
Super Model Mania

10 years ago by

Super Model Mania

J’ai une nouvelle obsession top-model.

Bon, c’est encore un peu tôt pour le crier haut et fort, mais je crois que j’ai trouvé ma série mode préférée de tous les magazines de la rentrée : l’article Super Normal Super Models de W magazine.

Kate, Lara, Daria, Raquel, Saskia, Mariacarla… elles sont toutes là, un peu comme dans un revival de l’époque bénie des 90s.

Voici quelques-unes de mes photos préférées. Pour voir tout le sujet, c’est par là !



Photos Mert Alas et Marcus Piggott / Stylisme Edward Enninful


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  • « Super normal » ah bon ? Pas fan…. le côté maigre-comme-un-clou-qui-tire-la-tronche est l’aspect de la mode qui ne me fait pas rêver. La photo en culotte est affreuse…Je sais que ce sont tous de super tops reconnus mais en voyant ça je me demande pourquoi justement ? D’autres sont bien plus belles, les seules photos de mode qui me plaisent sont celles de filles qui font saines et heureuses d’etre là… Ma vision de la féminité est peut-etre réductrice… Mais ce n’est que mon avis :)

  • i love dariaaa! and soo joo! :)


  • lillejenny 20 août 2014, 1:40 / Répondre

    Tout comme Tatite, je n’aime pas ces photos. Elles me donnent uniquement envie d’amener toutes ces filles manger un bon repas avec une bonne bouteille de vin. Maigre et déprimée, c’est loin d’être mon idéal!

  • La deuxième photo est top, le résultat est très beau, c’est très joli !

  • Et qui se glisse avec la génération 2000? Kate bien sûr! D’ailleurs on la reconnaît à peine car tellement photoshopée :(.

  • Elles sont trop belles je suis d’accord!Et j’adore W
    Moi je craque pour les Sonny Angels pour cette rentre :



  • It would be significant and beautiful if you included the exceptional models of color that are working these days. This should be an obligation if we speak about anything in general, such as « models » – promoting and supporting diversity.

  • They all look like teenage girls ..hungry….. .nice pictures and beautiful girls with natural make up ..which is as you know the most complicated make up to do…why the editor and the photographer are not asking the girls to smile…why a nice happy face is not in fashion???
    smile and the all world will smile back to you:)!!
    Yael Guetta


  • Martine 20 août 2014, 10:05

    Because smiles are for family vacation pictures, not for fashion spreads. I get tired of seeing everyone smiling like there is some amazing joke being told. Pouty is just right for this. Do you see people normally walking around with a smile? No.

  • Wonderful! Loved all the photos, don’t know if my favourite of all, but certainly among them!
    ourdan Miller

  • Well, those legs don’t seem normal to me…

  • I choose neither to idolize nor condemn supermodels. That being said, I do like seeing a re-emergence of them in recent years vs. constantly being bombarded by celebrities in the fashion world.


  • Where are all the supermodels of colour?

  • Beautiful, nostalgic fashion spread. So fun. 90’s was the last great decade before everything went downhill.

  • The 3rd picture reminds me of ‘The Craft’ ;)

  • Vanessa Rae 20 août 2014, 11:44 / Répondre

    Where is Joan Smalls, Fei Fei Sun, Liya Kebede, Jourdan Dunn, Arlenis Sosa, Liu Wen, Cora Emmanuel??? Why hasn’t the fashion and beauty industry caught on to that fact that every shade is buying their bullshit? and you’d think that editors of W would finally have the cojones for actual PROGRESSION. Super Normal Super Models…par for the course.

  • Elles sont dans l’ensemble jolies, mais ces photos ne les mettent pas à leur avantage. Elles ont vraiment l’air de crier famine et d’avoir froid. Kate Moss a l’air d’avoir 14 ans… Heureusement Mariacarla est là…


  • The last time I had a models crush was back in time
    when Naomi/Sindy/Linda/Christy ruled ;)

  • Lovechoclate 21 août 2014, 3:23 / Répondre

    Hello, it’s interresting when I read the comments and look again at the beautiful pictures. I think it’s confusing. I’m honnestly thinking that women must be strong. It could be a way of life but also it could be dangerous. For me everyone have to feel « good » in his body and his mind. Tall, « fat »… Normally is no Norm.

