Pardon My French/Pamela Love’s Tattoo Parlor

12 years ago by

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  • I never understand when people say they get tattoos to remember important things, surely if they’re so important you don’t need a daily bodily reminder? But her tattoos really suit her, they’re quite delicate and it somehow looks wonderful with her romantic white dress and low loose bun. She needs to stop soon though, I think she has enough! I didn’t know her but her jewellery looks amazing.

    Elisa – Wandering Minds fashion

  • Hahaha, I thought exactly the same! How could you ever forget something that’s important to you? My memories are my tattoos!

  • That’s probably the *only* reason why I think of doing a tattoo sometimes. I do forget things. Really important things, really… people with good memory don’t really get it but it’s so frustrating. And also to remind me of important stuff like values or paths in life, like every time you look at it you remember to be free, or true, or loyal, and how important it is to you and that’s why it’s there, on your body, so that when you’re on a hard moment, it reminds you of what’s truly important. :)

  • i love pamela love and this is a great idea :)

  • C’est une déesse Pamela ! ++

  • Belle vidéo à propos des tattoos ! C’est tellement tendance ces derniers temps dans la mode !

  • It’s crazy but cool that she gets a tattoo with every new collection. That’s a real connection with her clothes.

    The White Studio

  • impressive!!! I lik to see tattoos on others rather than on me.. would be attracted by a small one but always been scared of..what’s happen when you are 60 years old and your skin is wrinkle not so sexy anymore..I like the idea to have one your could remove easily…so Garance will you do one we want to know about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but not sure you will do it..French are a bit scary for that!!!

  • Plus que le principe j’aime beaucoup la manière dont elle décrit son idée ! Depuis pas mal de temps j’ai envie de sauter le pas mais j’ai une peau hypersensible et une tatoueuse m’a dit qu’elle ne m’en ferait jamais à cause de ça. Donc je regarde avec envie ceux des autres !

    Et toi Garance, vas-tu sauter les pas ?

  • Ces tatouages sont vraiment très chouettes.
    Merci pour cette nouvelle vidéo Garance.

  • bon, plus que le tattoo, c’est le bracelet zèbre ADR pour H&M, que je plussoie!! il te va super bien

  • Charming profile on Pamela Love! She was one of my favorites on this year’s « The Fashion Fund » and I was thrilled when she won runner-up for the CFDA FF award. Her fusion of tribal with elegance is stunning. Would definitely get Pamela Love ink!

  • Je rêve de me faire tatouer un joli petit dessin que seul mon homme pourra voir … mais je n’ose pas.
    C’est bête , non ?
    Des années que j’en ai très très envie ….

  • I only have one tattoo and it didn’t hurt at all. I would do a tattoo in her parlour because I adore her jewellery and now I’m inspired by her husband’s costellation tattoo – I want mine too!

  • Absolutely! I already have one. It’s a triangle with H letter in bottom of it in my chest! No one can see it but me. I really like to know, that I have it, and it’s just for me. When I saw this video, I decided that I want one more!

  • I can definitely appreciate tattoos, I’ve seen some that are really beautiful. But I probably wouldn’t personally get one.

  • And one more. All girls write, what will happens when their skin will be in wrinkles and bla bla bla…. I think, when your skin is in wrinkles it is already horrible, no matter do you have tattoo or not!!!

  • Les tatouages n’ont pas à être « à la mode » ou non, c’est un acte très personnel bien au-dessus des tendances. Il faut prendre un (long) temps de réflexion, un an pour ma part avant chacun, puisqu’a priori le tatouage restera à vie sur la peau.
    Le seul hic lorsqu’on fait un premier tatouage, c’est que l’on pense très rapidement au second, c’est un peu le piège, à moins de vouloir ressembler à Rico le zombie. Je ne sais pas encore si le tatouage est si bien accepté qu’on le laisse penser (entretien pro par exemple), c’est pourquoi mes deux tatouages sont très discrets et impossible de deviner que je suis un mec tatoué. On le fait pour soi et non pour les autres, c’est le plus important.

  • Absolutely no tattoo for me! It very rarely looks good and it certainly doesn’t on an elderly, white-haired, wrinkled and in comfortable shoes old ladies or men! I find henna tattoos more beautiful and fun AND it comes off again… Pamela’s jewellery looks great though.

  • Noooooo… absolutely no tattoo for me but I certainly can appreciate it on other peoples bodies. Not on everybody’s bodies though..
    It suites Pamela very well and I adore her jewellry. Very beautiful!

    But…if somebody forced me to take a tattoo then I would have one on one finger. Like a delicate ring.

