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The Great Foundation Debate

11 years ago by

Devant la variété des produits proposés par l’univers merveilleux de la cosmétique, regorgeant de bases, fonds de teint, crèmes teintées, poudres minérales et autres BB crèmes, ici au studio, il faut bien avouer qu’on est un peu perdues question teint. Certaines d’entre nous ne jurent que par le fond de teint liquide alors que les autres ne veulent même pas en entendre parler…

Et vous, vous êtes plutôt quoi ? Fond de teint, poudre, crème teintée ? Les trois ?

Dites-nous quels sont vos produits fétiches et on les essaiera. Surtout, ne ratez pas les résultats… de notre Grand Débat sur le Teint !

xo Team G


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  • studio fix by MAC – it’s the best!

  • OMG I swear by that!!! MAC has the best liquid foundations EVER! It’s so soft and easy to use, it really blends on your skin…. what’s not to like?

    Paris-NYC Fashion Blog
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    Xoxo Cory

  • I also use Studio Fix from MAC! NW15, the lightest one with a pink base. It gives a good coverage, has got SPF15 and is matte (great for my oily-combination skin)! I always have trouble finding a foundation suitable for my pale skin so that’s why I am stuck with this one. However, my sister has recommended to me a Korean BB cream which I’m planning to try next.
    After applying the foundation I use Mineralize Skinfinish Natural powder from MAC in the lightest tone to ensure a long lasting effect.

  • Je suis tombée dans la BB Nude Magique de L’Oréal. Elle est considéré comme une « fausse » BB par les puristes mais je la trouve 1000 fois mieux que la BB Dior qui, elle, est carément teintée comme un fond de teint.
    Et les matins light (5/7 quoi), les Météorites de Guerlain. Tout bêtement.

  • After trying everything under the sun, and dealing with terrible breakouts and dryness, I’m now a BB cream convert. My skin has never looked (or behaved) better! I used to buy expensive brands, but I’ve had the most success with Lumene from the drugstore. It blends perfectly into my skin, and sometimes I pat on a little mineral powder if I look shiny. It is my Miracle Worker. Looking forward to the results, Team G!

  • I swear by YSL touche eclat it gives you a raidant glow, its buildable and its non comedogenic

  • For day: Laura Mercier illuminating tinted moistturizer (SPF 20 too!), YSL touch eclat, Chanel loose powder to finish

    For evening: Giorgio Armani silk foundation, Chanel loose powder, YSL touche eclat

  • Estée Lauder Invisible Fluid Foundation, it’s very light and easy to apply. Also Garnier BB Cream, very inexpensive, blends very easily and gives a soft natural finish.


  • Georgio Armani a réinventé le fond de teint avec son Face Fabric, l’effet seconde peau est bluffant! Adieu aussi à la brillance et à la peau sèche, et il est tout doux au toucher.

  • Niaina 12 avril 2013, 6:30

    je suis archi d accord avec le commentaire de Katell, les fonds de teints faces fabric d Armani son top! Légers, faciles à appliquer a pinceau et c est tout doux aprés sur la peau! Je n utilise que ceux là- face fabric n 5 pour moi- avec une base hydratante en dessous, et un peu de poudre fixatrice Armani également au dessus et c est parti pour la journée! :-)

  • I use rmk foundation, armani luminous silk, make up forever hd, mac mineralize, bobbi brown tinted foundation, just recently i’m using chanel cc cream, so now my verdict… Love using armani luminous coz it gives me the shiny effect without looking oily, and at night i am addicted to make up forever hd coz it gives me a flawless bloomin effect on my camera, instagramable kind of good:) rmk is light and just ok i still use it for days when i want to just use a light coverage and when its summer. Skip bobbi brown its sticky, loving the chanel cc now

  • I am in the never-let-a-drop-touch-my-face camp. That is not to say I have perfect skin, in fact after turning 30 (now 33), I developed cystic acne after a life of great skin. I don’t live in NYC, and I don’t face some of the pressures of perfection that a highly visible fashion life may warrant, but it boils down to this: the women who I find most beautiful, the most appealing and inspiring, are the confident, natural women who have an air of irreverence about them. With a little bit of gray hair, a flawed complexion, and the ability to say f you to established norms. I find Isabel Marant to be a great example of this type of beauty. My best beauty formula is: eating well, exercising, being kind, having fun, and doing something every day that works toward our potential. The question then becomes not what product you use, but what do you to to live a joyful, rich life?

  • Cecilia 12 avril 2013, 4:18

    hear hear!!! Foundation is disgusting, raw flawless skin is worth working for!

  • En ce moment, la BB crème Dior… avec un peu de poudre minérale ou poudre de soleil par-dessus (Clarins)…

  • I use lancome liquid foundation only when I have an event or want to impress someone…. The rest of the days I am SO basic I just wear neutrogena light cream with spf30, my skin is really sensitive to the sun… Kisses girlies!!

  • I have a wardrobe of cover-up options, because it all depends on the day. Low key brunch = dab of concealer, if skin’s in top condish. Average everyday running around = concealer + my fave Maybelline Dream Fresh BB. It gives a good slightly tinted glow and has built-in SPF, SO crucial. Important work thingy where I want to put my best face forward = med. coverage foundation (I’m test driving Revlon Nearly Naked right now and so far, so good). And I always, always travel with powder for touch ups cuz I’m one shiny girl. Which will be great when I’m 70, but right now requires on-going monitoring. And underneath it all I’ve become partial to La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat, an anti-shine gel lotion that makes a great primer.

  • P'titegoutted'O 11 avril 2013, 12:15 / Répondre

    « Foundation », ah… How hard was it for me when, younger i had to hide my acne hand other red spots (since my skin is really pale, any small spot instantly became a huge red spot). So after years and years and hundreds of products (and happily less acne but still sometimes I get a relly bad random spot) here are my bests :

    – step 1 – hydrate : Kielh’s Ultra Facial oil free lotion
    – step 2 – unify : Erborian’s BB Cream (any other brand is much too dark for my type of skin)
    – step 3 – hide the remaining red spots and dars rings : Bobbi Brown’s concealer, to apply with Make Up Forever’s 6N concealer brush
    – step 5 (optional) – healthy touch : Bare mineral Mine Warmth powder to apply wit the kabuki brush
    – step 4 – fix : Bare minreal loose powder, to apply with the Make Up Forever’s Powder brush

    With these, you look natural, perfect, even in the worst days.

  • Super sensitive skin, so the Dr Hauschka foundation is great for me. Very light and transparent, easy to apply… and full of good stuffs for your skin (and organic). I just can’t stand to put chemicals on my SKIN every day of my life !

  • The absolute best, face transforming, light illuminating foundation is: Chantecaille Future Skin.

    My skin is very sensitive, easily clogged and on the combination side. Every other foundation I’ve ever used has led to mid day shiny-ness and pore clogging, not to mention has left me with a feeling that my skin is covered in an uncomfortable blanket. I’ve tried some of the best: By Terry plumping foundation, Chantecaille tinted moisturizer, Chanel liquid foundation, Clinique, Laura Mercier, and Bobbi Brown.

    This one is different because of the « gel » texture – it literally melts into your skin, perfecting flaws while allowing the good parts to shine through. It is also nurturing, so it heals rather than hurts skin imperfections (like blemishes and dry spots).

    Try this and you’ll never go back…

  • Hi! My favorite make up product it´s not make up!! It´s the Clarins Beume Beuté Eclair. I love it! Its my secreat weapon! I don´t wear make up when I use it (It´s so good that I just need concealer, a nice blush, mascara and that´s it! Natural and radiant) but it works great as primer, or mixing it with your make up.
    Hope you like it!

  • Nars primer and neutrogena sheer minerals pressed powder. Perfect budget balancing:).Looooove primers and the good canvas they give to the rest of the make up. Tried couple of BB creams in the store…..mmmmmh, first need to use up my ample supply of primers though…..

  • Giorgio Armani luminous silk foundation applied immediately after applying moisturizer with SPF. It wins awards for a reason. There is no substitute.

  • Jocelyne G 11 avril 2013, 12:32 / Répondre

    Hey, good idea!
    I’m using the Erborian BB cream, light colour. It’s a good one, especially for very pale skins like mine.

  • Me I use a concealer and powder foundation.


  • i don’t use make up or powder. i only use a serum and nivea soft. but i need to up my game as i’m not getting nay younger here…:)


  • en fait j’utilise un cache-cerne comme fond de teint! j’en met sur la zone du T. C’est le selec moistercover de MAC. aussi par cette même compagnie, pour Garance qui cherchait il y a quelque temps des suggestions d’ombre à paupière, j’adore la couleur SATIN TAUPE. parfait pour les smoky eyes de jours.

  • BB Cream Erborian mais uniquement sur les zones qui rougissent (entre les sourcils, arête du nez et menton)
    Je n’ai jamais utilisé de fond de teint.

  • garance you have to try the giorgio armani maestro foundation. i think it has the best texture ever! totally falling for it.

  • BB + concealer/highlighter if needed + mineral powder if needed (Clinique Almost Powder, really good)

  • VERY LITTLE of everything, I forgot to mention :)

  • I use Maybelline Liquid Mousse Foundation. I used to use concealer under it, but have realized all I need is a nice layer of this and my skin looks really good. It is excellent light coverage and does not give that cakey look. It also spreads very easily. Definitely my favourite foundation. The only time I feel I don’t need foundation is when I am quite tanned in the summer. I just use a light layer of Rimmel bronzer.

  • I’m a definite « no » on foundation. I like my tinted moisturizer, but was thinking of trying the BB creams. However, I have some sun spots and was thinking about going straight to CC creams – Can’t wait to see what you find out! Thanks Team G!

  • Hello Team G!

