Pardon My French/Jenna Lyons

12 years ago by

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  • JCrew forever! La dernière collection est juste parfaite!

  • Superbe interview !
    J’ai pensé à toi et Scott récemment car j’étais au festival Unseen à Amsterdam où ses œuvres étaient vendue par la Danziger gallery. J’ai trouvé ça hyper intéressant que des photographies de streetstyle soient vendues en tant qu’œuvres d’art !
    Je suis absolument fan de votre travail à tous les deux !
    Fr –
    En –

  • Merci Merci Merci ! Déjà car c’est grâce à toi que j’ai découvert cette marque, comme je te l’ai dit sur twitter. Et quand j’ai regardé cette vidéo, je me suis aperçue de l’aura particulière qui entoure Jenna Lyons ! Elle dégage beaucoup d’énergie mais aussi beaucoup de douceur !


  • J’adoore !! T’es très forte pour trouver les personnes qu’on a envie de découvrir :)

  • ô moi ignorante! découverte! je ne connaissais pas…(enfin la marque vaguement, oui, mais elle, nan)

  • Bravo….so organic…what is so nice is that u r both on the same page…two talented women!!

  • lili tebaldi 26 septembre 2012, 8:28 / Répondre

    Wahou! quel style incroyable! et ce qui m epate c est qu elle est super busy mais trouve le temps pour son fils… super nana , en plus elle a l air d avoir beaucoup d humour!!!
    et ces lunettes, I want, I want

  • Hello Garance, superbe interview……je travaille dans le textile au niveau matiere, et J Crew est une source inepuisable d’inspirations, de style et est en trein de devenir une vraie reference de fond pour beaucoup de gens que je cotoie. A quand un boutique a Paris?!!

  • I definitely know what comes from a small place means….thank you for another daily great inspiration :)!


  • haha tu nous a fait une petite « conversation » là !!
    C’était parfait, super, génial, pile le bon ton. Merci !!

  • Cette interview donne envie d’enfoncer toutes les portes qui sont sur notre chemin.

  • Waouhhh! C’est une de mes interviews préférées !
    On est totalement plongé dans l’univers J.Crew, et Jenna Lyons est adorable.
    Très émouvant tout ça aussi, Tankyou Garance !

  • So inspiring, Garance! Congrats on your amazing job and thank you for ‘bringing’ to us all these career women!

  • so powerful & lovely stories! Girls, keep growing with every action you do! ***

  • Ohhh, my favorite interview so far. She really strikes me differently here than in all the other interviews I’ve seen across the blog universe or in the magazines. Very charming, warm, and endearing.

  • Jenna Lyons is amazing and super inspiring. Right now as a teenager, I’m living in a small village in Holland (yes, with the wind moles and little houses). All though there’s access via internet and such, growing up in such an uninspiring place makes me want to only work harder and learn better to find my way into New York and let my creativity, after 18 years, finally floooow :)

  • Hello Garance,

    Merci mille fois de nous avoir permis de rencontrer Jenna Lyons! Oh mon dieu Garance, tout ce qu’elle a dit a résonné en moi comme une sensation de déjà vu, déjà vécu. Elle & toi êtes vraiment incroyables.
    J’admire votre détermination, votre ténacité qui vous ont permis de faire de votre passion, de votre amour pour la mode une réalité! Quant à Jenna, inutile de te dire qu’elle vient de rentrer dans le panthéon des quelques personnes que j’admire au plus haut point!
    Qui sait, moi aussi un jour!

    Ca fait du bien de te retrouver! Merci!

  • Super PMF ! J’adore Jenna Lyons, son style, et ce qu’elle fait pour J.Crew. La collec SS13 est aussi vraiment réussie !

  • It is days like today when your posting changes whatever has happened in the last 4 hours since being awake. Jenna is truly one of my greatest inspirations in this industry and I adore her. I love that she started from the very bottom and never lost sight of what she wanted or how she was going to get there. In this industry…there are few. Thank you so much for posting this!!!! Now..since we all love this whole Paris Vogue obsession….let’s get the Great Alt as your next video..PLEASE! Thank you for turning my day around!

  • what a great idea! et en français ?!

  • Oh yeah, GREAT idea Kristen!! We already heard her in the car talking about her very simple & strong cover with Natalia Vodianova but I’d love to hear more about her everyday life at VOGUE, her thoughts, her struggles and all.

  • this interview was very well done! she’s such an admirable person and so are you!

  • Oh, Jenna, such a smart, smart girl! Love her personality and unique style!