  • One question, is Pamela called « Paloma » in French? Because I’ve just noticed in the end of your video it is written as Salon de Paloma. Just curious. I’m a language nerd. :) That said, I’ve really enjoyed all your PMF videos so far!

  • NO tattoos Garance !

  • I think a nice small tattoo will always look cute, even if you are 75. (ok, ok, I can hear you guys, of course, you put it somewhere where it doesn’t wrinkle too much, like behind the ear, or make it look like a ring…). I would have loved it if my grandmother had had a tattoo :)

  • Si je veux un tattoo chez Pamela Love ? Of course!!

    J’ai cinq envies tattoos mais j’habite Paris… Bientôt je viendrai, j’en suis sûre :)


  • Rhaa, la vidéo tombe à pic moi qui me suis fait mon premier tatoo il y a 10 jours, comment ça il ne compte pas??? Bah ouais, ok, je me suis fais un tatoo au henné lors de mon séjour au Maroc, d’ici quelques semaines il aura disparu ;) …Mais avoir ce tatoo juste pour quelques semaines me rassure, avoir une une marque, un symbole inscrit définitivement sur moi me gênerait.

    En tout cas encore une discussion intéressante!

  • Of course, yes!!! I am a huge tattoo fan and I will get started prooving that really soon! :D

  • I think it is a very nice idea, especially as tattoos become more and more art and our generation sees them as someting beautiful. I am not sure if I would get ones as all the people around me (boyfriend, parents hate them) but it would be a challenge and an interesting one. Her tattoos looks so beautiful!

  • Garance, you really are the best!
    Thank you (and thank you to your team) for frequent updates during NYFW! It’s so nice to see all of that, especially, when some other well known bloggers afford to say: « sorry for the lack of posts, I’m so busy — it’s fashion week ».
    Love form Latvia!

    p.s. I do have a tatoo, itš been more than two years now and never regreted that decision!:)

  • I think her tattoos are beautiful and her tattoo parlour is a great idea. Everything else we use to adorn ourselves are designed by professionals and made for the masses, why not tattoos, right? Still, I would want my tattoos to be a bit more unique and have someone design them just for me.

    ps: I’m loving your videos Garance, you are such a likable person with a wonderfully sweet smile!

  • Garance,

    I loved this interview, and her tattoos are so beautiful, and her jewelry is amazing. Why did I love this interview so much? I didn’t know anything about her. It was so great to learn about someone new.

    Thanks for the lesson! And, to answer your question, I love tattoos on other people. If I got one, I’d definitely trust Pamela.

  • Il y en a partout. Tout le monde se fait tatouer et ça a totalement perdu le sens et l’originalité du départ. C’est assez démodé en réalité. On en voit véritablement partout. Surtout ne pas franchir le pas. Car les dessins sont très vite démodés et datés…

  • I like her style and her tattoos! But, I don’t like tattoos on my body :)

  • Yes! I would get a tattoo at Pamela’s parlor! Absolutely!. first thing that comes to mind is to get an arrow on the inner side of my pinky. why not? it’s free, it’s Pamela Love and it’s kinda cool.

  • You’re too cute. I was waiting for you to get one with a pen or sharpee. I have 2 tattoos and I’ve thought a lot about them and the symbolism of them for my personally. I’d be open to getting more but they would need to be something I’ve thought a lot about and have reasoning for my life. I don’t foresee me getting one that I was picking off someone else’s inspiration board. But I do love the idea that she did for her presentation.


  • No di u??? Will that be the next video?…. pierced ears is a far as I go……in one way just do it……or wait and obsess

  • Nervous being around blood….toooo many transmitted diseases

  • ASMAA BONAMI 13 septembre 2012, 10:43 / Répondre

    For me its sooooo ugly and dirty a tattoo on men on women
    It just destroys the beauty of the naturally naked skin

  • Les tatouages sont chouette mais pas pour moi: je voudrais changer le dessin chaque jour!!

  • This is incredible! I love that she gets a tattoo to commemorate each of her collections! As an artist, that it true dedication! :)

  • At age 50 the advice I give to my much younger girlfriends — advice which served me well:
    1) Get an education
    2)Use condoms
    3) Wear lip stick and sun block
    4)Don’t get tattoos
    5)Seize your beauty…it is obvious to the world, and it should be obvious to you
    6)Credit card purchases a girl can’t afford are self-destructive no matter how beautiful the clothes may be

    So no, I wouldn’t get a tattoo. However, it is wonderful marketing on Pamela Love’s part.