    What works best for me is a good moisturizer + BB cream (Erborian is the absolute best in my opinion) + a touch of mineral powder ( I use Lily Lolo – a great mineral products brand from London) + pink or peach blush.
    I think the combo BB cream + a light powder gives a great natural look, not as « photoshopped » as the one you get with fond de teint/ foundations. Never used a primer, to be honest I wouldn’t know what to do with it.


  • Mélisande 11 avril 2013, 12:59 / Répondre

    BB Cream Garnier ! J’utilise la normale, en light que je poudrais un peu avec la poudre matifiante compacte de Lavera parce qu’avec ma peau je brillais un peu si je n’utilisais que la BB cream. Maintenant ils ont sortis la BB cream Garnier pour peaux mixtes à grasses et avec celle ci plus besoin de poudre ! Après ça dépend des saisons, donc je jongle entre les deux et étant en Ecosse où l’hiver était froid et où ma peau était donc plus séche, je n’utilisais que la normale sans même avoir besoin de la poudre.
    Elles sont géniales car non comédogénes. Je n’en ai pas essayé d’autres mais celle la me convient plutôt bien. Un peu de blush et le tour est joué !

  • Chanel vitalumière aqua/Estée Lauder invisible fluid make-up dans la vie de tous les jours.
    En vacances ou les jours off la crème teintée oil free Laura Mercier ou le Healthy mix version poudre de Bourjois.

  • Okay you are not going to believe me when I say to use Maybelline Super Stay liquid foundation. I know, drugstore makeup–so not chic. But it is LIGHT, WORKS, and makes your face like naturally amazing. I also use SKIN79 Super+ BB Cream (this is a Korean BB cream). You can find it on amazon.

    For reference, I have super dry skin and psoriasis. Both products won’t cause any problems. Mac breaks me out like crazy! and Dior or Lancome? Forget it. Then again, I am a little bit of a rare case. My most precious advice: LESS FULL-FACED MAKEUP IS MORE (mascara, lipstick: gimme more!)

  • LOVE Shiseido Matifying Compact Oil-free, SPF 16. It’s non-comedogenic and great for my oily skin. Can’t go a day without it!

  • I use BB cream all over my face with a liquid foundation for under my eyes. After that I use a mineral powder all for a matt finish and a blush on my cheeks. But when I’m lazy I skip the mineral powder and BB cream and do I use a normal day cream. xx


  • Cool idea, I’m curious. I use Dior Forever liquid make up over my daycream, no primer and no powder. Until I was about 38 I always used powder on to finish, but since a couple of years I find it let’s me look older, so no powder for me, I need a dewy look to look good ;-) When I’m in a hurry I apply the BB cream from Bobbi Brown, nothing else… well some rouge if course, mostly I use a pink powder rouge from Bobbi Brown, when I need extra dewy skin I use cha cha tint from benefit. xxx

  • I go back and forth on this, usually depending on the season. In the winter, it’s full-face makeup…in the summer, maybe a little concealer here and there. Spring and fall are toss-ups, depending on my skin that day. I will say that I’m growing fond of BB creams because they are a much less heavy version of foundation, and they correct what I need help with. I don’t APPEAR to be wearing makeup, and that right there is worth it to me. :-)

  • je n’ai jamais jamais mis de fond de teint, ni de rouge à lèvre car je les absorbe, je les mange, je les enlève en m’arrosant le visage plusieurs fois dans la journée etc etc. Alors mon teint c’est pas une crème ou une huile ou un liquide, c’est de ne pas avoir de voiture et donc marcher et donc prendre le soleil un peu tout le temps. Et j’ai bonne mine ! :)

  • Clinique pores refining solution, very natural, it’s like i’m not wearing foundation, it looks likes the pores on my nose are smaller! AND my by far my best purchase this year, Diorskin nude, a rosy loose powder! I love it

  • My skin is quite dry in winter and despite moisturizing it a lot, I needed something more creamy but not too thick to use on top of it. Laura Mercier Crème Smooth Foundation is the best! It’s lightweight and floats over skin without visibly settling into fine lines. The hydrating formula includes a multipeptide complex infused with Dermaxyl and advanced optical diffusers that help to visibly smooth out lines and wrinkles.

  • En fait G.D. est en train de devenir un vrai magazine féminin : beauté (quel fond de teint, vernis etc), mode, relations hommes/femmes ou copines, voyages, 1 jour dans la vie de, travail/carrière, il manque plus que la partie mère/enfants !

  • I use Vitalumiere Aqua by Chanel and then the loose powder also by Chanel and sometimes I use Guerlain’s Terracotta powder.


  • Bobbi Brown liquid foundation in « Porcelain » (yes, kids, that’s the lightest, most Casper-like shade they carry) because it’s a really almost watery liquid that somehow manages to cover without EVER looking cakey or any of that nonsense. It’s very difficult to find anything that matches my super-duper-pale skin, but this fits the bill without making my face look like a pallid mask, either.

  • Des fonds de teint liquide, comme ça je l’applique avec les doigts qui sont propres. Ma peau est compliquée: sèche mais petits problèmes d’acne encore et encore. Donc j’évite les pinceaux, mousses et autres applicateurs, car sinon il faut être super stricte sur l’hygiène et je me vois mal les laver après chaque utilisation.
    Creme hydratante (en ce moment La creme prodigieuse de Nuxe, je suis fan de celle de nuit qui donne bonne mine le matin au réveil. Celle de jour est agréable, fait le même effet traits détendus et bonne mine, pénètre bien et ne fait pas briller la peau, mais je pense que ma peau a besoin de plus d’hydratation en profondeur)
    + Photo perfection de Givenchy, (Vanille, exactement ma couleur de peau), qui donne un joli rendu naturel. Mais si je veux avoir un tien parfait, et qui dure sans retouche pour longtemps et qui matifie (par exemple pour un rendez-vous galant ou un entretien, ou encore avant une nuit de tango ^^), j’opte pour Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra 24 h.
    Je ne mets pas de poudre par dessus, mais je devrais peut-être. J’ai peur d’avoir la sensation d’avoir 1cm de produits sur ma peau. C’est aussi pour ça que j’évite les bases, sauf si vraiment je sors le grand jeu. Et encore, je trouve que le rapport amélioration/coût n’est pas très intéressant !

    J’adorerais pouvoir me contenter d’une BB crème, mais je suis une maniaque du teint parfait donc bon. Et sinon je pense que j’essaierais la marque Une. ou Clarins, ou Dior (qui a l’air de donner un bel effet velouté)…

    Enfin le must ce serait juste un peu de poudre bonne mine quoi…

    Bref il faut que j’aille voir ma dermato pour en finir une bonne fois pour toutes, quel que soit le traitement ^^

  • I mostly use Tinted Moisturizer by Laura Mercier during the day. If I need more coverage, I use some mineral foundation (without bismuth, so not i.d), either on its own or just a teeny bit on top of the Tinted Moisturizer. For special occasions I wear liquid foundation, Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, with a primer underneath. Lisa Eldridge has done a very informative and helpful series of videos about choosing the right foundation on her website. I highly recommend watching them if you find foundation difficult!

  • I recently tried Physicians Formula Organicwear Organic Tinted Moisturizer…so good. A certified organic product! I use the oil cleansing method that just blew my mind, so no more harsh products on my face. This tinted moisturizer is the makeup solution for me. Light, not greasy but moisturizing with SPF! Also, good light-med. coverage. Put some bronzer and mascara and I’m on my way!

  • Charlene Messing 11 avril 2013, 2:04 / Répondre

    la bb creme de clinique.Moi qui aie la peau qui brille avec cette bb creme plus de probleme

  • On everyday basis – BIOdetox powder (read: holly grail product!!) by Bourjois ,gives enough coverege for me; on some night out -Garnier bb cream for combination/oily skin or Healthy mix by Bourjois. Trying to stay away from foundations as much as possible, but i have never tried tinted moisturizers, and i’m really curious about them.

  • My two favorite foundations are both by Armani: The Luminous Silk Foundation and the Maestro Foundation. I rarely use primer and when I switched to using Armani’s foundation I threw the primer away because I realized I didn’t need it. The Luminous Silk Foundation is great for more coverage and the Maestro is best for every day. I love how silky and smooth it makes your face feel and look. I wouldn’t suggest anything else :)


  • I used to apply foundation every single day for every other occasion. Then I gradually, started reducing its use because at the end of the day, I wasn’t the one with that amazing skin (that I would have with foundation). This helped me fall in love with my real skin. hehhe. coz they say, be yourself. :)


  • I’m in the camp of no-liquid-foundation-near-my-face-please… and BB creams are still too confusing. I try to buy the best paraben-free, natural moisturizer (Aesop, Tammy Fender, Sunday Riley, Caudalie), use a bit of Cle de Peau concealer for under-eye area and typically do mineral powder all over. As for the dewy look obsession, I’ve concluded that the line between dewy and shiny is too fine and pulling off the dewy look is more trouble than it’s worth.

    Recently though, after reading about primers, I was curious to try Sunday Riley’s primer for all its glowing reviews, and I have to admit it’s pretty great (medium is the perfect shade even for relatively fair skin). I’ve started wearing it under mineral powder and just by itself when I want a more polished look for a night out, although powder (Sunday Riley’s is excellent as well) is still my daily go-to.

  • I love tinted moisturizers because I think they look very natural. I feel like BB creams are basically the same thing–I really don’t know what the difference is. Because I care very much about supporting eco-friendly companies, and because I try not to put harmful toxins into my body, the product I love is Josie Maran’s tinted moisturizer (in linen). It uses organic argan oil as the base–it is super-hydrating & feels good on my skin. (Plus–Josie is a pretty rockin’ cool woman!) I also love Josie Maran’s argan blend concealer, which I just discovered a few weeks ago. Wish I would have known about it sooner! With those two products (plus the plain ole argan oil)–you are good to go! And so is the planet! Good luck with testing all of these products and I can’t wait to hear the results!

