11 years ago by

Voici l’interview de Dries Van Noten! Je l’ai rencontré le jour d’après son défilé à Paris et cette rencontre m’a rendue encore plus fan de son univers, si c’était possible…

Cliquez sur CC dans le lecteur YouTube pour avoir les sous-titres en français.


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  • Ah ! Enfin la vidéo qui nous a fourni toutes ces belles citations ! Great !

  • mr. dries van noten is always an example! :)


  • En plus d’être génial, il est très très beau !

    Garance, très jolie coiffure !!

  • Il est exactement comme je l’imaginais. Une force tranquille.



  • Whaouh, he is great, love his philosophy!!!
    Thank you Garance for all these interviews!!!

  • Merci pour ce très beau moment de mode. Dries Van Noten est délicat et raffiné tout comme son univers stylistique.

  • J’ai beaucoup aimé cette vidéo, tu poses toujours les bonnes questions, et tout ce qu’il dit est tellement intéressant! Et c’est bien de voir un tel créateur qui n’a pas la grosse tête, qui sait bien s’entourer et garder les pieds sur terre!


  • Garance je t’aime j’attendais cette vidéo SO BADLY!! et j’ai eu raison!!
    AVEU : je l’ai regardée au boulot en faisant semblant de taper un texte pour que mon collaborateur en face ne s’en rende pas compte. J’ai un peu honte… faussement honte !
    Maintenant je tape tape pour de vrai, pour te dire merci merci :)

  • Makes me proud to be from Antwerp! Have you ever been to Antwerp, Garance?

  • how inspiring…

  • Great interview Garance!! you and your team are really an inspiration.


  • Loved his philosophy of gardening heheheee…

    Thanks Garance, another amazing video!!


  • I love his designs!! Great and beautiful interview! Thank you Garance!

  • great ! quel homme !

  • I think I am in love with this extremly talented and kind person.

  • One of my favourite designers! So interesting to hear how he views modern fashion and it’s relation to modern technology. Especially since he seems rather unaffected by it. Thanks Garance!

  • Love love love. What a lovely man.

  • You have beautiful hair Garance!
    Paris-NYC Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • Such a lovely interview and what a lovely and intelligent man Dries is, such a pleasure to watch and very inspiring!!!! Thank you for all these great interviews :)

  • Passionnant ! J’ai envie de fixer chacune de ses paroles tellement tout ce qu’il dit est important.
    J’aime le fait que cet homme soit à la fois respectueux de rythmes, de traditions, de savoirs faire et à la fois sensible aux changements de notre époque (internet, les mobiles, les blogs…).
    j’ai adoré aussi le fait que tu distilles ses petites phrases en guise de teasing ! Super interview !

  • Oo, that is great interview and so inspiring..


  • Thank you Garance for this interesting interview, I was looking forward to it since a while. I love how he explains everything so exactly, he seems so humble, so down to earth, maybe it’s the gardening, no seriously, he’s super interesting and I’d love to have been able to sit at your place ;-) No wonder I love his work! I think if I had to pick one favorite designer it would be him…. xxx

  • Je suis choqué tellement ce qu’il dit est simple évident et vrais.
    Pourquoi il est pas le maître du monde???
    MERCI pour cette rencontre.

  • Ahah! Ce serait pas mal en effet ;)

  • Simple et puissante présence.
    Merci pour cette interview.

  • « You have to be creative by choosing the people around you » – I love this quote.

  • Hello Garance, Emily, Alex !

    Super cette video ! j’ai beaucoup aimé, c’était très intéressant …

    Je suis « sous le charme » de M. Dries Van Noten, cet homme a l’air si « simple » et abordable … !! ce fût un plaisir de l’écouter … J’aime beaucoup ses idées, comme par exemple, assortir un vrai pull d’homme avec un chemisier hyper féminin, et j’adore le moment où il dit qu’il a envie de « donner des idées » aux gens … que l’on a qu’a prendre un pull que l’on a déjà etc. Dans notre société d’hyper-consommation, je trouve super que des grands noms comme Monsieur D V Noten, remettent au goût du jour certaines « valeurs » un peu perdues aujourd’hui.

    Bonne journée à toutes !!

    PS: J’ai hâte de découvrir le nouveau DIY !



  • I thoroughly enjoyed this interview….what a wonderful insight into his design thought process, brand and business. All the way throughout though….I was mesmorised by his eyes….stunning!

  • Now I can perfectly understand where does the great clothes of Dries come from. By him being so humble and true person!
    Thanks Garance for sharing with us Dries (dreams) under these light!!!

