Pardon My French/Talking About Styling with Elisa & Viviana

12 years ago by

C’est quoi au fait, être styliste ? Comment le devient-on ? Est-ce que le « streetstyle » a changé la donne ? Discussion autour d’un thé avec Viviana et Elisa.

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  • i honestly love your friends, they re so positive about life.

    how did you guys meet?



  • i love them two: they have amazing style! :)

  • They really are so positive! It really speaks awfully lot about my prejudices, I guess, and it’s really a shame, but the great thing is that now, gradually, thanks to you Garance, I start seeing the fashion industry in much gentler colours. I love it.

  • Arquier Berenice 17 octobre 2012, 9:23 / Répondre

    you are just 3 cool girls..and very stylist girls of course! I love your energy , you just love fashion and your job in general and we can see it in the way you dress up! perfect friendship……girls dream..

  • I love love love Elisa. I think she’s so highly stylish, yet so approachable. One can just tell she’s a lovely person. I like Viviana too!

  • J’adore, Elisa et Viviana ont toujours le sourire jusqu’au oreilles et c’est très communicatif :)

  • Such an amazing opportunity (for you, Garance) to be such a creative and being able to come across so many interesting people who are also fun to be around. I think the mind is able to create that much more when you are surrounded by fellow creatives who are beaming with knowledge and energy to share with you.

    Thank you for giving us a glimpse into that!

  • Garance, ou as-tu acheté les chaussures que tu portes dans cette vidéo, j’adore!

  • Elles sont incroyables: belles, talentueuses et ultra stylées ! J’adore leur look.
    Merci pour la vidéo !

  • « What is your job girls, d’abbord? Singers! » So funny I’ve watched it five times in a row! <3

  • Carolina Massoto 17 octobre 2012, 10:05 / Répondre

    Of all your friends, Elisa is the one that strikes me the most. I love everything about her, her style (her million bracelets are awesome), her hair, her broad smile (so natural, so beautiful), her soft accent (think I’m in love haha)… Whenever I see her in your videos, I’m thinking « there’s a person I’d love to meet ». Apart from you, of course =) Big hugs from Brazil

  • j’adooooore, j’adore, j’adore le bonnet d’elisa!!! La marque??
    Sinon super video ! We all love caroline

  • C’est un bonnet Paul Ka ;)
    Avec la coupe d’Elisa je trouve ça juste sublime !

  • Sounds like an unreal job. Seriously. What lucky lucky ladies! Super fun and natural and comfortable video by the way, one of my favorites!

  • I love Viviana!

  • Fun video qui nous apprend encore plus a propos du travail de creation « behind the scenes. »
    J’adore le jeu de mains des italiennes !

  • So nice post. They have so nice style. Great.

  • Really beautiful !!

    I’m posting accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
    Take a look!

  • J’adore cette vidéo! Vous êtes de très belles femmes toutes les trois, très différentes :)


  • Suite à cette vidéo j’ai une question presque existentiel… Quelle est la différence entre un styliste et un designer dans le monde de la mode?

  • This is great, love to get this inside view even though it is not what I had expected. Stylist jobs being so hard work. But now I will go and play dress-up ;) Madrid Street Style

  • amazing! I learned so much! I usually just watch the Rachel Zoe project and think I know stuff…but I learned a lot about stylist! such interesting people!

  • Ah la la, viviana me rend toujours aussi fan : ces lunettes quasi mythique, et auj’hui sa robe : j’adore :)

  • Coucou,

    Un article très sympa, avec de très belles photos, bonne continuation ! je repasserais ici, tes conseils mode sont très sympa!

    Mademoiselle Fashion

  • Juste parfaites, j’adore leur énergie, leur style! Super cette vidéo! (ma boutique vintage!)

  • See? Southern europeans are the most amazing ladies in the planet!!! :) The smile, the heart, the joy for life!

  • You have such interesting and willing friends!