  • First moisturizer, then mineral foundation applied with a soft brush. Using a soft brush, instead of a kabuki brush, gives a more natural look. If skin looks dry, apply a moisture spray. I don’t apply it directly on my face, it makes my face to shiny. Instead I spray it on a cotton ball and gently tap dry areas. It makes my skin look even and gives a healthy glow, with minimum effort.

  • Laura Walsh 11 avril 2013, 2:21 / Répondre

    I am currently trying out jouer matt tinted moisturiser and so far I love it. I have reasonably good skin that just needs skintone evening out, and so far its the only thing iv found that keeps my combination skin from getting oily, looks completely natural and lasts all day. I definitely recommend

  • Dear Garance!I use Kanebo foundation.It is a deeply moisturising foundation with 55% water content…This foundation does not break me out nor irritates my skin even though it’s insanely sensitive and very prone to little irritated bumps…Kisses

  • Florence D 11 avril 2013, 2:27 / Répondre

    Les perles de météorites de Guerlain, couleur dorée

  • depends on my mood and weather…

    heavy (winter) coverage:
    • shiseido urban environment spf 42
    • laura mercier primer
    • makeup forever duo mat powder foundation
    • laura mercier shimmer bloc bronzer
    • nars blush
    • top with makeup forever HD or joe fresh translucent powder

    lighter days:
    • shiseido urban environment spf 42
    • laura mercier tinted moisturizer
    • makeup forever HD or joe fresh translucent powder

    very lazy days:
    • shiseido urban environment spf 42
    • makeup forever HD or joe fresh translucent powder

    just have to be careful that the heavy days don’t become snooki and the lighter days don’t become geisha days!!

  • dior snow bb cream first then i use chanel double perfection luminere powder (comes in a compact with sponge), finish it off with bobbi brown bronze shimmer brick. it takes less than 10 mins in the morning and i can step out the door :)

  • I think if you find the perfect liquid foundation it actually ends up doing triple duty. You can use it straight. mix it with your moisturizer for a tinted moisturizer with light coverage, or just use it in spots as concealer, which is what I do pretty much daily. I use the Burberry Sheer Luminous Fluid and I absolutely love it. Used to be an Armani LSF gal but I find the Burberry much better. I did recently try the new Armani Maestro, and was totally blown away by it, I think it’s amazing, but I read it has a high alcohol content and worry what that might do for me in the long term, so for now I’m sticking to what I know.


  • Fond de teint poudre pour pas graisser la peau et ne pas avoir de boutons ! Pour ma part le Dior Skin Forever Compact. Mais j’aimerais bien essayer les BB crèmes so j’attends avec impatience les résultats de ce débat !!

  • Chanel are by far the BEST for foundations, you can’t go wrong with one.
    My favourite foudations by them are vitalumiere aqua (fresh dewy finish, nice in Summer) and perfection lumiere (matt silky finish and good coverage).
    When I’m in a hurry/lazy I use BB cream – the best is the Dior one.
    For primer, I use MAC, always.
    I apply everything with my fingers, so easy!
    No Powder, its too much! (I’m 17, I like a natural look!) But I do like a highlighting powder, especially one by Chantecaille.
    So good luck!

  • Et cet hiver qui n.en finit pas , et ma tronche qui est grise et mon œil qui est cerné…..l’horreur à l’état pur, l’impression d’avoir pris 10 ans en 6 mois!!!! Bref avec 1 copine on a essayé un sérum de teint anti âge de chez l’Oréal ( nutri lift gold) MAGiQuE le truc!!!!! Teint unifié , texture fluide, (genre pas masque de plâtre) et tout ça pour à peine 10€!!!! J’ai pas trouvé mieux, avec 1 petit coup pinceau de barre minérale sur mon front mes joues et mon pif……je me sens moins mort vivant. Du coup un petit tour chez le coiffeur et oh my god je revis!

  • Team G! I JUST started wearing Estee Lauder’s Double Wear liquid foundation and it has chaaaaaanged my life.

    I have probably the highest degree of combination skin on this beauty-lovin’ planet so I moisturize first (Cetaphil….I think?), then douse my face with Estee (she knows how to cover girlfriend’s scarring/blemishes/discoloration) and finish with a dusting of mineral veil.

    This is the happiest I’ve ever been with my coverage…you can tell because I strut my stuff as if I’m Cara walking for Karl.

    This summer though, I’ll be on the hunt for a breathable tinted moisturizer…don’t need Estee slip-siding all over my face! x

  • My favorite is Balm Shelter (tinted moisturizer) by The Balm. It is available at Duane Reade (Spring Street in Soho), Sephora, Amazon and through their website. A little bit goes a long way -great coverage, not greasy, just awesome! Since I started using it, people have commented on how well-rested, radiant and glowing I look. They ask if I went on vacation or to a resort? Um…no…just to the drugstore :) albeit it in Soho…Their concealer is amazing as well – just the right amount of coverage, doesn’t cake up and looks amazingly natural.

    Thanks, Team G!

  • TheCurlyLemon 11 avril 2013, 2:57 / Répondre

    En détail, j’utilise la crème Avène Hydrance Optimale, puis le fond de teint compact crème Mineralize Foundation SPF 15 de chez MAC (génialissime) et j’adore rajouter un peu de poudre libre quand j’en ai.
    Les crèmes compact sont vraiment parfaites à mon goût. Mais il m’arrive parfois de mélanger ma crème hydratante Nivea avec un peu de fond de teint liquide pour faire une crème teintée légère.
    (Pour le détail supplémentairement, j’ai la peau plutôt sèche à la base.)

  • I’m a big fan both of rouge bunny rouge’s tinted moisturiser and of Le métier de beaute’s loose powder… Traditional foundation always felt very heavy on my skin…

  • Elizabeth 11 avril 2013, 3:06 / Répondre

    I have very fair, slightly pink skin so I find most foundations look too yellow or orange on me. My skin is pretty good, but I like a bit of polish (& I live in London so also something between me & the dirty air) so I use Creme de la Mer factor 30 sunblock, Armani primer, By Terry Light Expert shade 1 (evens out the skin tone without looking heavy & doesn’t oxidise to orange during the day) Nars concealer under my eyes (if I skip this people ask if I am unwell) & By Terry hyluronic loose powder (I can’t bear a shiny face & this doesn’t look too powdery or heavy). If I am focussing, a touch of Nars highlighter in Copacabana on my cheekbones & bow of my upper lip (it only takes a second, I should do it more often). In the summer I find the Perricone No Foundation Foundation very good. Actually the whole routine including eyes & lips only takes less than 5 minutes & The way people react makes it clear that it is well worth it (though being given a seat on the tube « because you look exhausted… » has some benefit)

  • Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation. Garance I’ve wanted to share this one with you. As I have the same problem as you do – shiny face. It lasts forever and your nose stays matte all day long. I’ve never ever tried something like this product. You should try that out!

  • Pour moi c’est:
    Crème teinté hydratante de Nars car c’est beaucoup plus simple qu’un fond de teint, il se pose comme une crème hydratante ! ensuite la tarracota de Guerlain !
    meilleur combinaison ever !
    gros bisous à toute l’équipe !!

  • I used to like my Bourjois foundation. I also used to think the little clogged pores, blackheads and pimples were destined to be there. Then a salesgirl urged me to get a mineral foundation with only five ingredients. It was three times more expensive than my usual foundation, so I felt like it was a marketing fraud being forced upon me. But now, having used the same mineral powder for the past nine months, my skin is a mile from where it used to be. I rarely have pimples and my forehead is not bumpy anymore. It’s also really easy to use, it serves as a concealer as well as foundation.

    I’m somewhat curious about BB-creams, but also scared of them. They are marketed as a miracle. So what’s the actual scientific reasoning behind them? No-one knows. When I read the label, I see the same chemicals and silicone as in most foundations, even the high-end ones.
    No, thanks, I don’t want that stuff on my face anymore.

  • None! I have sworn off foundation because my skin really can’t handle any kind of make-up. I’ll look great the first few hours after putting it on, but no matter how hard I try to clean my face before going to bed, I’ll have spots all over the next morning.
    Now I spend my time and money on products that simply make my skin look better by itself, which helps a lot. Especially since I quit buying regular cosmetic products. No more moisturizers, tonics, scrubs, serums, nothing. Just jojoba oil and some tea tree oil, and manuka honey for regular face masks and that’s it – it’s the best! And my bathroom has become so peaceful without the 1001 bottles and tubes. I know I must sound like a total hippy right now but I’m really not – I was just desperate enough to try this and it seems to work beautifully. As long as I stick to a healthy lifestyle, I hardly even need foundation anymore. Just some mascara and some subtle coloured lipstick and I’m good to go. That’s 15 minutes of extra sleep in the morning! Ofcourse, I don’t work in the fashion industry, which makes the whole no make-up thing a lot easier I guess.
    All I’m left with is a bunch of tiny scars from years of not taking proper care of myself, and using way to many aggressive topical products, but I hope that they’ll fade as I continue to take care of my health and allow my skin to heal itself. Ok I totally sound like a know-it-all right now but I’m just so happy with this new way of treating my skin I want everyone to try it!

