Pardon My French/At Self Service, Pt. 2

11 years ago by

Et voici la suite de ma conversation avec Suzanne – entre temps, Claire Thomson-Jonville, qui est managing editor, nous a rejoint…

Cliquez sur CC dans le lecteur YouTube pour avoir les sous-titres en français.


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  • Bonjour Garance,
    J’adorerai savoir d’où vient ton long manteau camel ! Je me demandais si tu pouvais me donner la marque ?
    Merci d’avance !

  • love the music so much for the 2 parts of self service.
    still waiting to see Garance dance again!

  • I really like the way they (and YOU, Garance) talk about taking advantage of the challenges that technology introduces. OK. Everybody has a photographer at the shows now and we all see the collections as soon as they come out. What can magazines and bloggers do that is different from merely disseminating that information?! Context. POINT OF VIEW.

    Thank you so much for these two interviews. So inspirational. Also, the Self Service women are GORGEOUS.

  • Garance,

    Your coat is magnificent. Wonderful beyond description.



  • Beautiful music Garance! I love that your videos make us, the readers, better understand the different sides of fashion industry. Also, can’t stop myself from saying this again and again, you are very elegant and I love your style!

  • c’est drôle cette femme dit que la bonne attitude c’est de savoir écouter et elle parle tout le temps, même sa collaboratrice ne peut pas en placer une.
    Ceci dit, pour réaliser un magazine de ce niveau qui est toujours directionnel vingt ans après il faut surement avoir de fortes convictions et savoir s’écouter…. ça doit être ça…
    En tous cas c’était un PMF intéressant !

  • Hi Garance! I totally love your ‘Pardon my French’ series and you have inspired me to try something similar in my blog. The only thing I didn’t like just in this particular interview with Suzanne is that because english is not her native language, it was a real struggle at some points (in which she was saying really interesting things btw) to understand what she was talking about or what she was implying, as she was expressing herself in a very French way. I guess you know what i want to say with this…Very long pauses, behhh…you knowww etc. So, if I can offer a sincere and humble opinion, I would suggest you to consider maybe interviewing non English/American people in their native tongue and add English subtitles instead, as both the first and second part of this interview were exhausting to watch. Still one of your greatest fans and admirers! xxMargarita

  • Thanks a lot for sharing…insightful and delightful as always!

  • Il y a de l’émotion dans tout ce que tu fais…

  • J’adore ! encore une superbe vidéo !


  • So worth waiting for. Interesting and informative!

  • Hi Garance. Just want to say that I don’t find it hard at all to understand what either of you say. You have an international blog so speaking in « international English » is absolutely perfect. And I also fully disagree with the French readers who often suggest that you should interview French people in French. It always sounds to me as if they wanted you to replace Mr. Montebourg. Anyway, great interview as always. x

  • Don’t be too harsch with us, French. I know we have our defaults but don’t forget we OWN Garance Doré.

    Just Kidding

  • Fantastic, I love it when you open a new world of information to us every time.

  • Mais d’où vient ce manteau qui tue ?
    Les 2 vidéos sont génialissimes Garance et tu est resplendissante !


  • C’est malin ! Maintenant je veux un manteau long, camel, a large col et…..j’habite en Floride !
    Garance, vous avez une allure magnifique et votre style est « spot on ».
    Video interessante quoi que je trouve Claire un peu trop bavarde et ne laissant pas les autres parler.
    J’aime beaucoup la musique de fond.

  • that’s it – the next time i roll up the sleeves on my coat, i HAVE TO give that roll a shot – you think i can do itt??

  • absolutely always fabulous

  • obsessed with your over sized coat. where is it from??

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Très chouette entretien. Mais, je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu ne fais pas tes entretiens en français quand les deux interlocuteurs le parlent couramment ? Est-ce moins cool ? As-tu peur de faire fuir tes lecteurs anglophones ? Je pense que ce serait vraiment plus authentique de garder sa langue maternelle quand cela est possible (surtout quand on voit que les mots qui viennent en premier sont en français).


  • urgh… it kills me that you have so much talent :) and so beautiful to boot :*

    love suzanne’s skinny ponytail – my ponytail’s always skinny because i have baby-fine hair, and i always feel a little weird wearing a ponytail.

  • Love Self Service and really enjoyed this 2 part interview. It’s really great to hear how Self Service began and how the huge shift in technology has added another dimension to their publication. I love the SS website and visit it often. By the Way, I can totally understand what is said, and I must say that is the most enjoyable part of listening/watching Pardon My French ; its in the words of the interviewee (we don’t need subtitles!) :) PS: just noticed your shoes at the end (or boots)… is that a lucite heel? They’re gorgeous!:)

  • I love the music that you have used over the credits! Cool!