  • Garance, loved watching this clip and when you ladies started talking about carlyne cerf de dudzeele, I had to write. Years ago I had a quite embarrassing encounter with Carlyne Cerf in NYC. I was a very new employee working for a designer named Carmelo Pomodoro (sound familiar…yes worked with Scott back in the early 90’s), and Ms. Cerf de Dudzeele came to our office for an appointment with Carmelo. Sadly I was the one at the front desk, had never seen such an elegant, amazing French woman but I could NOT pronounce her name. I repeated it several times to her trying to get it straight so I could make the call and announce she was in the office. I butchered it and she was kind, gracious and patient with me, although I’m sure thinking ‘you poor poor young girl’. :) Seeing this clip, following you and Scott on your blogs, remembering this encounter, I had to write! Have a lovely day and keep doing what you are doing, loving it!

  • Bonjour Garance , et bien écoute encore un vrai moment de bonheur, avec de jolies femmes qui ont le sourire , cela fait me fait grand bien surtout lorsque l’on sort du bureau ou certaines péta….euh collègues tirent une tete de 8 metres de long!!!
    Continue à me faire sourire et sortir du quotidien ( ah vous êtes vraiment class toutes les 3)

  • Nini Piccola 17 octobre 2012, 12:38 / Répondre


  • J’adorse vraiment leur style. c’est mes preferées! je les ai prise en photo d’ailleurs pendant la fashion week elles sont trop cool! bisous

  • Elisa is…SO COOL!!! Her coloring is mesmerizing and her clothes…leave me speechless. She’s a true objet d’art. Do more videos with her! I always want to wear those huge, oversized sweaters, but I’m afraid they’ll swallow me (i.e. my figure)! But Elisa styles them so well, what a gift!! Does she have any tips?!

    And great great work Garance!!

  • Elisa’s hat? Do you know where it’s from?

  • Je les adore ! Surtout Viviana ! Bon elle me fait aussi un peu peur mais c’est peut être parce quelle est professionnelle.

  • alala, la famille… ! j’adore Carlyne Cerf! mais son superbe manteau… comme des garcons?? j’adore! super video, vous etes trop mignonnes, bisous

  • Oui oui ouiiii!
    Super vidéooo :)

  • J’aime cette vidéo! Ces femmes ont l’air tellement simples, cools et humbles ça fait du bien de voir cela. J’aime aussi quand Elisa dit que les écoles de mode ne sont pas les meilleurs endroits pour apprendre le métier, la France est tellement rigide à ce niveau. En effet, quand on ne sort pas d’Esmod ou autre école de ce genre percer dans le milieu est presque impossible et la seule solution dans ce cas là est de démarrer un peu en marge.

    Intéressante vidéo.


  • Garance, I love your shoes!!!! where did you you get them? merci d’avance!))

  • Such an inspiration! I want to assist them so bad…how can I do to reach them?
    maria ana

  • Love to see Viviana and her color and pattern mix ‘n match…and the accent makes it even better ;)

  • Très sympas tes amies ! Et très intéressant de connaitre leurs parcours.

  • princessglee 17 octobre 2012, 2:44 / Répondre

    OMG! I have so many good things to say about this video. First, the sweater hat with the jewels Elisa’s wearing, I’m so doing that for me and my neice. 2nd, I like that she hasn’t « fixed » her teeth, they add to her personality. 3rd, Vivianna pointed out that was her real hair, lol. 4th, I assume they’re both over 30 and in my world and in every way that’s a good thing. 5th, the jacket that Carlene’s wearing is just the most precious thing ever. 6th, I no longer cringe or feel bewildered when I hear the word stylist. I’m still not completely sure what they do at the level of Viviana and Elise but I used to think stylist mainlly dressed people on TV shows like American Idol and stripped them of their individuality OR the stylists were the ones responsible for the sometimes really odd and difficult to digest editorial pages in fashion magazines.
    I’m watching the video again to discern more of what it is a stylist does.

  • i LOVE the brief glimpse of Bill Cunningham in this video!

