Tamila designs jewelry
14 years ago by
Tamila designs jewelry.
This is her desk. She shares it with Vicky and PK whom you met last Friday. On her inspiration board: a photo of Bowie, some crystals and a poem, among other things.
This is what inspired the beautiful and strange jewelry of her new collection.
I love her work space…
And there you have it. I never wear jewelry but I ordered one of these bracelet/rings (what would you call that?) because it was just too beautiful. This is not at all my style and maybe I’ll never wear it, but I like to give myself room to dream that sometimes, we can be someone else.
Translation : Tim Sullivan
Does she live in Australia?
Hi, Jion ! Yes, she lives in Sydney.
Wow, love her pieces and her work spaces. Thanks for sharing. x
the robe ….I love the silk robe
I am so inspired!
I so admire the people who can load up on bold jewelry and still create a look that is effortlessly chic.
Her rings are lovely, and so is your first photo of her.
Know that your blog is of daily inspiration to me:)
waouh j’adore les bagues qu’elle porte, malheureusement elles ne sont pas sur son site…
c’est la nouvelle et future collec???
trop beau, j’adore, merci pour cette découverte!
magnifique , très inpirant pour la créatrice en moi ;)
Très joli tout ça ! :)
C’est superbe ! Son espace de travail inspire à être zen et détendu, le rêve.
J’aime beaucoup ce travail sur les matériaux : Très brut et authentique. Est ce qu’elle a une boutique en ligne ? J’aimerais beaucoup pouvoir me procurer le bracelet en or de la 4ème photographie.
Je vois que vous vous amusez beaucoup ;-).
Bonne journée chère Garance.
It is not my style either, but it is so very beautiful that if I were in your place I’d definitly order some peices also!
Very beautiful. And the poem is nice. Good source of inspiration.
Wahoo, ces bijoux sont incroyables.
Wow ! I actually like that bracelet-ring hybrid, too. I’d probably wear it with something, maybe cocktail dress, maybe a little black dress… oui.
Tamila also has a lot of magazines next to her workspace; what magazines does she have there, and how far do they go back ?
Ces bijoux sont très originaux ! j’aime beaucoup la créatrice dans son univers ! il y a beaucoup de douceur… en tous les cas c’est ce que je ressens quand je regarde toutes les photos que tu postes depuis l’Australie ! j’ai l’impression qu’ils sont…zen, enfin ceux que tu photographies !
waouh c’est trop joli….
well im not a jewelry kind of person usually but her rings look pretty good. maybe i should start to wear more jewelry again…?
right, thank you garance for destracting me from my essay about shakespeare’s hamlet ;)
Je vois pas la dernière photo c’est mon ordi qui a un pb ou..?
Je file tout de suite sur son site.
I don’t really wear jewelry either but this is exactly the kind of stuff I need to see to peak my interest again, the rings are incredible.
je le veux aussi. est-ce confortable? il y a tellement de belles créations, surtout de bijoux, en ce moment, beaucoup de recherche aussi. très enthousiasmant!
Love the bracelet-ring!!! :D
Ou est-ce qu’on peut trouver ces bizoux? vraiment magnifique! merci Garance, encore une fois!!!
I would order one of those bracelet/rings thingers in a heartbeat if I knew what they were called too!
So gorgeous! I especially like that gold bracelet she’s wearing in the 4th picture.
her inspiration is very touching!!!love the collection
Wow she’s really beautifull! And I am in love with the rings. And the ring bracelet combo that you ordered, where can I get one? Great post.
Absolutely stunning pieces, especially the bracelet/ring you ordered…
Sooooo stunning–the space, the woman, and her designs. Thank you for bringing her to us all!
The workspace is absolutely amazing, like her jewelry. In this room I would get inspired too. How much magazines she is piling on the floor? Must be hundreds…
xoxo Sandra
I love seeing people’s creative work environment… It is just so much fun!
I LOVE the square ring with the black and white eye-like design on its face! Is that part of the new collection? Where do we get it?
That is an incredible bracelet. Please wear it!
As usual, wonderful photos. Your blog is a visual treat. Thank you.
Comment J’adore ce blog il m’inspire chaque de jour en jours . Votre Photograhie et dessins sons magnifigue. La J’ai 15 ans est j’aspire d’etre comme toi un jour.
