10 years ago by

J’avoue, je continue à me laver la tête.
Je vous jure que j’ai essayé d’y aller mollo sur les shampooings, mais je crois que c’est vraiment pas mon truc. Au max, j’arrive à sauter un jour, et ces jours-là, je ne tiens pas sans shampooing sec. Il m’a fallu du temps pour trouver celui qui me correspond vraiment, et j’ai tout essayé, du talc Johnson & Johnson’s au Klorane. Au final, je préfère les versions poudre, même si c’est un peu plus salissant et qu’il y a toujours le risque de finir avec une tête à la George Washington (effet perruque poudrée !).
En ce moment j’utilise beaucoup celui-ci, de chez LuLu Organics, et j’ai emmené la version voyage en vacances dans le Montana !
Et vous, c’est quoi, votre shampooing sec préféré ? En version spray ou poudre ?
I prefer sprays – my favorite is Klorane. Can’t live without it. My second favorite is Kerastase, which smells amazing!! But, it’s second place for two reasons. One, the expense (ouch!). Two, I find it doesn’t really do as good of a job on second-day hair as the Klorane; it just doesn’t have the same grease-fighting powers. I have to use a LOT of it for it to be effective, which is a problem because … reason Number One (it’s expensive). The Kerastase is great as a styling product, though, for adding extra volume to hair that HAS been just washed.
Alex, I’ve just purchased this travel size from Lulu Organics to my sister, ¡whom is desperate with her hair.!.
Even though, other beauty organic bloggers say that One Love Organics’ New Dry shampoo is wonderful too.
Enjoy your trip…
you’re so cute, you can’t go two days w/out washing! :P
Le packaging est juste splendide, j’aime beaucoup! Je me lave les cheveux tous les deux jours (ouh je suis mauvaise élève!) et je suis fidèle au shampoo sec de Batiste, je trouve son odeur agréable mais je n’aime pas la texture, donc je cherche un remplaçant ;) je testerais bien celui-ci!
Le klorane vert
Definitely try the « no-poo » method. The over-washing may be causing an over-production of oil and also shampoo creates all sorts of problems. I only say this from experience. I’ve been doing the no-poo thing for a month and I could not be happier.
Thanks a lot for that hint,Gaby,will give it a try!Found the site : nopoomethod.com for explananation.
My favorite is Klorane too (even after going through numerous brands)! For a very long time I didn’t ‘get’ dry shampoo, since it made my limp and fine scandi hair clumpy. By the time it was time to go home from work/school/whatever it usually got greasy on top of that. So clumpy and greasy, as much as I tried. BUT, then one night, when I was at a festival with zero possibilities to shower I had an epiphany: If only I spray the dry shampoo in my hair before I go to sleep, by the time I wake up it has sucked up all the greasiness and made my hair nice, voluminous and easier to style. AND it stays this way for the whole next day. So, for me, waiting for a few minutes or half an hour is simply not enough before brushing through my hair. But if I let it take its time, dry shampoo will work its magic.
A baseball cap, ha ha.
Powder– BloPro Faux Dry Shampoo. It does the job and no noticeable smell.
Oscar Blandi makes an AMAZING dry shampoo that comes in different shades for differernt hair colors. I’ve always thought that the spray ones make the hair look cleaner and feel dirtier, but the powders really absorb the oil and make your hair feel clean!
De la fécule mélangée à du cacao en poudre non sucré et dégraissé parce que je suis brune. J’en mets dans les cheveux avant de m’aller au lit et je me réveille avec des cheveux propres et du volume.
I’ve heard super good things about Bumble & Bumble’s dry shampoo, not only because of the great texture they provide, but because they make colored powders! No more George Washington’s wig :) Worth a shot, anyway!
I started the baking soda and vinegar no-poo routine in late March 2012 and haven’t gone back to shampoo and conditioner since. I love it. I usually wash my hair 2x per week; more if I feel so inclined, but really never more often than every 3-4 days. The routine that works best for me:
1T baking soda in hot water
half vinegar and half cold water + essential oils*
a tiny bit of argan oil (or jojoba oil or coconut oil)**
*any kind you like; I use distilled white vinegar, and lavender + peppermint EOs
**ends of hair only and very sparingly applied
I shake the baking soda in hot water in a plastic bottle to dissolve it (for a nice tingle, ad a single drop of peppermint oil), then apply it only to my scalp. I then massage my entire scalp thoroughly with my fingertips (not nails) and let it sit while I shave. I then rinse thoroughly, then apply the vinegar solution from a spray bottle (avoid your eyes) in a mist above my head (for scalp) and then more concentrated ears down, then rinse. Finally, I’ll spritz argan oil into my palms and massage it into my ends, then my neck and shoulders (I love the scent), then switch from shower to spigot and rinse just my hair a final time in cold or tepid water.
I don’t really like dry shampoo as it makes my hair feel dirtier. I’d rather wash a day earlier than save the day or two but feel icky. When I do dry shampoo (it’s more tolerable in the winter, when I might stretch to 6 days between washes), I use a mix of arrowroot powder and cocoa (so it’s not so stark against my brown hair). I apply it with a big, fluffy, cheap makeup brush.
that is great info thank you!!!
Batist!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!
I have curly, dark brown hair, but I straighten it for ease. On day two I definitely need a little lift and I found that Batiste dry shampoo is by far the best! The best part is that it comes in all shades and scents and is super cheap!
