Water Weight
8 years ago by

Un de mes plus gros combats physiques, c’est la rétention d’eau. J’ai eu la très mauvaise idée de googliser mes pires craintes médicales, du coup je me suis précipitée chez le médecin qui m’a expliqué que je n’avais pas de problème si ce n’est un gros ego. Pas de nouvelles, bonne nouvelle ! Mais bon, c’est quand même un truc qui me pose problème l’été… déjà que j’ai un peu tendance à gonfler à cette saison, le résultat n’est pas beau à voir. Dès que je sors dehors, mes doigts enflent, mes pieds gonflent, je me sens ignoble. Et je ne vous parle même pas des variations hormonales l’été… C’est l’horreur.
J’essaie d’éviter la nourriture trop salée, je bois des tonnes d’eau et je limite ma consommation de cocktails… je pense que c’est une habitude qu’il va falloir que je prenne. Si j’ai envie d’une margarita et de tacos à midi, il faut que je me résigne à avoir le visage bouffi le lendemain matin. Allez, l’hiver sera bientôt là, et je pourrai toujours me cacher sous des couches de vêtements après un troisième cocktail ou une dernière part de pizza…
At last! I thought I was the only one to feel like that..
Great you shared this, I have been having the same problem and I can not accept it most of the time..My feet is swollen at the end of the day during the hot days and I feel bad wearing shorts because I think people will say ‘Ah! look at her fat ankle’ :-(
lmao I feel you. Lucky for me, I’m at a place in my fitness journey that, if I eat a big meal of salty food one day, I’ll feel so bad if I have it again the next so I just won’t.
You should try lymphatic drainage massage. It is miraculous for water retention issues and also very relaxing. It can be done on the whole body and face. As an added bonus, it helps to get rid of cellulite (if you have this kind of problem…). Usually you will have to do more sessions at first, but then once in a couple of months keeps you more in shape.
Hope this helps a little.
Take care!
As always nic post ;)
Oh, but the ring!
Darling! Don’t beat yourself up too much. I know it feels gross to wake up and feel like a puffer fish, but remember it is only a feeling and one that will pass. Try drinking electrolytes to restore the balance in your body; sometimes it’s not enough sodium that causes your body to hold on to the sodium you DO have, which puffs everything up. (At least that’s what one of my health guru friends told me and he seems legit so I believe him. Does that give us an excuse to keep our salt-rimmed margaritas? I hope so). Epsom salt baths and steams in the shower can be great, too. Even if they do nothing at least it’s a nice treat after sweating all day in the nasty NYC heat. I get puffy around my midsection and my eyelids (of all places! So random!!) and I know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, we are not alone. Chin up :) x
Try tea made from Dandelion. Effective and still natural. It’s really painful when you swell like that. I can gain 3-4 kg in just a couple of days when worst. But Dandelion tea helps.
I suffer from this too, and not just in the summer. Taking milk thistle and eating beetroot seems to work wonders, overnight even! My googling suggests this has to do with liver function, and inflammation in the body.