  • nini piccola 13 septembre 2012, 1:53

    right on

  • En décembre dernier un ami expat à NY à montré son travail dans un musée d’art contemporain ici en Suisse. Lors du vernissage il a organisé une mini performance en invitant un ami à tatoué les personnes présentes. Il y avait une vingtaine de dessins proposées, j’ai trouvé complètement fou le fait de ce lancer dans cette aventure presque sur un coup de tête.
    Un tattoo pour moi c’est beaucoup trop de choix à la fois, un jour peut être.

  • Je n’aime pas les tatouages, souvent parce que les gens s’en font un, puis, deux, puis… on ne sait pas quand ça va s’arrêter, du coup ça ne fait pas harmonieux, ce n’est pas réfléchi comme un ensemble. C’est griffonné là où il y a de la place.
    Pour moi, ce n’est pas glamour, trop connoté Johnny H. … le chanteur…
    Et sinon, à 70 ans, sur une peau vieillissante, quel intérêt? Non, décidément, de n’est pas mon truc, fashion week ou pas.

  • j’ai fait mes premiers tatouages il y a une semaine, et je comprend le coté addict de la pratique, moi j’avais pris rdv pour un tattoo et en 5 min j’ai decidé de m’en faire un autre dans la foulée, et je pense que je vais en faire d’autre, evidemment que pour des choses importante que je veux garder à vie! en tout cas si j’avais été dans les parrages j’y serais allée avec plaisir!!

  • Se demarquer par la difference donc pas de tattoos, pas de piercings et puis j’ai passe l’age !
    Pourquoi pas de beaux dessins au henne, temporaires ?

  • P.S. Se souvenir de dates ou d’evenements importants en les inscrivant sur son corps ? Je n’y crois pas, c’est plutot pour que les gens posent des questions et y repondre en racontant sa vie.

  • I love the idea!

  • Garance,
    you always manage to bring the world of glamorous fashion down to earth for all of us to see and enjoy. and i do believe you have the ability to make those pretentious glamorous fashion people more real as well. you never seem to try too hard to conform with any of them but still remain excited about everything and everyone you meet. i really appreciate that you truly walk us through fashion week as if we were really there. thank you so much. i adore you. i really hope i could meet you in person someday. you’re such a cool woman.

  • I agree with Cathy, I love your work, your approach to fashion is fresh and open. I hope to meet you one day too.

  • yes!

  • I would love a tattoo but my husband is against it althought I think I could change his mind easily…. I want the initials of my 3 kids on my right wrist. As an artist I am surprised you don’t have a small tattoo somewhere Garance! You should get a small one behind your neck (looks great with a chignon!) You could even have your own tattoo parlor with all your pretty illustrations!

  • ils sont jolis ses tatouages ! mais je ne me ferai jamais autant ! un seul me suffit =)

  • J’adore ses tatouages, et ils lui vont à merveille. J’en ai 3 moi même dont un seul sur les 3 qui m’ait réellement fait mal (celui à la cheville). C’est vrai qu’en France on est loin des Etats Unis ou quasi tout le monde est tatoué, des plus jeunes aux plus agés. A mon travail, je suis une vrai curiosité pour mes collègues, c’est drôle car mes tattoo sont voyant mais pas énormes. Je ne me pose pas la question de quoi ça aura l’air quand je serais vieille, parceque la vie est courte et je ne veux pas la passer à réfléchir… J’ai d’ailleurs le projet d’en faire d’autres. Je pense qu’on devient accroc en fait. Si vous souhaitez en faire un par effet de mode… BAD IDEA mais si vous avez des raisons profondes alors foncez.

  • She is simply TOP….

  • oh non.. je trouve ca cool sur les autres mais je trouve aussi que ca peut enlever tout le chic et l’élégance d’une femme… apres c’est tres personnel evidemment!

  • NO don’t!!!

  • je dois être une vraie quiche car je n’ai toujours pas trouvé le CC ^^ !

  • Yes! I would get a small one if I found there was one I really liked, but I usually take my time and put a LOT of thought into them! I already have 3 and I love ‘collecting’ them as pieces of personal custom art. I research artists extensively, sometimes take years to perfect a design, and will travel however far it takes to get something done from one of my favorite artists. My tattoos don’t necessarily have some big « meaning » I just love the beauty and artistry of them and how they become a part of me. Like Kristina above, I will rock mine with pride when i grow old and saggy :-) If my skin gets that gross when I’m older, I wouldn’t be showing it to the world, tattoo or not! Great video! I love her effortless style and am a huge fan of her jewelry!

  • J’avoue que cela est tentant! J’adore Pamela!

    Théa Unknown

  • @ Elissa « I never understand when people say they get tattoos to remember important things, surely if they’re so important you don’t need a daily bodily reminder?  » You say the right thing !

  • she is the ultimate storyteller from her collections, to her tattoos, to her jewelry. i would have loved to have gone to her pop up parlor, the hardest part would have been picking a design! LOVE this video!


