True Nature
9 years ago by

J’adore les produits de beauté 100 % naturels.
Si vous avez la peau aussi sensible que moi, vous savez qu’elle a tendance à s’irriter ou à peler. (Oui, hyper sexy, je sais !) Donc, je joue la carte du naturel au maximum.
L’huile de noix de coco ? J’adore. De l’huile d’avocat sur le visage ? Même pas peur.
Pas étonnant que j’aie craqué pour True Nature Botanicals. Leurs soins sont tout doux et sentent super bon, et on n’a jamais de sensation de brûlure. Hillary Peterson a lancé la marque après avoir survécu à un cancer de la thyroïde et un mélanome, parce qu’elle voulait des produits de beauté non-toxiques. Elle a non seulement réussi à créer une ligne super naturelle, mais en plus les produits marchent vraiment.
Vous avez la peau sensible, vous ? Quels sont vos produits chouchou ?
My skin isn’t sensitive, I’m very lucky. But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try my best to use products that are good for me!
Warm Regards,
I was looking for some natural skin products for my routine..
XOX, Gap.
no surprises here – almost the classics: Dr. Hauschka (only problem: No SFP) – they are great. and they smell really nice <3 plus Avène, thanks to Garance – they work great for me, too.
Depuis quelques mois, ma peau est devenue très très très sensible. J’ai suivi l’avis de ma dermato : j’utilise exclusivement le soin Toleriane Ultra de La Roche-Posay. Elle est géniale !!
Moi j’ai craqué pour l’huile de jojoba!
Je craque pour Dr.Hauschka et maintenant aussi pour Decléor Aromessence Mandarine – (Night balm and day cream with SPF 15).
Wonderful Neada. Your skin will always reward you for your choices. I haven’t tried True Nature but have heard good things about the line. All my products are natural. Why put chemicals on your skin. One Love Organics for my cleanser. John Masters for my hair care and Alima for my make-up. I supplement with essential oils for dryness and problems. The bonus is better healthier looking skin.
After years, I’ve finally found a routine that works for my very sensitive, reactive skin.
I use Cerave hydrating cleanser and PM moisturizer every day and night. Most of the time, I spritz on some Avene thermal water before applying moisturizer. And at night, I mix my moisturizer with Finacea, a cream to treat rosacea and acne prescribed by my (wonderful) dermatologist—it’s been a huge help. I also apply Indie Lee Calendula eye balm every night. Every other night, I do a manuka honey face mask that does wonders. I leave it on for around 30 minutes, though sometimes even longer.
My skin isn’t perfect, but paring down my routine, using holistic products where possible, emphasizing moisturizing (and hydrating), and taking out anything with the slightest potential to irritate has been hugely helpful. True Nature Botanicals looks great—maybe will have to try something new!
I am using a lot of Carita products these days. My skin seems to love them.
Arbonne’s Calm line, and some of their other products too. The important thing for me is as little fragrance as possible and no mineral oil.
My skin is sensitive to the point that I can’t even use most chapsticks/lip balms. I’ve found that bareMinerals products work for me without any qualms
i actually dont use so much skin products .. i stick to the basic rule -wash your face at least two time a day!
So happy to see some organic and natural products on the blog ! We want more !! :)
Thank you ! xx
Have you checked out « Skin so Divine » with four natural skincare products? Link from my blog below:
Rosehip, jojoba and apricot oils work wonders for my super sensitive skin and if I have any kind of scars I mix a few drops of oil with aloe vera for a month or so, and it works sooo good ! I also use coconut oil for my hair, it smells like heaven and nourishes the hair really good !
And voilà, why use chemicals on our body when Mother Nature has every thing we need ? :)
I have very, very sensitive skin and actually have yet to find anything that I like the feel of and that doesn’t over-excite my skin. I’ll definitely have a look at this one.
Kate, I can’t recommend it enough! I also find Aesop and Fig+Yarrow are great companies for sensitive skin. x
docteur hauschka est très bien pour les produits naturels; et surtout pas hors de prix…….
I love Lush! They have really nice facial cleansers and masks for acne and eczema prone skin. Some of their products have artificial preservatives but they are always clear what has preservatives and what doesn’t so its easy to choose. I also love Dr Hauschka’s acne concealers which are amazing because they heal the spots they cover using natural remedies like tea tree oil.
Have really sensitive skin… I love products from Origins and La Roche Posay. I think some brands in Japan are doing amazing job in specialising skincare for sensitive skin.
Personnellement, je découvre cette marque élaborée à base de produit 100% naturelle.
En partie à cause de mon métier, je suis très attentive aux produits cosmétiques que j’utilise tout d’abord pour le soin de mes mains.
Currently, I am very found of essential and vegetal oils. For the face I use Jojoba oil and I mix it with some drops oil essential oil of tea tree and bergamot. Very soft and gentle for your skin and provide a perfect hydratation. For the body and hair I use coconut oil with is smelling so nice and so good for your skin !
And what I really like about those products are their price. Between 2 and 10 euros per products! No body can beat that.
The products have a very soft look, I like them! I don’t trust the cosmetics ingredients, so here is a natural mask for face: egg yolk, olive oil, royal jelly, honey. Mix them, spread it well on your face and wait 20 minutes . Have a nice day!
Le baume de beauté Oliambru, affectueusement surnommé ‘crème corse’ et que toutes les femmes de ma famille utilisent ( On y retrouve l’huile de coprah, l’huile d’avocat, l’huile d’amande douce et l’huile d’olive. Probablement le parfum (ciste de Corse, tiaré et benjoin) qui m’a le plus marqué dans mon enfance, et une texture parfaite qui laisse une peau incroyablement douce et protégée (contient un filtre solaire)! Mon produit miracle à moi.
D’ailleurs, petit cris du coeur, le directeur du laboratoire Cyrnarom qui le produit se fait vieux et n’a apparemment pas encore trouvé de repreneur. Si quelqu’un à Bastia souhaite se lancer dans l’aventure, trois générations lui en seront reconnaissantes à vie! D’ici là, on fait nos réserves chaque année en croisant les doigts.
Lovely to see natural products featured; but just to let you know they were created by marie veronique, a chemist. She then sold it to its current owner who renamed them.
I also have sensitive skin. As a person with sensitive skin, I know that « natural » is an unregulated term that can be put on ANYTHING. This brand looks okay so far, but I’m always suspicious when someone calls something natural without specifying. I like that the website specifies ingredients, etc. Still has the some of the same stuff you’ll find in most products such as urea. As well as ingredients without demonstrable results such as: glucosamine HCI (unproven for skin, made in lab), the super expensive honey in the stuff is unproven and only beneficial when raw, mucor miehei extract « is a mold whose enzymes are used as a food additive and flavor enhancer in cheeses. It has no established benefit for skin, though companies using this ingredient often describe its enzymatic action as being akin to exfoliation. If that is the case, there is no proof to support the claims. »
I want to like it, but so far it seems like an expensive combination of ingredients that have no proven results.
i have tried most things due to sensitive but acne prone skin and the only thing that has worked is dermaquest – I won’t use anything else now
J’utilise les produits Tata Harper et Suzanne Kaufman. Je suis une folle des produits de beauté et ces deux marques je les recommande vivement!!!