Pardon My French/How to sneak into any party
12 years ago by Garance Doré
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ah ouais on voit le genre, Garance fait rien que des bêtises… très « opened » que « opening », la cérémonie, alors! :-)
haha! very entertaining :)
Garance! I have really enjoyed this video!! Remember me my similar adventures during fashion weeks! So funny to see all this in others!
On dirait trois soeurs ! J’aime le style collectif.
hilarious hihi! ive done that so many times too, but for conferences :( not opening ceremonies of Fashion Week..but one day! ;)
xo, dina
ps. Garance, there is a strong chance I will be in New York October 6-8; I would so love to meet you, to put it so lightly! is there an event happening where you will be? :-)
Those are great tricks–especially the passing of the wristband. In the end though I think the key to getting into someplace you’re not supposed to be in is good old fashioned chutzpah.
Trop marrant!! My friends and I used a similar method (back in the day) to get into clubs – five or six of us using one i.d.
Good times –
Funny video!!!!
Haha this is epic, I love it! So funny and need to try that out with my friends. Bet it won’t work in London though.
Garance, you’re such a rebel! I like you even more!!!
haha j’adore! la prochaine fois je vien!
so much fun Garance,…!!! ah yah of course it was a smart tips ahahah
Hahahaaa…. I have also tried these tricks to sneak into some party! Nice to know I am not the only one!
This is so much fun!! xo, Christina
Hahaha, trop drôle! Les rebelles avec la classe.
Garance! Your outfit! You must do a post on your fashion week ensembles. Those pants…love!
Indeed, her outfit is amazing! Would love to know what blouse you are wearing. Not like i want to copy or anything! :P By the way, I feel that your blog is so much more alive since you introduced your videos. All the people we know from still images are now living human beings ! :) All the best! :*
T’es désormais fichée à la CIA…
funny! how adorable…
this has been one of the most informative vignettes so far! it’s never even crossed my mind to try such a basic trick at major fashion week parties. you’re a game changer man!
Super idée!
Théa Unknown
Ah ah très drôle, celle-là !
hahaha génial l’idée :)
j’adore la video
haha it’s like the party is even better when you get in like that :))
Une vidéo vraiment propre à un dimanche: cool, relax et gaie. Vous êtes mignonnes toutes les trois :)
J’adore! Trop marrante :) Vous êtes au top ttes les trois
Hah! I could have used this last week during NYFW…k just kidding. I hope to get to Paris in the spring! Hope you enjoyed your stay in New York and didn’t crash too many parties.
Garance, I miss your writing posts! And your beautiful pictures too!
Love this!! Will have to remember it for next fashion week!
PS Have fun in London!
The Accessory Editor
Hilarious! Some things you learned in high school remain useful:)
So fantastic, love it (:
Such a funny video :D And great tip!
Trop fortes les filles!!! And I love those red shoes!!!;-)
Very funny! Now, you need to tell us about your clothes! That top is picture perfect! Will you share who is it from? :)
hahah fun video!!
Haha ! Parfait ! Je retiens :)
Ca me fait penser aux mêmes plans que j’élaborais pour rentrer dans des soirée payantes où ils mettaient un tampon à l’entrée ! On trouve toujours un moyen d’y arriver ;)
hahaha that’s hilarious and awesome at the same time.
hilarious. i absolutely love it. i got a wrist band put in my hands last year and it was a wonderful moment. as for the drawing a smiley face, i have to try that technique :)
Hilarant. Je prends note, je vais vivre ma première fashion week parisienne dans une semaine (weeeeeee!) Je mets donc dans mes bagages un bon stylo bille ;)
omgg I thought I was the only one who did this! :p
J’adore tes videos Garance, ils sont tellement adorables et pleins de vie! Je me lève et j’ouvre tout de suite ton blog pour voir si il y en a des nouveaux haha im obsessedd
Sending you much love from Montreal xox
ah ah ah !
Travailler avec toi à l’air trop cool