Pardon My French/Suno
12 years ago by Garance Doré
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i LOVE the music you use in your videos! have you ever considered putting together a garance playlist?
i totally agree! :)
Prints ! Prints ! I’m in love right now.
Amazing! All the pieces look so perfect. I also love the music you use. :)
Hi Garance,
Love your blog since I discovered it (a few years ago). Lucky you to be always front raw ;-)
Just for info, I follow you on Instagram but now I see quite some people moving to an other cool photo app Starmatic. Sounds like the new thing. Quality of pics is much more better.
One of my favorite videos so far this season. The clothes were amazing. Beautiful. Thanks for bringing this to everyone.
Hi Garance Dore,
I just started university and have my big freshman-ball tomorrow so I have to look chic chic chic and get my beauty sleep but then I went to see your blog, and it’s just so much fun so I stay for soo long, and it’s 00:21 and I have class tomorrow at 8:15!! Ahh, so my face will look tired the whole day, but at least it will be a happy happy (tired tired) face because your blog, among all the thousand good things about it, just makes me smile sooo much!
Hmm… bittersweet I guess!
Good Night!
(and now it’s 00:30!!!)
Collection fraiche, feminine et tres portable par des femmes « normales ».
Caroline Issa !!!!
the hair makeup styling was so balanced…great styling..Suno is not my style…but I can appreciate their talent
j’adore regarder tous tes video!
Love the layout of this video, covering all angles with 2-3 frames on the one screen, works really well.
Garance! I love your blog and the fashion week videos from Pardon my French, but I miss your photos too. :[ Any chance for some pictures not in motion this week?
I adore the flowery pants!
I’m posting beauty tips and accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
Take a look!
The shooooes !
I love the lengths. The modern tomboy/elegant hair. How can something so pretty be so badass?
Light colors, beautiful combination of prints, I specially love the bermudas en chinese silk!
It’s so nice to be able to follow something of the fashion week even if one is so far away.
Keep going, please!
Besos from Santa Cruz/Bolivia
Cette collection est juste sublime!!!
Jolie défilé ! :)
Please someone tell me, which track (music in the background) is that??
You are making an statement with your Pardon my french episodes cause we all love the music and of course, watching you talking and moving and showing us the best of the runway shows you assist. I just watched the Oscar de la Renta show and found it amazing, specially because of the colours so I’ll be waiting for you to upload the video! Meanwhile I did my own selection and review at my blog! :)
Ce que j’aime beaucoup, aussi, dans ces Pardon My French, c’est quand j’arrive à reconnaitre des visages vus sur ton blog. Mon égo est flatté en me disant que j’ai une sacrée mémoire, et ça fait du bien.
Une culture garancienne, c’est quand même le top.
Très belle journée,
– Lionel
Beautiful show! LOve the collection and the shoes are awesome!
This is all really, really cool but I am missing the typical pardon my french reports this season. I mean something like: exploring the city or talking about something in particular « typical fashion week ».
It now seems to be a little too organised for me with a huge team, clothes that aren’t yours (?) etc.
I mean, beside the fashion shows the most amazing thing about « pardon my french » is all the small personal Garance-moments between the shows which are always so funny and charming. Something like walking through the city, seeing the fashion crowd waiting for the shows, unpacking you suitcase (which is of cours not neccessary in NY :)), having coffee, or even getting you hair done. I would really love to see this, especially from NY.
Dear Garance,
I am big fun of your work and I love « pardon my french ».
Nonetheless I live in China at the moment and I am afraid your videos are uploaded on a platform that is censored here and I cannot watch them anymore :(
Could you please find a solution? You made me addicted to PMF and I don’t wanna miss it :)
Merci beaucoup!
A reader on the other side of the world
I have seen cool shoes there!
Je n’ai qu’un mot : superbe !
So beautiful and the shoes are so fantastic. Would love to shop there now!
Garance, I just love that you’re letting us experience these shows through film and presenting different angles so that we can have an experience closer to those at the shows! With Jack and Loraro, you discussed how much is missed when these shows are experienced flatly through photography. I love that you’ve done something different for us! I’m so pleased with this Fashion Week. :)
Please…Someone knows the brand of Caroline Issa’s shoes?….to die for
Love the sandals/shoes of this show…
Yes, and the idea of creating playlists on your Youtube channel is excellent! GP used to do that, and I always could find some interesting new artists on it!
I love this collection! Every piece!
Très belle collection!
Théa Unknown