  • The girls on the first photo look the same to me.. There is a tendency to uniform the beauty, and I do not approve it.
    The other day I watched an old local series and a lady who represented a « bomb » back then looked « fat » in comparison to the beauty standard we are living today.

  • Suvi rarely gets a mention, but she is there too! And been around since 2006 :)

  • It is amazing to me that in 2014 this constitutes « super normal ». Where are the Black and Asian norms? Where are the mixed race norms? Are we saying that to have more than the token person of colour in a shoot requires an « all black issue »? Until America and beyond ceases to accept this as the « norm » the better this world will be for those coming behind us.

  • Salut Garance! moi pareil … pas du tout fan a part de Daria que je trouve très belle meme si elle etait plus belle a ces debuts car moins maigre. C’est dommage… et cela donne une mauvaise image de la Femme. Je prefere les top models des années 90: Linda E., Christy T., Helena C., Elle M., Tatjana P. , …
    Alex de Berlin

  • Comme Tatite désolée mais elles ont l’air déprimées au possible. Ces photos me donnent juste envie de leur payer un steak ou une tartiflette.

  • The best model ever: KATE MOSS, she is TOP :)


  • I don’t think there is anything normal or rather healthy about hollowed-out cheeks. An absurd percentage of the group just looks gaunt and very hungry. I have no idea how that can be perceived as attractive, not that the models are unattractive per se of course (I’m sure they are lovely girls in reality) but in this spread they don’t look healthy or joyful for the matter, in my opinion. Maybe I just don’t understand the term normal. Or maybe thank goodness I don’t?

  • Thank you, Mary. I thought the same thing. There is no joy or life in these pictures. It doesn’t appear as if anyone in any of the shots is having any fun (or is capable of it). It’s all very mundane and morose…flat. These ladies don’t appear to pervade a sense of allure, intrigue, or confidence—a sense of self satisfaction or inner happiness. The supermodels of the 90’s were gorgeous and robust, and they were loved for their looks as much as for their personalities. We need more personality! A dead stare from a beautiful and very thin woman isn’t going to feed our culture’s craving for the next generation of models, in my perspective.

    Kate is exempt from this critique, of course. For the record, being naturally thin is one thing, starving yourself so that you meet industry demands to be even thinner is another. Not a pretty look.

  • All beautiful inspiring girls, although they all do look a bit……similar…maybe they are sisters?
    Great natural make up.


  • Je les regarde et je pense avec nostalgie aux hanches, seins, tailles, sourires et glow de Elle, Helena, Stephanie, Cindy, Naomi, Christelle, Linda…

  • Ils ont marqué un grand coup avec tous ces modeles ! Elles paraissent tellement jeunes sur les photos, incroyable on dirait des photos prise il y a 15 ans. En tout cas très belle trouvaille ;)


  • All I can say is thank heavens you didn’t show Karlie Kloss. I am so tired of seeing and reading about her absolutely everywhere, especially in Vogue.

  • Rendez nous Elle Top Model !!!

  • Tant de paires de longues jambes fines sur une même série de clichés :)

    xx CarolineJ

  • J’aime les modèles en couv’ de magazines, bien plus que les célébrités par exemple… Et puis, quelle équipe de rêve ! Lara, Daria, Kate… Que des femmes sublimes avec une personnalité forte !


  • All very beautiful women, but I would like to see a variety of ethnicity. I find it sad that this representation of « super model » is so one-sided.

  • I think they are all amazing models but the lack of model of colour is really ruining it for me :(.

  • I love these pictures and obviously you posted them because they’re beautiful. I know it’s not your fault that fashion magazines are outrageously lacking in diversity of faces but as a prominent figure in the fashion world, it is your duty to at least point out how destructive this is.

    Take a stand with your fashion-loving minority sisters :-*


  • Haven’t we already seen this spread 900 times for the past 20 years?
    Kind of boring.

    That said, Kate is Great.

  • Jen Wilson 29 août 2014, 9:25 / Répondre

    They all look very similar to me. Where’s the difference? I remember a lot of variation in the 90’s super models. Vive la différence!!!

  • Don’t like the last photo at all : not inspiring nor fashionable. They look like too dar skinny-unhappy-grumpfy-hungry teenagers. uncool

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