tome beauty hair makeup fashion week garance dore photos

Beauty For All

9 years ago by

The beauty at TOME this season was so dreamy!
There were a few things I loved about it. Ok, so I loved all of it, but here’s why…

Their casting was so diverse, and there was an equal split of different nationalities and skin tones. Plus they had models that ranged from the typical late-teens all the way through to their forties! But it didn’t at all feel novelty — it really felt like a celebration of women and beauty, with no parameters on age or ethnicity. A great approach, don’t you agree?

The actual “beauty look” was about natural beauty. Even the makeup, as strange as that sounds. How they approached it was to start with a natural base, and then they started to slowly erase the signs of the makeup until it was just a very light coverage that allows the natural skin coloring to come through. The matte lip stain is applied but then slowly dabbed off to the same effect… And just a light gloss on lids to accentuate the authentic matte skin.

Hair was styled to look as though each model had just stepped out of the shower, with the idea that every woman, everywhere – no matter what kind of hair they have – will always have that moment when they run their fingers through their hair after a shower. A really simple premise that’s cool and unifying.


And the effortless, easy and pared back beauty look is really a great statement: fashion should put authentic, natural beauty in focus! What do you think of the idea? Is it too simple for fashion week? Or is there something fresh about it for you? It’s not quite what Marc Jacobs did for spring 2015 (no makeup at all!), it’s a little more than that – but a similar idea, executed in a completely different way…


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  • Pour moi qui suis une grande adepte du naturel, j’aime cette idée de faire défiler des femmes de tous âges sans trop d’ artifices, sinon leur beauté naturelle !


  • La femme en photo est très très belle, mais pour le coup, on a l’impression qu’on lui a mis UNE TONNE de fond de teint sur le visage au contraire !
    C’est peut-être un effet de la photo mais on a l’impression que la peau de son visage est très différente de celle de son cou par exemple, pas du tout “raccord”.

  • je me suis fait exactement la même réflexion.

  • stephanie September, 14 2015, 4:26

    Oui, je suis entièrement d’accord, c’est également ce qui m’a frappée.

  • Je plussoie, elle a l’air extrêmement maquillée, comme pour un plateau télé. Je crois que le résultat a peut-être l’air naturel et non maquillé de loin, mais en gros plan c’est loupé!

  • Staying natural is always the trend. Keeping your skin healthy is the key to staying natural.
    Putting heavy makeup may not be suitable to everybody. But nude look would certainly be comfy for everyone.

  • For me all form of beauty that exists has something beautiful……if we look at history the standard of beauty has always being different..and was always dictated buy a group of “in place people”…there is not much difference today… it just that marketing is stronger!!!
    we are all different with different skin.different bones structure…..and fashion is dictated buy a small group of people that has a very narrow vision of a woman…..
    we need to be strong and and not to accept the cliches….
    Yael Guetta

  • I’m all about natural beauty

  • Je ne peux que surenchérir sur le commentaire de Clotilde, avant même de commencer à lire l’article j’ai été “choquée” par l’épaisseur de fond de teint appliquée, c’est vraiment ce qu’on appellerait chez un nous un “pot de peinture”… Dommage parce qu’elle a l’air d’avoir une jolie peau en dessous, et surtout si l’idée était de rester le plus naturel possible!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier September, 13 2015, 9:31 / Reply

    My natural “no makeup” look requires a good 10-minutes worth of makeup!

  • Je n’ai pas fait attention aux différentes textures de peau en arrivant sur la page. Suite aux commentaires, j’ai regardé une seconde fois la photo plus attentivement. Ce qui me marque le plus, finalement, ce n’est pas l’épaisseur de fond de teint, ce sont les traits de ce mannequin. Son visage est magnifique ! Il s’en dégage une force et une sérénité incroyables !

  • I wish that using diverse women of all ages was just normal, and not some kind of gimmick that one avant gardist does every season, hypocritically applauded by the whole fashion world, which then resumes its usual teenage, Caucasion programming. So tiresome.

  • Entre la musculature du cou et l’implantation de cheveux, et même l’angle de la mâchoire, je n’ai pas du tout l’impression de voir un visage de femme…

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