  • au delà de l’intérêt évident de cette jolie interview, il a l’air vraiment très très sympa, ce monsieur… Et j’adore la Belgique, en plus…

  • So much of inspiration.. What a beautiful story I just have been part of. Thank you Garance! That was so so beautiful.

  • He is lovely! I love his clothes and his thoughts!

  • What a delightful, thoughtful and unpretentious man – and of course a great designer. I really enjoyed this interview.

  • Elle boit du thé ou plutot martini…SUPER!

  • Thank you Garance for this, always in fact, beautiful vidéo…
    There is all that I was expected : question on the work of Mr Dries Van Noten of course, and, also, on his passion, his motivation, his spirit…
    You are wonderful Garance, what can we do without you ?
    Julia from Avignon.

  • Seriously, is it possible to fall in love with someone’s theory/concept? He makes me want to pack a few bags, move and work for him. He’s very enlightening and has a great brand. The clothes move so beautifully. So chic!


  • qu’est ce qu’il est chic Dries!
    et pourtant si simple et si humble! j’adore…
    çà nous change des mecs qui en font des tonnes pour se faire remarquer!


  • i couldn’t imagine a more perfect interviewer for one of my favorite designers. he’s so insightful and has such a wonderful, down to earth attitude about fashion and life. i love how he sees the importance of promoting style ideas that don’t necessarily all have to come from his collection. such a great interview!


  • Honestly, I really enjoyed watching your video especially interviews. Wish, it was bit long :(. I love it.

  • fantastic interview!

  • wonderful video!! Like Paul Smith he is a gentleman!very generous person who built his own company with his talent and hard work……bravo..

  • « Je donne des idees aux gens, ils peuvent utiliser leurs vetements. »
    Un homme elegant dans ses manieres et sa facon de penser.

  • A good interview, congratulations!

  • Merci pour cette très belle interview Garance. Dries Van Noten est mon couturier préféré et mon copain (qui ne s’intéresse pas vraiment à la mode) a eu la chance de voir ce défilé et… il a trouvé ça magnifique ! Je pense que c’est un signe de son génie… Il a vraiment l’air très simple en plus, tout ce qu’on aime, merci encore !

  • Beaucoup de charme. Très belge.
    Il faut que j’aille faire un tour à Anvers!
    Je ne savais pas qu’il jardinait!

  • Coucou Garance et la team,
    Super video, je suis d’Anvers et moi aussi J’adore Dries.
    Toujours aussi excitée de vous lire tout les jours
    gros bisous

  • Thank you, Garance, for these 10 minutes of pure delight!

  • love the interview garance!

  • Loved the interview… He’s one of my favorite designers!


  • c’est magnifique… j’adore cet homme il est si discret et chic… tu as l’air un peu intimidé d’ailleurs!

    « i’m a blogger! » ;)

    merci beaucoup, c’etait vraiment beau et emouvant… very soft :)

    des bisous

  • Avec le petit accent belge j’adore!!

  • Quelle belle interview Garance :)
    Cet homme est plein de sagesse et très pragmatique. Quelle maturité, biensûr il y a l’âge et l’expèrience mais on sent aussi un coeur grand ouvert. C’était un vrai plaisir de l’écouter et toi Garance, tu es devenue une sacrée intervieweuse en si peu de temps. Tu t’améliore et tu progresses très vite ça m’étonnera toujours. Bravo pour cette vidéo.

    xxx G.

  • ERNESTO DÁVILA 4 avril 2013, 2:26 / Répondre

    I LOVE DRIES VAN NOTEN!!!, if I had the money to buy every season his wonder pieces I would do.
    I like his designs because they are far away from TRENDS, I have some pieces that I wear again and again and again, no matter the season. THANKS GARANCE, THIS INTERVIEW IS REMARKABLE!!!

  • He emanates calmness, intelligence and vision at the same time. He’s so resting within himself, and at the same time he is open to all the new things, technology and internet, and changes in the business. Truely someone with vision and an immense sense of beingness — geez, I’m like getting carried away here.

    Very inspiring.

    And very funny: « She has to drink something — is it tea or martini? ».


  • Je ne le connaissais pas et il faut dire qu’il est charmant ! Tu lui rends bien hommage à travers cet interview !

  • Dries a une façon si touchante de s’exprimer…
    J’imagine que tu te sentais comme dans un rêve de petite fille, il a l’air si gentil (et drôle ^^)


  • lionsinhollywood 4 avril 2013, 2:45 / Répondre

    Favorite designer ever. Great interview!

  • WOW he didn’t even plug his new fragrance!

    So so businessman, and a true artist I guess ;)


  • He seems likes a very grounded and sweet man, a great interview. It was lovely gaining an insight into the creative process that goes into producing such beautiful clothes, thank you Garance!