P.S Je suis tres desole pour l’ortographe dans ce com j’utilise un clavier Anglais c’e’st pour ca :/
Bonne Journee Garance
I love what you said about giving yourself room to dream of being someone else. I think that is one of the primary powers of fashion and one of the things that makes me enjoy seeing your photos of beautiful women even when their style does not at all match mine. All your photos are so lovely!
Oh I absolutely adore that “Bracelet ring” I think that is something that I would treasure and must have.
Have a great week ahead!
you HAVE to wear that bracelet/ring, Garance!! it’s so cool! I love those rings!
J’aime beaucoup ses bagues :)
c’est tres tres tres merveilleux! moi j’adore aussi l’atelier, si net, si beau! la vie en luxe…
Yes the jewelery is amazing, but really, what a beautiful woman!!!
beautiful jewelry. i love the rings in the fourth photo.
INCROYABLE. J’adore son workspace.
wow I absolutely love it! xxx
That robe has got my heart all a-flutter!!
oh j’adore cette bague aussi!
c’est le genre de bijoux qu’une fille qui ne porte pas de bijoux a envie de porter, c’est bien pensé
vivement qu’il soit en vente sur son site
merci pour la découverte!
i like her sandles in the 5th photo!
they look so practical !
i have to have that golden eye ring! where can i find it? its not on her website.
The poem makes for lovely inspiration.
Wow, her jewellery designs are exquisite – a lot of tribal influences coming through! Must check her designs out soon! Thanks Garance :)
These are so beautiful!
Such beautiful pictures. I want one of those rings/bracelets for myself!
I have heard those bracelets are called “slave bracelets”.
were can you buy that? it is so beautiful.
Her jewelry is amazing…just my kind of style…i’m dying right now, in a good way :)
what incredibly detailed, ornate jewels that lay across her hands. just beautiful and i love how words inspired her just like they do me on a daily basis. lovely.
These photos are beautiful! And both Tamila and her jewellery are amazing!
Her label is linked above – it’s called The Mania Mania – http://www.themaniamania.com
These photos are great. Beautiful clothes, studio and jewelry!!!
i want to work there!!!
ps. love maniamania!
Wow! What imaginative pieces. I absolutely love the bracelet that looks like sticks piled together. And her workspace is just as imaginative as her jewelry.
C’est vrai que son espace de travail est très beau, quel lumière! Et ses bijoux sont magnifiques.
i love her job and her work area. just so chic.
Is that a leather Tee shirt she is wearing in the fifth pic down?!
Outrageously chic. Where can I get one!
The mesh braclet/ ring is GORGEOUS!! Looks kinda medieval too… which is really cool. :)
Très beaux ces bijoux…
Bonne journée!
C’est vraiment beau !
Tu es toujours en Anstralie?
J’adore cette bague bracelet, je trouve que ça a une classe folle..
Décidément, que de surprises jolies ce matin !
Tamila est une découverte merveilleuse de fraicheur et ce lieu baigné de lumière a l’air formidable.
Mais c’est devant son kimono (???) brodé que je suis tombée raide !
Et pourquoi mes piles de magazines à moi elles glissent et font cracra et je les jette à moins de 20 cm de haut Alors que Tamila arrive à en faire une décoration géniale ?
ça me dépasse ce genre de choses. Et ça me motive aussi pour essayer encore ;)
Bonne journée Garance.
remarque, pour qqu’un qui ne porte jamais de bijou, un seul et très beau bracelet comme celui-ci, ça peut très bien de faire sur un total look noir.. ou beige.. ou..
j’ai appris hier que je t’avais loupé de peu à hyeres rue des porches, j’étais trop pas contente de ne pas t’avoir vu ! mais j’ai rencontré ta copine Geraldine :)
ce bracelet bagues est un delice :)
Bisous, bisous, Alizée G.
Jolie et étrange tu résumes très bien ces magnifiques pièces.
Je pense que ça s’appelle comme tu le dis, un bracelet-bague, je ne t’avances pas du tout désolée ;o)
Merci pour ce post! Les bijoux sont magnifiques…
Youhoooo ! comme d’hab, après 15 jours de vacances, je rentre déconnectée, mais toujours enchantée d’avoir pris tant de retard dans mes lectures Garanciennes, parce que j’avale tout d’un trait : dieu que c’est bon ! WAW WAW WAW tes photos du ciel au levé du soleil !!!
Cette bague/bracelet est très be(lle)au, j’adore la bague “oeil” juste à côté.