  • La BB Erborian…. Mais pas de façon continue sinon boutons assurés… Parfois la clinique mais elle ne tire pas suffisamment donc traces…
    Donc j alterne BB et fonds de tient classique.
    Mais la BB fait un teint superbe…
    J ai vu aussi qu il y avait les CC alors si vous pouvez en testant nous expliquer la différence avec la BB….tant qu à faire…
    Merveilleux blog… Rédaction, découverte, thématique, petits grains de folies tout y est MERCI

  • With rosacea I need to be really careful. Best foundation I’ve found so far (only one I’ve been able to use for longer than 2 months) is Clinique Redness Solutions SPF 15 With Probiotics. It’s quite heavy coverage so you only need a tiny bit. Like others above, I’m also an aficionado of YSL Touche Eclat. Recently discovered Benefit Lemon Aid primer for redness around eyes/nose! For others with rosacea: one of the best things I’ve found to treat the rosacea itself is Sea Buckthorn supplements (oral). Straight unscented argan oil every 3 nights or so is great too. I’ve heard Sea Buckthorn oil is also a good topical treatment.

  • La poudre bio « couleur caramel » qui fait fond de teint à la fois et aussi la poudre Leclerc m’ont l’air très bien…

  • Estée Lauder Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator + Moisturizer (SPF 15) + YSL Touche Éclat + Mineral Powder

  • Hi Garance,
    For everyday, I wear tinted sunscreen. I love Clarins Tinted UV HP Plus because it’s a tinted, mineral based sunscreen (not too many out there when I finally found this one), it feels light and not sticky, and doesn’t smell! I always wear loose powder on top because it feels nice and gives a soft finish. I love Koh Gen Do Maifanshi UV Powder. Quality powder with an extra does of UV protection, and a little goes a long way. After trying their powder, I am trying their Aqua Foundation. I like the light feel, it dries quickly, and doesn’t smell! I didn’t like foundation because the ones I’ve used in the past (Stila, forgot what else) have had a smell that would bother me all day. If I wasn’t always waking up late, maybe I would try to wear foundation everyday! I love how tinted sunscreen evens out my skin. I think I have reasonably nice skin but I think everyone can benefit from some help ;)

  • Mineral powder, this one–light coverage, never clumps or smears; is undetectable (except on eyebrows and lips; rinse it off of those!), is good for oily skin, erases pores, has SPF….http://reviews.thebodyshop.co.uk/6097/896DD0CF-A8E9-4179-91C7-B9D6B6F20CB5/reviews.htm?page=4

  • Depends on how in a hurry I am on any given morning. If I have more time, I’ll use a light liquid foundation with medium coverage like Makeup Forever HD foundation over a good primer and follow with a full coverage concealer and setting powder. If I have less time, I’ll use Clarins Beauty Flash Balm as primer, let it set, then I’ll use full coverage concealer, set with a setting powder then go over it with a light mineral foundation by Korres. Sometimes, just to change it up, I’ll use a full coverage pot foundation by Kevyn Aucoin and blend it into my moisturizer and call that a day (but it creases). The more time I have the more time I will put into my foundation routine.

  • Nastassia 11 avril 2013, 4:19 / Répondre

    Talking about foundation, here is the best and most creative short video ever about what is really in our cosmetics… a must-see ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfq000AF1i8

  • Katharina 11 avril 2013, 4:28 / Répondre

    there are too many chemicals, often even toxic, in standard make up products. I recommend Rose Marie Swifts http://www.beautytruth.com. She is a NewYork based star make-up artist who got seriously ill from using all that stuff…..

  • I have always been a fan of liquid foundations, but I’ve been hooked on BB creams since they first launched. Bobbi Brown BB Cream and the Dior one are my current favourites – the Bobbi Brown version gives a natural glow with sheer coverage, while the Dior option provides a long-lasting, full coverage – perfect for bad skin days. Looking forward to the results!

  • Catherine 11 avril 2013, 5:01 / Répondre

    La Roche Posay make a sunscreen and primer in one which is brilliant. I use that with Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser during the day + highlighter (Touche Eclat). For more coverage, I prime with Smashbox Photo Finish (at night, when I don’t need sunscreen) and use Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum foundation. Finish with powder, always, from my gorgeous Guerlain compact!

    Basically, sleep and hormones dictate how much coverage and attention my skin needs.

  • Le fond de teint m’a toujours fait un peu peur, j’ai la peau très claire et ça fait vite carotte !! Bref de toute façon mettre du fond de teint ça signifie être une fille vraiment organisée, prendre plus de 10 min pour me maquiller le matin… Donc la BB-crème c’est parfait pour les flemmardes comme moi et surtout c’est vraiment très clair donc pas vraiment de question du genre: est ce que je m’en met sur les oreilles ou non ? (non mais sérieusement les filles, orange carotte sur le visage et blanche comme la neige sur les oreilles ? Pas très chic !).
    J’achète la Garnier parce qu’elle est pas chère du tout, qu’elle sent bon et qu’elle a à peu près la même texture que les crèmes que j’utilisais avant. J’ai testé la Nivéa qui est plus foncée et surtout BEAUCOUP plus espèce (un peu comme mettre de la crème solaire -du plâtre- sur le visage ) donc pas top ! La prochaine fois j’achèterai celle la Roche Posay, j’espère qu’elle est plus hydratante car ma peau est assez sèche !

    Merci pour le blog, toujours aussi drôle et rafraichissant :)

  • I recently got tapped into Joeur makeup–it’s not available at Sephora, only online and certain boutique stores. I’ve been using their tinted moisturizer with SPF 25 (and antioxidants!) and I love it. The coverage is ‘soft’ so it is forgiving on imperfections, but never really takes on the harsh or ‘blunt’ effect of full-on foundation or concealer. It makes me look like I have ‘normal’ skin… just a bit enhanced.


  • Je viens de découvrir la BB cream de chez Kiehl’s « Actively beautifying and correcting BB cream », qui vient de sortir et que je trouve géniale!
    Contrairement a d’autres marque qui ont surfe sur cette tendance et sorti des produits trop rapidement et dont les ingrédients sont parfois nocifs, Kiehl’s a pris le temps d’élaborer cette BB cream pour qu’elle soit bénéfique pour la peau a long terme (SPF 50!!). Elle est non comedogene et ne contient pas (ou le minimum) d’ingrédients toxiques ou irritants pour la peau.
    Je l’applique âpres ma crème hydratante et poudre juste la zone T avec une poudre minerale, ca tient toute la journée!

  • Avec mon petit budget, je me suis arrêtée sur le fond de teint lumière hydratant de sephora, il est à peine 15€, et je le trouve super, en même temps je n’ai pas essayer grand chose d’autre. Personnellement je préfère les bases fluides qui uniformisent bien le teint, avec une petite poudre libre dessus pour fixer et éviter l’effet brillance, c’est parfait ! Je pense que ça dépend aussi des saisons, en été où je n’aime pas trop porter de maquillage, on peut se limiter à un petit coup de poudre compact avant de sortir :)

  • Je ne jure que par le fond de teint Acne Solutions de Clinique! Parfait pour celles qui ont une vilaine peau… C’est un peu comme un traitement et un fond de teint à la fois, à la longue ça maintient la peu mate et seine.

  • Oh, can’t wait to hear the results!

    I use foundation in the winter: NARS Sheer Glow is the best to make winter skin look alive, and tinted moisturizer in the summer: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer with SPF.

  • Heidi Forbes 11 avril 2013, 6:28 / Répondre

    Guys check out Lisa Eldridge’s website – amazing British make up artist and she has just done a video series on foundation – a must see! BTW I only use Laura Mercier Radiance primar and tinited moisturiser – heaven and SPF 20 x

  • I use all three! La Prairie foundation, Stila tinted moisturizer, and Makeup Forever HD powder! Trying to find a new foundationjust because I used La Prairie forever. :)


  • I am a convert to Nars tinted moisturizer in Finland, it is light enough for my pale skin and just kind of evens everything out. I tried the Laura Mercier oil free tinted moisturizer and was okay but it felt heavy. I also have a Jamie Kidd tinted moisturizer that I liked, but the Nars is a smidge better and easier to find. Laura Mercier secret camouflage is the best thing I’ve found for my dark under-eye circles, and I apparently look much more well rested when I actually bother with it in the morning.

    I think good skin care means you can keep everything else simple and light. I swear by Philosophy Real Purity Cleanser products my Clarisonic. For day I am a huge fan of the Josie Maran moisturizer with SPF, it is perfect and non-greasy for hot weather (I live in Africa, so SPF and ability to withstand heat is essential)

  • I’m a total Benefit convert. I love their primers: Dr Feelgood and POREfessional make your skin feel like velvet, perfect for a smooth foundation For lighter coverage (normal daytime) « some kind -a gorgeous ». Starts out as a cream/paste, dries to a light powder… me only better. And for more complete coverage Hello Flawless Oxygen WOW – it is wow, and good for you skin.

  • J’ai la peau plutôt grasse et mon essentiel est le fond de teint Vita Lumière Aqua de Chanel, parce que la teinte est parfaite, que malgré sa fluidité et sa légèreté il couvre bien, et qu’il a un FPS 15 en prime ! Je reviens toujours à celui-là !

  • Katherine 11 avril 2013, 7:52 / Répondre

    I’ve already staged my own private BB cream Olympiad.

    Best Cheap BB: Garnier
    Best Pricey BB: Boscia

    Curious to see how you guys vote.

  • Crystal K 11 avril 2013, 8:08 / Répondre

    SMASHBOX’s bb cream is the BEST! Their cc cream seems to be just as good! Their version of the bb cream gives you a healthy, dewy look while the newly launched cc cream gives the best matte coverage of non-foundation products I’ve ever seen. On occasion, I do use Shiseido’s Dual Makeup liquid foundation and their Perfect Smoothing Compact pressed powder foundation, all of which give me the flawless, airbrushed look. However, I literally feel I have a mask on… So in essence, I feel bb creams and cc creams are the way to go! I’m an on-th-go-all-the-time sort of gal, so I need to minimize the steps in putting on makeup. BB/CC creams do just that! It’s so simple that I literally squeeze a small drop onto my fingers and rub on my face as I drive…(I live in LA so I’m stuck in traffic most of the time). A few glances on the rear view mirror and voila!-Done!

