Spray In Summer
9 years ago by

Vous connaissez déjà le minimalisme de mes rituels de soins et niveau capillaire, c’est un peu pareil. Je tends toujours vers ce graal ultime de la chevelure coiffée-décoiffée de sirène, ce qui veut dire que je ne m’occupe pas trop de ma chevelure (vous auriez dû me voir au Costa Rica).
En général, je me contente de deux shampoings et après-shampoings par semaine et je laisse sécher mes cheveux à l’air libre. J’ai bien essayé le Surf Spray, mais j’ai trouvé qu’il donnait un petit aspect cartonné à mes cheveux que j’ai dû laver dès le lendemain. Je crois que bumble & bumble vient de trouver la solution à mes fantasmes de sirène des plages. Le spray Surf Infusion contient de l’huile, donc pas d’effet cartonné comme avec le Surf Spray, ce qui veut dire que mes cheveux restent doux et propres mais gagnent en texture et en ondulation. Stratégie gagnant-gagnant pour l’été !
Surf Infusion, bumble and bumble.
I love beach hair
Hi Emily – Love this, thanks for the tip. How exactly do you use the spray? When your hair is damp? I love the way my hair looks after a day at the beach but can’t ever get it quite like that when I use these kind of products (and probably never will!). It always is frizzier than I want it to be! Would you mind telling me how you use it?
Hey Annie!
Yep–I use it when my hair is damp. Usually when I’m out of the shower I towel dry it a bit and get ready for the day. Just before I head out the door, I flip my head over, spray a bit of this in and then lightly towel dry again (almost scrunching it with the towel), then let it air dry throughout the morning. It doesn’t hurt if I put it in a messy bun too if I want it to be a bit wavier! I hope that helps! x Emily
thanks Emily….you have great hair??
Yikes. I hate crunchy hair too. The bumble and bumble version of beachy hair sounds spot on. :]
// ? itsCarmen.com ?
I’m gonna try it out. I had the same problem as you with other products. Maybe this time I’ll be happy with the result.
Love that you practice a routine that is so low maintenance! There is nothing more annoying than using a hair product that makes you need to immediately wash your hair.
Warm Regards,
short hair rest :)
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