Effectivement, son espace de travail semble beau, aéré, et poétique. Il ne se dégage aucune onde de stress autour de Tamila. Douceur et Travail seraient-ils compatibles ?!?! ;-)
Bonne journée et Bizoooo !
the jewellery is maniamania. i have a number of the pieces and haven’t stopped wearing them. They feel like otherworldly treasures
Tamila est magnifique!
hello garance et bravo pour ton blog c le plus beau!! j adore tes illustrations;;;mon dieu quel ialent …a propos de jolis accessoires com ceux de cette jolie autraliennne j aurais choisit le meme bague bracelet et les grosses bagues aussi..) ,dans un autre registre je te conseille d aller faire un tour sur style.com :le report accessories de candy pratz pour l hiver prochain..;je suis un garcon et j aime la mode mais pour une fashionnita(ca s dit encore ca ???)com toi ce diaporama(j adore ce mot trop désuet…)est une<>com disent les djeuns gros bizzz et merci
This jewellery…it’s soooo amazing, the colours, the design, i love it! Most jewellery is just boring, but those pieces are extraordinary, even though she wears a few pieces it isn’t overloaded. I want some!
wow, I love this! Thanks for sharing!
C’est un bijou qui est suscite toujours une envie…celui-ci ressemble presque à une côte de maille…Je pense qu’il doit être agréable à faire couler entre ces doigts à défaut de le passer ;-)
Thank, you, Garance. Amazing jewelry. I like jewelry as an art and wear it. Without jewelry, even at work, I feel without something special, without my own sign, my individuality. I’m sending a communicative messige for others, my jewelry is my language with peoples.
So, I understand a pleasure of crearive jewelry, as you wrote in this blog, and beeing alone with dreams, and crystals – a symbol of soul pureness, and sophisticated metals. I suppose that creating jewelry is like to play goddes role – to share with others something mysterious, bright and special.
Slave bracelet.
A very inspiring and talented girl! Love her jewelry!
“…I like to give myself room to dream that sometimes, we can be someone else.”
How romantic.
Wow, the golden bracelet she wear is amazing!!
Tu as bien fait, pour le bracelet, je le trouve sublime et je le voudrais aussi ;-)
J’ A-DO-RE !
Welcome to Australia! Tamila’s jewellery is so beautiful and organic. I agree, sometimes jewellery or articles of clothing can transform us into something we are not, but something we dream about.
x Vanessa
J’adore le bracelet bague! J’en possède un acheté il y a des d’année en Turquie et je l’aime tout particulièrement: quand je le porte (assez rarement j’avoue) ma gestuelle si typiquement italienne d’habitude, change et deviens beaucoup plus gracieuse! Tout les filles devraient essayer au moins une fois!
Merci pour ce moment de douceur !
Tout est beau ! ahhhhhh bonjour !! :)
Very beautiful…who cares if you never wear it…owning it would be great. K x
Wonderful and very original bijoux! Great pics, especially the fifth one!
I really like her style especially her bracelet/ring jewelry actually indians use these kind of jewelry but they are too oriental and fancy. But this one is perfect, it is simple but chic the perfect reflexion of “Less is More”:)
Her jewellery are beautiful, and she has such an inspriring work place.
Love love love it!
c’est jolie ce quelle fait! et j’aime bien le bracelet bisous garance!!!
espace de travail ? ;-))))) ….Merci pour ce bijou poust :).
i was feeling so flat today and uninspired with Australia, and then you reminded me what talent and beautiful people we have in our country! Does anyone know where I can find a similiar robe to the one Tamila is wearing in the first pic, I adore it!!
I would love to work like that on a place like that :) ahh….
OMG ! Ce bracelet doré est trop beau ! Est-ce qu’elle a un site web ?
Oh, it’s just beautiful. and i love her work-place. wonderful.
Does she have a web-site or a place where you can by the jewelries?
I just saw you at the bassike parade and anted to come up and hug you, or at least say hello, i chickened out. i love your work.
Lovely jewellery. quite “loud” but indeed full of personality. i love to snek on workspaces. they tell so much about ourselves.
Wow her designs are so elegant!
Moi aussi ce genre de bijoux n’est pas mon style, mais j’aime beaucoup surtout le bracelet. Ou peut-on trouver ces merveilles?
I’m not a huge jewelry fan, but all of these pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I might be investing in a few pieces….
Really great details to this outfit…
Superbe ce bracelet…
J’adore aussi son espace de travail, l’inspiration vient toute seule avec ça…. Je l’avais déjà remarqué mais pourquoi ne mets-tu jamais de bijoux ?