  • I went through a period of wearing foundation every day but realized that I was covering all of the hard work I was putting into my skin so why bother? Now I wear Suntegrity BB cream (20% ZO sun protection) which is literally THE only bb cream/TM that I’ve found which I can apply the correct amount of to get sun protection & it doesn’t look cakey. I can even re apply it later in the day & it looks great – seriously a magic cream. Erborian is too ghostly & cakey when applied in the correct amounts.

    Otherwise it’s a Snowberry SPF followed by YSL Complexion Enhancer in Apricot (why oh why was this discontinued?!?) or Clarins has a nice primer with the teenest bit of colour & sheen – it takes the edge off of the SPF and makes me look like I live in a yoga studio & drink green tea and wheat grass smoothies.

  • For everyday, this is my skin routine:

    1. Clarins Beauty Flash Balm for a pick me up or my Skinceuticals tinted sunscreen (love this stuff, no chemicals, SPF 50, and the barely there tint suits my ultra paleness). The sunscreen is one of those fluid shakeup kinds. Or both because I love my Clarins balm!
    2. Cle de Peau concealer on dark spots or blemishes, and on dark circles. I like the powderiness of it.
    3. Dior Skinflash pen on anywhere I need more brightness (around the nose and eyes), I like this better than Touché Éclat because it has more heft to it.
    4. Chanel loose powder, it is the best!

    I’ve yet to find a BB cream that suits my super pale complexion. Some are too orangy and others are grayish? I use foundation for going out or when I just want to have a more finished looked (especially when there are photos to be taken). My favorite foundations are Giorgio Armani Maestro and Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation.


  • Hello Team G! For the last two months I have been wearing Olay’s CC cream, which is just enough coverage for what I feel is a robust tinted moisturizer/sunscreen. Underneath that I use a VitaminC/ radiance serum by Lumene (a brand from Finland available at most CVS stores in New York City), which I use at nighttime with the Lumene Vitamin C night cream.

    I just purchased the Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua foundation and Chanel concealer too but have not yet worked it into my routine in place of the CC cream. I was for many years just a sunscreen kind of gal, no makeup at all. Now I feel the need to be more polished looking especially as I really love the bright red orange or fuschia lipcolor trend that’s been hot over the last year. Some days I use blush but no other makeup other than a bright lippy.

    But like the other readers have said: it all starts with healthy diet that means lots of veg, lots of water, good healthy fats; regular exercise, and plenty of sleep– all kind of hard to do if work is demanding, which for most women, that is the case!

    I also swear by the galvanic facial treatment every month at the Face Place NY. Go see Tom, he makes you glow! To make sure my skin is at its cleanest I use the Clarisonic Mia or a sponge to wash with Purpose face wash. (For reference, I have combination skin, somewhat large pores, and am fair-skinned as an AsianAmerican girl.)

  • Forgot to mention that I use Laura Mercier loose powder over the CC cream too. And I forgot to say thank-you and cheers!

  • Sophie Jones 11 avril 2013, 10:06 / Répondre

    I use a moisturiser/sunscreen, BB cream by Maybelline and then a touch of liquid foundation for blemishes. I have just recently discovered BB cream and I LOVE it. Gives a nice smooth coverage and is light and natural looking. I have been thinking about concealers – do they actually do anything to cover blemishes? or more for under the eyes? I have olive skin tone and dry-ish skin.


  • I love my Armani foundations, Face Fabric for day, and Luminous Silk Foundation for more coverage. I want to try their Maestro foundation and the Nars Pure radiant tinted moisturizer…


  • i thought of u the other day i was in Sephora…Dr Brandt has a BB cream I think u might like

  • Jurlique SPF 30, then Smashbox high def concealer under my eyes, and Chanel Mat Lumiere. Then Clinique « shy blush » cream to powder stick. However, the trick is to soak a washcloth, wring it out well, heat it in the microwave for around 32 seconds, and then place it over your made-up face. Sets your foundation, and gives you a no make-up glow. Sonja Kashuk blotting tissues throughout the day. 2 liters of water every day…

  • Hi ladies, for everyday I use the mac mineralize powder foundation, as I have combination skin I find that it doesn’t get too oily as the day goes on. It also provides good coverage while not making my skin feel too heavy and cakey. I’ve also found that my skin has improved whilst using this which is always a bonus! for nights out I use a heavier cream foundation, the studio fix also by mac.

    I’ve been so fascinated with the bb creams (I am a major beauty product junkie and will buy any new product that comes out!) and have tried one by an Australian brand called nude by nature, and also one from mac. I love the idea of these,but for me both didn’t provide quite enough coverage. I’m curious now to try the cc creams out there to compare!

  • The latest thing for your face is CC cream. It’s better than BB cream.

  • Tinted moisturizer by Laura Mercier… miracle for your face!

  • depuis des années, une poudre stila fabuleuse, très légère, malheureusement il ne se vend plus en France, il faut l’acheter à NY…

  • Côté fond de teint liquide ce qui se fait de mieux actuellement est celui de Dior, effet seconde peau : on en mets très peu : 2 gouttes, ça coûte très cher et, surtout, très peu suffit, et on étale bien AUX DOIGTS après, bien évidemment une bonne base : celle de « make up for ever » est très bien mais très chère aussi, et chez Séphora ils en ont une très bien…
    Je note bien d’essayer de tout étaler aux doigts : on chauffe les produit, dans des mains propres évidemment, et on étale tout aux doigts, car rien n’est plus « couvrant » et ne connait mieux ta peau et ton visage que tes propres mains.
    D’ailleurs « Make Up For Ever » est la meilleure marque de maquillage : ils ne font que ça, mais il y a 18 étapes, entre le teint, les yeux et la bouche… , et autant de produits très chers pour avoir un bon teint. Et c’est non dermatologiquement testé, au contraire de « Clinique » qui doit être la seule pour peau sensible, et je pense aussi aux peaux mates qui n’ont pas grand chose…
    Je n’ai pas encore essayé mais les « Bares Mineral » sont, parait-il, très bien et très respectueux de l’équilibre de la peau mais il y a aussi 18 étapes et en 5 mns ce n’est pas toujours évident, cela demande un bon entrainement…
    Enfin un bon teint n’est rien sans un bon démaquillage : soir, ok, et matin ! Car la peau vit aussi la nuit et une petite solution micellaire ou un tonique et/ou un lait suivi d’un tonique sont le minimum, et le fameux « Basic 3 temps » de Clinique, adapté à votre peau, vous évitera les boutons, pores dilatées et autres rougeurs que vous essayez de cacher avec le fond de teint : cqfd !
    Enfin pour les B.B cream, C.C cream et bientôt D.D cream c’est une bonne idée je pense mais en 5 mns le matin avant de partir au boulôt a t on le temps de mettre son démaquillant, sa crême de jour, sa protection solaire et pollution, se maquiller, se coiffer, s’habiller !
    Pourquoi n’a t’on pas inventé le boitier Chanel du « 5ème Elémént » de Luc Besson avec Milla Jovovich, qui te maquille les yeux ? Et le même pour le visage évidemment…

  • I don’t think my choices are very practical, specially while traveling because I end up carrying more than I wish, but it works for me. Plus, I’m 37 and I already reached that time when you do everything you can to cover your skin – a little ;) – so, practicality and naked skin were something I left to my early days:

    – Regular mornings: Clinique BB Cream SPF 30 (I use a primer first and the result is perfect!) or Vichy Capital Soleil 50 + a cover of BareMinerals matte fondation.

    – Nights: Lacome Tent Miracle (I wouldn’t mind to use it every morning but the SPF 15 is very low; anyway, I love the satin and sophisticated touch it gives to my skin).

    – To add a touch of « healthy » and also because I have a dark brunette complexion, Guerlain terracotta on my cheeks or also Sephora Poudre de soleil irisee that, right now, I’m using as I blush, but I intend to use as foundation at summer nights.

    And yes, SPF is indispensable, the only « magic » I true believe in the cream’s universe.


  • Charlotte 12 avril 2013, 3:32 / Répondre

    J’utilise depuis quelques années les fond de teint liquide comme ceux de Lancôme, Estée Lauder ou Guerlain et là, j’ai découvert la BB Crème de Garnier qui coûte quand même moins de 10 euros et qui est vraiment TOP! Elle existe en différentes teintes et surtout pour tous types de peaux. Je prends la teinte medium de la BB pour peaux mixtes. L’hydratation est un tout petit peu limite quand même donc j’applique avant un sérum hydratant et anti-âge, notamment celui des Thermes Marins de Saint Malo dans la gamme Global Anti-Age. C’est une marque luxe assez confidentielle qu’on peut trouver sur leur site internet et qui est vraiment super efficace à un prix raisonnable. L’actif principal est le naissain d’huître, incroyable non?

  • Je n’utilise que du maquillage Bobbi Brown, j’y ai trouvé mon bonheur il y a quelques années! Pour le teint, skin foundation SPF 15 et sa poudre compacte, sans oublier le correcteur et l’anti cernes!

  • I’m confused too!!

    I noticed some use BB creams as primers, but there is a difference, right? And someone told me the only difference between BB cream and a tinted moisturizer is the much higher SPF.

    I sometimes use an eyeshadow primer (urban decay) but I don’t have one for my face, although I think it could help my foundation go on more smoothly on my quite dry skin, BUT, I worry the silicone found in most primers(?) wouldn’t be good in the long run.

    Why don’t you talk to some experts and then let us know everything there is to know about this jungle? :)

  • I mix it up depending on the my activities that day and the weather.