  • Lovely character this Dries Van Noten. very human, loved it. Exactly why I needed this rainy pre-nap afternoon in North Carolina. Thanks Garance, you’re a darling.

  • J’ aime bien la partie sur la qualité des tissus.

  • Dries is my all time favorite. I buy several pieces each season and loved spring/summer 13, spent my entire budget on five pieces…..they will last forever.

    This is the first interview I have read or seen that really seems to capture him. Great work Garance, this is your best interview yet!

  • So charming. So grounded. I understand why his collections are always so beautiful and real. They are a true reflection of his character.



  • Jane with the noisy terrier 4 avril 2013, 4:53 / Répondre

    Okay, now I have a little crush on the man whose clothes I have been collecting and adoring for years. You are so right, when you buy a piece by Dries you have it for 20 years. Timeless style that defies fashion or trends. Other items come and go, but my Dries I have forever.

  • Very interesting interview.
    Merci Garance!


  • Garance, this type of interview is really one of the best aspects of your considerable talents.

    I could call it the essence of Garance;-)

  • Katerina 5 avril 2013, 3:39

    I agree 100%! Kisses

  • Fantastic interview!!! This is my favourite video so far!!


  • Thank you so much for doing this interview! Love me some Dries!

  • Donna Gates 4 avril 2013, 6:03 / Répondre

    Excellent interview. I love that you do these; it’s one of the things that separates you from other bloggers. This was one of your best (next to Jenna Lyons, which was great)!

  • love you garance!

  • Great to find out about his design philosophy and inspiration. I also like that he seems down to earth and has good business sense ie looking at costs and designing for different types of women as starting points for each collection. He is an inspiration to all aspiring designers.
    Polly xx

  • omg garance – how amazing was this?! touched my heart… and i LOVE the dynamics of you and Dries Van Noten in this interview – it’s pretty much like a groupie interviewing the rock star! the seating and body language spoke volumes on the atmosphere of the discussion – checkout 00:20 to see what I mean :)

  • monsieur F 4 avril 2013, 7:01 / Répondre

    talent, élégance, finesse, aisance, il a tout pour lui

    tu parait décomposée, liquéfiée, sans doute le fait d’être à coté de ce si grand couturier

  • Beautiful interview, inspirational on so many levels. Dries is such a sweet kind soul.


  • This is a wonderful video and interesting questions. What a grounded and down to earth individual. I love him and the brand even more now. Thank you Garance.

  • there is no one more inspiring than Dries van Noten. thank you so much for this amazing piece. The video was absolutely beautiful and I am so inspired.

  • What lovely humanity in this man! Adore the clothes. They inspire so much. Also, Garance you look wonderful in the video; your clothes are great but I really like your hair this way.

  • NYSgonzalez 4 avril 2013, 10:26 / Répondre

    Humility is beautifying. All those years wasted trying to be aloof and cool!
    I learned so much from this interview.


  • Alexandria 4 avril 2013, 11:04 / Répondre

    What a great interview Garance!

  • you have an amazing life

  • AH! Like yourself, and many commentators on this post, Dries is my FAVOURITE #1 designer, so needless to say, I absolutely loved this interview!

    I love his down-to-earth qualities, which are evident in his clothes, and his philosophy of using items already existent in our wardrobes, mixed with beautiful unique pictures, and that he is all about the fabric, as that is one of the many reasons that draws me to him/his creations.

    I too would love to live in the Women’s Paris store!

    I can’t get enough of Dries!



  • Alors disons qu’avant cette vidéo, j’aimais ce qu’il faisait sans mettre de visage sur ce nom, mais disons que maintenant que j’ai découvert le personnage ben j’aime encore plus ce qu’il faisait ;-)

  • Oh Dries! Wonderful!! Thank you Garance.

  • merci….
    J’en veux plus!

  • Mille merci pour ceci Garance, tu étais parfaite dans ton rôle et lui dans le sien..Inspiration!

  • J’étais déjà trés intéressée par son univers et ses collections, mais grâce à toi, je découvre l’homme.
    Quelqu’un qui travaille humblement, qui est à l’écoute de son temps, qui prend le temps de la réflexion…passionnant!

  • Definitely, my favourite fashion designer.

  • Très belle personne…

  • Je connaissais mal Dries Van Noten, alors merci pour cette vidéo qui nous le fait découvrir… Super homme, super univers !

  • Cet homme est d’une intégrité exemplaire qui n’a pas dévié depuis ses débuts, c’est juste incroyable dans cette industrie où les grands principes volent parfois en éclat au profit de la loi du marketing.

  • I didn’t think it was possible but I love Dries even more now!! He’s so genuinely sensitive, unpretentious, grounded, and happily independent… it’s beautiful! No wonder he produces such exquisite clothing.