Our jewelery label pictured in the above images is called MANIAMANIA – you can see and purchase our current range on our website http://www.themaniamania.com (and also we are stocked in boutiques within Australia – listed on the site – if you live here!) But most of the pieces in the photographs are from our new collection, which will be available in August/September this year, so if you don’t see them on the website, then please check again later on…Thank you for your interest!
x Tamila and Melanie
the pieces are wonderful, espacially the ring/bracelet – no wonder you had to have it!
That jacket in the first photo is to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god, i love the bracelet-ring! for someone who goes crazy about accessories esp jewelries, this is something i would definitely wear.
WOW j’adore.
Je crois que le bijou que tu as commandé s’appelle une sorcière.
J’ai appris au Maroc, que ça s’appelle ainsi. Je ne suis plus sûre…
J’ai toujours voulu en avoir un. Moi je suis très bijou :))
Très Joli tes créations !
C’est vraiment magnifique ;)
Moi aussi j’aime beaucoup ! Et son collier, ses bracelets ses bagues ! <3 <3 <3 LOVE LOVE LOVE ! J'adore ^^aller bisous !
breathtaking jewelry! love that printed quote on the brown paper bag.
t’es rigolote à devoir aller jusqu’en Australie pour trouver un bijou qui te plaise. il faut vriament vraiment qu’il y ait de l’intention dans les choses que tu portes. aurais-tu aimé cette création si tu n’avais lu ce poème qui l’inspire ?
Love It!!!!
//Johanna from Sweden
ART, http://johannaurban.blogspot.com/
Je crois que la question a déjà été posée mais sans réponse..
Y a t’il une boutique en ligne ?
Je flashe sur ces beaux bijoux pleins de spiritualité ! Un peu de finesse dans ce monde de brutes à l’image, peut-être, de ce qui se trouve sur mon blog ;-)
BJR – de New York — moi aussi j’aimerais acheter toutes les bagues —
suis une folle d’accessoires — et ca m’a vraiment tape!!
Pourriez vous donner un site ou on pourrait commander?
merci pour les photos
Et bein, Chère Garance, tu ne défileras pas par la red carpet du MET ce soir!!
By the way, ces bracelets/rings, Karl (Sacré Karl) les appelle des “handr-ings”!
Moi aussi j’aime son espace de travail ! Et ses bijoux doivent être assez difficiles à porter, mais oui, tous très beaux ! xx
I can’t be more agree, the workspace is to be envied.. It’s looks beautiful and comfy at the same time. And the inspiration note, that’s touching somehow, personally. <3
Thanks for sharing. :)
Le bracelet-bague est plus une robe de main qu’un bijou.. alors, à porter sans modération!
Sarah edenly
Great jewlry! It would be crazy not to wear that bracelet :)
Wow, love the rings!
Oh la la, cette manchette dorée, quelle tuerie !
I love her rings!
that kind of bracelet has two names – “slave bracelet” (?? I hate that) and handflower (weird, but true)…
Gorgeous; so artful. Little sculptures on your hands….
magnifique !
magnifique. J’adore les bijoux sur les photos.
What is the name of her brand? Aaand where can you order her jewelry… I’m quite smitten with that bracelet/ring contraption..
Thank you for always bringing inspiring and classy posts!
Hi Garance,
Does Tamila have a website?
I love her pieces!
Elle fé de trèèèès beau bijoux sa s’est claiiir avec un espace ébluissant mais elle est aussie est éblouissante !
Y a pas de style qui tienne, fais toi plaisir ^^ en tout cas, j’aime aussi :)
Les photos sont jolies, certains bijoux sont beaux, mais c’est la robe de chambre en soie de la première photo surtout que je trouve fantastique !
Les photos sont magnifiques. Les bijoux aussi !!!
Stunning pieces!
Who is this beautiful exotic creature Garance? I loveloveLOVE her robe and her jewellery is really cool. I am drooling right now.
Her bed jacket is so gorgeous! There’s something so dreamy about her jewelry…. you’re right, even if you won’t wear it it’s something gorgeous to inspire you….. love
fabulous jewelry!
Love. Her stacks of magazines is my favourite part.
My Kingdom for her Robe…and you can throw in that bracelet.
