Pardon My French/Victoria Beckham
12 years ago by Garance Doré
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I looved it ? !!
I’m posting beauty tips and accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
Take a look!
trop cool! :)
Love the silhouettes of these dresses, and those open-heel boots? Yum.
La collection V.B. est a sa hauteur : feminine, classique avec un « modern twist. »
Le spectacle est aussi et surtout a la sortie. Quelle effervescence !
i really like your FW videos!!! more of that, yes please :)
Encore une jolie collection de Victoria Beckam…les jupes et les robes: WOW (Ah si j’étais riche j’en prendrai bien deux ou trois!!)
Très très jolie collection, chic et épurée comme j’aime !
Petit coup de cœur pour la magnifique veste rouge du début ! Sublime ! + la robe noire méga moulante avec le petit col, canonissime.
I love the shoes!
Waww… Coup de foudre pour cette collection…
Chouette la bande son : »Genesis » de Grimes!Cool! les bloggeuses: « Style Buble », « All pretty Birds »… et bien sûr Garance Dorée! Épuré et structuré comme collection! J ‘aurai adoré voir le sourire énigmatique de Victoria Beckham! Merci beaucoup pour ce post!
Petite rectification ;) Oblivion de Grimes ;)
The street style out of the runway show is the most interesting part of the video!!!!
I really liked her collection. These short videos are perfect to stay up to date :)
fashion & lifestyle in Belgium
When I first heard that Victoria Beckham was about to launch her collection, my first reaction was « yeah.. we’ll see how long she’s going to last ». Season after season, from that first collection until to today, she never fails to amaze me, and I’m sure the fashion critics as well. Her collection is always well-rounded, both RTW and accessories are always fresh and surprising.
loved all the paneling in her collection. super sexy but still wearable. great video, i always love your music selection!
Nice clothes! The outfit with the long red skirt is great!
Love VB clothes – super sophisticated and beautifully draped.
Just did the Phillip Lim mani using Essie Sand Tropez with Chanel Particuliere and it turned out great.
my blogette at
exquisite lingerie, 100% mineral makeup/skincare and chic casual/athletic wear
very wearable!
Bon cette fille ne sait pas chanter ni sourire, mais ces robes sont d’une beauté et toute en sobriété. J’adore !
So Beckham! C’est tellement elle! Elle s’est prise les meilleures tops d’ailleurs! et celui de katie holmes alors?
J’aime VB, elle me touche et elle a gagné sa place dans le milieu à force de travail et de passion, j’admire !
Une collection vraiment tres belle, tout paraissait ‘wearable’, et jai eu quelques gros coups de coeur: la premiere robe noire longue toute simple, la jupe taille haute un peu evasee rouge/orange vif avec une chemise blanche tucked in, et la mini un peu volantee avec la grosse rayure unique…
Elisa – Wandering Minds fashion
love VB….skinny silhouettes….love the walk….who slowed down your camera or the girls…
I love these videos ! Thanks so much.
You used to put the song information at the end of the movies! Please do that again these songs are too good not to know! Love it!
Des chaussures plates?! Je suis agréablement surprise….
Bérénice, Montréal (bon choix de musique, d’ailleurs! ;)…)
J’étais sceptique mais finalement je pense que Victoria Beckham va finir par imposer dans le monde de la Haute Couture ….
Sinon, j’aimerais bien connaitre le titre et l’interprète de cette chanson !
My favourite! What is your playlist on this one?
Love the dresses and white sheer tops in her collection and I’m in love with those sandals. The fact that there are flat surprised me :D
J’adore! Géniale la video
C’est fou comme VB a réussi à s’imposer dans le monde de la mode… qu’on l’aime ou pas, en tous cas, quel bel exemple!!!
I agree! It is mad how Victoria Beckham managed to impose herself not only on the world of fashion but the world in general – complete madness. Yet – chapeau! – the collection is really beautiful – my favourite: the nude dress, the cut looks really flattering!
Great work, Garance! This video rocks!