  • What an inspirational interview! Such a generous man with such a great fashion philosophy!

  • Wow, he has such a great philosophy and perspective not only with his line but with his convictions as well! I personally have a love/hate relationship with Pre-Fall/Resort collections. It does satiate my desire for MORE between Fashion Weeks, but I feel that if all the effort for those teasers was spent on S/S and F/W, the POW factor can last months at a time.

    Great interview! I hope you weren’t quaking in your heels with nervousness!

    xoxo, Em

  • Quelle beauté d esprit cet homme ! « I want to surprise people » He will surprise everytime .Thanks

  • Nicolette 5 avril 2013, 10:44 / Répondre

    The most artistic of any designer ….love Dries !

  • WOW! I LOVE DVN!! This was my favorite designer interview yet. What a intelligent, poised, kind & unique person. So nice to see this in the fashion world!



  • Un créateur intègre, professionnel et respectueux.

    J’aime chacune de ses collections, un immense merci pour cette interview qui nous permet d’en savoir un peu plus sur le talentueux M. Van Noten.

    Une immense fierté d’être belge, comme lui
    D’ailleurs, il faut que tu viennes à Anvers, c’est une si belle ville.

    Kusjes (l’équivalent de xoxo en néerlandais, pas mal non ? :D )

  • MERCI pour cette interview! C’est un créateur que j’adore et j’ai adoré entendre ses réponses!

  • What a gentleman!!!
    I wish i could wear only his clothes!!!
    Thank you Garance for such a real interview..

  • I love how his eyes came alive when you asked about his garden……..

    He makes incredibly wonderful clothes and seems a true artist, but he seems to know about things that are REAL. Dirt.

    Lovely guy. Wish I could afford his clothing; I’d buy it all the time.

  • Being a countryside girl, I ABSOLUTELY loved this interview! Dries is SO inspiring.
    Thanks for this Garance.

  • Intelligent, Insightful, quite the Inspiration!

  • Silvia Golita 6 avril 2013, 8:08 / Répondre

    He seems so nice and warm. Makes you want to hug him >:D<

  • Belle entrevue!
    Quel homme charmant & intéressant.
    Une force tranquille.
    Merci Garance.

  • David Mullane 6 avril 2013, 5:49 / Répondre

    I bought the collections of Dries and 5 of the Antwerp Six, when they launched in 1986! Dries has not changed at all, either in appearance on in his delightful philosophy. It’s so good to see his continuing success.

  • What a great interview! It felt like a nice and calm conversation, without the pressure of PR-people or a time slot. And I think you’re growing as an interviewer as well! I enjoy seeing your process of trying out new things, innovating, growing etc. It’s an inspiration and a motivation for me!

  • Quel grand Monsieur! Quand je l’entends parler j’ai l’impression d’être face à un « vrai » couturier…pas un DA et ça fait du bien!

  • L O V E L O V E L O V E …

  • merci Garance, il est très beau le défilé… et puis il est très charmant ah la la……,et puis tu es très bien aussi avec tes jolis pantalons, peut-être un peu trop près l’un de l’autre ? bon je ne sais plus, c’est peut-être que j’ai cru que tu allais tomber du canapé :))))…

  • Quelle belle entrevue!!! J’adore son travail, son art de marier à la perfection les matières et les silhouettes. Merci Garance! Magnifique travail. le contenu et le montage de ce vidéo me touche tellement plus que celui autour de Kering!!!!! Ces grandes multinationales qui s »humanisent…. j’ai un doute….

  • My ICON above all. A humble genious. Great interview.

  • * loved the Interview and his philosophy on fashion, travel and gardening.

  • I love dries, his clothing is always beautifully made. Gorgeous prints and fabrics, and he is also a very warm and nice man. proud to live in belgium !!

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you Garance. A very good interview with a wonderfully talented, and surprisingly approachable, designer. Lovely and relaxed style of interviewing. Well worth the wait. And your questions were ‘spot on’. I always wondered about the absence of advertising and lack of pre-collections. I also never realised what a handsome man he is!! Again, thank you.

  • I really want him to design my weddingdress.

  • I just loved this video. He seems so clear in his vision yet accepting of what others bring to his creative process – he is a real star. Thank you Garance!

  • Love the bit when Dries talks about the idea of control on the runway verses the immense lack of control in gardening. So fascinating!

  • Merci pour cette interview. J’adore la créativité de cet homme. Je suis fan.

  • Thank you for sharing with us this interview…

    Such a great inspiration for someone like me… trying to break out :)


  • Such an inspirational video, thanks for this great interview!

  • What a stunning collection. Bravo also on such a brilliant interview.

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