Les bagues sont vraiment très belles, et je comprends que tu veuilles te les offrir :)
square rings always carry that presence…
Her gold bracelet is absolutely stunning, I have been looking for something like that in Austria for ever… I guess, I may have to go to AustrALIA to find it! :-)
By the way, Garance Doré is one of my all-time favourite Blogs, and a constant source of joy and inspiration! Beautiful places, gorgeous people, interesting stories… I love love love your website, thank you so much for the many joyous reading hours!
Oh my, this is all too beautiful. I LOVE her salmon kimono top, her rings, her office and her inspiration. There is something about cool Australian girls that is so special
Miss B xx
i love her vest (first pic) so much ! love love love !
love Tamila’s beautiful designs
mania mania is exquisite.
these are amazing! wow. i want one of each.
Maniamania…great website!
Le poème, tout simple, est très beau. Je vais aller regarder ses bijoux de plus près.
The bracelet ring is gorgeous and certainly not an original concept. I had several (cheaper versions) when I was growing up and they were marketed as “eternity bracelets.”
Love this. Want it all.
C’est absolument magnifique !
i have heard the bracelet-ring thing called “slave jewelry” and “eternity jewelry” i’m not sure what the real name for it is, but it certainly looks stunning!
Garance! I love when you write about inspiring people with such beautiful photos, and every time I get really happy simply by reading. Would love to see more of these!xx
Fantastic bracelet/ring :) Very unique and special, particularly when worn all by itself.
this jewelry is just incredibly! incroyable! must practice my french more. i always tell myself to just read the french version of your blog but i get lazy.
Excellent choix, que celui de la bague-bracelet.
Tu devrais la porter, elle donne un petit coté rock, et artisanal, assez cool !
Laurent At
Ah I found the proper name for that bracelet! It’s called a Ring-To-Wrist Bracelet. (Amazing the facts one finds whilst online shopping xD)
Bonjour Garance,
je voudrais savoir si Tamila a un site pour que je puisse voir ses bijoux? J’ai aime beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup…
In english it’s called a slave bracelet…mais je ne sais pas comment tu le dis en Francais :(
I love the ring/braclet but I don’t see it on her site? Need more info on where to get on.
I LOVE her office…it’s like she’s captured my dream office and set it up herself.
Salut Garance!
J’adore les bijoux- c’est tres beau! J’adore la bague-bracelet et le peignoir de Tamila!
Est ce que une site pour acheter les bijoux de Tamila?
Je suis desole pour le terrible francais! Mais j’ai essaye ! Je suis apprenais le francais pour le bac!
Merci pour les photos!
Her costume jewellery designs look amazing….definitely stand out wearing those. Thanks for sharing.
love her jewelry–especially those rings! i wish her complete collection was online. am i missing it?
The vintage look’s great and has that feel that reminds you of the bohemian period.
Magnifique. Je suis admirative devant tant de créativité. Le mélange céramique-métal. Et cette manchette dorée!!!
Je trouve que c’est justement ça le problème: s’enfermer dans une case toute carrée et ne pas s’autoriser à en sortir. Le style se dessine lui-même par nos envies, et nos envies ne cesse jamais de changer.
Je ne m’enfermerai jamais dans une case, encore moins pour des vêtements.
I like very much those jewels, so strong and “tribal”!
I tried to visit the website but temporary it didn’t work. I hope to reach it in the future!
I like very much those jewels, so strong and tribal!
I tried to visit the website but it didn’t work, I hope to reach it in the future!
So beautiful and such a surprise.. I met Tamila at a fashion week so many years ago when I think she was working at Vogue Australia and I photographed her for Japanese Vogue! I love that slave bracelet – I have one too but it’s more like a very narrow fine chain.. I much prefer this one but it’s not available on her website!!
de tres beaux bijoux!!
I just fell in love with her work because of you…” A girl should two things; classy and fabulous” (coco chanel) and she and you are both just that…keep up the good work!!!
i love here work ; thats wonderful
Garance, est-ce que les administrateurs du blog de Material Girl la marque de Madonna t’ont payée ou au moins demandé l’autorisation pour la reproduction de tes photos sur ce post? http://blog.materialgirlcollection.com/?p=598
these pieces are incredible! I am curious however are they brass, silver or gold? as the designer does she also fabricate these pieces herself? as a fellow metal working artist i would love to know more about her process, or rather if she sends out her designs to be made and if so who is making them, or does she create samples or wax castings? I suppose I am very interested in how involved she is in the actual hands on aspect of jewelry as an art form ad craft.
that’s a beautiful reason to buy the bracelet/ring
Très jolis!!
Elle a un site internet ou on peut voir ses créations peut-être?