour la journee ou pour sortir le soir.

  • Love all three looks for different times of day and occasions… favorite???… the extreme!

  • The last look is my favourite. I can’t go out of the house without mascara if I want to look decent. My eyelashes are non existent. I will definitely need to get my hands on this mascara!!!

  • I love them all — I’m definitely always more natural with light mascara

  • I love mascara… but have stopped wearing it for the past year. I was never without mascara for the six years previously, as I felt really naked without it.

    Maybe it’s all the present, truly no-make-up and honestly-minimal (no foundation-just-blush-and- lipstick/lip-tint) phase/trend that’s happening now – as opposed to the “looks-like-minimal-makeup-but-is-a fair bit of effort-with-foundation+blush+highlighter+eyeliner+lipstick/liptint-topped with mascara” look.

    I have naturally short and sparse lashes: so without mascara, people now notice and comment on the colour of my eyes (brown with a bit of blue around the edges), which they said they’d never previously noticed. The brown and burgundy mascara I used to use seemed to have masked or distracted from my natural eye colour. I have been to a few formal events sans mascara as well, and it feels nice to wear it after all these years. Don’t think I’ll return to mascara… but a blackberry liptint from Becca and a long-wearing red or merlot lipstick (like the ones from Besame and Nars) – I’ll always use.

  • Miss Annie September, 18 2015, 12:07 / Reply

    I have a lot of trouble finding mascara that suits my spindly lashes! The search continues…regardless I have had to take a break as I am suffering from the dreaded “dry eye” this southern hemisphere winter.

  • Je porte du mascara tous les jours, sauf en vacances: mes cils aussi ont droit à un peu de repos !
    J’ai longtemps utilisé Diorshow de Dior, mais il est difficile à démaquiller et je perdais de plus en plus de cils.
    Aujourd’hui j’utilise celui de By Terry qui fait office de soin en même temps qu’il maquille très bien.
    Mais le Audacious de Nars me fait de l’œil (!) et je pense me laisser tenter lors de mon prochain achat.

  • j’ai du mal avec le maquillage (peut-être également à cause du manque de temps), mais j’aime bien mettre du mascara le soir :) et pas beaucoup, une petite touche qui peut tout changer.
    xoxo from Paris

  • oui tous les jours car j’ai les cils blonds et du coup j’ai l’air malade si je ne mets pas de mascara.

    Pour l’été prochain, je pense les faire teindre (pour éviter le Mascara qui coule lors des chaudes journées)… Des conseils à ce sujet ?

  • Le mascara c’est quasiment tous les jours, avec un trait de crayon la semaine et le weekend il se suffit à lui même.
    Je porte des lunettes donc le mascara pour moi ça rehausse le regard et évite d’avoir des petits yeux. ;)


  • My own lashes have become completely light over years (well, I am blond), so I look really bad without mascara. I kind of have to use mascara.
    Max Factor is my current one. L’Oreal also does it well.
    Loved Sensai in the past, but it’s too expensive.

  • Mascara and lip balm are my go-to when it comes to everyday make-up! Love the touch of mystery of the mascara!

  • Pour moi le mascara c’est tous les jours. plus sophistiqué la semaine je le combine à un trait au crayon et du fard à paupière.
    Le weekend c’est plus léger seulement du mascara. Lunette oblige, pour éviter d’avoir des petits yeux et rehausser le regard.


  • I don’t wear much make-up and when the summer shows its true colours (heat, humidity, etc.), I limit my repertoire to mascara and a bit of cream blusher (’cause everything else will melt). So, mascara and cream blusher are the only make-up products that I use all year round.

  • I have to admit I don’t really get the difference between look 1 and 3. Then, it’s a matter of what suits you but for me, definitely look 1 (mascara only in the upper lashes). But then I have to say that I don’t wear mascara all that often. Only for big nights out – It tends to leak and I hate the panda look.
    My essencials are BB cream, concealer, bronzing powder, lush and lipstick + black Eyeliner for night.

  • I love mascara. It’s the only thing in my makeup purse I wouldn NEVER give up.

  • I always wear mascara, love it!!

    Mónica Sors



  • J’aime beaucoup le mascara they’re real de la marque benefit. Lorsque j’ai fini de l’appliquer et qu’il n’a pas encore séché, je sépare mes cils avec un petit peingne métallique pour leur donner un effet plus naturel. J’en porte à chaque jours. Ca donne un air un peu plus réveillé à mon visage.

  • I will counter this wild generalization: I never wear mascara, and I am a woman. I did in my 20s out of conformism (i never found it particularly attractive, just “something you do because you’re a woman and women wear make-up, QED”), and it caused serious allergies. I would wake up the next day with sickly swollen eyelids (and it wasn’t because i didn’t remove my make-up. I did. Carefully. It didn’t change a thing. Hypoallergenic mascara didn’t solve the problem either). I stopped using it and missed it for about 10 minutes, then went on with my life. It marked a turning point in my make-up philosophy though, ie: less gunk, happier face. Works like a charm.