  • Sorry totally unrelated question, could someone at the GDHQ tell me which stylus Garance uses for her iPad . I am about to embark on a round the world trip so will spend lots of time on the plane. Also any fabulous, interesting Apps recommendations super welcomed!….sorry maybe a bit of a dull question for the other readers….thank you very much

  • I love Pardon My French. It’s like I’m sitting with friends and talking about fashion. In my teens it wasn’t so much fashion magazine to look at and those you found comes from Rusian or in that time URSS. Sometimes I could read my grandma’s magazine from the 50’s, that’s it. So now I have to restrain myself from buying just a couple.By the way I adore how Jenna and you looks in this video, so stylish girls. Thanks for the inspiration Garance.

  • Très belle vidéo ! J’aime beaucoup sa manière de parler de son passée. Et son collier, OHH ! Je le veux !

  • i completely relate to what both you and jenna were saying about growing up in a small place, out of the way. i grew up in bulgaria, under communism and my childhood was so uneventful that when i left home and came to the states i felt such exhilaration! i was so hungry to see the world! what’s amazing about both of you is that you were able to harness that energy and turn it into creativity. how cool is that!

  • Je savais que Jenna était à la tête de J Crew, mais je ne m’attendais pas à ce qu’elle soit si sympathique et « easy-going ». Merci Garance pour une autre interview aussi intéressante!

    Bérénice, Montréal

  • Love this episode! Of course we all want to see more Jenna, this is such a great interview – comfortable, casual, friendly, easygoing. So fun to hear her speak about where she came from and her path to where she is now. I think what she’s done with J Crew has just been stellar.

  • Jenna Lyons is super bright and adorable! I just went into the new j crew store that opened in Vancouver. I’ve always liked them for staples but now the line is starting to get more fun. Love the cashmere sweaters and toothpick cords.

    today: tacTile Ideas for home décor

  • What an exciting & insightful interview! I love her more now than ever. She’s so poised and articulate and down to earth and lovely and happy….ok i’m stopping. These are the kind of interviews i love seeing on your blog.

  • What a great interview Garance, you have the perfect mix of personal experiences to relate, and complete absorption in what Jenna was saying. Thank you for the insights and the reminder that hard work is the engine for passion…..or vice versa, haven’t had coffee yet!

  • Je pense que parmi toutes les épisodes de pardon my french, celle-ci est ma préférée, c’était vraiment intéressant. Jenna lyons a l’air vraiment sympathique, je pense l’avoir déjà vue dans le Oprah show.

  • De loin, mon interview preferee. J’adore le style de Jenna Lyons et J.Crew dont les catalogues sont magnifiques.
    Quelle femme energique, drole et enthousiaste. Merci pour cette belle rencontre.

  • I love the dynamic between you two. Great interview. Beautiful clothes.

  • Lydia Hope Samson 26 septembre 2012, 12:11 / Répondre

    oh, so inspiring! I love what you both said at the end about coming from a small place and how it creates such passion and appreciation in you – for me it’s the same….

  • Thanks for filming this interview! I really admire Jenna Lyons and I love JCrew style. I only wish they have stores in Europe!!!

  • Une d emes interview préférée ! J’aime beaucoup le style de Jenna Lyons, elle semble tellement énergique et douce quand elle parle, j’ai beaucoup aimé sa façon de voir la mode.
    Hâte de voir les prochains Pardon My French :)

  • Wow quel femme! Bon elle parle vite (mon anglais à été mis à rude épreuve ;) mais quel calme, quelle douceur et en même elle a une détermination incroyable, de toute façon on arrive pas là où elle est par hasard, il faut une sacrée personnalité je suppose.

    Trés trés bonne interview Garance!

  • I love this conversation!!! I adore Jenna’s style, and it’s so much fun to hear about how she came to be who she is today. Thank you so much for featuring her and for asking her such wonderful questions!

  • Fantastic interview Garance, I completely relate to the feeling of growing up in a small place, great insight into Jenna and her style, merci! xx

  • Fantastique :)


  • Nini Piccola 26 septembre 2012, 1:17 / Répondre

    Jenna Lyons is a styling genius and I’ve been a jcrew addict for years…. She is able to synthesize what is going on on the runways and make it available for the masses who lead casual lives. I don’t lead a vavavoom lifestyle but with jcrew it’s easy to mix and match with other components of your wardrobe and ramp up the vavavoom factor instantly!

  • J’adore Jenna Lyons!! Elle est si sympa.

    J’aurais aussi des questions pour elle. Comment réussit-elle par exemple à mener à bien l’image de la marque? De garder cette force, cette constance. Je bosse en mode et il y a tant de têtes qui veulent avoir raison et faire valoir leurs idées que à la fin ça donne un produit flou. Ce que J.Crew n’a pas et que j’admire.


  • Love this interview! very genuine, very personal — loved the mix of the interview, reflection on where you both came from, and glimpses of coming fashion from J Crew —

  • Un interview au top ! Jenna Lyons est juste incroyable !