    My options for a good base are:
    – A dab of concealer (YSL Touche Eclat, Mac Studio Finish or Pupa Luminys Touch)
    – Liquid Foundation (Pupa Stop-Shine foundation)
    – B&B cream: Mac Prep+Prime beatuy balm
    – Pressed powder: Rituals Gemstone Compact Power

    I always use powder to fix everything: Black Opla Invisible Oil Blocking Powder.

    And I top everything off with Urban Decay All nighter to make sure everything stays were I put it.
    I also use primer under everything: Givenchy Mister Smooth Primer.

  • For me is BB cream all the way, I just feel its more healthy and much easier to apply than a normal foundation..

  • Catherine 12 avril 2013, 4:38 / Répondre

    I’m 52 and have skin so dry it sometimes feels like it’s a size too small. It looks great as long as I use:
    Step 1: a retinol moisturizer (I switch them up. L’Oreal Revitalift (best), Roc, Oil of Olay, Neutrogena) for wrinkles; formula with SPF 15-25 during the day
    Step 2: a little Nivea Cream around the eyes and mouth lines (lots at night all over, especially neck)
    Step 3: a light SPF 20-ish foundation (Cover Girl–I’m cheap) in winter; in summer SPF 50 sunblock with tint (Bioderma or Avene; usually sunblock irritates my skin but these don’t)

  • ClemenceB 12 avril 2013, 4:49 / Répondre

    Pour ma peau claire et sensible, j’utilise le fond de teint Clinique suivi de la poudre Clinique (Redness solutions) pour matifier, puis un peu de terracotta Sephora sur les joues.
    En été, un peu de BB cream Garnier ou le « fond de teint Terracotta » de Guerlain en nude, qui n’a pas la couvrance d’un vrai fond de teint

  • Moi c’est Clinique pour l’anti-cernes et Laura Mercier en poudre libre, et évidemment, l’indispensable TerraCotta…!


  • So many foundations don’t agree with my skin, but I swear by Liz Earle skin tint. It was a bb cream before everyone else was doing them.

  • Mon teint a trouvé son équilibre avec la BB crème Dior (qui est vraiment gémiale) et ensuite poudre libre Chanel… C’est top!!
    Bravo à Garance et à toute l’équipe pour ce blog! Merci de m’avoir rendu accro !


  • BB creme Shiseido qui vient de sortir…impeccable ,hydratante et…hydratante!!pour moi c’est le principal
    et ensuite un peu de poudre Chanel »les beiges » en n°30 elle vientde sortir aussi et là encore une merveille
    imperceptible…insoupçonnable ..on dirait que je ne suis pas maquillée mais que j’ai un teint naturellement superbe …dingue à 58 ans!!!!!ça fait plaisir………..

  • La bb crème est une bonne idée mais je trouve qu’il y a encore du progrès à faire pour un effet encore plus nude sur la peau, je ne suis pas encore convaincue. Personnellement, j’applique d’abord une crème de jour hydratante en guise de base comme la crème anti-rougeurs Avène qui est très bien, puis un correcteur de teind make up for ever (c’est les meilleurs !) sur mes petites imperfections puis pour finir un voile de terracotta ! C’est simple et rapide, ca n’étouffe pas la peau et on arrive quand même à obtenir un teind uniforme, sans tomber dans la folie du zéro pores/ zéro imperfections qui donne un effet irrréel et figé je trouve.

    Bisous Garance !

  • Je ne mets absolument rien…en fait, je ne me pose même pas la question. Je vois trop de filles qui mettent du fond de teint et sur lesquelles ça se voit, du coup avec mon obsession du naturel ça m’a refroidie. Et puis (surtout), j’aime bien l’idée d’avoir la peau nue, qui respire :) Pour autant je n’ai pas une peau parfaite, mais pas d’imperfection si grave que je sois obligée de la planquer. Et enfin, même si c’est peut-être accessoire, j’ai des taches de rousseur et j’aime bien qu’elles se voient!

  • Alors ! J’utilise depuis 2 ans le « Superbalanced » de Clinique, vraiment sympa pour une fille à peau sèche comme moi…Et il est à la fois léger et couvrant. Un bon basique!

    J’ai récemment tester la BB Cream Diorskin, incroyable..teint lumineux mais qui reste naturel et surtout QUI DURE toute la journée! Par contre, le prix m’a freiné…
    Enfin, j’ai testé le Teint Touche Eclat d’YSL que j’ait trouvé top.

  • Les météorites de Guerlain (les plus claires). C’est discret, ça unifie le teint juste ce qu’il faut, sans parler du parfum :-)

  • I use mineral foundation! Right now I am loving the Caschmere one from Lumiere.

  • Every so often I buy a foundation (first time it was Lancome, most recently Dior’s Nude) then I remember that in order to look good with foundation, you need blush, and contouring, and lip colour that looks « normal » and all these things, and I can’t be bothered.
    But worse than that – if I wear foundation, my skin breaks out, gets itchy, goes red in patches, dry in patches… it just can’t handle it. Even tinted moisturiser. So I haven’t tried the BB creams – would probably be a waste of money!
    For me, the less I do to my skin, the better it looks (same goes for hair) – so I wash my face in the mornings with a hot flannel, in the evenings with Shu cleansing oil and a hot flannel. Most days I wear La Roche-Posay moisturiser, occasional nights Clarins’ Blue Orchil oil. That’s it. The only makeup I wear these days is concealer (not all my spots are caused by makeup :( ), brow powder, eye makeup and lip colour.
    And now I feel comfortable in my skin, and though I may not look amazing in photos, I do at least look like myself!

  • La base de maquillage j’ai laissé tomber depuis longtemps. Pour l’avoir utiliser durant plusieurs année je trouve que ce n’est qu’une illusion. ça n’améliore en rien le teint au long terme. Aujourd’hui je ne jure que par les actifs purs (de jour comme de nuit). Là on change le teint soit en le matifiant, en lui donnant de l’éclat, le purifier, protection de la peau… enfin tout quoi. 1 actifs = 1 solution. Là, on voit du changement et ça fait du bien ! Pour le maquillage surtout en soirée si je ne veux pas que le fond de teint fasse grossier je met une brume fixatrice qui va prolonger la tenue du maquillage mais qui va surtout le rendre plus uniforme. Avec tout ça, je suis tranquille !! Et anti-brillance assuré!

  • I live in Singapore and the humidity here means the less the better. I use Laura Mercier Oil Free Tinted Moisturizer, which has just enough coverage but still keeps my skin looking natural. The humidity means that I need a touch of powder too, so I use a blotting powder too by MAC. The older I get, the less I wear!

    Love your site Garance, and Alex, I check in at least once a day. I’m super keen to hear about Garance’s trip to the hairdresser – did you get a cut? I love your bun, and wear one myself most of the time, high or low – they are the only thing that works here in Singapore!


  • Ayant une peau mixte j’utilise la BB Cream de Dr. Brandt (disponible chez Sephora), mais comme il y a un indice de protection solaire le rendu et un peu brillant. Du coup je rajoute un peu de poudre haute matité de chez Clarins. Le résultat et parfait, mes boutons sont dissimulés et le maquillage tient toute la journée.


  • I use a moisturizer and sunscreen – nothing else. I am so tired of seeing « poreless masks » on everyone.

  • Quand c’est la cata (plein hiver, teint endive, boutons) : un fond de teint de chez Shu Uemura, ils sont vraiment forts pour ça
    Au quotidien : la BB Cream Erborian, pour sa texture si particulière mais vraiment adaptée (invisible mais super correctrice, et elle est adaptée aux teints pâles)
    + une trait d’enlumineur Touche veloutée de By Terry sous les yeux et sur les arrêtes du nez
    + la poudre magique Hyaluronic Hydra-powder de By Terry toujours : invisible mais elle empêche de briller tout au long de la journée : plus besoin de papier anti-sébum !

  • Maestro by Armani is by far the best ever in my experience.

  • I have to admit that I’ve tried everything coz I have a very oily and sensitive skin face. If I don’t apply anything on my face, bumps of acne will cover my face. However, if I apply anything a little too much, my face will be very oily and shiny.
    Currently, I’m holding on revlon for primer, BB cream from the Body shop for foundation, and maybelline mineral for concealer. These combination reduces the oiliness longer and so far don’t cause acne.

  • I use a concealer around my eyes and to cover any blemishes and a mineral powder over top for regular days. Big events, I do the same, but use a primer beforehand and use a bit bore of the powder foundation.

  • J’ai tendance à trouver les BB cream trop brillantes ou au contraire trop poudrées, donc j’ai abandonné.
    Je me contente d’appliquer une crème hydratante basique (en ce moment nivea) puis je cache mes imperfections avec l’anti blemish solution de Clinique (la teinte la plus claire car j’ai une peau pâle), un petit coup de poudre libre teintée bareMinerals avant de marquer légèrement les contours de mon visage avec la poudre bronzante sans corps gras shiseido (elle est super car conçue à la base pour les asiatiques, donc elle ne rend pas orange) je termine par un peu de blush rosé et je suis parée pour la journée, avec un teint frais et naturel :)

  • Elizaveta 12 avril 2013, 8:55 / Répondre

    bobby brown’s foundation!)

  • alors moi je suis carrément fond de teint-poudre depuis que j’ai découvert les produits des 3 Fées en France. C’est presque bio 100% et le rendu est superbe, les pinceaux pour appliquer ces poudres aussi (Kabuki, plat etc) et ça tient dans la journée. Je ne supporte plus l’idée de tremper mes doigts dans du FDT liquide ou de l’appliquer avec un pinceau car cela me donne l’impression d’appliquer un masque alors que la poudre est tellement aérienne mais avec une couvrance modulable. Non franchement depuis qu’une copine m’a fait découvrir ces produits il y a un an je ne les ai pas quittés, j’ai changé de nuance selon les saisons, racheté les recharges pour ne pas polluer, c’est très abordable et j’aime l’esprit de la maison et surtout le rendu. J’ai bien essayé un FDT Gemey bio pour voir mais je suis vite revenue à mes poudres magiques. Voilà.