Klorane! Either the spray or the powder. Such great texture, every time. Last time in Paris, I stocked up on the travel sized sprays. Just fantastic for getaways. :)
Try washing with only cheap conditioner. You have to use huge handfuls and completely saturate your hair. Then rinse thoroughly.
I like the Kevin Murphy dry shampoo which is a spray, I’m also a big Klorane fan!
Kevin Murphy Fresh Hair is the best dry shampoo! To get rid of the whiteness give your hair a blast with a hair dryer – in a couple of seconds it’ll look great.
I have long hair, and I wash my hair EVERY DAY! I take pride in having clean hair — every day.
I tried Klorane and Batiste, but the cost and the pile up of aerosol cans made me uncomfortable. I found a recipe for natural dry shampoo on the website wellnessmama.com and love it. For my brown hair I use half cocoa powder and half arrowroot powder (she has recipes for blonds and redheads too). I keep a small cup in bathroom and sprinkle it on with a small spoon and vigorously rub into the roots.
le spray Klorane de tenps en temps…parfait a mes yeux…
Definitely Klorane, but I think I’ll give a try to the one you recommend
Pour moi aussi le shampoing est un geste quasi quotidien depuis presque toujours.
Alors pour modérer agréablement et confortablement ce besoin, j’utilise la poudre de soie du Docteur Hauschka. Douce, naturelle, elle sent le propre et laisse les cheveux légers (contrairement aux shampoings secs qui grattent, qui collent, qui poissent). Pour ne pas assécher les longueurs, je la diffuse avec un pinceau Kabuki sur le crâne et les racines uniquement. Ainsi je ne vis pas les jours sans shampoing comme une punition voir un supplice.
Klorane all the way, I tried yours but it just made a mess. My little trick is to use dry shampoo and then rinse my hair, it is like washing but not really, and it works wonders, makes my hair look full and still very clean.
One time I woke up to no water (neighborhood water main break) and not having ever gone without washing my hair and therefore having no dry shampoo, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cornstarch. I remembered when I was a kid at summer camp the husband (of the couple who ran the camp) use to stand in the kitchen and toss a messy splash of cornstarch under his arms for deodorant – I couldn’t believe it! Anyway, it easily got me through the day. I’ve since tried Klorane (powder) and one other high end brand (a spray) – they’re ok but I don’t love either. I keep going back to cornstarch. My hair is long, brownish red with natural highlights and grey around my temples. So initially I have ‘cornstarch’ highlights but I keep brushing it out and it’s fine.
And lately I’ve been parting a small section of the hair just around my face and wash that in the sink after I get out of the shower. I’ve gone from washing my hair every single day (for 40 yrs) to just about every other day.
Good luck, Alex! Thanks for all the great posts.
I think the sprays are easier to use. I tried Treseme dry shampoo and the DryBar Brunette but don’t love either. I read all about the Oribe texturizing spray and have been using that but not sure it does a lot for my thick hair. Next up Klorane! I typically wash my hair twice a week with shampoo and conditioner unless it really gross. Then use container or a mask or dry shampoo on the other days.
Have you tried just sprinkling corn flour? Find an old salt shaker or something similar, fill it up with corn flour and go for it. The volume is proper amazing.
I second the baking soda and vinegar idea. No-poo was disastrous for my scalp’s health — I actually had to go to the dermatologist because I developed some kind of eczema or something. For me it’s far preferable to actually wash my hair regularly using both « real »shampoo & conditioner (good brand from Whole Foods), but also to use baking soda and vinegar about 2x/week. My hairdresser also approves — says my hair is super healthy.
Hello Alex,
I recommend natural products from aroma zone. Shikakai powder as shampoo, coco oil as conditionner and many other miraculous herbal products. Very efficient :)
I find the Khlorane aweful ! The best one is Batiste. You can shop it on Asos !
I too am in the Klorane camp. My one complaint is that I go through it so fast! Enjoy my home state Alex! Hope the smoke from the fires doesn’t reach you.
I hear you on the transition to not washing as often – it’s agonizing! I think I went probably several months with many grease ball-looking hair days before my scalp started to adjust, but now my hair is almost never greasy (I wash 1-2x per week). If you can stick with it, it’s so worth it. My hair has never been softer or shinier, even after my recent change to platinum blonde.
Since I go through a good amount of dry shampoo, I don’t splurge on the pricey stuff. Batiste is perfect. I also really like using Burt’s Bees Baby Bee Dusting Powder, which is talc-free, all natural and smells amazing. I actually haven’t tried the cornstarch route yet, but I hear great things about it.
I love that you are using organic products, but this dry shampoo is so expensive! Homemade recipe on my blog: only three ingredients.
Celui-là a l’air génial! J’adorerais le tester
The powder shampoo from Lush!!
Love it!
I tried the nopoo thing, but I couldn’t get past a week. I found my hair felt so dry from the baking soda and vinegar. Yet my old flatmate is doing it and her hair has never looked better. I wish it worked for me, but I have to admit, I loooove washing my hair with foamy bubble shampoo and then silken conditioner.
I have tried all types of dry shampoo, but the biggest problem with them all is the cost. When you use them every day because you are an exercise fiend you have to factor that in, so I often go for Johnson & Johnson’s Corn Starch baby powder.