  • She is so inspiring! You should go for your dreams….and you both look amazing xo

  • Truly a meeting of two fashion icons! It’s so nice to hear both of you talk about all of the hard work that has gone into getting you where you are today. Jennan has stayed so true to herself and that’s what has made her such a fashion powerhouse and has really changed the game for j.crew. She is truly someone who creates trends instead of following them!


  • Quelle inspiration!
    Belle histoire professionnelle, très beau style!
    Merci Garance de nous présenter de si belles personnalités!

  • thank you so much for such a lovely interview.
    I have the biggest girl (and style) crush on Jenna – in my point of view the coolest girl in fashion these days. Do you think she would be interested to adopt as some kind of, hum, best friend? or is too much stalker-ish?
    Anywho, I love the insight behind how she made of her style mixing her surf chick origins with her grand’ma’s preppy clothes.
    Now if you excuse me, I have to right NOW wear my flower printed trousers and my stripped shirt :)
    bisous bisous

  • Thats THE best video so far….
    You need your own chat show !

  • Oh my, Garance, I love your Manolos. Can you pretty please put up a little pick on your blog? I would love to see a close up.

  • THANK YOU Garance for bringing us up close and personal with Jenna. Two inspiring ladies in one video? So much <3

  • Honestly, this is one of your best interviews to date. I love the way the conversation flows and it almost feels you’re long-term friends. Congratulations. Your blog keeps getting better and better.

  • Cette entrevue est un véritable régal ! Je crois que c’est aussi ma préférée, on a envie qu’elle dure, qu’elle continue !

  • Merci beaucoup ! Très touchée que ça vous plaise !!!

  • I loved that.

  • Loved this interview you had with Jenna. I really admire her and love her style. I wear a lot of jcrew. I just like the quality and the price point of the clothing and they are so stylish. Your so lucky to know Jenna. Looks like you are good friends.

  • waouh, super vidéo ! tres inspirant!

  • Fabulous! One of your best interviews ever!

  • i love her style!! she is fantastic

  • I have always been a fan of Jenna Lyons; this interview was informative and fun! Merci Garance pour tout votre travail – c’est inspirant!

  • YAY! Jenna et Garance!
    The two best dressed gals in the world. My entire inspiration for everyday dressing, tomboy/high heels come from both.
    This interview is such a deligth, I´m going to watch it again and again.

    Bravo Garance!!

  • You are both so lovely! Thank you Garance

  • Garance, I can’t thank You enough for this amazing interview. Thank You, thank You!
    Jenna is my kind a star as well and big inspiration.
    Garance I love your videos. I just an’t wait for next one to come. It makes my day :)
    All the best to You!


  • This was so wonderful! Thank you, Garance, for showing us a little piece of your world. x

  • Wow PMF this season has really, I mean, REALLY amaaaazing interviews!

  • More indepth interviews like the j.crew, please. Inspiring.

  • Wow – great interview. I love her look.

  • J’adore J. Crew et maintenant je comprends un peu mieux pourquoi – cette fille est vraiment SUPER! J’ai adoré son interview, sa façon de voir les choses et son look !!


  • Salut, très jolie post, un article sympa et simple à lire, merci :-) je te souhaite bonne continuation et à très vite. N’hésite pas à venir visiter mon blog, mon dernier article : HEADBAND OU SERRE TETE, QUE CHOISIR?


  • Waouh!
    Garance tes vidéos ont pris une qualité extraordinaire. C’est dingue! J’adore.
    Tu as su trouver le ton parfait, te mettre en avant dans ses conversations très intéressantes. Parler de ceux que tu rencontres, du milieu de la mode, de l’ambition, de la célébrité…avec tellement de simplicité! Ca touche tout le monde! C’est naturel, c’est frais, et absolument pas prétentieux ni superficiel!
    Et techniquement, très bon montage, ta voix off à changer et est plus douce. Bravo sincèrement j’adore, et je les regarde plusieurs fois! J’attends avec autant d’enthousiasme tes prochaines vidéos! Merci merci

  • Merci pour cette interview, c’était vraiment interessant.
    Ca fait du bien de connaitre l’histoire de quelqu’un qui travaille dans la mode et qui a commencé tout en bas avec pas trop d’argent. Je suis étudiante en stylisme et c’est rassurant d’entendre ça, ca prouve que tout est possible!
    (Je reviens du défilé Carven et je me sens ,en ce moment, définitivement en bas de l’échelle! Tout était si beau! J’ai hate de voir ta petite interview de Géraldine Nakache, elle était tellement mignone!)

  • Honestly because of the aesthestic of Jcrew & Jenna I didnt even blink when choosing them for my wedding dress etc (much to the appall of my mom and grandmother. for them jcrew means jeans. but when i got the dress they understood).