  • what an interesting idea! i’m not usually a big fan of tattoos but pamela’s are very delicate and pretty.

  • Tattoos are often very beautiful but they can also look extremely ugly.
    I think Pamela looks fabulous with her tattoos and they definitely work in with her style. People get really hung up on ageing with tattoos but our generation will be covered in tattoos by the time we reach 70 so who cares.
    If I wanted a tattoo Pamela’s parlour looks pretty good..

  • Maybe for my first NYFW working in fashion…That would be a nice reminder of all the hard work its taking right now to hopefully get there one day…


  • Très jolie vidéo! Le nom de la chanson?!

  • What an awesome idea! I don’t have any tattoos and I would be scary too. Not particularly because of the pain. More of the fact it’s there forever! Love the top you were wearing btw ;)

  • I looved it ? !!
    I’m posting beauty tips and accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
    Take a look!

  • Cest tattouages sont magnifiques, fins. Belle video, j’aurai adoré aller me faire tatouer là bas à vrai dire :)

  • j’adorerais porter un tattoo, quelque chose de discret et élégant mais je suis une chicken…j’ai peur d avoir mal…j’ai une amie qui a une magnifique tattoo sur l’épaule, c’est à la fois sexy et gracieux, chaque fois que je le vois, j’ai envieeeeee mais… finalement non. C’est vrai que la manière dont Pamela LoVE, c’est touchant… et toi Garance? tu es ressortie de son salon avec un joli tattoo???

  • Pamela Love’s jewellery is beautiful and inspiring, as is Zoe and Morgan’s which last season were also inspired by Tattoo designs. Minty launched their new collection in Prague last November 2011 with a cool Tattoo Parlour, with a Rockabilly theme and live Tattooing, Its cool to think that we were already ahead of the times in small but lovely City of Prague. Check out the photos here:

  • Ne pas comprendre qu’on puisse se faire tatouer une émotion particulière, un souvenir, un moment important de sa vie pour l’immortaliser ou s’en souvenir, c’est comme ne pas comprendre pourquoi les écrivains écrivent, les peintres peignent et les musiciens jouent…
    Si j’avais été à NYC, je serai très certainement allée témoigner, partager et inscrire sur ma peau une belle émotion chez Pamela !

  • Yes tattoo !!!
    Un, c’est déjà un bon début… Même si après en avoir un, on en veut plein d’autres !! C’est le piège !!

  • I am in the process of developing my first tattoo creation! I am commemorating a life changing moment in my life, with a key that has brought everything together, the key for me is gratitude. It has been only 4 days since I started experimenting with gratitude and I am already changing my life experience, I am loving it. I want to check out her parlor, I think I would like to see her designs and perhaps have another one to commemorate living freely and celebrating it! Xo

  • elle m’a preque convaincue. J’aime son idée de petits tattoos comme des petits bijoux.. mais ce que k’aime moins, c’est l’idée d’avoir un tattoo quand je serai plus vieille.. je ne trouve pas cela très chic..

  • Frances Gala 14 septembre 2012, 8:30 / Répondre

    Love all your videos. They are sooooo great !!!!!. I love them.
    (but no, I’m not getting a tatooo. Not my thing).

  • gah! this is so super cool, I wish I had known about this when it was happening!!

  • i would absolutely get a tattoo from her parlor if i were in the market to get a tattoo. i appreciate tattoos that have deep meaning, not silly « works of art. » i love how each of hers serve a specific purpose in her life.

  • No,no, no. I have evolved and learned so much as an adult & I hope to carry on learning and evolving so I would never scar my skin with something I couldn’t change. I think they look awful as they fade and blur and on older skin, just undignified. I have also recently learned that in many countries tattoo ink has tiny particles of metal in so if you subsequently have an MRI scan, it burns very painfully

  • Alors Garance as tu sauté les pas? J’aimerais bien sur la main ou le pied un mini tattoo mais il faudrait qu’il signifie quelque chose de symbolique pour moi.
    biz… merci pour toute ces vidéos.

  • I have 2 tattoos and they both mean so much to me!! If I found one at her studio that really inspired me I would do it. Tattoos are like jewelery and memories that you can look at everyday no matter where you are and feel inspired.

  • Merci pour cette vidéo! Un tatouage c’est parfois le symbôle d’un renouveau, un éclairage sur une nouvelle vie.

  • Definitely not hate random images on people!
    I need a tattoo to be cool but I don’t want a real
    Peace of art so I will get some shit outline shape
    On my ankle or lower back.

    People with a lack of imagination should not get
    Inked there is a reason they are called slag tags in the

    Get some art or go home!

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