  • Avec ma peau mixte hyper diffcile à gérer ( je pèle du menton et je brille du front!), j’ai trouvé l’équilibre avec : BB Crème Erborian ou Dior + poudre bonne mine naturelel Les Beiges de Chanel (une MERVEILLE) et si je veux un petite touche de peps en plus, j’ajoute le blush rose frisson de Bourgeois dont j’adore l’odeur poudré un peu retro, so chic !

  • NO foundation! Just anti-aging moisturizer and spot concealer for under the eyes and occasional breakout.

    I’m 30, lucky with even skin tone (yellow undertones), minimal pores, and sit under an umbrella on the beach, but I work with many ladies (in a professional environment) who age themselves by using too much/wrong product on their faces.

    If I can see it on you, it’s not right!

  • Sandy Schaefer 12 avril 2013, 9:41 / Répondre

    I used a Lancôme tinted moisturizer for years. It was one of those products that I was chained to, but wasn’t crazy about… kind-of like cigarettes (know what I mean)??? …and then they changed the formula and I made the tough decision to go cold turkey and remove it from my repertoire. This happened in the summer, so it made the shift to non-tinted, plain, moisturizers easier, however it was still difficult. My skin felt naked and flawed. Eventually, my skin adjusted and just as my dermatologist promised, my skin grew better as a result. Looks great now, fewer breakouts, happier overall.

  • Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation – need only a little bit and almost undetectable on the skin even with magnifying mirror! Treats your skin at the same time. No need to prime – I just use Rosehip Oil and Green People Serum and on it goes and I look completely natural – only better ;-). Cheap and incredibly cheerful.

  • MAC mineralize foundation i’ve been using for a couple of years now- it’s great cause it’s got SPF included, really blends into your skin and is light so that you don’t feel like you’re wearing some sort of mask, and has a very very subtle shimmer so that you have a nice glow after application. I like make up and wear it on an everyday basis so this MAC mineralize is great for that too because it’s not too much.

    For night’s out or days when i want to look particularly put together i’ve been thinking of starting to use a primer as a base for my foundation, so i’m excited to see this future beauty feature!


  • Juliette_T 12 avril 2013, 11:05 / Répondre

    Je n’ai pas lu la masse des commentaires précédents du coup peut-être que le mien sonnera un peu redondant mais je me lance quand même, il s’agit d’un sujet bien trop important !

    Alors, je crois que le choix du produit dépend d’au moins deux critères: le type de peau et le résultat escompté. Par exemple, j’ai la peau extrêmement sèche et sensible du coup les textures poudre je ne les supporte pas. pourtant Dieu sait que j’adorerai poudrer mon teint mais ce n’est pas possible. Du coup c’est fond de teint liquide pour moi, sans rien de matifiant et surtout hydratant. Je n’ai longtemps juré que par le couvrance d’Avène parce qu’il est très « safe » et que je déteste me casser la tête pour trouver ma teinte. Ensuite, et c’est là le deuxième critère tout dépend de si on veut juste unifier, cacher, embellir, matifier, avoir un peu de mieux tout en restant invisible. La crème teintée assurant un minimum de couvrance, la BB crème un baume et un peu plus de couvrance, quand au fond de teint dernier degré lui-même est plus ou moins couvrant. Le Avène est d’une couvrance trop légère pour moi en ce moment du coup je suis passée au Nars Sheer Glow.
    Voilà j’espère que ce pavé pourra aider !
    des bises

  • Pour moi, Le Teint Touche éclat de Yves St-Laurent fait des merveilles! C’est un fond de teint liquide que j’applique au pinceau.

    J’ai le teint pâle avec des tâches de rousseurs que j’aime bien camouflées, et la couvrance de ce produit est parfaite sans allourdir ma peau. Et mon teint a enfin l’air unifié.

    Les BB Cream, j’en entends parler beaucoup, je suis curieuse d’essayer cela, un jour, mais présentement j’aime trop mon fond de teint.

  • I’m a liquid foundation & mascara girl <3 I love Chanel Vitalumière Aqua & YSL Touche Éclat. I tried a Boscia BB cream (I've got a Birchbox subscription), but was very unimpressed. It looked grey on my skin & the texture/finish was odd.

  • i’ve been having great luck lately with the garnier bb cream for combo to oily skin – doesn’t make me look super shiny by the end of the day, but i’m not super matte either. before that had been using bare escentuals on and off for the past 10 years, with a variety of other tinted moisturizers along the way.

  • Katarzyna 12 avril 2013, 2:52 / Répondre

    Minimalistic is the best for me – just some moisturizing cream (randomly picked, trying to find budget friendly eco options) and maybe once in a blue moon a home-made mask. Keeping hydrated helps me the most!

  • After having tried an arsenal of foundations from low to high-end brands, my combination/dry/teenage-ish/fickle skin has decided that it gets along really well with MAC’s Face and Body foundation (hooray!) and MAC’s tinted moisturizer. I dont know why these 2 are working so well, but they feel great coming on and for me, it doesn’t feel like Im apply a « film » on my skin, which I have experienced with some foundations. I wish my skin could talk so we could have an honest conversation about why the breakouts happen, but it’s a skin-monologue that speaks breakout, so when I finally find something that works, I dont ask questions but stick to it;-)

  • En ce moment j’utilise la crème teintée Nars, mais j’avoue ne pas avoir trouvé l’idéal, alors je continue à chercher et j’ai bien envie d’essayer un Armani, de toutes façons la peau évolue (vieillit!!!!) et les besoins aussi, alors ça n’est pas gagné. Bonne journée

  • Second vote for « Estee Lauder’s Double Wear liquid foundation…has chaaaaaanged my life ». Mine too.

    I was never that interested in foundation and usually preferred tinted moisturizer until I had to wear foundation due to a scar. I did some research and found this stuff. If you have something you want to cover, redness or scarring or whatever, this foundation is for you. In comments people wrote things like, « it is like paint », and it is. It is opaque and will not come off in water (I use coconut oil as a makeup remover). It lasts all day.

    The trick is, with a heavier foundation like this you must do some work to find exactly the right shade. Get a few samples in different shades and try them out. Wear them in full sunlight. I had several salespeople try to convince me of a certain shade that ended up being too dark. The right shade will blend in easily with your skin.

  • I agree, there’s a lot to choose from. For a lightly tinted moisturizing sunscreen I use La Roche Posay mineral spf 50. For a fabulous foundation/cover-up try MicaBeauty 100% mineral loose or pressed powder. It let’s your skin breathe & it’s good for you.


  • Ah j’adore les posts « beauty closet » (les autres aussi hein), se vider le cerveau avec des questions existentielles de nana ça fait tellement du bien ! Merci Garance et la team.
    Moi j’ai une peau super claire, donc risque de mauvaise mine au naturel (surtout l’hiver, et surtout les hivers parisiens qui durent 9 mois sans soleil) mais aussi risque de démarcation et traces en tous genres avec maquillage. J’ai longtemps été très fond de teint+poudre (fond de teint m.a.c. que j’adore mais je trouve les Nars très chouettes aussi). Et puis j’ai découvert la crème teintée Caudalie (peaux claires donc) et je suis fan fan fan. Etalée en 10 secondes, pas besoin d’en mettre beaucoup, elle se fond littéralement au teint pour un effet ultra naturel (j’ai l’impression de rédiger un publi-communiqué là). Je l’étale à partir des pommettes, je rajoute juste un peu d’anticerne ou de touche éclat et le tour est joué.

  • Up until a few years ago I was wearing liquid foundation all the time. But at some point I realized it just wasn’t good for my skin. Now I only use MAC Studio finish concealer for the shadows under my eyes and any occasional redness, and my skin is so much better now. On very rare occasions like when I’m a guest at a wedding I still wear foundation, but my skin never really likes it, so I try to stay away from that. I do want to test a bb cream sometime, though and see how that works.

  • A lot of really good information from a pro here http://www.lisaeldridge.com/blog/25694/foundationcourse-round-up/

  • I use the Clinique Even Better foundation but only on my T-zone and then a bit of loose powder from Rimmel all over my face

  • Benedetta 12 avril 2013, 9:17 / Répondre

    The best way to know EVERYTHING about it, is to have a look at lisaeldridge.com #foundationcourse

  • I use Kiehls SPF 50 daycream + primer + Dior foundation. Being very pale, I Have this amazing white foundation that you mix with your regular foundation to make it bright enough. All you need is a foundation with the right colour base (yellow, pink or neutral) and you just add some white foundation and create the perfect shade. This way your foundation works all seasons. My white foundation fluid is from Ilamasqua.

  • I wish I had the confidence to remain foundation-free but after 6 teenage years spent battling acne and with the occasional break out now there’s just no way I’d feel comfortable without something…

    I use Laura Mercier illuminating tinted moisturiser in porcelain – the palest one – with undereye concealer by Liz Earle (I’ve never not had bags, that’s just my skin).

    Looking forward to seeing the results of the experiment! kassia x


  • Coucou!
    Alors je ne supporte pas le fond de teint quelque soit son format.

    J’ai l’impression que ma peau étouffe.

    Alors j’utilise les perles magiques de Guerlaîn, sous formes de perles boules ou de gel.
    Il me fait un teint frais et lumineux.
    Un,peu de blush mousse de Clinique est c’est partit!!!

    Lorsque je suis vraiment fatiguée j’utilise l’embellisseur de teint de Clarins.