    I have worn them since they were ‘preppy’ back in my university years. but i would shred them up a little bit to give the clothes an ‘edge’. Another of my favourite brands back then (for a time) was Anthropologie (because being almost 6 feet tall & attending university in the upper Midwest—yeah… there was not much to choose from).

    Now the brand (and me) have evolved together. I no longer feel the need to ‘de-prep’ or ‘harden’ the clothes…. aesthetically it is exactly what i would wear right now.

  • Garance your short movies are becoming better and better!!!!
    Thank you for another inspiring one.
    What an interesting woman you introduce with this one!!

  • Great interview Garance! So inspiring! xx

  • great interview… she has such a unique style!
    its funny but i suddenly felt like she looks like caitlin gerard… esp like in Jan…

  • I enjoyed this installment of « Pardon My French » so much! One of my favorites for sure. I think I had some preconceived notions about what Jenna Lyons was like, but she was absolutely lovely here: smart, funny, self-deprecating, and so, so real. I have always liked her style, but now I’m sold on her as a person as well. Great, great, great!

  • Jenna Lyons comes across as a really nice friendly person.really great to see that it is possible to be successful minus the big ego.

  • Interview super intéressante !

  • Thank you for inspiring me everyday:)

    I agree that growing up in a small town gives more desire!

  • Superbe interview, j’ai trouvé que c’était la plus « profonde » et « inspirante » depuis le début de cette fashion week!

  • so inspiring!!

    in other news, I just came across this – could be uniform t-shirts for your PMF crew ;]]

    love Your blog and always look forward to new posts!

    wishes from NL,

  • what an inspiration. i am now obsessed with everything jenna!

  • Love your conversation, it is so natural and inspiring, and the idea that you are following at the moment with your videos, it is so vivid and to the point, just NOW! And I like to be part of that, although so far away. That isn’t a topic anymore, the inspiration reaches so much more further than it used to be able to. I love the work you do – and the internet for spreading this! Jenna is just gorgeous, thanx.

  • Garance, i absolutely adored this interview!!! Just tre magnifique!! And I have a question for you, it is actually for university, and it concerns writing style. Here it goes: is there any difference between your wrtinig style in the blog and your writing style in your column at vogue?? I would love to read your answer! Also, do you follow any rules at vogue? Did they tell you to write in a certain way, with a certain register?
    Lots of love from argentina! Lila

  • Merci beaucoup Garance, cette interview m’a beaucoup inspiré ! Jenna Lyons semble être une personne vraiment adorable !

    Bisous !

  • marie temperance 27 septembre 2012, 8:52 / Répondre

    I love how you are both so thrilled and excited to be where you are!! I also grew up in a small town and bought vogue (when possible) and dreamed … and eventually went to live in Paris and Tokyo. OK, I eventually ended up back in a small city for crazy personal reasons but I still dream and I can still feel the excitement of all the possibilities. I’m so happy for you Garance!

  • I thoroughly enjoyed this interview… What a fabulous work ethic Jenna has -and I love that she’s been at JCrew all these years and still loves it! More power to her :)

  • One my favorite interview Garance!


  • J’ai eu les larmes aux yeux c’est fou.. Merci

    Tu fais tres bien la petite machine Garance ;)

  • Ta meilleure video Garance! Le style s’affine, c’est vraiment bien. Impatiente d’en voir plus!

  • Tenaya Amelia 28 septembre 2012, 11:06 / Répondre

    Fantastic! Loved the film~ :-)

  • I love this « Pardon My French »! Thank you for the look into Jenna Lyons and the team at J.Crew. I love the genuineness of this conversation.

  • Entrevue très cool, merci ! Sûrement ma préférée, cette femme est très intéressante et humble et j’aime son approche de la mode, avec laquelle je me sens plus à l’aise par rapport à beaucoup d’autres qui passent par le blog.

  • J’ai trouvé cette interview très intéressante.

    J’aime beaucoup le message qu’elle passe : le style on le crée.

  • Love this interview! Thanks so much for giving us more perspective on Jenna Lyons. I have seen so much of her style copied everywhere, but I love hearing her point of view and how her own personal style developed. So cool!

    It also make me have even greater respect for what she does!

  • Jennifer H. 3 octobre 2012, 4:01 / Répondre

    Thank you for this. Her styling at J.Crew is so inspiring and creative. Love « Pardon My French »!

  • Waou une vrai révélation …
    Merci So Much

  • Très belle vidéo !

  • Elle est vraiment chouette, j’admire la simplicité mélangée à la sophistication, la créativité mélangée au fait d’être directrice.

  • Yes! Finazlly someone writes about book safari in bandhavgarh.

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