
Michele Ouelett Photo


Red lipstick, I hate you. It looks like the return of red lipstick and I should be happy about it, because a good red is often all we need. Decent skin and some red lipstick and we’re...

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12 years ago by

The Roots

The Roots

We all have – it can’t just be me, can it? – this secret fantasy that one day...

12 years ago by

My Essentials / Costanza

My Essentials / Costanza

So happy and so lucky to get to spend a little moment at Costanza Pascolato’s before leaving...

12 years ago by

<em>Subtle</em> Beauty

Subtle Beauty

Wini created the awesome and subtle beauty brand McBride Beauty. I thought it’d be interesting to...

12 years ago by

<em>Changing Lifestyle</em> / Finding Balance

Changing Lifestyle / Finding Balance

Oh, of course it’s nice to eat everything you want. In all my “Feel Good Books”...

13 years ago by

I love Naz’s Hair.

I love Naz’s Hair.

I also love her style, but I can’t help going back to her hair as I find it gives her a fantastic...

13 years ago by

Tamiko Photo

Tamiko’s Eyes

So, can you guess what I am going to talk about ?

13 years ago by

<font size=5>my</font size=5> <font size=6><em><B>nights</B></em></font size=6><font size=4> are more </font size=4><font size=6>beautiful</font size=6> <font size=5>than your <B><font size=6>days</font size=6></B>.</font size=5>.<font size=5>.</font size=5>

my nights are more beautiful than your days...

Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. Everywhere I’m seeing girls who want to make me jealous...

15 years ago by

Alice Lane Photo

la muse et l’artiste

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

16 years ago by

les merveilleux nuages

les merveilleux nuages

Certes, je suis impressionnable, mais je ne suis pas non plus complètement stupide. Le jour où...

16 years ago by

le parfum

le parfum

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

16 years ago by

<em>when the sun shines we shine together</em> is a perfect <blink><FONT color=#960994> happy new year ! </FONT></blink>title

when the sun shines we shine together is a perfect happy new year ! title

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

16 years ago by

all made up and nowhere to go

all made up and nowhere to go

C’est plus possible. Je ne peux plus faire semblant d’ignorer ce truc génial. Le...

17 years ago by

life is a beach

life is a beach

Je viens du Sud, et dans le Sud, le soleil, la plage et l’Ambre Solaire sont une culture, une...

17 years ago by

it’s friday, it’s hair day

it’s friday, it’s hair day

Le problème avec les cheveux bouclés, c’est que tu sais comment tu sors de chez toi, mais tu...

17 years ago by

mes abdos

mes abdos

C’est toujours la même chose. Quand viennent les beaux jours, je passe en mode abdos. Oui,...

17 years ago by