  • Love the photos! As a makeup artist myself yes I always build up mascara to achieve different looks. I’m kind of partial to L’Oreal Voluminous because it never clumps even after several build up applications. You can achieve really different looks by getting really at the base of the lashes or concentrating only the outer lashes to give an elongated shape.
    I will have to give NARS audacious a try.


  • Le mascara c’est le seul truc que j’arrive à maitriser niveau maquillage, ah ah! (j’en suis à mon essai n° 1255454544 pour le liner mais bon, j’y arriverai un jour). Je n’en porte pas tous les jours mais j’adore l’effet “waouh-ça-te-change-le-regard”.
    Ces derniers temps, j’essaie de me tourner vers les mascaras “organic” mais n’ai pas encore trouvé mon Graal.

  • Lisa Walker September, 18 2015, 11:52 / Reply

    Every single day, since my high school senior, next door neighbor, taught me how, 30 years ago! But I’d love for you to show us. After all these years I still struggle to find the perfect one. I’ve resorted to MAC for the past few years… And would love to hear about brands and people’s experiences with their faves. Also, another curious thing– how long does a tube generally last, and how to keep it as fresh as possible.

  • After having tried almost any mascara on the market i found W3LL PEOPLE’s Expressionist Mascara, the best: organic, effective and does not clump.

  • Jane with the noisy terrier September, 18 2015, 2:44 / Reply

    D’accord! I have four spindly eyelashes per lid so mascara is a must for me. Though I’m not a fan of those spiky plastic brushes that kinda hurt when you’re putting mascara on close to the lash line. I prefer either toothpick thin like IT cosmetics tightline mascara, combs like CoverGirl Super lash (in the turquoise tube – divine!) or Sisley if you’re ready to splurge, or big fluffy brushes like Too Faced Better Than Sex which really does deliver over the top lashes. So to answer your question, yes! Mascara would be a desert island product for me!

  • Eva Brunelle September, 18 2015, 2:52 / Reply

    Oui je porte du mascara tous les jours…souvent je ne met que ça et ma poudre d’ailleurs…j’ai la chance d’avoir les cils longs, alors n’importe quel mascara me fait. Mais en ce moment, pour reposer mes cils j’utilise le mascara Tendre de Origins – je suis fan de cette marque ! Est-ce que tu connais ?
    En tout cas, merci beaucoup pour tes billets, je les adore ! D’une simplicité incroyable, alors que tu dois avoir une vie incroyable comparé à beaucoup d’entre nous. Merci :))

  • I wear mascara ever day, it makes my eyes look open, brighter and more awake.
    I love the Nars and Chanel mascaras best.

  • Not for me! Actually, I like it is the antidote to a natural look and – gasp! – unchic…! I like to curl my lashes and use shadow to define my eyes, but I find that mascara and eyeliner actually makes them look smaller. Although I should confess that I have naturally dark lashes, so maybe that’s a cheat.

  • Danielle korneliussen September, 20 2015, 3:53 / Reply

    Ever since I started having individual eyelashes applied at a salon here in Norway, I am no longer using mascara. Though the application process takes a couple hours, you wind up with long, thick and beautiful lashes without the need for mascara. It is a sort of freedom not having to muck about with mascara and the effect is even more alluring.

  • We all dream of having long lashes and as a dermatology resident, I found that Latisse is one product that ACTUALLY works. Read my review on this product and the science behind it here:

    Can you believe that a glaucoma medication actually makes your eyelashes longer and thicker?

    A doctor’s guide to health & beauty!

  • It’s so true – every woman loves mascara! NARS is such a great brand. Love this post!

    Latest Post – Positano: What I Wore, What I ate, & Where I Stayed

  • I love mascara. However, I go against the grain. I love me some clumpy and thick mascara. My choice, Tarte’s Lights, Camera, Lashes. It gives my menopausal lashes some well-needed thickness and it glops on beautifully. I stopped doing my bottom lashes years ago due to raccoon eyes–and I’m just lazy!

  • wow, the it’s applied very nicely.

  • I definitely wear mascara every day – a girl’s gotta be a little glamorous after all! I usually go with Lancome’s Hypnose Drama mascara but will be trying the Nars Audacious next time ~ Cheers:)

  • The packaging on this one is also beautiful, and I like that it’s small, almost like a lipstick.

    I do find it buildable and have been wearing it to work as well as out, but still not sure yet if I prefer it to my very random fav- Zuzu Luxe. I agree for drugstore picks Voluminous is the best but I find it a bit flaky after many hours vs non-drugstore picks.

  • Dirty Fingernails September, 29 2015, 3:33 / Reply

    I wear almost zero makeup (including in my recent second wedding) but ALWAYS mascara! I am a fan of L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly because of the shape of the brush. Works with my eyes.

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