  • Fashionista in yellow coat looks great! Very bright! I love it!


  • What is the song at the end?

  • ….and Bill Cunningham too! What a dream world.

  • Elisaaaa, Elisaaa, Elisaaa saute moi au cou!
    Désolée, j’ai pas pu m’empêcher;)

    J’adore tellement son bonnet!
    C’est genre… Tellement cool, j’adore le mélange entre l’aspect casual & chic à la fois. Par-fait!

    See you,

  • Dear Garance,

    I L.O.V.E. your blog, I think it is the best of all ;).
    And I absolutely adore the « Pardon my French » movies.

    I just started as a (freelance) stylist/fashion assistant myself after being an intern with Glamour and Vogue NL and I soooo recognize what the girls are saying and it is such a good thing to hear they also got help from their family and started from the bottom. And always everybody thinks (outside of fashion) it is such a glamourous job but it is actually a lot of work, like with the credits as you mention haha. Sooo nice to hear that..

    I can only dream I become like them one day, some day ;).

    Thank you so much for sharing this movie. I’m also going to use it one I have to explain people what I do haha.

    Garance, you’re such a talent!! Can’t wait for the next PMF! And all your other blog stories ofcourse :).

    Bisous, Lisa

  • Garance! Love love your new Pardon my French..

    But please.. What is the track at the end? I’ve watched the credits 3 times to try and find a track name or artist..mais rien!

    Help! Merci! Biz xx

  • Thank you so much for sharing this Garance. Something that I’m sure many people can relate, especially those who are aspired to work in fashion industry. The job sounds and looks glamorous, but it’s a lot of work. The part where they pose for photos for everyone in the world to see is the fruit of the hard work.

  • Après la discussion sur la chirurgie esthétique, quel bonheur de voir 2 femmes (3 en fait) vieillir avec grâce, avec expressivité et naturel. Kudos ! Vraiment.

  • Garance- You and your friends are so lovely. Beyond your style and fashion, I love your joie de vivre and your sunny outlook on life. It is such a pleasure to learn about the « inside » of the fashion world with you, because you are so open, interested, and full of life, yourself, and your friends are the same. The utter lack of pretension is also so welcome. That said, I have admired Viviana’s style for ages (via your blog). Her use of color, pattern, and accessories is so fun and alive. In particular, her stack of bracelets, including some that look like they are for a child, are so amazing!

    Thank you for sharing your friends and your adventures with us.

  • I love this! And Bill Cunningham randomly pops in? So fun!

  • I admire this women for following what they love…

  • I just love them both, Elisa makes everything so effortless and cool, like you said her own « brand, » and Viviana is just amazing. I said it once, I have to say it again, she requires a coffee table book dedicated to just her own personal outfits.

  • Ta vidéo est super sympa et rafraîchissante. Une fois de plus, vous nous donner le sourire et la bonne humeur. Merci !

  • I really love Viviana. I always look out for her pictures, I think she’s a bit like Jenna Lyons in the way she dresses. If I had a stylist I would want it to be her!. This was a lovely original film and so nice to watch and I LOVED seeing Bill Cunningham there. Now he would be someone I would want to see you talk to. Amazing man and he was before you and Scott yes?.

  • Chère Garance, une petite critique j’espère bievenue: laisse un peu plus d’espace à tes interviewés! tu es une grande « chacheuse », on adore ca quand tu écris, mais dans les films, parfois tu interromps trop tes interlocuteurs.. si tu leur laisse des petits moments pour penser, prendre haleine, s’exprimer, je crois qu’ils vont sortir tous seuls encore beaucoup plus de réponses intéressants. Mais comme tu dis, nouveau format, nouveaux challenges. suis curieuse qu’est-ce qui en deviendra!

  • Best part… Bill Cunningham watching you and Carline talk with his cute little shy smile!!!

  • Best part is when Bill Cunningham smiles with his camera in the Tuilleries…. so cute! LOVE IT!