  • Une super interview, merci c’était très intéressant de découvrir ce magazine à travers ce reportage.
    Bonne continuation.

  • No problem with any hesitation in the language. Au contraire ma cher, makes it more human and in fact shows the « work » and « sensibilities » that the entire team is capable of conveying. And work it is behind those beautiful images…….still or video.
    I have just discovered SS. Where have I been during all this time for goodness sake!!! Trying to run a business and raise my girls I guess. Anyway, thanks for catching me up.

  • it’s very interesting yours videos!!! I love all of them!!

  • Bonjour Garance,

    J’ai adoré ces deux vidéos. C’est très intimiste, on se sent proche de vous comme si nous y étions aussi.
    C’est peut-être la musique, ou toi! Merci de nous faire partager des moments comme ceux-là.
    Je crois avoir reconnu tes chaussures à la fin…

  • Love this interview. So inspiring. Suzanne and Claire look amazing! i’m definitely going to buy the new issue of Self Service…

  • Claire, ta chemise est magnifique ! tu es resplendissante, comme toujours !!!

  • C’est excellent !
    Claire looks really really good, gorgeous face, I love her hair !!
    Suzanne is absolutely fabulous

  • Beautiful video again. Love the conversation but also how it’s filmed and the music on the back. So calm and relaxing! xx

  • Well, when you listen to an interview you expect to see/hear an authentic person. Just observe people carefully and you will notice that switching to another language means switching to a slightly different persona. Or test it on yourself. Also, the aim is to get the best from an interviewee, so why not allow him/her the best conditions, i.e. his mother tongue.

  • Love Self Service! LOOOOVE Claire Isabel Marant shirt!

  • Hi Garance,
    Merci encore pour ton blog, qui me donne des ailes tout les jours. J’adore voyager avec toi et rencontrer tout ces personnes, souvent nouveau pour moi, (je ne travail pas dans la mode).
    Je trouve ca un parti pris très interessant de laisser tout le monde parler en anglais meme les francophones, car le monde de la mode est international et anglophone en grande partie et j’adore entendre les accents différent et voir quelqu’un chercher un mot me les rends d’autant plus humain et attachant.
    Ca ne nous fait en aucun cas perdre de l’authenticité du discours de la personne mais montre qu’ils ont envie d’aller vers les autres et partager leur savoir.


  • Nini Piccola 13 novembre 2012, 12:01

    Ferea, t’as raison! La mode est international et ce blog est multilingue!

  • Such a cool interview! I downloaded the app on my iPad, it is soo cool! Also nice to see you so happy after the wrap up xoxo

  • Love it ! thank u, where is the music from??? xo S

  • Love Suzanne. I think (of course I’m not an insider, but this is what it feels like :) she’s a rare fashion specimen – super confident yet approachable at the same time. I’d like to be like her! Inspiring. x

  • The first thing I will buy in Paris in two weeks is the self-service magazine :)

  • This Woman, Suzanne, is quite fascinating!
    She is very (very) selfconfident.
    She is able to wear this big gold jewelery kind of thoughtless – which gives her a very cool attitude.
    And the hair – long, blond, ponytail – is actually the hairstyle of a young 20 year old girl…. but somehow it fits her (dont know why).

    Thanks, Garance!

  • So nice. I really like the music. Have a nice day.

  • Maria Chammah 9 novembre 2012, 9:19 / Répondre

    Self service! My favorite magazine in the world! I loooove the interviews at the back! Not available in Argentina… I read the blog all the time!!!

  • Please, please please Garance, tell us about your coat!!!
    Is it Max Mara?
    It’s fab!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I found the commentary on the source of the web views interesting – that they’re coming from China, even though the magazine doesn’t do business there, per se. Wonder if that’ll change, with the ‘old fashioned’ print product following the lead of the online product…

    Very interesting interview – Thanks for sharing –

  • Garance, dis-nous la marque de ton manteau, pleaaaaaaaase ! :)

  • Très très chouettes interviews.

  • Garance,
    I love what you’re doing with your blog. Thank you for sharing your world – and so beautifully!

  • Love love all aspects of your blog, but must compliment you & the team on all the music choices for the pardon my french videos. They’re all so different but very inspired, and work perfectly with each video.

  • Salut Garance,

    Love the latest episode. You are looking terrific as usual. Who is playing « Round Midnight » in the background?

    Big Love from Dubai,


  • Ah I love the Isabel Marant dusky pink shirt with florals. Thanks again Garance for the inspiring interviews!
    How is your book coming along? Please let us know about any planned signings in London :)
    Love Polly XX

  • Bonjour
    Le manteau camel dont tout le monde parle, ne serait il pas le modèle Edith de Madame Stella???

  • C’est un super magazine!

    Théa Unknown

  • J’ai adoré ces vidéos!!!J’aime votre style et votre manteau camel!!!

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