    Autre chose: TOUJOURS se démaquiller avant coucher.
    Et le matin un coup d’eau micellaire ( attention! Super produits de la marque Monoprix pas chers et treeeees bien!), vaporisation de Brumisateur d’eau. Crème et voilaaaa!!!
    A 33 ans j’ai jamais utiliser de crèmes spéciales hors de prix, juste une qui hydrate bien et je n’ai pas encore de rides et surtout une belle peau malgré mes petits problèmes ( peaux sèches, sensibles avec zones T ).

    Voilà, donc pas de fond de teint mais un embellisseur poudre , gel ou crème.

    À bientôt.

  • Le choix du fond de teint dépend du type de peau/de la carnation et du rendu qu’on attend. Pour ma part, j’utilise un fond de teint, Givenchy, photoperfexion.C’est le 1er fond de teint liquide que je supporte, j’en mets tous les jours depuis que je l’ai trouvé. Hyper facile à appliquer, on ne voit absolument pas que j’ai du fond de teint, le rendu est très bien. Je n’ai jms essayé la BB cream mais pourquoi pas. J’ai une copine qui met BB creme + fond de teint. Une autre qui met aussi creme + FDT+poudre+blush, elle m’avait maquillé une fois pr le fun, j’ai détesté, j’avais l’impression d’avoir un masque…Donc je ne suis pas pour l’empilage de couches/produits.Si je peux avoir 1 seul produit top, je prend.

  • Il n’y en n’a qu’un qui soit vraiment parfait pour moi :
    D’abord, en dessous, un chouille de correcteur de teint style le touche éclat YSL.
    Puis la Terracotta.
    (pour moi qui ai la peau très claire, la teinte 00 )

    Pas de prise de tête.

  • Nude de Dior un fond de teint liquide qui est léger léger léger… Et apporte de l’éclat :) Sinon Bare Mineral Matt

  • I started using Covergirl Outlast 3-in-1 liquid foundation. It goes on liquid but gives a powder finish. I like it because it has the power of a primer, foundation and concealer

  • J’utilise une BB crème, Garnier, et le fond de teint poudre minéral de Sephora! Un bon combo pour ma peau :)


  • Moi tout ce qui est bb cream, fond de teint, anti cerne, enfin trucs teintés liquides,je sais pas faire donc après ma crème je met la poudre minéral veil de bare mineral qui ne se voit pas mais qui matte les brillances sans dessécher comme personne.

  • Bonjour Garance,
    Je trouve l’idée de ton article très intéressante! Moi je ne sais pas si c’est utile ou non de mettre une base avant le fond de teint ou alors laisser le font de teint de coté pour les soirées et adopter touts les jours une BB crème.
    Moi personnellement, j’ai une peau à tendance acnéique, qui est grasse (donc qui brille) et qui est très sensible! Alors j’utilise le font de teint CHANEL aqua lumière, qui est très léger et que rend ta peau unifier, avec de la poudre compact de chez CHANEL également !
    J’attend ton article avec impatience, j’espère q’il nous donnera pleins de conseils!

  • Dina Pashos 14 avril 2013, 8:47 / Répondre

    My absolute favourite is Laura Mercier Silk Creme foundation – this give a flawless finish with great coverage, teamed with her foundation primer and her Secret Camouflage cream concealer.
    For light coverage usually for summer I’ve been using Loreal Nude Magique BB cream.


  • I feel like I have tried them all as well, but currently I am coveting Dr Perricone’s No Foundation Foundation. a+ Brandi

  • Personnellement je n’ai rien contre les bb crème ou autre fond de teint poudre dit « minéral » mais pour les avoir testé cela ne convient pas à tout le monde. En effet ce genre de produit est utile pour légèrement unifié, hydrater ou empêcher la brillance. Mais côté couvrance c’est pas le type de produit idéal. Si l’on a pas une peau quasi parfaite cela n’est pas adapté.
    J’utilise un fond de teint liquide : le mat velvet+ de MAKE UP FOREVER. C’est je pense le fond de teint sur le marché qui allie le mieux l’aspect très couvrant tout en gardant un effet naturel et pas « masque » (et surtout qui ne tourne pas à l’orangé…. horreur suprême!!!) Il donne vraiment un aspect peau parfaite même les plus mauvais jours et tient toute la journée sans problème!
    Je l’associe à une crème hydratante matifiante avec protection solaire.

  • I never wear any type of makeup other than mascara unless I’m a bridesmaid, but when I do I use either Neutrogena’s mineral foundation powders or Bare Essentials mineral foundation (powder) due to the fact that: 1. They don’t irritate my skin and they don’t have as many chemicals in them as other brands 2. I don’t like wearing a lot of makeup and their formulas allow me to get away with wearing only the tiniest bit

  • I use both liquid foundation and tinted moisturizer. I was kinda tired of using foundation every day so I decided to use something « easier » and I bought Clinique Moisture Surge with SPF 15, which is comfortable but of course doesn’t cover perfectly. For the evening I prefer liquid foundation, the best ones I’ve ever tried are from La mer and Estée Lauder, because I found two colors that perfectly « match » my skin. But I must say that if I try almost all the samples I receive because you never know… maybe the perfect foundation is « round the corner ». I used powder foundation (even if it wasn’t really a powder) when Chanel used to do one which was perfect, but then they changed the colors…

  • Tromborg mineral foundation. It has a little shine/shimmer in it, so it doesn’t look powdery or dry (though I wish it had more coverage). I’m thinking about substituting it with some bb cream or tinted moisturizer + some translucent powder from Shiseido. Well, maybe. My skin is on the greasy side, so I want to avoid putting too much cream om it (also, I don’t like the idea of using an arsenal of products).

  • I’m not a big fan of foundation on a day-to-day basis, but I’ve just discovered MAESTRO FUSION MAKEUP by Armani. It has an ultra-fine texture and when you touch your face after applying it you literally CAN’T feel it on the skin! Armani refers to it as a « complexion perfector », rather than a foundation. The formula is unique – oil-based – and like no other foundation I’ve tried before. It provides light (build-able to the sheer end of medium) coverage, and will consequently not provide enough coverage for those with more significant skin issues. Combine with a concealer in areas where more coverage is needed for a flawless finish. Powder is not required in my opinion, but can be layered on top if so wished. Maestro does an excellent good job of adjusting to the skin tone. On me the coverage is stable and long-wearing. No tools are required as it’s easily applied with your fingers and blends to even out the skin tone in a very subtle, natural, velvety but luminous way. Proper exfoliation and moisturising prior to applying this foundation is a must, as the formula can emphasize dry patches. Also, for those sensitive to silicone, this formula does contain them. I have normal skin with a slightly shiny T-zone.

  • I make my own! Mix an equal part if my favourite foundation, which oddly enough is a foundation and primer 2 in 1 by maybelline and my Roche Posay anti ageing moisturiser. It makes a perfect bb cream which is pp ( perfectly personalised ). Hydrating and super light wear!

  • I really like natural, non toxic products. For an spf tinted moisturiser I love omorovicza bb spf 20. It is lovely and leightweight, plus paraben, silicone etc free. For foundations I like w3ll people and rms beauty uncover; they are both makeup artist designed but totally clean (eadible) and perform on par with conventional brands. Xo

  • I prefer my skin the way it looks, which is kind of okay but far from perfect. I only use a loose powder by clinique, just to make sure my skin doesn’t shine. For special occassions, I use a tinted moisturiser by clinique, and then some powder on top of it. But I hardly ever seem to think the occassion is special enough :)

    I guess I’ve grown accustomed to the way my skin looks without make-up: wearing foundation makes me feel like a barbie doll, just plain fake. I’m not used to it, my face doesn’t look like ‘me’. But as I’ve written in an earlier comment (different discussion, some time ago), it also has to do with the fact that none of my friends or people I work with seem to wear foundation. Nor the majority of people I see on the street (except for 15 year olds who are experimenting with make-up). I really think there is a difference between the way the use of make-up is perceived in the US and in Western- European countries. So, perhaps I would use more of it if I were to live in the US.

  • Until recently I have been using the BB cream from Garnier, but then I bought MAC’s face and body foundation in New York and I use it on top of my Avéne moisturizer with SPF every day now! It’s very light and not too foundationish!
    xo C

  • For the past year i have been wearing nars pure radiant tinted moisturizer. it evens out my skintone, slightly covers redness and looks SO natural and radiant. I have oily/combination skin and usually radiant or glowy things make my forehead shine like crazy but with this it doesn’t at all. ALSO, it even has spf 30. I don’t think I’m ever changing to anything else..!

  • an SPF with a few drops of skin oil mixed in and that’s it…

  • I usually use MAC Pro Longwear Concealer + powder (Dior / Rimmel Stay Matte).
    For special occasions I may use primer (Giorgio Armani) + a bit of foundation + concealer + powder.


  • I’ve been loyal to VMV Hypoallergenics Skin Savvy liquid foundation. The thing about powders and foundation is that it clogs your pores causing blackheads and blemishes. Skin Savvy minimizes the blackheads and it never ever gives me blemished. It’s made by VMV Hypoallergenics and they swear that their products cause zero irritations. Even for non-sensitive skin like mine, it gives the assurance of no breakouts.

    It has SPF 60 and unlike most BB creams with SPF, Skin Savvy does not give you that white or grayish cast.

    The coverage is good too, always natural-looking. I just dust it off with powder then I head off to face my day.

  • Although other people always look so groomed and flawless when they are made up, I am a firm believer of not wearing foundation – my skin needs to breath!

  • BB cream Idealia by during the day, liquid foundation anti imperfection for the night. Both by Vichy. Very good products, delughtful on skin.



  • Living in a tropical weather, I sometimes use tinted sunscreen or sheer, creamy BB creams like Kiehl’s BB Cream and VMV Hypoallergenics’ « BB But Better ». The finish is a bit dewy and mimics the skin.

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  • I use BBs & CCs but my new favorite foundation is Bare Minerals Bareskin with the fabulous brush and NARS loose powder.

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