  • Bonjour Garance, j´aime beaucoup ton blog,merci et welldone!! et j´adore les chaussures que tu portes, elles sont d´où???????

  • Ohh Garance tu es adorable! Comment dire, tu as un potentiel sympathie exceptionnel! Tes amies aussi d’ailleurs! Et quel style!

  • I never heard the voice of Viviana. Also his tone is charmant.
    It’s incredible.
    The Quintessence of the Elegance with an amazing voice.
    Probably she come from another world………

  • 8 min sur 1 question intéressante qu’on a le temps d’approfondir un peu, c’est top ! Thanks for sharing.

  • Je sais … Je suis un peu en dehors de tout ce « monde » …. Mais je m excuse …. Il manque un peu de « naturelle…Pour la premiere fois, en regardant ce post , il me semble tres fatigant cette façon de parler, de rire , de s´exprimer

  • love this so muchhh! who made elisa’s burgundy and mint sweater??? who made viviana’s mismatched earrings??

    they are so quirky and chic! elisa should be the face of marni.

  • This is so inspiring! What I love about this post is that you are breaking down walls that the industry has put up around itself to make it seem exclusive and insular. I love that Elisa and Viviana have found their voice and are getting more recognition for their work. Their influence has extended beyond those that are insiders in the industry, which I think is fantastic. Case in point- they are an inspiration to me as someone who is FAR removed from the fashion industry. I learned so much from this, thank you for sharing Garance!

  • please somebody tell me what is that song at the end of the video?

  • I just want to say that Elisa are sweet beyond words…

  • Garance!

    Thank you SOO MUCH for this super cool video. I fuckin’ appreciate you being a great interviewer w/your friends. you girls mentioned a portfolio. What does a stylists’ portfolio include? Photos of people they’ve dressed? help!!!

    Love your work. xx

  • lovely girls! I LLOVE LOVE LOVE Elisa’s style…by the way…where is her hat from? I want it now!!

  • Erasmo Palomba 19 octobre 2012, 3:30 / Répondre

    Bonjour Garance

    comme on dit: ITALIANS DO IT BETTER! He he he.
    Love those 2 crazy chicks. Wonderful and soooo italian.
    Love your blog amongst others, but you’re ….well…different and chou chou.

  • vraiment très très intéressant!
    maintenant je veux faire un stage avec elles deux!

  • Hey Garance! What was that stylist full name, the one Viviana and Elisa look up to? I tried to catch her name but because I’m not French you said her name too fast for me!:) Please i hope you can answer to me, she looked so charismatic and stylish on your video, I want to find more about her :)) love you too!

  • Ces filles font vraiment un métier passionnant, ça me donne de nouvelles perspectives d’avenir pour la fin de mes études!

    Théa Unknown

  • Elise looks great because she is either very wealthy or she has lots of freebies. I find it quite boring that she has so much press. I prefer to see individuals who have created true style from all levels of fashion, not just a Prada lookbook and a big credit card.

  • Viviana is really nice ;) She told me a lot of good things about me and advices, because my goal is to be stylist like them.

    She was one of the judge in the thesis committee for my thesis at the Istituto Europeo di Design!

    Viviana est vraiment très sympa! Elle m’a dit de plein de choses sympa à mon sujet et des conseils car mon objectif est de devenir styliste.

    Elle faisait partie du comité lors de ma thèse finale à l’Istituto Europeo di Design.

  • The loveliest thing I’ve seen on your eternally lovely blog….what beautiful, inspirational women you all are. Thank you xx

  • j aime beacoup leur style et leur choix des accessoires, cette bijoux et ces lunettes ils sont jolies les spektre

    ciao du rome!

  • I love the Mirrored Shades of Viviana Volpicella and you can win one pair of this fantastic sunglasses called Spektre at a new Website called http://WWW.FINAEST.COM

  • Heidi Segelke Resky 16 février 2014, 9:53 / Répondre

    Garance, you are so lovely. I wish I knew you!

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