Besos <3
Love those shoes!
j’adore ces robes minimalistes prés du corps, et les sandales..on dirait des vestales. trés beau :-)
whaou ! toute cette classe et cette sobriété ! j’adore =)
jolie video
Pleine de ressources, la Victoria! C’est une très belle vidéo qui tu nous présentes là, la musique me rend dingue!
Encore, encore!
Très belle journée!
– Lionel
I liked & enjoyed this fashion week a lot. This video is awesome. I love the walking part.
grimes <3
Ha, I had no idea Victoria’s hair is long again.
Besides that, really liked the looks you showed :) Thought they were a bit tennis-ish, but I love the sporty look so hooray for spring 2013 :)
The White Studio
i like VB designs style!!!!
Garance, I looooooove all your videos. Paris looks amazing, the fashion is terrific and your make up tips are very funny – good but funny.
J’adore les robes minimalistes (especially the nude one – gorgeous!)…Wish VB would lose the hair extensions – I miss her short hair!
LOVE Victoria Beckham, first and foremost, LOVE you Garance secondly, and thirdly, LOVE how much you have been incorporating your Pardon My French episodes into your website! Its phenomenal and you are doing such a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!
The videos are lovely, but you don’t do any still photos any more? I miss the mix …
Tes videos sont de plus en plus géniales. Continue vraiment, je suis ton évolution depuis le début et tes vidéos sont juste le reflet de ton immense talent.
J’ai repéré un manteau rouge… ???
LOVE the collection! Sometimes simplicity is so much more expressive than chaos!
Also love your outfit Garance, your top in particular!
Love from South Africa xx
j’en reviens toujours pas que VB est reussie à s’imposer dans la mode, avec ma foi du bon gout! elle est loin l’epoque des spice girls!
c’est clean, c’est coupé net, ça balance la classe, j’aime vraiment. Très féminin.
Ah oui: le son c’est bon aussi! C’est quoi le morceau^^? pleaase^^
Bizettes, Cat
Really gorgeous. Beautifully executed! Thank you.
Garance what shoes/ sneakers are you wearing in this video?! Since I’ve been seeing you on your videos I’m becoming more and more a fan of your personal style!
kisses form portugal
La musique est ouf !
amazing video – love it! the energy and its liveliness that carried it through. also the music selection was fantastic, too. what was the name of that song and it’s artist? does anyone know? i can’t get it out of my head.
thanks for sharing Garance!
Love the video, everything about it! The music, the angles, the whole feel of it was great. Keep up the amazing work, you are an inspiration. xo Misia
Yes what is that song? It was playing at New Zealand Fashion Week a couple of weeks ago. I’m trying to download all the tracks from the week and this is one I’m not sure who it’s by. It’s really cool.
I watched the video so slowly…pausing it with each passing frame! The shot of the woman taking an iphone photo – so beautiful!
hi again – found the sound and its artist – for those that are obsessing about it like me. it is « oblivion » by grimes.
love it – not only art, fashion, but music to add to the list of things i look forward when i stop by. thanks Garance. you made my week.
I’ve found out the name of the song if anyone is interested – Oblivion by Grimes. :) Yay! Genesis is a good song too.
Wow! This is just perfection!
Love the music and how you have stop started the video and then matched it to the music.
Love the clothes, go Victoria!!
superbe l’esprit lingerie qui, au lieu d’aller vers le flou romantique (plus exploité, plus facile), s’inscrit dans le registre du très net et structuré, un peu working girl.
GÉ – NI – AL!
merci pour vos films de « collections »
By Boubou – création de sacs
Garance, where are your sunglasses from in this picture? I love love love them.
I love the video of yours and I have Seens the picture at app. It’s a better way to see and enjoy the collection trugth you, in my opinion. I love the dresses, specially thre of them and the shoes. I’ m planing to put some words about it. Thanks Garance one more time….XOXO
I miss when your credits included the artists playing over the video! The amazing music you choose is one of my favourite parts…
J’adore ce que fait Posh!
Théa Unknown