New York

The Charm of the Silk Turban

The Charm of the Silk Turban

You know what I like about headscarves, turbans and headbands? It’s that they have this delicately retro atmosphere to them. I also love how they give this extraordinary and cinematic...

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15 years ago by



  It is always surprising for me, the Parisian that I am, to see just how perfectly New Yorkers are...

15 years ago by

Une Fille, Un Style

Une Fille, Un Style

You remember my little trip to the festival in Stockholm? You remember when I spoke about my spread...

15 years ago by

on the runway

on the runway

Sorry, this article is only available in French.

16 years ago by

flight n°AF685…

flight n°AF685…

Diable. Par où commencer ? Toutes façons j’en dors quasiment plus tellement je suis...

16 years ago by